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tModLoader v2022.09
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Static Public Attributes | |
static bool[] | CanDistortWater = Factory.CreateBoolSet(true, 7, 8, 152, 151, 150, 493, 494) |
static bool[] | CultistIsResistantTo = Factory.CreateBoolSet(207, 182, 338, 339, 340, 341, 266, 390, 391, 392, 307, 316, 190, 227, 255, 297, 317, 321, 356, 407, 376, 374, 379, 408, 389, 388, 405, 409, 535, 536, 484, 477, 16, 34, 79, 634, 635, 616, 189, 181, 566, 837, 659, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 856, 931, 248, 393, 394, 395, 378, 379, 664, 666, 668, 680, 625, 626, 627, 628, 613, 614, 309, 195, 433, 755, 864, 758, 759, 832, 833, 834, 835, 951, 644, 642, 946, 930, 937, 225, 285, 917, 700, 916, 640, 221, 606, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 617, 618, 619, 620, 963, 967) |
Indicates that the Lunatic Cultist takes 75% damage from this projectile. All projectiles in this set are homing projectiles, so this set can be seen as an indicator that this projectile homes in on the target. Use this set in ModNPC.ModifyHitByProjectile and adjust the damage parameter to implement a similar penalty for homing projectiles. | |
static bool[] | DismountsPlayersOnHit = Factory.CreateBoolSet(877, 878, 879) |
static bool[] | DontApplyParryDamageBuff = Factory.CreateBoolSet(false, 524, 321, 181, 566) |
static bool[] | DontAttachHideToAlpha = Factory.CreateBoolSet(598, 641, 617, 636, 579, 578, 625, 626, 627, 628, 759, 813, 525, 960, 971) |
static int[] | DrawScreenCheckFluff = Factory.CreateIntSet(480, 461, 1600, 632, 1600, 447, 1600, 455, 2400, 754, 1600, 872, 1600, 873, 1600, 871, 1600, 919, 2400, 923, 2400, 931, 960, 16, 960, 34, 960, 79, 960, 933, 480, 642, 2400) |
static float[] | ExtendedCanHitCheckRange = Factory.CreateFloatSet(0f, 833f, 48f, 834f, 48f, 835f, 48f) |
static GenSearch[] | ExtendedCanHitCheckSearch |
static SetFactory | Factory = new SetFactory(ProjectileLoader.ProjectileCount) |
static bool[] | FallingBlockDoesNotFallThroughPlatforms = Factory.CreateBoolSet(false, 71, 179, 40, 39, 17, 812, 411, 412, 413, 414, 31, 67, 56, 241, 42, 68, 65, 354) |
static ? bool[] | ForcePlateDetection |
static bool[] | ImmediatelyUpdatesNPCBuffFlags = Factory.CreateBoolSet(636) |
static bool[] | IsADD2Turret = Factory.CreateBoolSet(663, 665, 667, 677, 678, 679, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693) |
static bool[] | IsAGolfBall = Factory.CreateBoolSet(false, 721, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752) |
static bool[] | IsAMineThatDealsTripleDamageWhenStationary = Factory.CreateBoolSet(135, 138, 141, 144, 778, 782, 795, 798, 801, 786, 789, 792) |
static bool[] | IsAnNPCAttachedExplosive = Factory.CreateBoolSet(636) |
static bool[] | IsARocketThatDealsDoubleDamageToPrimaryEnemy = Factory.CreateBoolSet(134, 137, 140, 143, 776, 780, 793, 796, 799, 784, 787, 790, 246) |
static bool[] | IsAWhip = Factory.CreateBoolSet(false, 847, 841, 848, 849, 912, 913, 914, 915, 952) |
static bool[] | LightPet = Factory.CreateBoolSet(18, 500, 72, 87, 86, 211, 492, 650, 702, 891, 896, 895) |
static bool[] | MinionSacrificable = Factory.CreateBoolSet(191, 192, 193, 194, 266, 317, 373, 375, 387, 388, 390, 393, 407, 423, 533, 613, 755, 758, 759, 831, 970, 864, 946, 951, 963, 625, 626, 627, 628) |
static bool[] | MinionShot = Factory.CreateBoolSet(374, 376, 389, 195, 408, 433, 614, 818) |
static bool[] | MinionTargettingFeature = Factory.CreateBoolSet(191, 192, 193, 194, 266, 317, 373, 375, 387, 388, 390, 393, 407, 423, 533, 613, 625, 755, 758, 759, 831, 833, 834, 835, 864, 946, 951, 963, 970, 377, 308, 643, 641, 663, 665, 667, 677, 678, 679, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 966) |
static bool[] | NeedsUUID = Factory.CreateBoolSet(625, 626, 627, 628) |
static bool[] | NoLiquidDistortion = Factory.CreateBoolSet(511, 512, 513) |
static bool[] | NoMeleeSpeedVelocityScaling = Factory.CreateBoolSet(MonkStaffT2, MonkStaffT3, JoustingLance, ShadowJoustingLance, HallowJoustingLance) |
static bool[] | RocketsSkipDamageForPlayers = Factory.CreateBoolSet(338, 339, 340, 341, 803, 804, 862, 863, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 930) |
static bool[] | SentryShot = Factory.CreateBoolSet(680, 664, 666, 668, 694, 695, 696, 644, 642, 378, 379, 309, 967) |
static bool[] | StardustDragon = Factory.CreateBoolSet(625, 626, 627, 628) |
static bool[] | StormTiger = Factory.CreateBoolSet(833, 834, 835) |
static int[] | StormTigerIds |
static int[] | TrailCacheLength = Factory.CreateIntSet(10, 466, 20, 502, 25, 580, 20, 636, 20, 640, 20, 686, 20, 711, 20, 715, 20, 716, 20, 717, 20, 718, 20, 261, 20, 721, 20, 729, 20, 731, 20, 739, 20, 740, 20, 741, 20, 742, 20, 743, 20, 744, 20, 745, 20, 746, 20, 747, 20, 748, 20, 749, 20, 750, 20, 751, 20, 752, 20, 766, 60, 767, 60, 768, 60, 769, 60, 770, 60, 771, 80, 814, 40, 822, 80, 823, 80, 824, 60, 826, 60, 827, 65, 828, 60, 829, 60, 830, 80, 838, 80, 839, 60, 840, 60, 843, 60, 844, 65, 845, 80, 846, 80, 850, 80, 852, 60, 853, 60, 856, 2, 857, 2, 864, 60, 873, 60, 872, 120, 833, 20, 834, 20, 835, 20, 818, 20, 883, 41, 887, 51, 893, 71, 894, 10, 909, 10, 916, 20, 34, 30, 16, 30, 79, 60, 931, 20, 933, 60, 946, 20) |
The length of the the trail to store. Each projectile type defaults to 10. Use for drawing trails. Must be used with ProjectileID.Sets.TrailingMode to be used properly. | |
static int[] | TrailingMode = Factory.CreateIntSet(-1, 94, 0, 301, 0, 388, 0, 385, 0, 408, 0, 409, 0, 435, 0, 436, 0, 437, 0, 438, 0, 452, 0, 459, 0, 462, 0, 502, 0, 503, 0, 466, 1, 532, 0, 533, 0, 573, 0, 580, 1, 582, 0, 585, 0, 592, 0, 601, 0, 617, 0, 636, 0, 638, 0, 639, 0, 640, 0, 424, 0, 425, 0, 426, 0, 660, 0, 661, 0, 671, 2, 664, 0, 666, 0, 668, 0, 675, 0, 680, 2, 682, 0, 684, 0, 686, 2, 700, 0, 706, 0, 709, 0, 710, 2, 711, 2, 712, 0, 715, 2, 716, 2, 717, 2, 718, 2, 261, 0, 721, 0, 729, 2, 732, 0, 731, 0, 739, 0, 740, 0, 741, 0, 742, 0, 743, 0, 744, 0, 745, 0, 746, 0, 747, 0, 748, 0, 749, 0, 750, 0, 751, 0, 752, 0, 755, 2, 766, 2, 767, 2, 768, 2, 769, 2, 770, 2, 771, 2, 811, 2, 814, 2, 822, 2, 823, 2, 824, 2, 826, 2, 827, 2, 828, 2, 829, 2, 830, 2, 838, 2, 839, 2, 840, 2, 843, 2, 844, 2, 845, 2, 846, 2, 850, 2, 852, 2, 853, 2, 856, 0, 857, 0, 864, 2, 873, 2, 872, 2, 833, 2, 834, 2, 835, 2, 818, 2, 902, 0, 883, 0, 887, 0, 893, 0, 894, 0, 909, 0, 916, 2, 34, 3, 16, 3, 79, 3, 931, 2, 933, 4, 946, 2, 964, 0, 965, 0) |
Determines what data will be remembered for projectile trails. Each projectile type defaults to -1, meaning no information is saved. Use values of 0 or 2 most of the time. 0: only position data is remembered. 1: should not be used. 2: position, rotation, and spriteDirection data is remembered 3: same as 2, but attempts to smooth out old data by interpolating values 4: same as 2, but adjusts old data to follow the player owner. Must be used with ProjectileID.Sets.TrailCacheLength, Projectile.oldPos, Projectile.oldRot, Projectile.oldSpriteDirection to be used properly. Refer to ExampleBullet in ExampleMod for sample usage. | |
static bool[] | TurretFeature = Factory.CreateBoolSet() |
static ? bool[] | WindPhysicsImmunity |
static float[] | YoyosLifeTimeMultiplier = Factory.CreateFloatSet(-1f, 541f, 3f, 548f, 5f, 542f, 7f, 543f, 6f, 544f, 8f, 534f, 9f, 564f, 11f, 545f, 13f, 563f, 10f, 562f, 8f, 553f, 12f, 546f, 16f, 552f, 15f, 549f, 14f) |
static float[] | YoyosMaximumRange = Factory.CreateFloatSet(200f, 541f, 130f, 548f, 170f, 542f, 195f, 543f, 207f, 544f, 215f, 534f, 220f, 564f, 225f, 545f, 235f, 562f, 235f, 563f, 250f, 546f, 275f, 552f, 270f, 553f, 275f, 547f, 280f, 549f, 290f, 554f, 340f, 550f, 370f, 551f, 370f, 555f, 360f, 603f, 400f) |
static float[] | YoyosTopSpeed = Factory.CreateFloatSet(10f, 541f, 9f, 548f, 11f, 542f, 12.5f, 543f, 12f, 544f, 13f, 534f, 13f, 564f, 14f, 545f, 14f, 562f, 15f, 563f, 12f, 546f, 17f, 552f, 14f, 553f, 15f, 547f, 17f, 549f, 16f, 554f, 16f, 550f, 16f, 551f, 16f, 555f, 16.5f, 603f, 17.5f) |
static |
static |