tModLoader v2024.08
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
LocalizationLoader Class Reference


class  CommentedWscJsonObject

Public Member Functions

record LocalizationEntry (string key, string value, string comment, JsonType type=JsonType.String)
record LocalizationFile (string path, string prefix, List< LocalizationEntry > Entries)

Static Public Member Functions

static GameCulture string prefix GetCultureAndPrefixFromPath (string path)
static void LoadModTranslations (GameCulture culture)
static bool TryGetCultureAndPrefixFromPath (string path, [NotNullWhen(true)] out GameCulture? culture, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? prefix)
 Derives a culture and shared prefix from a localization file path. Prefix will be found after culture, either separated by an underscore or nested in the folder.
Some examples: More...

Static Public Attributes

static GameCulture culture

Member Function Documentation

◆ TryGetCultureAndPrefixFromPath()

static bool LocalizationLoader.TryGetCultureAndPrefixFromPath ( string  path,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out GameCulture culture,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out string?  prefix 

Derives a culture and shared prefix from a localization file path. Prefix will be found after culture, either separated by an underscore or nested in the folder.
Some examples:

Localization/en-US_Mods.ExampleMod.hjson Localization/en-US/Mods.ExampleMod.hjson en-US_Mods.ExampleMod.hjson en-US/Mods.ExampleMod.hjson
