tModLoader v2025.01
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
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SceneMetrics Class Reference

Public Member Functions

int GetLiquidCount (short liquidType)
int GetTileCount (ushort tileId)
void Reset ()
void ScanAndExportToMain (SceneMetricsScanSettings settings)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool IsValidForOreFinder (Tile t)

Public Attributes

int bestOre
bool CanPlayCreditsRoll
bool hasBanner
 Indicates that the player is in range of a buff providing Banner tile and should receive the BuffID.MonsterBanner buff. Set to true in conjunction with NPCBannerBuff.
bool[] NPCBannerBuff = new bool[290]
 Indexed by BannerIDs, indicates which enemies are currently subject to the banner damage bonus. Set to true in conjunction with NPCBannerBuff.

Static Public Attributes

static int CorruptionTileMax = 1000
static int CorruptionTileThreshold = 300
static int CrimsonTileMax = 1000
static int CrimsonTileThreshold = 300
static int DesertTileThreshold = 1500
static int GraveyardTileMax = 36
static int GraveyardTileMin = 16
static int GraveyardTileThreshold = 28
static int HallowTileMax = 600
static int HallowTileThreshold = 125
static int JungleTileMax = 700
static int JungleTileThreshold = 140
static int MeteorTileThreshold = 75
static int MushroomTileMax = 160
static int MushroomTileThreshold = 100
static int ShimmerTileThreshold = 300
static int SnowTileMax = 6000
static int SnowTileThreshold = 1500


int ActiveFountainColor [get, set]
int ActiveMonolithType [get, set]
int ActiveMusicBox [get, set]
bool BloodMoonMonolith [get, set]
int BloodTileCount [get, set]
Point? ClosestOrePosition [get, set]
int DungeonTileCount [get, set]
bool EchoMonolith [get, set]
bool EnoughTilesForCorruption [get]
bool EnoughTilesForCrimson [get]
bool EnoughTilesForDesert [get]
bool EnoughTilesForGlowingMushroom [get]
bool EnoughTilesForGraveyard [get]
bool EnoughTilesForHallow [get]
bool EnoughTilesForJungle [get]
bool EnoughTilesForMeteor [get]
bool EnoughTilesForShimmer [get]
bool EnoughTilesForSnow [get]
int EvilTileCount [get, set]
int GraveyardTileCount [get, set]
bool HasCampfire [get, set]
bool HasCatBast [get, set]
bool HasClock [get, set]
bool HasGardenGnome [get, set]
bool HasHeartLantern [get, set]
bool HasStarInBottle [get, set]
bool HasSunflower [get, set]
int HolyTileCount [get, set]
int HoneyBlockCount [get, set]
int JungleTileCount [get, set]
int MeteorTileCount [get, set]
bool MoonLordMonolith [get, set]
int MushroomTileCount [get, set]
int PartyMonolithCount [get, set]
int PeaceCandleCount [get, set]
int SandTileCount [get, set]
int ShadowCandleCount [get, set]
int ShimmerMonolithState [get, set]
int ShimmerTileCount [get, set]
int SnowTileCount [get, set]
int WaterCandleCount [get, set]