tModLoader v2024.12
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
AchievementHelperID.Events Class Reference

Static Public Attributes

const int BloodMoonEnd = 5
const int BloodMoonStart = 4
const int DayStart = 1
const int DefeatedMechaMayhem = 21
const int DefeatedOldOnesArmyDifficulty3 = 23
const int DroneDiedInSpace = 28
const int EclipseEnd = 3
const int EclipseStart = 2
const int FrostMoonWave15 = 14
const int HousedAllNPCs = 17
const int HousedAllTownSlimes = 26
const int InvasionDefeatedGoblins = 10
const int InvasionDefeatedMartians = 13
const int InvasionDefeatedPirates = 11
const int InvasionDefeatedSnowman = 12
const int NightStart = 0
const int NPCMovedIn = 8
const int PumpkinMoonWave15 = 15
const int SmashDemonAltar = 6
const int SmashShadowOrb = 7
const int StartHardmode = 9
const int SurvivedSlimeRain = 16
const int TempleRaider = 22
const int ThrowAParty = 25
const int TransmuteItem = 27
const int TruffleMovedIn = 18
const int TurnGnomeToStatue = 24
const int UnlockedBiomeChest = 20
const int UnlockedGoldenChest = 19