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tModLoader v2024.12
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
This is the complete list of members for Projectile, including all inherited members.
active | Entity | |
ai | Projectile | |
AI() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
AI_019_Spears_GetExtensionHitbox(out Rectangle extensionBox) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
AI_137_CanHit(Vector2 targetPosition) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
AI_156_GetColor() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
AI_158_GetHomeLocation(Player master, int stackedIndex) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
AI_164_GetHomeLocation(Player master, int stackedIndex, int totalIndexes) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
AI_171_GetColor() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
AI_172_GetPelletStormInfo(int stormIndex) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
AI_172_GetPelletStormsCount() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
AI_173_GetColor() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
AI_192_GetJuminoFall(Projectile proj, out float timeSinceFall, out float fall) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
aiStyle | Projectile | |
alpha | Projectile | |
AngleFrom(Vector2 Source) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
AngleTo(Vector2 Destination) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
appliesImmunityTimeOnSingleHits | Projectile | |
ApplyStatsFromSource(IEntitySource spawnSource) | Projectile | |
ArmorPenetration | Projectile | |
arrow | Projectile | |
ArrowLifeTime (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
bannerIdToRespondTo (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
bobber (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
Bottom (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
BottomLeft (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
BottomRight (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
CanBeReflected() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
CanExplodeTile(int x, int y) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
CanHitWithMeleeWeapon(Entity ent) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
CanHitWithOwnBody(Entity ent) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
Center | Entity | |
CheckUsability(Player player, ref bool currentlyUsable) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
CloneDefaults(int TypeToClone) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
coldDamage (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
Colliding(Rectangle myRect, Rectangle targetRect) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
ContinuouslyUpdateDamage (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
ContinuouslyUpdateDamageStats | Projectile | |
counterweight (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
CountsAsClass(DamageClass damageClass) | Projectile | |
CountsAsClass< T >() | Projectile | |
CreateImpactExplosion(int dustAmountMultiplier, Vector2 explosionOrigin, ref Point scanAreaStart, ref Point scanAreaEnd, int explosionRange, out bool causedShockwaves) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
CreateImpactExplosion2_FlailTileCollision(Vector2 explosionOrigin, bool causedShockwaves, Vector2 velocityBeforeCollision) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
CritChance | Projectile | |
Damage() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
damage | Projectile | |
DamageType | Projectile | |
decidesManualFallThrough (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
DefaultToSpray() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
DefaultToWhip() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
direction | Entity | |
DirectionFrom(Vector2 Source) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
DirectionTo(Vector2 Destination) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
Distance(Vector2 Other) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
DistanceSQ(Vector2 Other) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
DropGeodeLoot(Entity entity) | Projectile | static |
EmitBlackLightningParticles(NPC targetNPC) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
EmitEnchantmentVisualsAt(Vector2 boxPosition, int boxWidth, int boxHeight) | Projectile | |
EntityGlobals (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
ExplodeCrackedTiles(Vector2 compareSpot, int radius, int minI, int maxI, int minJ, int maxJ) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
ExplodeTiles(Vector2 compareSpot, int radius, int minI, int maxI, int minJ, int maxJ, bool wallSplode) | Projectile | |
extraUpdates | Projectile | |
FillWhipControlPoints(Projectile proj, List< Vector2 > controlPoints) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
FindOldestProjectile() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
FindTargetWithinRange(float maxRange, bool checkCanHit=false) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
FindTargetWithLineOfSight(float maxRange=800f) | Projectile | |
FishingCheck() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
frame | Projectile | |
frameCounter | Projectile | |
friendly | Projectile | |
GasTrapCheck(int x, int y, Player user) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
GetAlpha(Color newColor) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
GetBallistraShotDelay(Player player) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
GetByUUID(int owner, float uuid) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
GetByUUID(int owner, int uuid) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
GetCeleb2Color() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
GetExplosiveTrapCooldown(Player player) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
GetFairyQueenWeaponsColor(float alphaChannelMultiplier=1f, float lerpToWhite=0f, float? rawHueOverride=null) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
GetFirstFractalColor() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
GetFloatingDaggerMinionGlowColor() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
GetGlobalProjectile< T >() | Projectile | |
GetGlobalProjectile< T >(T baseInstance) | Projectile | |
GetGolfTrailColor(Projectile proj) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
GetLastPrismHue(float laserIndex, ref float laserLuminance, ref float laserAlphaMultiplier) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
GetNextSlot() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
getRect() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
GetSource_CatchEntity(Entity caughtEntity, string? context=null) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
GetSource_Death(string? context=null) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
GetSource_DropAsItem(string? context=null) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
GetSource_FromAI(string? context=null) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
GetSource_FromThis(string? context=null) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
GetSource_GiftOrReward(string? context=null) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
GetSource_Loot(string? context=null) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
GetSource_Misc(string context) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
GetSource_NaturalSpawn() (defined in Entity) | Entity | static |
GetSource_None() (defined in Entity) | Entity | static |
GetSource_OnHit(Entity victim, string? context=null) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
GetSource_OnHurt(Entity? attacker, string? context=null) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
GetSource_ReleaseEntity(string? context=null) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
GetSource_TileInteraction(int tileCoordsX, int tileCoordsY, string? context=null) (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
GetSource_TownSpawn() (defined in Entity) | Entity | static |
GetWhipSettings(Projectile proj, out float timeToFlyOut, out int segments, out float rangeMultiplier) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
gfxOffY | Projectile | |
ghostHeal(int dmg, Vector2 Position, Entity victim) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
ghostHurt(int dmg, Vector2 Position, Entity victim) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
Globals (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
glowMask (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
height | Entity | |
hide | Projectile | |
Hitbox (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
honeyWet (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
hostile | Projectile | |
HurtPlayer(Rectangle hitbox) | Projectile | |
identity | Projectile | |
idStaticNPCHitCooldown | Projectile | |
ignoreWater | Projectile | |
InheritSource(Entity entity) (defined in Entity) | Entity | static |
InitializeStaticThings() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
Interrupt(Player player) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
isAPreviewDummy (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
IsAttachedTo(NPC npc) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
IsDamageDodgable() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
IsInRangeOfMeOrMyOwner(Entity entity, float maxDistance, out float myDistance, out float playerDistance, out bool closerIsMe) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
IsInteractible() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
IsInterruptible(Player player) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
IsMinionOrSentryRelated | Projectile | |
IsNPCIndexImmuneToProjectileType(int projectileType, int npcIndex) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
Kill() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
Kill_DirtAndFluidProjectiles_RunDelegateMethodPushUpForHalfBricks(Point pt, float size, Utils.TileActionAttempt plot) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
KillOldestJavelin(int protectedProjectileIndex, int projectileType, int targetNPCIndex, Point[] bufferForScan) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
knockBack | Projectile | |
lavaWet (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
Left (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
light | Projectile | |
localAI | Projectile | |
localNPCHitCooldown | Projectile | |
localNPCImmunity (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
manualDirectionChange (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
maxAI (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
maxPenetrate | Projectile | |
MaxUpdates | Projectile | |
minion | Projectile | |
Minion_FindTargetInRange(int startAttackRange, ref int attackTarget, bool skipIfCannotHitWithOwnBody, Func< Entity, int, bool > customEliminationCheck=null) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
minionPos | Projectile | |
minionSlots | Projectile | |
miscText (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
ModProjectile | Projectile | |
Name (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
netImportant | Projectile | |
netSpam (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
netUpdate | Projectile | |
netUpdate2 | Projectile | |
NewProjectile(IEntitySource spawnSource, Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, int Type, int Damage, float KnockBack, int Owner=-1, float ai0=0f, float ai1=0f, float ai2=0f) | Projectile | static |
NewProjectile(IEntitySource spawnSource, float X, float Y, float SpeedX, float SpeedY, int Type, int Damage, float KnockBack, int Owner=-1, float ai0=0f, float ai1=0f, float ai2=0f) | Projectile | static |
NewProjectileDirect(IEntitySource spawnSource, Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, int type, int damage, float knockback, int owner=-1, float ai0=0f, float ai1=0f, float ai2=0f) | Projectile | static |
noDropItem | Projectile | |
noEnchantments | Projectile | |
noEnchantmentVisuals | Projectile | |
npcProj | Projectile | |
numHits (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
numUpdates (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
oldDirection | Entity | |
oldPos | Projectile | |
oldPosition | Entity | |
oldRot | Projectile | |
oldSpriteDirection | Projectile | |
oldVelocity | Entity | |
Opacity | Projectile | |
OriginalArmorPenetration | Projectile | |
OriginalCritChance | Projectile | |
originalDamage (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
originatedFromActivableTile (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
owner | Projectile | |
ownerHitCheck | Projectile | |
ownerHitCheckDistance (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
OwnerMinionAttackTargetNPC (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
penetrate | Projectile | |
perIDStaticNPCImmunity (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
playerImmune (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
position | Entity | |
PrepareBombToBlow() | Projectile | |
ProjectileFixDesperation() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
ProjLight() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
projUUID (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
RandomizeInsanityShadowFor(Entity targetEntity, bool isHostile, out Vector2 spawnposition, out Vector2 spawnvelocity, out float ai0, out float ai1) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
reflected (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
ResetImmunity() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
ResetLocalNPCHitImmunity() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
Resize(int newWidth, int newHeight) | Projectile | |
restrikeDelay (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
Right (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
rotation | Projectile | |
scale | Projectile | |
sentry | Projectile | |
SentryLifeTime (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
SetDefaults(int Type) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
shimmerWet (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
shouldFallThrough (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
ShouldUseWindPhysics() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
ShouldWallExplode(Vector2 compareSpot, int radius, int minI, int maxI, int minJ, int maxJ) | Projectile | |
Size (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
soundDelay (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
spriteDirection (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
StatusNPC(int i) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
StatusPlayer(int i) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
StatusPvP(int i) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
stepSpeed | Projectile | |
stopsDealingDamageAfterPenetrateHits (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
tileCollide | Projectile | |
timeLeft | Projectile | |
Top (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
TopLeft (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
TopRight (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
ToString() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
trap | Projectile | |
TryGetContainerIndex(out int containerIndex) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
TryGetGlobalProjectile< T >(out T result) | Projectile | |
TryGetGlobalProjectile< T >(T baseInstance, out T result) | Projectile | |
TryGetOwner([NotNullWhen(true)] out Player? player) | Projectile | |
TurretShouldPersist() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
type | Projectile | |
Update(int i) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
UseGasTrapInChest(int chestIndex, Chest theChest, int gasTrapIndex, int gasOffsetX, int gasOffsetY) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | static |
usesIDStaticNPCImmunity | Projectile | |
usesLocalNPCImmunity | Projectile | |
usesOwnerMeleeHitCD (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
vampireHeal(int dmg, Vector2 Position, Entity victim) (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
VanillaAI() (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
velocity | Entity | |
VisualPosition (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
wet | Entity | |
wetCount (defined in Entity) | Entity | |
WhipPointsForCollision (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
WhipSettings (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
whoAmI | Entity | |
width | Entity | |
WipableTurret (defined in Projectile) | Projectile | |
WithinRange(Vector2 Target, float MaxRange) (defined in Entity) | Entity |