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tModLoader v2025.01
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
This is the complete list of members for ArmorIDs.Body, including all inherited members.
AaronsBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
AdamantiteBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
AmberRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
AmethystRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
AncientArmor (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
AncientBattleArmor (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
AncientCobaltBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
AncientHallowedPlateMail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
AncientShadowScalemail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
AnglerVest (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ApprenticeDark (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ApprenticeRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ArchaeologistsJacket (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ArkhalisShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
AshWoodBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
BeeBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
BeeShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
BeetleScaleMail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
BeetleShell (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
BorealWoodBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
BrideofFrankensteinDress (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
BuccaneerTunic (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ButcherApron (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
CactusBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
CapricornChestplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
CatShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
CenxsBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
CenxsDress (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ChefOutfit (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ChlorophytePlateMail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ClothiersJacket (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ClownShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
CobaltBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
CopperChainmail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
Count (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
CowboyJacket (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
CreeperShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
CrimsonScalemail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
CrownosBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
CrystalNinjaChestplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
CyborgShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
DeadMansSweater (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
DiamondRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
DrManFlyLabCoat (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
DryadCoverings (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
DTownsBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
DyeTraderRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
EbonwoodBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ElfShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
EmeraldRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
EskimoCoat (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
FallenTuxedoShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
FamiliarShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
FishCostumeShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
FlinxFurCoat (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
FloretProtectorChestplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
FoodBarbarianArmor (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
FossilPlate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
FoxShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
FrostBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
FuneralCoat (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
GameMasterShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
GhostarShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
GhostShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
Gi (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
GladiatorBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
GoldChainmail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
Golf (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
GraduationGownBlack (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
GraduationGownBlue (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
GraduationGownMaroon (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
GroxTheGreatArmor (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
GypsyRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
HallowedPlateMail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
HerosShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
HuntressJerkin (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
IronChainmail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
JimsBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
JungleShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
KarateTortoiseShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
Kimono (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
Lamia (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
LazuresValkyrieCloak (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
LeadChainmail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
LeinforsShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
LeprechaunShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
LincolnsHoodie (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
LokisBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
LunarCultistRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
Maid (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
MaidAlt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
MartianCostumeShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
MartianUniformTorso (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
Merfolk (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
MermaidAdornment (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
MeteorSuit (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
MiningShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
MoltenBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
MonkShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
MrsClausShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
MummyShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
MushroomVest (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
MythrilChainmail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
NebulaBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
NecroBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
NinjaShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
NurseShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ObsidianLongcoat (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
OrichalcumBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PalladiumBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PalmWoodBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ParkaCoat (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PearlwoodBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PedguinsJacket (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PharaohsRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PinkEskimoCoat (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PirateShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PixieShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PlaguebringerChestplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PlatinumChainmail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PlumbersShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PrettyPinkDress (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PrincessCostume (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PrincessDress (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PrinceUniform (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PumpkinBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
PumpkinShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
RainCoat (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ReaperRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
RedRidingHuntress (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
RedsBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
RichMahoganyBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
Robe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
RobotShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
RoninShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
RoyalDressTop (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
RubyRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
RuneRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SafemanSunDress (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SailorShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SantaShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SapphireRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ScarecrowShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ShadewoodBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ShadowScalemail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ShinobiInfiltrator (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ShroomiteBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SillySunflowerTops (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SilverChainmail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SkiphssSkin (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SolarCultistRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SolarFlareBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SpaceCreatureShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SpectreRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SpiderBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SpookyBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SquirePlating (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
StardustPlate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
StarPrincessDress (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SteampunkShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
SuperHeroCostume (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
TaxCollectorsSuit (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
TheDoctorsShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
TikiShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
TimelessTravelerRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
TinChainmail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
TitaniumBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
TopazRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
TreasureHunterShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
TreeShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
TungstenChainmail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
TurtleScaleMail (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
TuxedoShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
TVHeadSuit (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
UglySweater (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
UndertakerCoat (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
UnicornShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
ValhallaKnight (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
VampireShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
VictorianGothDress (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
VortexBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
WeddingDress (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
Werewolf (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
WhiteTuxedoShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
WillowShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
WillsBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
WilsonShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
WitchDress (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
WolfShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
WoodBreastplate (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |
Yoraiz0rsUniform (defined in ArmorIDs.Body) | ArmorIDs.Body | static |