tModLoader v2024.08
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
GlowMaskID Class Reference

Static Public Attributes

const short ApprenticeDarkArmFlame = 240
const short ApprenticeDarkHeadFlame = 241
const short ArgonMoss = 263
const short ArgonMossBlock = 337
const short ArgonMossBlockWall = 343
const short ArgonMossBrick = 264
const short ArkhalisHat = 245
const short ArkhalisPants_Female = 250
const short ArkhalisPants_Male = 249
const short ArkhalisShirt_Arm = 248
const short ArkhalisShirt_Female = 247
const short ArkhalisShirt_Male = 246
const short ArkhalisWings = 251
const short ArmorStardustArm = 188
const short ArmorStardustBodyFemale = 186
const short ArmorStardustBodyMale = 185
const short ArmorStardustHead = 184
const short ArmorStardustLegs = 187
const short AshGrass = 326
const short AshVines = 327
const short BetsyBow = 234
const short BetsysWrath = 238
const short BGMartianUFOBig = 91
const short BGMartianUFOSmall = 90
const short BlackBolt = 219
const short BlackBoltEye = 220
const short BlueFairyJar = 270
const short BoulderStaffOfEarth = 252
const short BrainScrambler = 24
const short BrazierSuspended = 294
const short CannonTile = 215
const short CapricornLegs = 306
const short CapricornMask = 305
const short CapricornTail = 307
const short ChargedBlasterCannon = 102
const short ChlorophyteDye = 103
static readonly short Count = 353
const short CultistTabletBack = 109
const short CultistTabletFront = 108
const short Cyborg = 167
const short CyborgShimmered = 350
const short CyborgShimmeredParty = 351
const short DD2Betsy = 226
const short DD2CrystalOrb = 239
const short DD2DarkMage = 225
const short DD2ExplosiveTrapT1 = 235
const short DD2ExplosiveTrapT2 = 236
const short DD2ExplosiveTrapT3 = 237
const short DD2FlameBurstTowerT1 = 221
const short DD2FlameBurstTowerT2 = 222
const short DD2FlameBurstTowerT3 = 223
const short DD2LightningAuraT1 = 228
const short DD2LightningAuraT2 = 229
const short DD2LightningAuraT3 = 230
const short DD2SquireBetsySword = 227
const short DD2WitherBeast = 224
const short DeadlySphere = 128
const short DefendersForge = 243
const short DefendersForgeItem = 244
const short DesertDjinn = 172
const short DesertGhoulCorruption = 169
const short DesertGhoulCrimson = 170
const short DesertGhoulHallow = 171
const short DestroyerPet = 275
const short EchoMonolith = 330
const short Electrified = 25
const short ElectrosphereLauncher = 36
const short ElectrosphereMissile = 37
const short EnchantedNightcrawler = 131
const short Everscream = 253
const short EverscreamPet = 279
const short FairyQueenPet = 280
const short FakeUser = -2
const short FirstFractal = 271
const short FishingBobberGlowingArgon = 322
const short FishingBobberGlowingKrypton = 320
const short FishingBobberGlowingLava = 319
const short FishingBobberGlowingRainbow = 324
const short FishingBobberGlowingStar = 318
const short FishingBobberGlowingViolet = 323
const short FishingBobberGlowingXenon = 321
const short FloretProtectorFrontTube = 308
const short FloretProtectorHelmet = 304
const short ForbiddenSign = 217
const short GemBunny = 287
const short GemSquirrel = 286
const short GigaZapper = 34
const short GlowTulip = 329
const short GolemPet = 277
const short GreenFairyJar = 269
const short GroxTheGreatGreaves = 274
const short GroxTheGreatHelm = 273
const short GroxTheGreatWings = 272
const short HeadlessHorseman = 255
const short HellButterfly = 288
const short HellButterflyJar = 289
const short HiTekSunglasses = 96
const short HiTekSunglassesItem = 97
const short InfernalWispDye = 106
const short JackOLantern = 257
const short JimsHead = 208
const short KryptonMoss = 259
const short KryptonMossBlock = 338
const short KryptonMossBlockWall = 344
const short KryptonMossBrick = 260
const short LaserDrill = 39
const short LaserDrillTip = 40
const short LaserMachinegun = 35
const short LaserMachinegunItem = 47
const short Lavafly = 290
const short LavaflyinaBottle = 291
const short LavaLamp = 129
const short LavaLampTile = 130
const short LavaMoss = 126
const short LavaMossBlock = 336
const short LavaMossBlockWall = 342
const short LavaMossBrick = 258
const short LavaSharkMount = 285
const short LightsBane = 328
const short LokisArm = 211
const short LokisBody = 210
const short LokisHelm = 209
const short LokisLegs = 212
const short LokisWings = 213
const short LongLavaMoss = 127
const short LunarCraftingStation = 202
const short LunarHamaxeNebula = 197
const short LunarHamaxeStardust = 198
const short LunarHamaxeVortex = 196
const short LunarHookNebula = 205
const short LunarHookSolar = 203
const short LunarHookStardust = 206
const short LunarHookVortex = 204
const short LunarMonolith = 201
const short LunarTowerNebula = 143
const short LunarTowerSolar = 162
const short LunarTowerStardust = 132
const short LunarTowerVortex = 149
const short Magiluminescence = 310
const short MagmaSnail = 292
const short MagmaSnailCage = 293
const short MartianArmorDye = 99
const short MartianAstroClock = 51
const short MartianAstroClockItem = 70
const short MartianBathtub = 52
const short MartianBathtubItem = 71
const short MartianBed = 53
const short MartianBedItem = 72
const short MartianChandelier = 55
const short MartianChandelierItem = 74
const short MartianChest = 56
const short MartianChestItem = 75
const short MartianConduitPlatingItem = 93
const short MartianConduitPlatingTile = 94
const short MartianConduitWallItem = 95
const short MartianDoorClosed = 57
const short MartianDoorItem = 76
const short MartianDoorOpen = 58
const short MartianDresser = 59
const short MartianDresserItem = 77
const short MartianDrone = 33
const short MartianEngineer = 31
const short MartianHairDye = 98
const short MartianHolobookcase = 60
const short MartianHolobookcaseItem = 78
const short MartianHoverCandle = 61
const short MartianHoverCandleItem = 79
const short MartianHoverChair = 54
const short MartianHoverChairItem = 73
const short MartianLamppost = 62
const short MartianLamppostItem = 80
const short MartianLantern = 63
const short MartianLanternItem = 81
const short MartianOfficer = 11
const short MartianPet = 281
const short MartianPiano = 64
const short MartianPianoItem = 82
const short MartianPlatform = 65
const short MartianPlatformItem = 83
const short MartianProbe = 100
const short MartianProbeDiode = 101
const short MartianSaucer = 48
const short MartianSaucerCannon = 50
const short MartianSaucerCore = 49
const short MartianSink = 88
const short MartianSinkItem = 89
const short MartianSofa = 66
const short MartianSofaItem = 84
const short MartianTable = 67
const short MartianTableItem = 85
const short MartianTableLamp = 68
const short MartianTableLampItem = 86
const short MartianTurret = 32
const short MartianUniformArmorArms = 44
const short MartianUniformArmorBody = 42
const short MartianUniformArmorBodyFemale = 43
const short MartianUniformArmorHead = 41
const short MartianUniformHelmet = 46
const short MartianUnifromTorso = 45
const short MartianWalker = 164
const short MartianWalkerCannon = 165
const short MartianWorkBench = 69
const short MartianWorkBenchItem = 87
const short MeteorBathtub = 113
const short MeteorBed = 114
const short MeteorBookcase = 115
const short MeteorBrick = 111
const short MeteorChair = 116
const short MeteorChest = 117
const short MeteorClock = 118
const short MeteorDoorOpen = 119
const short MeteorDresser = 120
const short MeteorPiano = 121
const short MeteorPlatform = 112
const short MeteorSink = 122
const short MeteorSofa = 123
const short MeteorTable = 124
const short MeteorWorkbench = 125
const short MonkStaffT2 = 231
const short MonkStaffT3 = 232
const short MonkStaffT3Item = 233
const short Moondial = 335
const short MoonLordPet = 282
const short MothronWings = 92
const short NebulaArcanumItem = 194
const short NebulaArcanumItemHold = 195
const short NebulaArmorArm = 12
const short NebulaArmorBody = 14
const short NebulaArmorBodyFemale = 19
const short NebulaArmorHead = 16
const short NebulaArmorLegs = 17
const short NebulaAxe = 6
const short NebulaBeast = 145
const short NebulaBlaze = 207
const short NebulaBrain = 147
const short NebulaChainsawItem = 22
const short NebulaChainsawProjectile = 7
const short NebulaDrillItem = 23
const short NebulaDrillProjectile = 8
const short NebulaEye = 148
const short NebulaHammer = 9
const short NebulaHeadcrab = 146
const short NebulaItemBody = 29
const short NebulaItemHead = 28
const short NebulaItemLegs = 30
const short NebulaPickaxe = 10
const short NebulaSoldier = 144
const short None = -1
const short Phantasm = 200
const short PinkFairyJar = 268
const short PixieDye = 104
const short PlasmaLamp = 267
const short PortalGunProj = 173
const short PottedLavaPlants = 298
const short PottedLavaPlantTendrils = 299
const short PottedPlants2 = 297
const short PumpkingPet = 278
const short RainbowMoss = 313
const short RainbowMossBlock = 341
const short RainbowMossBlockWall = 347
const short RainbowMossBrick = 314
const short RoninHat = 301
const short SandElemental = 216
const short Santank = 254
const short ScarabBomb = 266
const short ShadowflameApparation = 110
const short ShimmerBlock = 348
const short ShimmerBrick = 349
const short ShimmerCloakBack = 332
const short ShimmerCloakFront = 331
const short ShimmerMonolith = 333
const short ShimmerMonolithOrb = 334
const short SkeletronPrimePet = 276
const short SolarCorite = 161
const short SolarCrawltipedeBody = 158
const short SolarCrawltipedeHead = 157
const short SolarCrawltipedeTail = 159
const short SolarDrakoMire = 155
const short SolarDrakoMireRider = 156
const short SolarSolenian = 154
const short SolarSpearman = 163
const short SolarSroller = 160
const short SpiritFlameItem = 218
const short SpookyWoodMount = 283
const short StardustAxeItem = 174
const short StardustCellBig = 141
const short StardustCellMinion = 189
const short StardustCellMinionShot = 190
const short StardustCellSmall = 142
const short StardustChainsawItem = 175
const short StardustChainsawProjectile = 179
const short StardustDrillItem = 176
const short StardustDrillProjectile = 180
const short StardustHammerItem = 177
const short StardustJellyfishBig = 139
const short StardustJellyfishSmall = 140
const short StardustPickaxeItem = 178
const short StardustSoldier = 136
const short StardustSpiderBig = 138
const short StardustSpiderSmall = 137
const short StardustWormBody = 133
const short StardustWormHead = 135
const short StardustWormTail = 134
const short Sundial = 325
const short TimelessTravelerBottom = 303
const short TimelessTravelerHood = 302
const short TreeAsh = 315
const short TreeAshBranches = 317
const short TreeAshTop = 316
const short Truffle = 166
const short TruffleShimmered = 352
const short TruffleSpore = 168
const short TruffleWormCage = 300
const short TVHeadMask = 309
const short UFOMinion = 0
const short UltraBrightHelmet = 256
const short UnicornWispDye = 107
const short ValhallaKnightHead = 242
const short VioletMoss = 311
const short VioletMossBlock = 340
const short VioletMossBlockWall = 346
const short VioletMossBrick = 312
const short VoidMonolith = 265
const short VolcanoLarge = 296
const short VolcanoSmall = 295
const short VortexArmorBody = 13
const short VortexArmorBodyFemale = 18
const short VortexArmorHead = 15
const short VortexArmorLegs = 199
const short VortexAxe = 1
const short VortexBeaterItem = 191
const short VortexBeaterProj = 192
const short VortexBeaterRocket = 193
const short VortexChainsawItem = 20
const short VortexChainsawProjectile = 2
const short VortexDrillItem = 21
const short VortexDrillProjectile = 3
const short VortexHammer = 4
const short VortexHornet = 152
const short VortexHornetQueen = 153
const short VortexItemBody = 27
const short VortexItemHead = 26
const short VortexPickaxe = 5
const short VortexRifleman = 150
const short VortexSoldier = 151
const short WallOfFleshGoatMount = 284
const short WingsNebula = 182
const short WingsStardust = 183
const short WingsVortex = 181
const short WireBulb = 214
const short WispDye = 105
const short XenonMoss = 261
const short XenonMossBlock = 339
const short XenonMossBlockWall = 345
const short XenonMossBrick = 262
const short Xenopopper = 38