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tModLoader v2022.09
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Static Public Attributes | |
const int | BiomeBeach = 29 |
const int | BiomeCorruption = 26 |
const int | BiomeCrimson = 25 |
const int | BiomeDesert = 28 |
const int | BiomeHallow = 27 |
const int | BiomeJungle = 24 |
const int | BiomeLavalayer = 31 |
const int | BiomeOtherworld = 23 |
const int | BiomeRocklayer = 30 |
const int | BiomeSky = 22 |
const int | BiomeSnow = 32 |
const int | BossBoC = 41 |
const int | BossCultist = 52 |
const int | BossDeerclops = 150 |
const int | BossDestroyer = 45 |
const int | BossEmpressOfLight = 143 |
const int | BossEoC = 39 |
const int | BossEoW = 40 |
const int | BossEverscream = 56 |
const int | BossFishron = 50 |
const int | BossGolem = 49 |
const int | BossIceQueen = 57 |
const int | BossKingSlime = 51 |
const int | BossMartianship = 60 |
const int | BossMoonmoon = 53 |
const int | BossMourningWood = 54 |
const int | BossPirateship = 59 |
const int | BossPlantera = 48 |
const int | BossPumpking = 55 |
const int | BossQueenBee = 42 |
const int | BossQueenSlime = 144 |
const int | BossSantank = 58 |
const int | BossSkeletron = 43 |
const int | BossSkeletronPrime = 46 |
const int | BossTwins = 47 |
const int | BossWoF = 44 |
const int | Count = 151 |
const int | CritterBee = 12 |
const int | CritterBird = 68 |
const int | CritterBunny = 62 |
const int | CritterButterfly = 63 |
const int | CritterGoblin = 64 |
const int | CritterGoldfish = 70 |
const int | CritterMartian = 71 |
const int | CritterMouse = 69 |
const int | CritterPirate = 65 |
const int | CritterSkeleton = 72 |
const int | CritterSlime = 13 |
const int | CritterSnowman = 66 |
const int | CritterSpider = 67 |
const int | CritterZombie = 61 |
const int | DebuffBurn = 9 |
const int | DebuffCurse = 11 |
const int | DebuffPoison = 8 |
const int | DebuffSilence = 10 |
const int | EmoteAnger = 135 |
const int | EmoteConfused = 87 |
const int | EmoteEating = 94 |
const int | EmoteFear = 16 |
const int | EmoteFight = 93 |
const int | EmoteHappiness = 136 |
const int | EmoteKick = 92 |
const int | EmoteKiss = 88 |
const int | EmoteLaugh = 15 |
const int | EmoteNote = 17 |
const int | EmoteRun = 91 |
const int | EmoteSadness = 134 |
const int | EmoteScowl = 138 |
const int | EmoteSilly = 139 |
const int | EmoteSleep = 89 |
const int | EmoteWink = 137 |
const int | EmotionAlert = 3 |
const int | EmotionAnger = 1 |
const int | EmotionCry = 2 |
const int | EmotionLove = 0 |
const int | EventBloodmoon = 18 |
const int | EventEclipse = 19 |
const int | EventMeteor = 99 |
const int | EventOldOnesArmy = 133 |
const int | EventPumpkin = 20 |
const int | EventSnow = 21 |
const int | Hungry = 147 |
const int | ItemAle = 77 |
const int | ItemBeer = 131 |
const int | ItemBugNet = 80 |
const int | ItemCog = 83 |
const int | ItemCookedFish = 76 |
const int | ItemDefenderMedal = 132 |
const int | ItemDiamondRing = 86 |
const int | ItemDisplay = -1 |
const int | ItemDynamite = 81 |
const int | ItemFishingRod = 79 |
const int | ItemGoldpile = 85 |
const int | ItemLifePotion = 73 |
const int | ItemManaPotion = 74 |
const int | ItemMinishark = 82 |
const int | ItemPickaxe = 90 |
const int | ItemRing = 7 |
const int | ItemSoup = 75 |
const int | ItemSword = 78 |
const int | ItemTombstone = 84 |
const int | LucyTheAxe = 149 |
const int | MiscFire = 100 |
const int | MiscTree = 14 |
const int | PartyBalloons = 127 |
const int | PartyCake = 128 |
const int | PartyHats = 129 |
const int | PartyPresent = 126 |
const int | Peckish = 146 |
const int | RPSPaper = 38 |
const int | RPSRock = 37 |
const int | RPSScissors = 36 |
const int | RPSWinPaper = 35 |
const int | RPSWinRock = 34 |
const int | RPSWinScissors = 33 |
static readonly IdDictionary | Search = IdDictionary.Create<EmoteID, int>() |
const int | Starving = 148 |
const int | TownAngler = 123 |
const int | TownArmsDealer = 103 |
const int | TownBartender = 130 |
const int | TownBestiaryGirl = 141 |
const int | TownBestiaryGirlFox = 142 |
const int | TownClothier = 108 |
const int | TownCyborg = 117 |
const int | TownDemolitionist = 107 |
const int | TownDryad = 104 |
const int | TownDyeTrader = 115 |
const int | TownGoblinTinkerer = 109 |
const int | TownGolfer = 140 |
const int | TownGuide = 105 |
const int | TownMechanic = 111 |
const int | TownMerchant = 101 |
const int | TownNurse = 102 |
const int | TownOldman = 106 |
const int | TownPainter = 118 |
const int | TownPartyGirl = 116 |
const int | TownPirate = 120 |
const int | TownPrincess = 145 |
const int | TownSanta = 112 |
const int | TownSkeletonMerchant = 124 |
const int | TownSteampunker = 114 |
const int | TownStylist = 121 |
const int | TownTaxCollector = 125 |
const int | TownTravellingMerchant = 122 |
const int | TownTruffle = 113 |
const int | TownWitchDoctor = 119 |
const int | TownWizard = 110 |
const int | WeatherCloudy = 96 |
const int | WeatherLightning = 5 |
const int | WeatherRain = 4 |
const int | WeatherRainbow = 6 |
const int | WeatherSnowstorm = 98 |
const int | WeatherStorming = 97 |
const int | WeatherSunny = 95 |