tModLoader v0.11.8.9
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Go to the documentation of this file.
1using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
2using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
4namespace Terraria.ModLoader
9 public struct PlayerDrawInfo
10 {
14 public Player drawPlayer;
18 public Vector2 position;
22 public float shadow;
26 public Vector2 itemLocation;
30 public bool drawHands;
34 public bool drawArms;
42 public bool drawHair;
46 public bool drawAltHair;
50 public int hairShader;
54 public int headArmorShader;
58 public int bodyArmorShader;
62 public int legArmorShader;
66 public int handOnShader;
70 public int handOffShader;
74 public int backShader;
78 public int frontShader;
82 public int shoeShader;
86 public int waistShader;
90 public int shieldShader;
94 public int neckShader;
98 public int faceShader;
102 public int balloonShader;
106 public int wingShader;
110 public int carpetShader;
114 public Color hairColor;
118 public Color eyeWhiteColor;
122 public Color eyeColor;
126 public Color faceColor;
130 public Color bodyColor;
134 public Color legColor;
138 public Color shirtColor;
142 public Color underShirtColor;
146 public Color pantsColor;
150 public Color shoeColor;
154 public Color upperArmorColor;
158 public Color middleArmorColor;
162 public Color mountColor;
166 public Color lowerArmorColor;
170 public int headGlowMask;
174 public int bodyGlowMask;
178 public int armGlowMask;
182 public int legGlowMask;
186 public Color headGlowMaskColor;
190 public Color bodyGlowMaskColor;
194 public Color armGlowMaskColor;
198 public Color legGlowMaskColor;
202 public SpriteEffects spriteEffects;
206 public Vector2 headOrigin;
210 public Vector2 bodyOrigin;
214 public Vector2 legOrigin;
215 }
220 public struct PlayerHeadDrawInfo
221 {
225 public SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
229 public Player drawPlayer;
233 public float alpha;
237 public float scale;
241 public short hairShader;
245 public int armorShader;
249 public Color eyeWhiteColor;
253 public Color eyeColor;
257 public Color hairColor;
261 public Color skinColor;
265 public Color armorColor;
269 public SpriteEffects spriteEffects;
273 public Vector2 drawOrigin;
277 public bool drawHair;
281 public bool drawAltHair;
282 }
A struct that contains information that may help with PlayerLayer drawing.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:10
int faceShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's face accessory.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:98
Color eyeColor
The color of the player's eyes, with lighting and transparency taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:122
int wingShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's wings.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:106
Color armGlowMaskColor
The color of the glow-mask on the player's arms.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:194
int legArmorShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's leg armor.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:62
int balloonShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's balloon accessory.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:102
float shadow
The transparency of the player, where 0f is fully opaque and 1f is fully transparent.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:22
Color legColor
The color of the player's leg skin, with lighting and transparency taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:134
int backShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's back accessory.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:74
Color pantsColor
The color of the player's pants, with lighting and transparency taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:146
Color shoeColor
The color of the player's shoes, with lighting and transparency taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:150
Color shirtColor
The color of the player's shirt, with lighting and transparency taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:138
int bodyGlowMask
The ID of the glow-mask on the player's body.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:174
Color faceColor
The color of the player's face, with lighting and transparency taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:126
int waistShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's waist accessory.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:86
Vector2 legOrigin
The point around which the player's leg texture rotates.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:214
int bodyArmorShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's body armor.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:58
int headArmorShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's head armor.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:54
Color mountColor
The color of the player's mount, with lighting and transparency taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:162
bool drawHeldProjInFrontOfHeldItemAndBody
Whether or not the held projectile is drawn in front of or behind the held item and arms.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:38
bool drawArms
Whether or not the player's arms underneath the armor should be drawn.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:34
Vector2 bodyOrigin
The point around which the player's body texture rotates.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:210
int handOnShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's hand on accessory.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:66
Color upperArmorColor
The color of all armor and accessories on the upper third of the player, with lighting and transparen...
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:154
Color legGlowMaskColor
The color of the glow-mask on the player's legs.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:198
Player drawPlayer
The player that is being drawn.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:14
SpriteEffects spriteEffects
The SpriteEffects that should be used to draw the player (how the sprite should be flipped).
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:202
Color bodyColor
The color of the player's body skin, with lighting and transparency taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:130
bool drawHair
Whether or not the player's hair is drawn.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:42
bool drawHands
Whether or not the player's hands underneath the armor should be drawn.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:30
int hairShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's hair.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:50
int armGlowMask
The ID of the glow-mask on the player's arms.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:178
int frontShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's front accessory.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:78
Color bodyGlowMaskColor
The color of the glow-mask on the player's body.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:190
Color underShirtColor
The color of the player's under-shirt, with lighting and transparency taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:142
Vector2 position
The position the player should be drawn in. Use this; do not use drawPlayer.position.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:18
Vector2 headOrigin
The point around which the player's head texture rotates.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:206
int carpetShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's magic carpet.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:110
Color eyeWhiteColor
The color of the whites of the player's eyes, with lighting and transparency taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:118
int handOffShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's hand off accessory.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:70
Color headGlowMaskColor
The color of the glow-mask on the player's head.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:186
Vector2 itemLocation
Similar to Player.itemLocation, but takes PlayerDrawInfo.position into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:26
int shoeShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's shoe accessory.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:82
int legGlowMask
The ID of the glow-mask on the player's legs.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:182
int shieldShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's shield accessory.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:90
bool drawAltHair
Whether or not the player's alternate (hat) hair is drawn.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:46
Color middleArmorColor
The color of all armor and accessories on the middle third of the player, with lighting and transpare...
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:158
Color lowerArmorColor
The color of all armor and accessories on the lower third of the player, with lighting and transparen...
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:166
Color hairColor
The color of the player's hair, with lighting and transparency taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:114
int headGlowMask
The ID of the glow-mask on the player's head.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:170
int neckShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's neck accessory.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:94
A struct that contains information that may help with PlayerHeadLayer drawing.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:221
float alpha
The transparency in which the player should be drawn. 0 means fully transparent, while 1 means fully ...
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:233
Player drawPlayer
The player whose head is being drawn.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:229
bool drawHair
Whether the player's hair texture should be drawn.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:277
float scale
The scale on the size in which the player should be drawn.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:237
Color eyeWhiteColor
The color of the whites of the player's eyes. Alpha has already been taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:249
SpriteBatch spriteBatch
The SpriteBatch object that should be used to do all the drawing. This is the same as Main....
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:225
Color skinColor
The color of the player's skin. Alpha has already been taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:261
SpriteEffects spriteEffects
The SpriteEffects that should be used to draw the player. (SpriteEffects.None or SpriteEffects....
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:269
short hairShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's hair.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:241
int armorShader
The ID of the shader (dye) on the player's head armor.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:245
Color armorColor
The color the player's armor should be shaded in. Alpha has already been taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:265
Color eyeColor
The color of the player's eyes. Alpha has already been taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:253
Color hairColor
The color of the player's hair. Alpha has already been taken into account.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:257
Vector2 drawOrigin
The point on the player's texture around which everything should be rotated.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:273
bool drawAltHair
Whether the player's alternate (hat) hair texture should be drawn.
Definition: DrawInfo.cs:281