tModLoader v2025.01
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
GenVars Class Reference

Static Public Attributes

static int beachBordersWidth
static int beachSandDungeonExtraWidth
static int beachSandJungleExtraWidth
static int beachSandRandomCenter
static int beachSandRandomWidthRange
static WorldGenConfiguration configuration
static int copper
static int copperBar = 20
static ushort crackedType = 481
static bool crimsonLeft = true
static int[] DDoorPos = new int[500]
static int[] DDoorX = new int[500]
static int[] DDoorY = new int[500]
static int dEnteranceX
static int desertHiveHigh
static int desertHiveLeft
static int desertHiveLow
static int desertHiveRight
static int dMaxX
static int dMaxY
static int dMinX
static int dMinY
static int[] dRoomB = new int[maxDRooms]
static int[] dRoomL = new int[maxDRooms]
static int[] dRoomR = new int[maxDRooms]
static int[] dRoomSize = new int[maxDRooms]
static int[] dRoomT = new int[maxDRooms]
static bool[] dRoomTreasure = new bool[maxDRooms]
static int[] dRoomX = new int[maxDRooms]
static int[] dRoomY = new int[maxDRooms]
static bool dSurface
static bool dungeonLake
static int dungeonLocation
static int[] dungeonPlatformX = new int[500]
static int[] dungeonPlatformY = new int[500]
static int dungeonSide
static int dungeonX
static int dungeonY
static double dxStrength1
static double dxStrength2
static double dyStrength1
static double dyStrength2
static int evilBiomeAvoidanceMidFixer
static int evilBiomeBeachAvoidance
static int extraBastStatueCount
static int extraBastStatueCountMax
static int[] floatingIslandHouseX = new int[30]
static int[] floatingIslandHouseY = new int[30]
static int[] floatingIslandStyle = new int[30]
static bool generatedShadowKey
static int gold
static int goldBar = 19
static int hellChest
static int[] hellChestItem
static int iron
static int ironBar = 22
static int[] JChestX = new int[100]
static int[] JChestY = new int[100]
static ushort jungleHut
static int JungleItemCount
static int jungleMaxX
static int jungleMinX
static int jungleOriginX
static int JungleX
static int lakesBeachAvoidance
static int[] LakeX = new int[maxLakes]
static int lAltarX
static int lAltarY
static int[] larvaX = new int[100]
static int[] larvaY = new int[100]
static Vector2D lastDungeonHall = Vector2D.Zero
static int lavaLine
static int leftBeachEnd
static int logX
static int logY
static readonly int maxDRooms = 100
static readonly int maxLakes = 50
static readonly int maxMushroomBiomes = 50
static readonly int maxOasis = 20
static readonly int maxOceanCaveTreasure = 2
static readonly int maxOrePatch = 50
static readonly int maxTunnels = 50
static int[] mCaveX = new int[30]
static int[] mCaveY = new int[30]
static ushort mossTile = 179
static ushort mossWall = 54
static bool mudWall
static Point[] mushroomBiomesPosition = new Point[maxMushroomBiomes]
static int numDDoors
static int numDRooms
static int numDungeonPlatforms
static int numIslandHouses
static int numJChests
static int numLakes = 0
static int numLarva
static int numMCaves
static int numMushroomBiomes = 0
static int numOasis = 0
static int numOceanCaveTreasure = 0
static int numOrePatch
static int numPyr
static int numTunnels
static readonly int oasisHeight = 20
static Point[] oasisPosition = new Point[maxOasis]
static int[] oasisWidth = new int[maxOasis]
static Point[] oceanCaveTreasure = new Point[maxOceanCaveTreasure]
static int oceanWaterForcedJungleLength
static int oceanWaterStartRandomMax
static int oceanWaterStartRandomMin
static int[] orePatchX = new int[maxOrePatch]
static int[] PyrX
static int[] PyrY
static int rightBeachStart
static double rockLayer
static double rockLayerHigh
static double rockLayerLow
static int shellStartXLeft
static int shellStartXRight
static int shellStartYLeft
static int shellStartYRight
static Vector2D shimmerPosition
static int silver
static int silverBar = 21
static bool skipDesertTileCheck = false
static int skyIslandHouseCount
static bool[] skyLake = new bool[30]
static int skyLakes
static int smallHolesBeachAvoidance
static int snowBottom
static int[] snowMaxX
static int[] snowMinX
static int snowOriginLeft
static int snowOriginRight
static int snowTop
static Point16[] statueList
 Statue options for natural world generation placement. Each Point16 corresponds to a tile type and tile style pair.
static List< int > StatuesWithTraps
 Statues in this list will be generated with a connecting wire terminating in a pressure plate tile. The values in this list correspond to the indexes of the statue options within statueList. Make sure to also set ID.TileID.Sets.IsAMechanism for the tile type, otherwise the trap and wires will be removed during the "Remove Broken Traps" world generation step. More...
static StructureMap structures
static int surfaceCavesBeachAvoidance
static int surfaceCavesBeachAvoidance2
static int tBottom
static int tLeft
static int tRight
static int tRooms
static int tTop
static int[] tunnelX = new int[maxTunnels]
static Rectangle UndergroundDesertHiveLocation = Rectangle.Empty
static Rectangle UndergroundDesertLocation = Rectangle.Empty
static int waterLine
static double worldSurface
static double worldSurfaceHigh
static double worldSurfaceLow

Member Data Documentation

◆ StatuesWithTraps

List<int> GenVars.StatuesWithTraps
Initial value:
= new List<int>(new int[4] {

Statues in this list will be generated with a connecting wire terminating in a pressure plate tile. The values in this list correspond to the indexes of the statue options within statueList. Make sure to also set ID.TileID.Sets.IsAMechanism for the tile type, otherwise the trap and wires will be removed during the "Remove Broken Traps" world generation step.