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tModLoader v2022.09
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Static Public Attributes | |
const short | AncientDoom = 101 |
Used by: NPCID.AncientDoom | |
const short | AncientLight = 100 |
Used by: NPCID.AncientLight | |
const short | AncientVision = 86 |
Used by: NPCID.ShadowFlameApparition, NPCID.AncientCultistSquidhead | |
const short | AngryDandelion = 119 |
Used by: NPCID.Dandelion | |
const short | AngryNimbus = 49 |
Used by: NPCID.AngryNimbus | |
const short | Antlion = 19 |
Used by: NPCID.Antlion | |
const short | BabyMothron = 90 |
Used by: NPCID.MothronSpawn | |
const short | Balloon = 113 |
Used by: NPCID.WindyBalloon | |
const short | Bat = 14 |
Used by: NPCID.Harpy, NPCID.CaveBat, NPCID.JungleBat, NPCID.Hellbat, NPCID.Demon, NPCID.VoodooDemon, NPCID.GiantBat, NPCID.Slimer, NPCID.IlluminantBat, NPCID.IceBat, NPCID.Lavabat, NPCID.GiantFlyingFox, NPCID.RedDevil, NPCID.VampireBat, NPCID.FlyingSnake, NPCID.SporeBat, NPCID.QueenSlimeMinionPurple | |
const short | BiomeMimic = 87 |
Used by: NPCID.BigMimicCorruption, NPCID.BigMimicCrimson, NPCID.BigMimicHallow, NPCID.BigMimicJungle | |
const short | Bird = 24 |
Used by: NPCID.Bird, NPCID.BirdBlue, NPCID.BirdRed, NPCID.GoldBird, NPCID.Owl | |
const short | BlazingWheel = 21 |
Used by: NPCID.BlazingWheel | |
const short | BrainOfCthulhu = 54 |
Used by: NPCID.BrainofCthulhu | |
const short | BubbleShield = 72 |
Used by: NPCID.ForceBubble | |
const short | Butterfly = 65 |
Used by: NPCID.Butterfly, NPCID.GoldButterfly, NPCID.HellButterfly, NPCID.EmpressButterfly | |
const short | Caster = 8 |
Used by: NPCID.FireImp, NPCID.GoblinSorcerer, NPCID.DarkCaster, NPCID.Tim, NPCID.RuneWizard, NPCID.RaggedCaster, NPCID.RaggedCasterOpenCoat, NPCID.Necromancer, NPCID.NecromancerArmored, NPCID.DiabolistRed, NPCID.DiabolistWhite, NPCID.DesertDjinn | |
const short | CelestialPillar = 94 |
Used by: NPCID.LunarTowerVortex, NPCID.LunarTowerStardust, NPCID.LunarTowerNebula, NPCID.LunarTowerSolar | |
const short | Corite = 74 |
Used by: NPCID.MartianDrone, NPCID.SolarCorite | |
const short | Creeper = 55 |
Behavior: For the Brain of Cthulhu's minions Used by: NPCID.Creeper | |
const short | CritterWorm = 66 |
Used by: NPCID.Worm, NPCID.TruffleWorm, NPCID.GoldWorm, NPCID.EnchantedNightcrawler, NPCID.Grubby, NPCID.Sluggy, NPCID.Buggy, NPCID.Maggot | |
const short | CursedSkull = 10 |
Used by: NPCID.CursedSkull, NPCID.GiantCursedSkull | |
const short | DD2Betsy = 110 |
Used by: NPCID.DD2Betsy | |
const short | DD2DarkMage = 109 |
Used by: NPCID.DD2DarkMageT1, NPCID.DD2DarkMageT3 | |
const short | DD2EterniaCrystal = 105 |
Used by: NPCID.DD2EterniaCrystal | |
const short | DD2Fighter = 107 |
Behavior: Used for things such as Etherian Goblins Used by: NPCID.DD2GoblinT1, NPCID.DD2GoblinT2, NPCID.DD2GoblinT3, NPCID.DD2GoblinBomberT1, NPCID.DD2GoblinBomberT2, NPCID.DD2GoblinBomberT3, NPCID.DD2JavelinstT1, NPCID.DD2JavelinstT2, NPCID.DD2JavelinstT3, NPCID.DD2SkeletonT1, NPCID.DD2SkeletonT3, NPCID.DD2WitherBeastT2, NPCID.DD2WitherBeastT3, NPCID.DD2DrakinT2, NPCID.DD2DrakinT3, NPCID.DD2KoboldWalkerT2, NPCID.DD2KoboldWalkerT3, NPCID.DD2OgreT2, NPCID.DD2OgreT3, NPCID.GoblinShark/// | |
const short | DD2Flying = 108 |
Behavior: Used for things such as Etherian Wyverns Used by: NPCID.DD2WyvernT1, NPCID.DD2WyvernT2, NPCID.DD2WyvernT3, NPCID.DD2KoboldFlyerT2, NPCID.DD2KoboldFlyerT3 | |
const short | DD2LightningBug = 111 |
Used by: NPCID.DD2LightningBugT3 | |
const short | DD2MysteriousPortal = 106 |
Used by: NPCID.DD2LanePortal | |
const short | DemonEye = 2 |
Used by: NPCID.DemonEye2, NPCID.PurpleEye2, NPCID.GreenEye2, NPCID.DialatedEye2, NPCID.SleepyEye2, NPCID.CataractEye2, NPCID.DemonEye, NPCID.TheHungryII, NPCID.WanderingEye, NPCID.PigronCorruption, NPCID.PigronHallow, NPCID.PigronCrimson, NPCID.CataractEye, NPCID.SleepyEye, NPCID.DialatedEye, NPCID.GreenEye, NPCID.PurpleEye, NPCID.DemonEyeOwl, NPCID.DemonEyeSpaceship | |
const short | Dragonfly = 114 |
Used by: NPCID.BlackDragonfly, NPCID.BlueDragonfly, NPCID.GreenDragonfly, NPCID.OrangeDragonfly, NPCID.RedDragonfly, NPCID.YellowDragonfly, NPCID.GoldDragonfly | |
const short | Dreadnautilus = 117 |
Used by: NPCID.BloodNautilus | |
const short | Duck = 68 |
Used by: NPCID.Duck2, NPCID.DuckWhite2, NPCID.Seagull2, NPCID.Grebe2 | |
const short | DukeFishron = 69 |
Used by: NPCID.DukeFishron | |
const short | DukeFishronBubble = 70 |
Used by: NPCID.DetonatingBubble | |
const short | DungeonSpirit = 56 |
Used by: NPCID.DungeonSpirit | |
const short | ElfCopter = 62 |
Used by: NPCID.ElfCopter | |
const short | EmpressOfLight = 120 |
Used by: NPCID.HallowBoss | |
const short | EnchantedSword = 23 |
Behavior: Includes Shadow Hammer and Crimson Axe Used by: NPCID.CursedHammer, NPCID.EnchantedSword, NPCID.CrimsonAxe | |
const short | EyeOfCthulhu = 4 |
Used by: NPCID.EyeofCthulhu | |
const short | FaceClosestPlayer = 0 |
Used by: NPCID.BoundGoblin, NPCID.BoundWizard, NPCID.BoundMechanic, NPCID.WebbedStylist, NPCID.SleepingAngler, NPCID.BartenderUnconscious, NPCID.GolferRescue | |
const short | Fairy = 112 |
Used by: NPCID.FairyCritterPink, NPCID.FairyCritterGreen, NPCID.FairyCritterBlue | |
const short | Fighter = 3 |
Used by: NPCID.BigRainZombie, NPCID.SmallRainZombie, NPCID.BigPantlessSkeleton, NPCID.SmallPantlessSkeleton, NPCID.BigMisassembledSkeleton, NPCID.SmallMisassembledSkeleton, NPCID.BigHeadacheSkeleton, NPCID.SmallHeadacheSkeleton, NPCID.BigSkeleton, NPCID.SmallSkeleton, NPCID.BigFemaleZombie, NPCID.SmallFemaleZombie, NPCID.BigTwiggyZombie, NPCID.SmallTwiggyZombie, NPCID.BigSwampZombie, NPCID.SmallSwampZombie, NPCID.BigSlimedZombie, NPCID.SmallSlimedZombie, NPCID.BigPincushionZombie, NPCID.SmallPincushionZombie, NPCID.BigBaldZombie, NPCID.SmallBaldZombie, NPCID.BigZombie, NPCID.SmallZombie, NPCID.HeavySkeleton, NPCID.BigBoned, NPCID.ShortBones, NPCID.Zombie, NPCID.Skeleton, NPCID.GoblinPeon, NPCID.GoblinThief, NPCID.GoblinWarrior, NPCID.AngryBones, NPCID.UndeadMiner, NPCID.CorruptBunny, NPCID.DoctorBones, NPCID.TheGroom, NPCID.Crab, NPCID.GoblinScout, NPCID.ArmoredSkeleton, NPCID.Mummy, NPCID.DarkMummy, NPCID.LightMummy, NPCID.Werewolf, NPCID.Clown, NPCID.SkeletonArcher, NPCID.GoblinArcher, NPCID.ChaosElemental, NPCID.BaldZombie, NPCID.PossessedArmor, NPCID.Vampire, NPCID.ZombieEskimo, NPCID.Frankenstein, NPCID.BlackRecluse, NPCID.WallCreeper, NPCID.SwampThing, NPCID.UndeadViking, NPCID.CorruptPenguin, NPCID.FaceMonster, NPCID.SnowFlinx, NPCID.PincushionZombie, NPCID.SlimedZombie, NPCID.SwampZombie, NPCID.TwiggyZombie, NPCID.Nymph, NPCID.ArmoredViking, NPCID.Lihzahrd, NPCID.LihzahrdCrawler, NPCID.FemaleZombie, NPCID.HeadacheSkeleton, NPCID.MisassembledSkeleton, NPCID.PantlessSkeleton, NPCID.IcyMerman, NPCID.PirateDeckhand, NPCID.PirateCorsair, NPCID.PirateDeadeye, NPCID.PirateCrossbower, NPCID.PirateCaptain, NPCID.CochinealBeetle, NPCID.CyanBeetle, NPCID.LacBeetle, NPCID.SeaSnail, NPCID.ZombieRaincoat, NPCID.JungleCreeper, NPCID.BloodCrawler, NPCID.IceGolem, NPCID.Eyezor, NPCID.ZombieMushroom, NPCID.ZombieMushroomHat, NPCID.AnomuraFungus, NPCID.MushiLadybug, NPCID.RustyArmoredBonesAxe, NPCID.RustyArmoredBonesFlail, NPCID.RustyArmoredBonesSword, NPCID.RustyArmoredBonesSwordNoArmor, NPCID.BlueArmoredBones, NPCID.BlueArmoredBonesMace, NPCID.BlueArmoredBonesNoPants, NPCID.BlueArmoredBonesSword, NPCID.HellArmoredBones, NPCID.HellArmoredBonesSpikeShield, NPCID.HellArmoredBonesMace, NPCID.HellArmoredBonesSword, NPCID.BoneLee, NPCID.Paladin, NPCID.SkeletonSniper, NPCID.TacticalSkeleton, NPCID.SkeletonCommando, NPCID.AngryBonesBig, NPCID.AngryBonesBigMuscle, NPCID.AngryBonesBigHelmet, NPCID.Scarecrow1, NPCID.Scarecrow2, NPCID.Scarecrow3, NPCID.Scarecrow4, NPCID.Scarecrow5, NPCID.Scarecrow6, NPCID.Scarecrow7, NPCID.Scarecrow8, NPCID.Scarecrow9, NPCID.Scarecrow10, NPCID.ZombieDoctor, NPCID.ZombieSuperman, NPCID.ZombiePixie, NPCID.SkeletonTopHat, NPCID.SkeletonAstonaut, NPCID.SkeletonAlien, NPCID.Splinterling, NPCID.ZombieXmas, NPCID.ZombieSweater, NPCID.ZombieElf, NPCID.ZombieElfBeard, NPCID.ZombieElfGirl, NPCID.GingerbreadMan, NPCID.Yeti, NPCID.Nutcracker, NPCID.NutcrackerSpinning, NPCID.ElfArcher, NPCID.Krampus, NPCID.CultistArcherBlue, NPCID.CultistArcherWhite, NPCID.BrainScrambler, NPCID.RayGunner, NPCID.MartianOfficer, NPCID.GrayGrunt, NPCID.MartianEngineer, NPCID.GigaZapper, NPCID.Scutlix, NPCID.StardustSpiderBig, NPCID.StardustSoldier, NPCID.SolarDrakomire, NPCID.SolarSolenian, NPCID.NebulaSoldier, NPCID.VortexRifleman, NPCID.VortexHornetQueen, NPCID.VortexHornet, NPCID.VortexLarva, NPCID.VortexSoldier, NPCID.ArmedZombie, NPCID.ArmedZombieEskimo, NPCID.ArmedZombiePincussion, NPCID.ArmedZombieSlimed, NPCID.ArmedZombieSwamp, NPCID.ArmedZombieTwiggy, NPCID.ArmedZombieCenx, NPCID.BoneThrowingSkeleton, NPCID.BoneThrowingSkeleton2, NPCID.BoneThrowingSkeleton3, NPCID.BoneThrowingSkeleton4, NPCID.Butcher, NPCID.CreatureFromTheDeep, NPCID.Fritz, NPCID.Nailhead, NPCID.CrimsonBunny, NPCID.Psycho, NPCID.DrManFly, NPCID.ThePossessed, NPCID.CrimsonPenguin, NPCID.GoblinSummoner, NPCID.Medusa, NPCID.GreekSkeleton, NPCID.GraniteGolem, NPCID.BloodZombie, NPCID.Crawdad, NPCID.Crawdad2, NPCID.Salamander, NPCID.Salamander2, NPCID.Salamander3, NPCID.Salamander4, NPCID.Salamander5, NPCID.Salamander6, NPCID.Salamander7, NPCID.Salamander8, NPCID.Salamander9, NPCID.GiantWalkingAntlion, NPCID.SolarSpearman, NPCID.MartianWalker, NPCID.DesertGhoul, NPCID.DesertGhoulCorruption, NPCID.DesertGhoulCrimson, NPCID.DesertGhoulHallow, NPCID.DesertLamiaLight, NPCID.DesertLamiaDark, NPCID.DesertScorpionWalk, NPCID.DesertBeast, NPCID.DemonTaxCollector, NPCID.TheBride, NPCID.WalkingAntlion, NPCID.LarvaeAntlion, NPCID.ZombieMerman, NPCID.TorchZombie, NPCID.ArmedTorchZombie, NPCID.Gnome, NPCID.BloodMummy, NPCID.RockGolem, NPCID.MaggotZombie, NPCID.SporeSkeleton | |
const short | Firefly = 64 |
Used by: NPCID.Firefly, NPCID.LightningBug, NPCID.Lavafly | |
const short | Flocko = 63 |
Used by: NPCID.Flocko | |
const short | FlowInvader = 96 |
Used by: NPCID.StardustJellyfishBig | |
const short | Flying = 5 |
Behavior: Includes things such as Eaters of Souls Used by: NPCID.BigHornetStingy, NPCID.LittleHornetStingy, NPCID.BigHornetSpikey, NPCID.LittleHornetSpikey, NPCID.BigHornetLeafy, NPCID.LittleHornetLeafy, NPCID.BigHornetHoney, NPCID.LittleHornetHoney, NPCID.BigHornetFatty, NPCID.LittleHornetFatty, NPCID.BigCrimera, NPCID.LittleCrimera, NPCID.GiantMossHornet, NPCID.BigMossHornet, NPCID.LittleMossHornet, NPCID.TinyMossHornet, NPCID.BigStinger, NPCID.LittleStinger, NPCID.BigEater, NPCID.LittleEater, NPCID.ServantofCthulhu, NPCID.EaterofSouls, NPCID.MeteorHead, NPCID.Hornet, NPCID.Corruptor, NPCID.Probe, NPCID.Crimera, NPCID.MossHornet, NPCID.Moth, NPCID.Bee, NPCID.BeeSmall, NPCID.HornetFatty, NPCID.HornetHoney, NPCID.HornetLeafy, NPCID.HornetSpikey, NPCID.HornetStingy, NPCID.Parrot, NPCID.BloodSquid | |
const short | FlyingDutchman = 93 |
Used by: NPCID.PirateShip | |
const short | FlyingFish = 44 |
Behavior: Also used for Antlion Swarmers Used by: NPCID.FlyingFish, NPCID.GiantFlyingAntlion, NPCID.FlyingAntlion, NPCID.EyeballFlyingFish | |
const short | FreeGolemHead = 48 |
Used by: NPCID.GolemHeadFree | |
const short | GiantTortoise = 39 |
Behavior: Also includes Srollers and Giant Shellies Used by: NPCID.GiantTortoise, NPCID.IceTortoise, NPCID.SolarSroller, NPCID.GiantShelly, NPCID.GiantShelly2 | |
const short | GolemBody = 45 |
Used by: NPCID.Golem | |
const short | GolemFist = 47 |
Used by: NPCID.GolemFistLeft, NPCID.GolemFistRight | |
const short | GolemHead = 46 |
Behavior: Only used for the unmoving golem head, the moving one is Used by: NPCID.GolemHead | |
const short | GraniteElemental = 91 |
Used by: NPCID.GraniteFlyer | |
const short | Herpling = 41 |
Used by: NPCID.Herpling, NPCID.Derpling, NPCID.ChatteringTeethBomb | |
const short | HoveringFighter = 22 |
Behavior: Includes enemies such as Wraiths or Ghosts Used by: NPCID.Pixie, NPCID.Wraith, NPCID.Gastropod, NPCID.IceElemental, NPCID.FloatyGross, NPCID.Reaper, NPCID.IchorSticker, NPCID.Ghost, NPCID.Poltergeist, NPCID.Drippler | |
const short | IceQueen = 60 |
Used by: NPCID.IceQueen | |
const short | Jellyfish = 18 |
Used by: NPCID.BlueJellyfish, NPCID.PinkJellyfish, NPCID.GreenJellyfish, NPCID.Squid, NPCID.BloodJelly, NPCID.FungoFish | |
const short | KingSlime = 15 |
Used by: NPCID.KingSlime | |
const short | Ladybug = 115 |
Used by: NPCID.LadyBug, NPCID.GoldLadyBug | |
const short | LostGirl = 42 |
Behavior: Only used for the Lost Girl, nymphs use Used by: NPCID.LostGirl | |
const short | LunaticCultist = 84 |
Used by: NPCID.CultistBoss, NPCID.CultistBossClone | |
const short | LunaticDevote = 83 |
Used by: NPCID.CultistTablet, NPCID.CultistDevote | |
const short | ManEater = 13 |
Used by: NPCID.ManEater, NPCID.Snatcher, NPCID.Clinger, NPCID.AngryTrapper, NPCID.FungiBulb, NPCID.GiantFungiBulb | |
const short | MartianProbe = 80 |
Used by: NPCID.MartianProbe | |
const short | MartianSaucer = 76 |
Used by: NPCID.MartianSaucerCore | |
const short | Mimic = 25 |
Used by: NPCID.Mimic, NPCID.PresentMimic, NPCID.IceMimic | |
const short | MoonLeachClot = 82 |
Used by: NPCID.MoonLordLeechBlob | |
const short | MoonLordCore = 77 |
Used by: NPCID.MoonLordCore | |
const short | MoonLordHand = 78 |
Used by: NPCID.MoonLordHand | |
const short | MoonLordHead = 79 |
Used by: NPCID.MoonLordHead | |
const short | Mothron = 88 |
Used by: NPCID.Mothron | |
const short | MothronEgg = 89 |
Used by: NPCID.MothronEgg | |
const short | MourningWood = 57 |
Behavior: Includes Everscream Used by: NPCID.MourningWood, NPCID.Everscream | |
const short | NebulaFloater = 97 |
Used by: NPCID.NebulaBrain | |
const short | Passive = 7 |
Behavior: Includes Town NPCs and some ambient creatures, only Town NPCs will have defense with this AI, due to type-based hardcode Used by: NPCID.Merchant, NPCID.Nurse, NPCID.ArmsDealer, NPCID.Dryad, NPCID.Guide, NPCID.OldMan, NPCID.Demolitionist, NPCID.Bunny, NPCID.Clothier, NPCID.GoblinTinkerer, NPCID.Wizard, NPCID.Mechanic, NPCID.SantaClaus, NPCID.Penguin, NPCID.PenguinBlack, NPCID.Truffle, NPCID.Steampunker, NPCID.DyeTrader, NPCID.PartyGirl, NPCID.Cyborg, NPCID.Painter, NPCID.WitchDoctor, NPCID.Pirate, NPCID.GoldfishWalker, NPCID.Squirrel, NPCID.Mouse, NPCID.BunnySlimed, NPCID.BunnyXmas, NPCID.Stylist, NPCID.Frog, NPCID.Duck, NPCID.DuckWhite, NPCID.ScorpionBlack, NPCID.Scorpion, NPCID.TravellingMerchant, NPCID.Angler, NPCID.TaxCollector, NPCID.GoldBunny, NPCID.GoldFrog, NPCID.GoldMouse, NPCID.SkeletonMerchant, NPCID.SquirrelRed, NPCID.SquirrelGold, NPCID.PartyBunny, NPCID.DD2Bartender, NPCID.Golfer, NPCID.GoldGoldfishWalker, NPCID.Seagull, NPCID.Grebe, NPCID.Rat, NPCID.ExplosiveBunny, NPCID.Turtle, NPCID.TurtleJungle, NPCID.SeaTurtle, NPCID.BestiaryGirl, NPCID.TownCat, NPCID.TownDog, NPCID.GemSquirrelAmethyst, NPCID.GemSquirrelTopaz, NPCID.GemSquirrelSapphire, NPCID.GemSquirrelEmerald, NPCID.GemSquirrelRuby, NPCID.GemSquirrelDiamond, NPCID.GemSquirrelAmber, NPCID.GemBunnyAmethyst, NPCID.GemBunnyTopaz, NPCID.GemBunnySapphire, NPCID.GemBunnyEmerald, NPCID.GemBunnyRuby, NPCID.GemBunnyDiamond, NPCID.GemBunnyAmber, NPCID.TownBunny, NPCID.Princess | |
const short | Piranha = 16 |
Used by: NPCID.Goldfish, NPCID.CorruptGoldfish, NPCID.Piranha, NPCID.Shark, NPCID.AnglerFish, NPCID.Arapaima, NPCID.BloodFeeder, NPCID.CrimsonGoldfish, NPCID.GoldGoldfish, NPCID.Pupfish, NPCID.Dolphin | |
const short | PiratesCurse = 122 |
Used by: NPCID.PirateGhost | |
const short | Plantera = 51 |
Used by: NPCID.Plantera | |
const short | PlanteraHook = 52 |
Used by: NPCID.PlanterasHook | |
const short | PlanteraTentacle = 53 |
Used by: NPCID.PlanterasTentacle | |
const short | PrimeCannon = 35 |
Used by: NPCID.PrimeCannon | |
const short | PrimeLaser = 36 |
Used by: NPCID.PrimeLaser | |
const short | PrimeSaw = 33 |
Used by: NPCID.PrimeSaw | |
const short | PrimeVice = 34 |
Used by: NPCID.PrimeVice | |
const short | Pumpking = 58 |
Used by: NPCID.Pumpking | |
const short | PumpkingScythe = 59 |
Used by: NPCID.PumpkingBlade | |
const short | QueenBee = 43 |
Used by: NPCID.QueenBee | |
const short | QueenSlime = 121 |
Used by: NPCID.QueenSlimeBoss | |
const short | Retinazer = 30 |
Used by: NPCID.Retinazer | |
const short | Rider = 75 |
Behavior: Includes Drakomire Rider, Dutchman Cannon, Martian Saucer,Martian Saucer Cannon, Martian Saucer Turret, and Scutlix Gunner Used by: NPCID.ScutlixRider, NPCID.MartianSaucer, NPCID.MartianSaucerTurret, NPCID.MartianSaucerCannon, NPCID.SolarDrakomireRider, NPCID.PirateShipCannon | |
const short | SandElemental = 102 |
Used by: NPCID.SandElemental | |
const short | SandShark = 103 |
Used by: NPCID.SandShark, NPCID.SandsharkCorrupt, NPCID.SandsharkCrimson, NPCID.SandsharkHallow | |
const short | SantaNK1 = 61 |
Used by: NPCID.SantaNK1 | |
const short | Seahorse = 118 |
Used by: NPCID.Seahorse, NPCID.GoldSeahorse | |
static readonly IdDictionary | Search = IdDictionary.Create<NPCAIStyleID, short>() |
const short | Sharkron = 71 |
Used by: NPCID.Sharkron, NPCID.Sharkron2 | |
const short | SkeletronHand = 12 |
Used by: NPCID.SkeletronHand | |
const short | SkeletronHead = 11 |
Used by: NPCID.SkeletronHead, NPCID.DungeonGuardian | |
const short | SkeletronPrimeHead = 32 |
Used by: NPCID.SkeletronPrime | |
const short | Slime = 1 |
Used by: NPCID.BigCrimslime, NPCID.LittleCrimslime, NPCID.JungleSlime, NPCID.YellowSlime, NPCID.RedSlime, NPCID.PurpleSlime, NPCID.BlackSlime, NPCID.BabySlime, NPCID.Pinky, NPCID.GreenSlime, NPCID.Slimer2, NPCID.Slimeling, NPCID.BlueSlime, NPCID.MotherSlime, NPCID.LavaSlime, NPCID.DungeonSlime, NPCID.CorruptSlime, NPCID.IlluminantSlime, NPCID.ToxicSludge, NPCID.IceSlime, NPCID.Crimslime, NPCID.SpikedIceSlime, NPCID.SpikedJungleSlime, NPCID.UmbrellaSlime, NPCID.RainbowSlime, NPCID.SlimeMasked, NPCID.HoppinJack, NPCID.SlimeRibbonWhite, NPCID.SlimeRibbonYellow, NPCID.SlimeRibbonGreen, NPCID.SlimeRibbonRed, NPCID.Grasshopper, NPCID.GoldGrasshopper, NPCID.SlimeSpiked, NPCID.SandSlime, NPCID.QueenSlimeMinionBlue, NPCID.QueenSlimeMinionPink, NPCID.GoldenSlime | |
const short | SmallStarCell = 95 |
Used by: NPCID.StardustCellSmall | |
const short | Snail = 67 |
Used by: NPCID.Snail, NPCID.GlowingSnail, NPCID.MagmaSnail | |
const short | Snowman = 38 |
Used by: NPCID.SnowmanGangsta, NPCID.MisterStabby, NPCID.SnowBalla | |
const short | SolarFragment = 99 |
Behavior: The fireball-like "projectiles" shot by the solar pillar Used by: NPCID.SolarGoop | |
const short | Spaazmatism = 31 |
Used by: NPCID.Spazmatism | |
const short | Spell = 9 |
Used by: NPCID.BurningSphere, NPCID.ChaosBall, NPCID.WaterSphere, NPCID.VileSpit, NPCID.SolarFlare, NPCID.ChaosBallTim, NPCID.VileSpitEaterOfWorlds | |
const short | Spider = 40 |
Behavior: Used for the wall climbing varieants of spiders, the ground variant is Used by: NPCID.WallCreeperWall, NPCID.JungleCreeperWall, NPCID.BlackRecluseWall, NPCID.BloodCrawlerWall, NPCID.DesertScorpionWall | |
const short | SpikeBall = 20 |
Behavior: For the spike balls in the dungoen, not the projectile Used by: NPCID.SpikeBall | |
const short | Spore = 50 |
Used by: NPCID.FungiSpore, NPCID.Spore | |
const short | StarCell = 85 |
Behavior: Includes Brain Sucklers and Deadly Spheres Used by: NPCID.StardustCellBig, NPCID.NebulaHeadcrab, NPCID.DeadlySphere | |
const short | TargetDummy = 92 |
Used by: NPCID.TargetDummy | |
const short | TeslaTurret = 73 |
Used by: NPCID.MartianTurret | |
const short | TheDestroyer = 37 |
Used by: NPCID.TheDestroyer, NPCID.TheDestroyerBody, NPCID.TheDestroyerTail | |
const short | TheHungry = 29 |
Used by: NPCID.TheHungry | |
const short | TrueEyeOfCthulhu = 81 |
Used by: NPCID.MoonLordFreeEye | |
const short | Unicorn = 26 |
Used by: NPCID.Unicorn, NPCID.Wolf, NPCID.HeadlessHorseman, NPCID.Hellhound, NPCID.StardustSpiderSmall, NPCID.NebulaBeast, NPCID.Tumbleweed | |
const short | Unknown1 = 104 |
Behavior: Instantly despawns Used by: NPCID.DD2AttackerTest | |
const short | Unused0 = 98 |
Behavior: Stays in place and shoots Used by: None | |
const short | Vulture = 17 |
Used by: NPCID.Vulture, NPCID.Raven | |
const short | WallOfFleshEye = 28 |
Used by: NPCID.WallofFleshEye | |
const short | WallOfFleshMouth = 27 |
Used by: NPCID.WallofFlesh | |
const short | WaterStrider = 116 |
Used by: NPCID.WaterStrider, NPCID.GoldWaterStrider | |
const short | Worm = 6 |
Used by: NPCID.DevourerHead, NPCID.DevourerBody, NPCID.DevourerTail, NPCID.GiantWormHead, NPCID.GiantWormBody, NPCID.GiantWormTail, NPCID.EaterofWorldsHead, NPCID.EaterofWorldsBody, NPCID.EaterofWorldsTail, NPCID.BoneSerpentHead, NPCID.BoneSerpentBody, NPCID.BoneSerpentTail, NPCID.WyvernHead, NPCID.WyvernLegs, NPCID.WyvernBody, NPCID.WyvernBody2, NPCID.WyvernBody3, NPCID.WyvernTail, NPCID.DiggerHead, NPCID.DiggerBody, NPCID.DiggerTail, NPCID.SeekerHead, NPCID.SeekerBody, NPCID.SeekerTail, NPCID.LeechHead, NPCID.LeechBody, NPCID.LeechTail, NPCID.TruffleWormDigger, NPCID.StardustWormHead, NPCID.SolarCrawltipedeHead, NPCID.SolarCrawltipedeBody, NPCID.SolarCrawltipedeTail, NPCID.CultistDragonHead, NPCID.CultistDragonBody1, NPCID.CultistDragonBody2, NPCID.CultistDragonBody3, NPCID.CultistDragonBody4, NPCID.CultistDragonTail, NPCID.DuneSplicerHead, NPCID.DuneSplicerBody, NPCID.DuneSplicerTail, NPCID.TombCrawlerHead, NPCID.TombCrawlerBody, NPCID.TombCrawlerTail, NPCID.BloodEelHead, NPCID.BloodEelBody, NPCID.BloodEelTail | |