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tModLoader v2022.09
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Inherits Terraria.ModLoader.Default.UnloadedTile.
Public Member Functions | |
override void | SetStaticDefaults () |
Allows you to modify the properties after initial loading has completed. More... | |
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override void | MouseOver (int i, int j) |
Allows you to make something happen when the mouse hovers over this tile. Useful for showing item icons or text on the mouse. More... | |
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void | AddMapEntry (Color color, LocalizedText name, Func< string, int, int, string > nameFunc) |
Adds an entry to the minimap for this tile with the given color, default display name, and display name function. The parameters for the function are the default display name, x-coordinate, and y-coordinate. This should be called in SetDefaults. | |
void | AddMapEntry (Color color, LocalizedText name=null) |
Adds an entry to the minimap for this tile with the given color and display name. This should be called in SetDefaults. | |
void | AddMapEntry (Color color, ModTranslation name) |
Adds an entry to the minimap for this tile with the given color and display name. This should be called in SetDefaults. | |
void | AddMapEntry (Color color, ModTranslation name, Func< string, int, int, string > nameFunc) |
Adds an entry to the minimap for this tile with the given color, default display name, and display name function. The parameters for the function are the default display name, x-coordinate, and y-coordinate. This should be called in SetDefaults. | |
void | AddToArray (ref int[] array) |
A convenient method for adding this tile's Type to the given array. This can be used with the arrays in TileID.Sets.RoomNeeds. | |
virtual void | AnimateIndividualTile (int type, int i, int j, ref int frameXOffset, ref int frameYOffset) |
Animates an individual tile. i and j are the coordinates of the Tile in question. frameXOffset and frameYOffset should be used to specify an offset from the tiles frameX and frameY. "frameYOffset = modTile.animationFrameHeight * Main.tileFrame[type];" will already be set before this hook is called, taking into account the TileID-wide animation set via AnimateTile. Use this hook for off-sync animations (lightning bug in a bottle), temporary animations (trap chests), or TileEntities to achieve unique animation behaviors without having to manually draw the tile via PreDraw. More... | |
virtual void | AnimateTile (ref int frame, ref int frameCounter) |
Allows you to animate your tile. Use frameCounter to keep track of how long the current frame has been active, and use frame to change the current frame. This is called once an update. Use AnimateIndividualTile to animate specific tile instances directly. More... | |
virtual bool | AutoSelect (int i, int j, Item item) |
Allows you to determine whether the given item can become selected when the cursor is hovering over this tile and the auto selection keybind is pressed. More... | |
virtual bool | CanKillTile (int i, int j, ref bool blockDamaged) |
Allows you to determine whether or not the tile at the given coordinates can be hit by anything. Returns true by default. blockDamaged currently has no use. More... | |
virtual void | ChangeWaterfallStyle (ref int style) |
Allows you to change the style of waterfall that passes through or over this type of tile. More... | |
virtual void | DrawEffects (int i, int j, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ref TileDrawInfo drawData) |
Allows you to make stuff happen whenever the tile at the given coordinates is drawn. For example, creating dust or changing the color the tile is drawn in. SpecialDraw will only be called if coordinates are added using Main.instance.TilesRenderer.AddSpecialLegacyPoint here. More... | |
virtual bool | Drop (int i, int j) |
Allows you to customize which items the tile at the given coordinates drops. Remember that the x, y (i, j) coordinates are in tile coordinates, you will need to multiply them by 16 if you want to drop an item using them. Return false to stop the game from dropping the tile's default item. Returns true by default. Please note that this hook currently only works for 1x1 tiles. More... | |
virtual void | DropCritterChance (int i, int j, ref int wormChance, ref int grassHopperChance, ref int jungleGrubChance) |
Allows you to modify the chance the tile at the given coordinates has of spawning a certain critter when the tile is killed. More... | |
virtual void | FloorVisuals (Player player) |
Allows you to make something happen when a player stands on this type of tile. For example, you can make the player slide as if on ice. More... | |
virtual float | GetTorchLuck (Player player) |
Only called for torches, when there is one nearby. Use this to contribute to vanilla torch luck calculations. Typical return values are 1f for a torch in its biome, 0.5f for a weak positive torch, -1f for a torch in an opposing biome, and -0.5f for a weak negative torch. More... | |
virtual bool | HasSmartInteract (int i, int j, SmartInteractScanSettings settings) |
Whether or not the smart interact function can select this tile. Useful for things like chests. Defaults to false. More... | |
virtual bool | HasWalkDust () |
Whether or not this tile creates dust when the player walks on it. Returns false by default. | |
virtual void | HitWire (int i, int j) |
Allows you to make something happen when a wire current passes through this tile. Both Wiring.SkipWire(int, int) and NetMessage.SendTileSquare(int, int, int, int, TileChangeType) are usually required in the logic used in this method to correctly work. Only called on the server and single player. All wiring happens on the world, not multiplayer clients. More... | |
virtual bool | IsLockedChest (int i, int j) |
Return true if this Tile corresponds to a chest that is locked. Prevents Quick Stacking items into the chest. More... | |
virtual bool | IsTileDangerous (int i, int j, Player player) |
Allows you to determine whether this tile glows red when the given player has the Dangersense buff. This is only called on the local client. More... | |
virtual bool | IsTileSpelunkable (int i, int j) |
Allows you to customize whether this tile can glow yellow while having the Spelunker buff, and is also detected by various pets. This is only called if Main.tileSpelunker[type] is false. More... | |
virtual void | KillMultiTile (int i, int j, int frameX, int frameY) |
This hook is called exactly once whenever a block encompassing multiple tiles is destroyed. You can use it to make your multi-tile block drop a single item, for example. More... | |
virtual void | KillTile (int i, int j, ref bool fail, ref bool effectOnly, ref bool noItem) |
Allows you to determine what happens when the tile at the given coordinates is killed or hit with a pickaxe. Fail determines whether the tile is mined, effectOnly makes it so that only dust is created, and noItem stops items from dropping. More... | |
virtual void | ModifySittingTargetInfo (int i, int j, ref TileRestingInfo info) |
Modify the parameters for the entity sitting on this furniture tile with its type registered to TileID.Sets.CanBeSatOnForPlayers. This is also called on NPCs sitting on this tile! To access the entity (player or NPC), use info.restingEntity. This gets called when calling PlayerSittingHelper.SitDown, when the town NPC decides to sit, and each tick while the player is sitting on a suitable furniture. i and j derived from "(entity.Bottom + new Vector2(0f, -2f)).ToTileCoordinates()" or from the tile coordinates the player clicked on. Formula: anchorTilePosition.ToWorldCoordinates(8f, 16f) + finalOffset + new Vector2(0, targetDirection * directionOffset). More... | |
virtual void | ModifySleepingTargetInfo (int i, int j, ref TileRestingInfo info) |
Modify the visual player offset when sleeping on this tile with its type registered to TileID.Sets.CanBeSleptIn. This gets called when calling PlayerSleepingHelper.SetIsSleepingAndAdjustPlayerRotation, and each tick while the player is resting in the bed, i and j derived from "(player.Bottom + new Vector2(0f, -2f)).ToTileCoordinates()" or from the tile coordinates the player clicked on. Formula: new Point(anchorTilePosition.X, anchorTilePosition.Y + 1).ToWorldCoordinates(8f, 16f) + finalOffset + new Vector2(0, targetDirection * directionOffset). More... | |
virtual void | ModifySmartInteractCoords (ref int width, ref int height, ref int frameWidth, ref int frameHeight, ref int extraY) |
Allows you to modify the smart interact parameters for the tile. Parameters already preset by deriving from TileObjectData defined for the tile. Example usage: Beds/Dressers which have separate interactions based on where to click. More... | |
virtual void | MouseOver (int i, int j) |
Allows you to make something happen when the mouse hovers over this tile. Useful for showing item icons or text on the mouse. More... | |
virtual void | MouseOverFar (int i, int j) |
Allows you to make something happen when the mouse hovers over this tile, even when the player is far away. Useful for showing what's written on signs, etc. More... | |
virtual void | NearbyEffects (int i, int j, bool closer) |
Allows you to make things happen when this tile is within a certain range of the player (around the same range water fountains and music boxes work). The closer parameter is whether or not the tile is within the range at which aesthetics like monoliths and music boxes and clocks work. It is false for campfires and heart lanterns. More... | |
virtual void | PostSetDefaults () |
Allows you to override some default properties of this tile, such as Main.tileNoSunLight and Main.tileObsidianKill. | |
virtual bool | RightClick (int i, int j) |
Allows you to make something happen when this tile is right-clicked by the player. Return true to indicate that a tile interaction has occurred, preventing other right click actions like minion targetting from happening. Returns false by default. More... | |
virtual void | SetDrawPositions (int i, int j, ref int width, ref int offsetY, ref int height, ref short tileFrameX, ref short tileFrameY) |
Allows you to customize the position in which this tile is drawn. Width refers to the width of one frame of the tile, offsetY refers to how many pixels below its actual position the tile should be drawn, height refers to the height of one frame of the tile. More... | |
virtual void | SetSpriteEffects (int i, int j, ref SpriteEffects spriteEffects) |
Allows you to determine whether or not the tile will draw itself flipped in the world. More... | |
sealed override void | SetupContent () |
If you make a new ModType, seal this override, and call SetStaticDefaults in it. More... | |
virtual bool | Slope (int i, int j) |
Allows you to control how hammers slope this tile. Return true to allow it to slope normally. Returns true by default. Called on the local Client and Single Player. More... | |
virtual void | SpecialDraw (int i, int j, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) |
Special Draw. Only called if coordinates are added using Main.instance.TilesRenderer.AddSpecialLegacyPoint during DrawEffects. Useful for drawing things that would otherwise be impossible to draw due to draw order, such as items in item frames. More... | |
virtual bool | TileFrame (int i, int j, ref bool resetFrame, ref bool noBreak) |
Called whenever this tile updates due to being placed or being next to a tile that is changed. Return false to stop the game from carrying out its default TileFrame operations. Returns true by default. More... | |
virtual bool | UnlockChest (int i, int j, ref short frameXAdjustment, ref int dustType, ref bool manual) |
Allows customization of how a chest unlock is accomplished. By default, frameXAdjustment will be -36, shifting the frameX over to the left by 1 chest style. If your chests are in a different order, adjust frameXAdjustment accordingly. This hook is called on the client, and if successful will be called on the server and other clients as the action is synced. Make sure that the logic is consistent and not dependent on local player data. More... | |
virtual void | WalkDust (ref int dustType, ref bool makeDust, ref Color color) |
Allows you to modify the dust created when the player walks on this tile. The makeDust parameter is whether or not to make dust; you can randomly set this to false to reduce the amount of dust produced. More... | |
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virtual bool | CanExplode (int i, int j) |
Whether or not the tile/wall at the given coordinates can be killed by an explosion (ie. bombs). Returns true by default; return false to stop an explosion from destroying it. More... | |
virtual bool | CanPlace (int i, int j) |
Allows you to stop this tile/wall from being placed at the given coordinates. Return false to stop the tile/wall from being placed. Returns true by default. More... | |
virtual bool | CreateDust (int i, int j, ref int type) |
Allows you to modify the default type of dust created when the tile/wall at the given coordinates is hit. Return false to stop the default dust (the type parameter) from being created. Returns true by default. More... | |
ModTranslation | CreateMapEntryName (string key=null) |
Creates a ModTranslation object that you can use in AddMapEntry. More... | |
virtual ushort | GetMapOption (int i, int j) |
Allows you to choose which minimap entry the tile/wall at the given coordinates will use. 0 is the first entry added by AddMapEntry, 1 is the second entry, etc. Returns 0 by default. More... | |
virtual bool | KillSound (int i, int j, bool fail) |
Allows you to customize which sound you want to play when the tile/wall at the given coordinates is hit. Return false to stop the game from playing its default sound for the tile/wall. Returns true by default. More... | |
virtual void | ModifyLight (int i, int j, ref float r, ref float g, ref float b) |
Allows you to determine how much light this tile/wall emits. If it is a tile, make sure you set Main.tileLighted[Type] to true in SetDefaults for this to work. If it is a wall, it can also let you light up the block in front of this wall. See Terraria.Graphics.Light.TileLightScanner.ApplyTileLight(Tile, int, int, ref Terraria.Utilities.FastRandom, ref Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3) for vanilla tile light values to use as a reference. More... | |
virtual void | NumDust (int i, int j, bool fail, ref int num) |
Allows you to change how many dust particles are created when the tile/wall at the given coordinates is hit. More... | |
virtual void | PlaceInWorld (int i, int j, Item item) |
Allows you to do something when this tile/wall is placed. Called on the local Client and Single Player. More... | |
virtual void | PostDraw (int i, int j, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) |
Allows you to draw things in front of the tile/wall at the given coordinates. This can also be used to do things such as creating dust. More... | |
virtual bool | PreDraw (int i, int j, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) |
Allows you to draw things behind the tile/wall at the given coordinates. Return false to stop the game from drawing the tile normally. Returns true by default. More... | |
virtual void | RandomUpdate (int i, int j) |
Called whenever the world randomly decides to update this tile/wall in a given tick. Useful for things such as growing or spreading. More... | |
override void | SetStaticDefaults () |
Allows you to modify the properties after initial loading has completed. This is where you would set the properties of this tile/wall. Many properties are stored as arrays throughout Terraria's code. For example:
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virtual TModType | Clone (TEntity newEntity) |
Create a copy of this instanced global. Called when an entity is cloned. More... | |
virtual bool | IsLoadingEnabled (Mod mod) |
Allows you to stop Mod.AddContent from actually adding this content. Useful for items that can be disabled by a config. More... | |
virtual void | Load () |
Allows you to perform one-time loading tasks. Beware that mod content has not finished loading here, things like ModContent lookup tables or ID Sets are not fully populated. More... | |
virtual TModType | NewInstance (TEntity entity) |
Create a new instance of this ModType for a specific entity More... | |
virtual void | SetStaticDefaults () |
Allows you to modify the properties after initial loading has completed. More... | |
virtual void | SetupContent () |
If you make a new ModType, seal this override, and call SetStaticDefaults in it. More... | |
virtual void | Unload () |
Allows you to safely unload things you added in Load. More... | |
virtual bool | IsLoadingEnabled (Mod mod) |
Whether or not this type should be loaded when it's told to. Returning false disables Mod.AddContent from actually loading this type. More... | |
abstract void | Load (Mod mod) |
Called when loading the type. More... | |
abstract void | Unload () |
Called during unloading when needed. More... | |
virtual TModType | Clone (TEntity newEntity) |
Create a copy of this instanced global. Called when an entity is cloned. More... | |
virtual bool | IsLoadingEnabled (Mod mod) |
Allows you to stop Mod.AddContent from actually adding this content. Useful for items that can be disabled by a config. More... | |
virtual void | Load () |
Allows you to perform one-time loading tasks. Beware that mod content has not finished loading here, things like ModContent lookup tables or ID Sets are not fully populated. More... | |
virtual TModType | NewInstance (TEntity entity) |
Create a new instance of this ModType for a specific entity More... | |
virtual void | SetStaticDefaults () |
Allows you to modify the properties after initial loading has completed. More... | |
virtual void | SetupContent () |
If you make a new ModType, seal this override, and call SetStaticDefaults in it. More... | |
virtual void | Unload () |
Allows you to safely unload things you added in Load. More... | |
Properties | |
override string | Texture [get] |
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int[] | AdjTiles = new int[0] [get, set] |
An array of the IDs of tiles that this tile can be considered as when looking for crafting stations. | |
int | AnimationFrameHeight [get, set] |
The height of a group of animation frames for this tile. Defaults to 0, which disables animations. | |
int | ChestDrop [get, set] |
The ID of the item that drops when this chest is destroyed. Defaults to 0. Honestly, this is only really used when the chest limit is reached on a server. | |
int | CloseDoorID = -1 [get, set] |
The ID of the tile that this door transforms into when it is closed. Defaults to -1, which means this tile isn't a door. | |
ModTranslation | ContainerName [get, set] |
The translations for the name that is displayed when this tile is opened as a chest or dresser. This won't be used if you don't add your tile to TileID.Sets.BasicChest or TileID.Sets.BasicDresser. | |
int | DresserDrop [get, set] |
The ID of the item that drops when this dresser is destroyed. Defaults to 0. Honestly, this is only really used when the chest limit is reached on a server. | |
virtual string | HighlightTexture [get] |
The highlight texture used when this tile is selected by smart interact. Defaults to adding "_Highlight" onto the main texture. | |
bool | IsDoor [get] |
float | MineResist = 1f [get, set] |
A multiplier describing how much this block resists harvesting. Higher values will make it take longer to harvest. Defaults to 1f. | |
int | MinPick [get, set] |
The minimum pickaxe power required for pickaxes to mine this block. Defaults to 0. | |
int | OpenDoorID = -1 [get, set] |
The ID of the tile that this door transforms into when it is opened. Defaults to -1, which means this tile isn't a door. | |
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int | DustType [get, set] |
The default type of dust made when this tile/wall is hit. Defaults to 0. | |
SoundStyle? | HitSound = SoundID.Dig [get, set] |
The default style of sound made when this tile/wall is hit. Defaults to SoundID.Dig, which is the sound used for tiles such as dirt and sand. | |
int | ItemDrop [get, set] |
The default type of item dropped when this tile/wall is killed. Defaults to 0, which means no item. | |
ushort | Type [get, set] |
The internal ID of this type of tile/wall. | |
ushort | VanillaFallbackOnModDeletion = 0 [get, set] |
The vanilla ID of what should replace the instance when a user unloads and subsequently deletes data from your mod in their save file. Defaults to 0. | |
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virtual string | Texture [get] |
The file name of this type's texture file in the mod loader's file space. | |
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virtual bool | CloneNewInstances [get] |
Whether to create new instances of this mod type via Clone(TEntity) or via the default constructor Defaults to false (default constructor). | |
TEntity | Entity [get, set] |
string | FullName [get] |
The internal name of this, including the mod it is from. More... | |
virtual bool | IsCloneable [get] |
Whether or not this type is cloneable. Cloning is supported if all reference typed fields in each sub-class which doesn't override Clone are marked with [CloneByReference] | |
Mod | Mod [get, set] |
The mod this belongs to. More... | |
virtual string | Name [get] |
The internal name of this. More... | |
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string | FullName [get] |
=> $"{Mod.Name}/{Name}" More... | |
Mod | Mod [get] |
The mod this belongs to. More... | |
string | Name [get] |
The internal name of this instance. More... | |
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virtual bool | CloneNewInstances [get] |
Whether to create new instances of this mod type via Clone(TEntity) or via the default constructor Defaults to false (default constructor). | |
TEntity | Entity [get, set] |
string | FullName [get] |
The internal name of this, including the mod it is from. More... | |
virtual bool | IsCloneable [get] |
Whether or not this type is cloneable. Cloning is supported if all reference typed fields in each sub-class which doesn't override Clone are marked with [CloneByReference] | |
Mod | Mod [get, set] |
The mod this belongs to. More... | |
virtual string | Name [get] |
The internal name of this. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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sealed override void | Register () |
If you make a new ModType, seal this override. More... | |
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abstract TEntity | CreateTemplateEntity () |
virtual void | InitTemplateInstance () |
Create dummy objects for instanced mod-types More... | |
override void | InitTemplateInstance () |
Create dummy objects for instanced mod-types More... | |
abstract void | Register () |
If you make a new ModType, seal this override. More... | |
virtual void | ValidateType () |
Check for the correct overrides of different hook methods and fields and properties More... | |
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abstract TEntity | CreateTemplateEntity () |
virtual void | InitTemplateInstance () |
Create dummy objects for instanced mod-types More... | |
override void | InitTemplateInstance () |
Create dummy objects for instanced mod-types | |
abstract void | Register () |
If you make a new ModType, seal this override. More... | |
virtual void | ValidateType () |
Check for the correct overrides of different hook methods and fields and properties More... | |
virtual |
Allows you to modify the properties after initial loading has completed.
Reimplemented from Terraria.ModLoader.ModType< TEntity, TModType >.