tModLoader v2024.07
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
ArmorIDs.Back Class Reference


class  Sets

Static Public Attributes

const sbyte AnglerTackleBag = 10
const sbyte ApprenticeDark = 11
const sbyte ArchitectGizmoPack = 8
const sbyte BeeCloak = 1
const sbyte BunnyTail = 28
const sbyte CatShirt = 21
const sbyte ClothiersJacket = 17
static readonly int Count = 37
const sbyte CrimsonCloak = 3
const sbyte DogTail = 25
const sbyte FloretProtecterChestplate = 32
const sbyte FoxShirt = 19
const sbyte FoxTail = 26
const sbyte HallowedCape = 29
const sbyte HandOfCreation = 35
const sbyte HivePack = 9
const sbyte HunterCloak = 24
const sbyte LavaproofTackleBag = 33
const sbyte LizardTail = 27
const sbyte MagicQuiver = 7
const sbyte ManaCloak = 14
const sbyte MoltenQuiver = 15
const sbyte MysteriousCape = 4
const sbyte PlaguebringerCloak = 30
const sbyte PrinceCape = 34
const sbyte RedCape = 5
const sbyte RedRidingHuntress = 12
const sbyte RoninCloak = 31
const sbyte ShimmerCloak = 36
const sbyte ShinobiInfiltrator = 13
const sbyte SpaceCreatureShirt = 18
const sbyte StalkersQuiver = 16
const sbyte StarCloak = 2
const sbyte SuperHeroCostumeFemale = 23
const sbyte SuperHeroCostumeMale = 22
const sbyte VampireShirt = 20
const sbyte WinterCape = 6