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tModLoader v2024.12
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
This is the complete list of members for PylonShopNPC, including all inherited members.
AI(NPC npc) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
AppliesToEntity(TEntity entity, bool lateInstantiation) | GlobalType< NPC, GlobalNPC > | virtual |
ApplyDifficultyAndPlayerScaling(NPC npc, int numPlayers, float balance, float bossAdjustment) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
BossHeadRotation(NPC npc, ref float rotation) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
BossHeadSlot(NPC npc, ref int index) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
BossHeadSpriteEffects(NPC npc, ref SpriteEffects spriteEffects) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
BuffTownNPC(ref float damageMult, ref int defense) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
CanBeCaughtBy(NPC npc, Item item, Player player) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
CanBeHitByItem(NPC npc, Player player, Item item) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
CanBeHitByNPC(NPC npc, NPC attacker) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
CanBeHitByProjectile(NPC npc, Projectile projectile) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
CanChat(NPC npc) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
CanCollideWithPlayerMeleeAttack(NPC npc, Player player, Item item, Rectangle meleeAttackHitbox) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
CanFallThroughPlatforms(NPC npc) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
CanGoToStatue(NPC npc, bool toKingStatue) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
CanHitNPC(NPC npc, NPC target) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
CanHitPlayer(NPC npc, Player target, ref int cooldownSlot) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
ChatBubblePosition(NPC npc, ref Vector2 position, ref SpriteEffects spriteEffects) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
CheckActive(NPC npc) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
CheckDead(NPC npc) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
Clone(TEntity? from, TEntity to) | GlobalType< NPC, GlobalNPC > | virtual |
CloneNewInstances | GlobalType< NPC, GlobalNPC > | protected |
ConditionallyAppliesToEntities | GlobalType< NPC, GlobalNPC > | |
ConditionallyAppliesToEntities | GlobalType< NPC, GlobalNPC > | |
DrawBehind(NPC npc, int index) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
DrawEffects(NPC npc, ref Color drawColor) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
DrawHealthBar(NPC npc, byte hbPosition, ref float scale, ref Vector2 position) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
DrawTownAttackGun(NPC npc, ref Texture2D item, ref Rectangle itemFrame, ref float scale, ref int horizontalHoldoutOffset) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
DrawTownAttackSwing(NPC npc, ref Texture2D item, ref Rectangle itemFrame, ref int itemSize, ref float scale, ref Vector2 offset) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
EditSpawnPool(IDictionary< int, float > pool, NPCSpawnInfo spawnInfo) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
EditSpawnRange(Player player, ref int spawnRangeX, ref int spawnRangeY, ref int safeRangeX, ref int safeRangeY) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
EditSpawnRate(Player player, ref int spawnRate, ref int maxSpawns) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
EmoteBubblePosition(NPC npc, ref Vector2 position, ref SpriteEffects spriteEffects) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
FindFrame(NPC npc, int frameHeight) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
GetAlpha(NPC npc, Color drawColor) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
GetChat(NPC npc, ref string chat) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
HitEffect(NPC npc, NPC.HitInfo hit) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
InstancePerEntity | GlobalType< NPC, GlobalNPC > | |
IsCloneable | GlobalType< NPC, GlobalNPC > | |
LoadData(NPC npc, TagCompound tag) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
ModifyActiveShop(NPC npc, string shopName, Item[] items) | PylonShopNPC | virtual |
ModifyCollisionData(NPC npc, Rectangle victimHitbox, ref int immunityCooldownSlot, ref MultipliableFloat damageMultiplier, ref Rectangle npcHitbox) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
ModifyGlobalLoot(GlobalLoot globalLoot) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
ModifyHitByItem(NPC npc, Player player, Item item, ref NPC.HitModifiers modifiers) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
ModifyHitByProjectile(NPC npc, Projectile projectile, ref NPC.HitModifiers modifiers) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
ModifyHitNPC(NPC npc, NPC target, ref NPC.HitModifiers modifiers) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
ModifyHitPlayer(NPC npc, Player target, ref Player.HurtModifiers modifiers) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
ModifyHoverBoundingBox(NPC npc, ref Rectangle boundingBox) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
ModifyIncomingHit(NPC npc, ref NPC.HitModifiers modifiers) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
ModifyNPCLoot(NPC npc, NPCLoot npcLoot) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
ModifyNPCNameList(NPC npc, List< string > nameList) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
ModifyShop(NPCShop shop) | PylonShopNPC | virtual |
ModifyTownNPCProfile(NPC npc) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
ModifyTypeName(NPC npc, ref string typeName) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
NeedSaving(NPC npc) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
NewInstance(TEntity target) | GlobalType< NPC, GlobalNPC > | virtual |
OnCaughtBy(NPC npc, Player player, Item item, bool failed) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
OnChatButtonClicked(NPC npc, bool firstButton) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
OnGoToStatue(NPC npc, bool toKingStatue) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
OnHitByItem(NPC npc, Player player, Item item, NPC.HitInfo hit, int damageDone) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
OnHitByProjectile(NPC npc, Projectile projectile, NPC.HitInfo hit, int damageDone) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
OnHitNPC(NPC npc, NPC target, NPC.HitInfo hit) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
OnHitPlayer(NPC npc, Player target, Player.HurtInfo hurtInfo) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
OnKill(NPC npc) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
OnSpawn(NPC npc, IEntitySource source) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
PartyHatPosition(NPC npc, ref Vector2 position, ref SpriteEffects spriteEffects) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
PerEntityIndex | GlobalType< NPC, GlobalNPC > | |
PickEmote(NPC npc, Player closestPlayer, List< int > emoteList, WorldUIAnchor otherAnchor) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
PostAI(NPC npc) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
PostDraw(NPC npc, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 screenPos, Color drawColor) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
PreAI(NPC npc) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
PreChatButtonClicked(NPC npc, bool firstButton) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
PreDraw(NPC npc, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 screenPos, Color drawColor) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
PreKill(NPC npc) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
ReceiveExtraAI(NPC npc, BitReader bitReader, BinaryReader binaryReader) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
Register() (defined in GlobalNPC) | GlobalNPC | protected |
ResetEffects(NPC npc) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
SaveData(NPC npc, TagCompound tag) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
SendExtraAI(NPC npc, BitWriter bitWriter, BinaryWriter binaryWriter) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
SetBestiary(NPC npc, BestiaryDatabase database, BestiaryEntry bestiaryEntry) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
SetDefaults(TEntity entity) | GlobalType< NPC, GlobalNPC > | virtual |
SetDefaultsFromNetId(NPC npc) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
SetupContent() (defined in GlobalNPC) | GlobalNPC | |
SetupTravelShop(int[] shop, ref int nextSlot) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
SlotPerEntity | GlobalType< NPC, GlobalNPC > | |
SpawnNPC(int npc, int tileX, int tileY) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
SpecialOnKill(NPC npc) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
StaticIndex | GlobalType< NPC, GlobalNPC > | |
TownNPCAttackCooldown(NPC npc, ref int cooldown, ref int randExtraCooldown) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
TownNPCAttackMagic(NPC npc, ref float auraLightMultiplier) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
TownNPCAttackProj(NPC npc, ref int projType, ref int attackDelay) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
TownNPCAttackProjSpeed(NPC npc, ref float multiplier, ref float gravityCorrection, ref float randomOffset) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
TownNPCAttackShoot(NPC npc, ref bool inBetweenShots) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
TownNPCAttackStrength(NPC npc, ref int damage, ref float knockback) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
TownNPCAttackSwing(NPC npc, ref int itemWidth, ref int itemHeight) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
Unload() (defined in PylonShopNPC) | PylonShopNPC | |
UpdateLifeRegen(NPC npc, ref int damage) | GlobalNPC | virtual |
ValidateType() (defined in GlobalNPC) | GlobalNPC | protected |