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tModLoader v2024.12
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
This is the complete list of members for Utils, including all inherited members.
AngleFrom(this Vector2 Origin, Vector2 Target) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
AngleLerp(this float curAngle, float targetAngle, float amount) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
AngleTo(this Vector2 Origin, Vector2 Target) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
AngleTowards(this float curAngle, float targetAngle, float maxChange) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Between(this Vector2 vec, Vector2 minimum, Vector2 maximum) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Bottom(this Rectangle r) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
BottomLeft(this Rectangle r) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
BottomRight(this Rectangle r) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Center(this Rectangle r) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
CenteredRectangle(Vector2 center, Vector2 size) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
charLengths (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Clamp< T >(T value, T min, T max) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ClampWithinWorld(ref int minX, ref int minY, ref int maxX, ref int maxY, bool lastValuesInclusiveToIteration=false, int fluffX=0, int fluffY=0) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ClosestPointInRect(this Rectangle r, Vector2 point) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ClosestPointOnLine(this Vector2 P, Vector2 A, Vector2 B) | Utils | static |
CoinsCombineStacks(out bool overFlowing, params long[] coinCounts) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
CoinsCount(out bool overFlowing, Item[] inv, params int[] ignoreSlots) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
CoinsSplit(long count) | Utils | static |
ColorLerp_BlackToWhite(float percent) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ColorLerpMethod(float percent) (defined in Utils) | Utils | |
ConvertMonoArgsToDotNet(string[] brokenArgs) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Count< T >(this T[] arr, T value) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
deepCompare(this int[] firstArray, int[] secondArray) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DirectionFrom(this Vector2 Origin, Vector2 Target) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DirectionTo(this Vector2 Origin, Vector2 Target) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Distance(this Rectangle r, Vector2 point) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Distance(this Vector2 Origin, Vector2 Target) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DistanceSQ(this Vector2 Origin, Vector2 Target) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DoesFitInCone(Vector2 point, Vector2 coneCenter, float coneLength, float coneRotation, float maximumAngle) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawBorderString(SpriteBatch sb, string text, Vector2 pos, Color color, float scale=1f, float anchorx=0f, float anchory=0f, int maxCharactersDisplayed=-1) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawBorderStringBig(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, string text, Vector2 pos, Color color, float scale=1f, float anchorx=0f, float anchory=0f, int maxCharactersDisplayed=-1) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawBorderStringFourWay(SpriteBatch sb, DynamicSpriteFont font, string text, float x, float y, Color textColor, Color borderColor, Vector2 origin, float scale=1f) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawCursorSingle(SpriteBatch sb, Color color, float rot=float.NaN, float scale=1f, Vector2 manualPosition=default(Vector2), int cursorSlot=0, int specialMode=0) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawInvBG(SpriteBatch sb, Rectangle R, Color c=default(Color)) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawInvBG(SpriteBatch sb, float x, float y, float w, float h, Color c=default(Color)) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawInvBG(SpriteBatch sb, int x, int y, int w, int h, Color c=default(Color)) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawLaser(SpriteBatch sb, Texture2D tex, Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Vector2 scale, LaserLineFraming framing) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawLine(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Point start, Point end, Color color) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawLine(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Color color) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawLine(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Color colorStart, Color colorEnd, float width) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawPanel(Texture2D texture, int edgeWidth, int edgeShove, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 position, float width, Color color) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawRect(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Rectangle rect, Color color) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawRect(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Color color) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawRect(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 topLeft, Vector2 topRight, Vector2 bottomRight, Vector2 bottomLeft, Color color) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawRectangle(SpriteBatch sb, Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Color colorStart, Color colorEnd, float width) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawRectForTilesInWorld(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Rectangle rect, Color color) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawRectForTilesInWorld(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Point start, Point end, Color color) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawSettings2Panel(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 position, float width, Color color) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawSettingsPanel(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 position, float width, Color color) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
DrawSplicedPanel(SpriteBatch sb, Texture2D texture, int x, int y, int w, int h, int leftEnd, int rightEnd, int topEnd, int bottomEnd, Color c) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
FactorAcceleration(Vector2 currentVelocity, float timeToInterception, Vector2 descendOfProjectile, int framesOfLenience) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
FloatIntersect(float r1StartX, float r1StartY, float r1Width, float r1Height, float r2StartX, float r2StartY, float r2Width, float r2Height) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Floor(this Vector2 vec) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
FormatWith(string original, object obj) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Frame(this Asset< Texture2D > tex, int horizontalFrames=1, int verticalFrames=1, int frameX=0, int frameY=0, int sizeOffsetX=0, int sizeOffsetY=0) | Utils | static |
Frame(this Texture2D tex, int horizontalFrames=1, int verticalFrames=1, int frameX=0, int frameY=0, int sizeOffsetX=0, int sizeOffsetY=0) | Utils | static |
GetChaseResults(Vector2 chaserPosition, float chaserSpeed, Vector2 runnerPosition, Vector2 runnerVelocity) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
GetDayTimeAs24FloatStartingFromMidnight() | Utils | static |
GetDayTimeAsDirectionIn24HClock() (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
GetDayTimeAsDirectionIn24HClock(float timeFrom0To24) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
GetLerpValue(float from, float to, float t, bool clamped=false) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
GetLerpValue(double from, double to, double t, bool clamped=false) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
GetTrueIndexes(this bool[] array) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
GetTrueIndexes(params bool[][] arrays) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
HasNaNs(this Vector2 vec) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Height(this Asset< Texture2D > asset) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Hex3(this Color color) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Hex4(this Color color) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
IndexInRange< T >(this T[] t, int index) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
IndexInRange< T >(this List< T > t, int index) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
IntersectsConeFastInaccurate(this Rectangle targetRect, Vector2 coneCenter, float coneLength, float coneRotation, float maximumAngle) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
IntersectsConeSlowMoreAccurate(this Rectangle targetRect, Vector2 coneCenter, float coneLength, float coneRotation, float maximumAngle) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
IsPowerOfTwo(int x) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
LaserLineFraming(int stage, Vector2 currentPosition, float distanceLeft, Rectangle lastFrame, out float distanceCovered, out Rectangle frame, out Vector2 origin, out Color color) (defined in Utils) | Utils | |
Left(this Rectangle r) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Lerp(double value1, double value2, double amount) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
LineRectangleDistance(Rectangle rect, Vector2 lineStart, Vector2 lineEnd) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
LogAndChatAndConsoleInfoMessage(string message) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
LogAndConsoleErrorMessage(string message) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
LogAndConsoleInfoMessage(string message) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
LogAndConsoleInfoMessageFormat(string format, params object[] args) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
MajorMinor(this Version v) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
MajorMinorBuild(this Version v) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
MapArray< T, R >(T[] array, Func< T, R > mapper) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Max< T >(params T[] args) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
MaxCoins (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Modified(this Rectangle r, int x, int y, int w, int h) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ModulusPositive(this int myInteger, int modulusNumber) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
MoveTowards(this Vector2 currentPosition, Vector2 targetPosition, float maxAmountAllowedToMove) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
MultiLerp(float percent, params float[] floats) | Utils | static |
MultiplyRGB(this Color firstColor, Color secondColor) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
MultiplyRGBA(this Color firstColor, Color secondColor) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Next(this UnifiedRandom random, IntRange range) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Next< T >(this UnifiedRandom r, T[] array) | Utils | static |
Next< T >(this UnifiedRandom r, IList< T > list) | Utils | static |
NextBool(this UnifiedRandom r) | Utils | static |
NextBool(this UnifiedRandom r, int consequent) | Utils | static |
NextBool(this UnifiedRandom r, int antecedent, int consequent) | Utils | static |
NextEnum< T >(this T src) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
NextFloat(this UnifiedRandom r) | Utils | static |
NextFloat(this UnifiedRandom random, FloatRange range) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
NextFloat(this UnifiedRandom r, float maxValue) | Utils | static |
NextFloat(this UnifiedRandom r, float minValue, float maxValue) | Utils | static |
NextFloatDirection(this UnifiedRandom r) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
NextFromCollection< T >(this UnifiedRandom random, List< T > objs) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
NextFromList< T >(this UnifiedRandom random, params T[] objs) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
NextVector2Circular(this UnifiedRandom r, float circleHalfWidth, float circleHalfHeight) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
NextVector2CircularEdge(this UnifiedRandom r, float circleHalfWidth, float circleHalfHeight) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
NextVector2FromRectangle(this UnifiedRandom r, Rectangle rect) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
NextVector2Square(this UnifiedRandom r, float min, float max) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
NextVector2Unit(this UnifiedRandom r, float startRotation=0f, float rotationRange=(float) Math.PI *2f) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
OffsetSize(this Rectangle rect, int xSize, int ySize) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
OpenFolder(string folderPath) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
OpenToURL(string url) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
OriginFlip(this Rectangle rect, Vector2 origin, SpriteEffects effects) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ParseArguements(string[] args) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
PingPongFrom01To010(float value) | Utils | static |
PlotLine(Point16 p0, Point16 p1, TileActionAttempt plot, bool jump=true) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
PlotLine(Point p0, Point p1, TileActionAttempt plot, bool jump=true) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
PlotTileArea(int x, int y, TileActionAttempt plot) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
PlotTileLine(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, float width, TileActionAttempt plot) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
PlotTileLine(Vector2D start, Vector2D end, double width, TileActionAttempt plot) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
PlotTileTale(Vector2D start, Vector2D end, double width, TileActionAttempt plot) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
PoofOfSmoke(Vector2 position) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
PressingControl(this KeyboardState kb) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
PressingShift(this KeyboardState kb) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
PrettifyPercentDisplay(float percent, string originalFormat) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
PreviousEnum< T >(this T src) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
RandomConsecutive(double random, int odds) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
RandomFloat(ref ulong seed) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
RandomInt(ref ulong seed, int max) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
RandomInt(ref ulong seed, int min, int max) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
RandomNext(ref ulong seed, int bits) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
RandomNextSeed(ulong seed) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
RandomVector2(UnifiedRandom random, float min, float max) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
RandomVector2D(UnifiedRandom random, double min, double max) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ReadEmbeddedResource(string path) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ReadPackedVector2(this BinaryReader bb) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ReadRGB(this BinaryReader bb) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ReadVector2(this BinaryReader bb) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ReceiveBitArray(int BitArrLength, BinaryReader reader) | Utils | static |
RectangleLineCollision(Vector2 rectTopLeft, Vector2 rectBottomRight, Vector2 lineStart, Vector2 lineEnd) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Remap(float fromValue, float fromMin, float fromMax, float toMin, float toMax, bool clamped=true) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Repeat(int value, int length) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Right(this Rectangle r) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
RotatedBy(this Vector2 spinningpoint, double radians, Vector2 center=default(Vector2)) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
RotatedBy(this Vector2D spinningpoint, double radians, Vector2D center=default(Vector2D)) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
RotatedByRandom(this Vector2 spinninpoint, double maxRadians) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
RotateRandom(this Vector2 spinninpoint, double maxRadians) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
rotateTowards(Vector2 currentPosition, Vector2 currentVelocity, Vector2 targetPosition, float maxChange) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Round(Vector2 input) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
SafeNormalize(this Vector2 v, Vector2 defaultValue) | Utils | static |
SelectRandom< T >(UnifiedRandom random, params T[] choices) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
SendBitArray(BitArray arr, BinaryWriter writer) | Utils | static |
ShowFancyErrorMessage(string message, int returnToMenu, UIState returnToState=null) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Size(this Asset< Texture2D > tex) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Size(this Texture2D tex) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Size(this Rectangle r) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
SmoothStep(float min, float max, float x) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
SmoothStep(double min, double max, double x) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
SolveQuadratic(float a, float b, float c, out float result1, out float result2) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Swap< T >(ref T t1, ref T t2) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
TileActionAttempt(int x, int y) (defined in Utils) | Utils | |
ToByteArray(this string str) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToDirectionInt(this bool value) | Utils | static |
ToInt(this bool value) | Utils | static |
Top(this Rectangle r) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
TopLeft(this Rectangle r) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToPoint(this Vector2 v) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToPoint(this Vector2D v) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToPoint(this Point16 p) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToPoint16(this Vector2 v) | Utils | static |
TopRight(this Rectangle r) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToRotation(this Vector2 v) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToRotationVector2(this float f) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToScreenPosition(this Vector2 worldPosition) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToTileCoordinates(this Vector2 vec) | Utils | static |
ToTileCoordinates(this Vector2D vec) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToTileCoordinates16(this Vector2 vec) | Utils | static |
ToTileCoordinates16(this Vector2D vec) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToVector2(this Point p) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToVector2(this Point16 p) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToVector2D(this Point p) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToVector2D(this Point16 p) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToVector2D(this Vector2 v) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ToWorldCoordinates(this Point p, float autoAddX=8f, float autoAddY=8f) | Utils | static |
ToWorldCoordinates(this Point16 p, float autoAddX=8f, float autoAddY=8f) | Utils | static |
ToWorldCoordinates(this Point p, Vector2 autoAddXY) | Utils | static |
ToWorldCoordinates(this Point16 p, Vector2 autoAddXY) | Utils | static |
ToWorldCoordinates(this Vector2 v, float autoAddX=8f, float autoAddY=8f) | Utils | static |
ToWorldCoordinates(this Vector2 v, Vector2 autoAddXY) | Utils | static |
TrimTextIfNeeded(ref string text, DynamicSpriteFont font, float scale, float maxWidth) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
TryCreatingDirectory(string folderPath) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Turn01ToCyclic010(float value) | Utils | static |
UnclampedSmoothStep(float min, float max, float x) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
UnclampedSmoothStep(double min, double max, double x) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
UnixTimeStampToDateTime(long unixTimeStamp) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Vector2FromElipse(Vector2 angleVector, Vector2 elipseSizes) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
Width(this Asset< Texture2D > asset) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
WithinRange(this Vector2 Origin, Vector2 Target, float MaxRange) | Utils | static |
WordwrapString(string text, DynamicSpriteFont font, int maxWidth, int maxLines, out int lineAmount) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
WordwrapStringSmart(string text, Color c, DynamicSpriteFont font, int maxWidth, int maxLines) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
WrappedLerp(float value1, float value2, float percent) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
WritePackedVector2(this BinaryWriter bb, Vector2 v) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
WriteRGB(this BinaryWriter bb, Color c) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
WriteVector2(this BinaryWriter bb, Vector2 v) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
XY(this Vector4 vec) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
XZW(this Vector4 vec) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
YZW(this Vector4 vec) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |
ZW(this Vector4 vec) (defined in Utils) | Utils | static |