tModLoader v2025.01
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SoundID Class Reference


struct  SoundStyleDefaults

Static Public Member Functions

static void FillAccessMap ()

Static Public Attributes

static readonly LegacySoundStyle AbigailAttack = CreateTrackable("abigail_attack").WithVolume(0.35f)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle AbigailCry = CreateTrackable("abigail_cry", 3).WithVolume(0.4f)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle AbigailSummon = CreateTrackable("abigail_summon")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle AbigailUpgrade = CreateTrackable("abigail_upgrade", 3).WithVolume(0.5f)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle AchievementComplete = CreateTrackable("achievement_complete")
static readonly SoundStyle Bird = new($"{Prefix}Zombie_", 14, 5, SoundType.Ambient) { Volume = 0.15f, PitchRange = (-0.7f, 0.26f), SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly LegacySoundStyle BlizzardInsideBuildingLoop = CreateTrackable("blizzard_inside_building_loop", SoundType.Ambient)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle BlizzardStrongLoop = CreateTrackable("blizzard_strong_loop", SoundType.Ambient).WithVolume(0.5f)
static readonly SoundStyle BloodZombie = new($"{Prefix}Zombie_", 21, 3) { Volume = 0.4f }
static readonly SoundStyle Camera = new($"{Prefix}Camera")
static readonly SoundStyle Chat = new($"{Prefix}Chat")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle ChesterClose = CreateTrackable("chester_close", 2)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle ChesterOpen = CreateTrackable("chester_open", 2)
static readonly SoundStyle Clown = new($"{Prefix}Zombie_", 121, 3) { Volume = 0.45f, PitchVariance = 0.15f, SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle Cockatiel = new($"{Prefix}Zombie_", 118, 3) { Volume = 0.3f, PitchVariance = 0.05f }
static readonly SoundStyle CoinPickup = new($"{Prefix}Coin_", 0, 5) { PitchVariance = 0.16f }
static readonly SoundStyle Coins = new($"{Prefix}Coins")
static readonly SoundStyle Critter = new($"{Prefix}Zombie_15", SoundType.Ambient) { Volume = 0.2f, PitchRange = (-0.1f, 0.3f), SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_BallistaTowerShot = CreateTrackable("dd2_ballista_tower_shot", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_BetsyDeath = CreateTrackable("dd2_betsy_death", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_BetsyFireballImpact = CreateTrackable("dd2_betsy_fireball_impact", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_BetsyFireballShot = CreateTrackable("dd2_betsy_fireball_shot", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_BetsyFlameBreath = CreateTrackable("dd2_betsy_flame_breath")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_BetsyFlyingCircleAttack = CreateTrackable("dd2_betsy_flying_circle_attack")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_BetsyHurt = CreateTrackable("dd2_betsy_hurt", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_BetsyScream = CreateTrackable("dd2_betsy_scream")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_BetsySummon = CreateTrackable("dd2_betsy_summon", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_BetsysWrathImpact = DD2_BetsyFireballImpact.WithVolume(0.4f)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_BetsysWrathShot = DD2_BetsyFireballShot.WithVolume(0.4f)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_BetsyWindAttack = CreateTrackable("dd2_betsy_wind_attack", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_BookStaffCast = CreateTrackable("dd2_book_staff_cast", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_BookStaffTwisterLoop = CreateTrackable("dd2_book_staff_twister_loop")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_CrystalCartImpact = CreateTrackable("dd2_crystal_cart_impact", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_DarkMageAttack = CreateTrackable("dd2_dark_mage_attack", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_DarkMageCastHeal = CreateTrackable("dd2_dark_mage_cast_heal", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_DarkMageDeath = CreateTrackable("dd2_dark_mage_death", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_DarkMageHealImpact = CreateTrackable("dd2_dark_mage_heal_impact", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_DarkMageHurt = CreateTrackable("dd2_dark_mage_hurt", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_DarkMageSummonSkeleton = CreateTrackable("dd2_dark_mage_summon_skeleton", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_DefeatScene = CreateTrackable("dd2_defeat_scene")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_DefenseTowerSpawn = CreateTrackable("dd2_defense_tower_spawn")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_DrakinBreathIn = CreateTrackable("dd2_drakin_breath_in", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_DrakinDeath = CreateTrackable("dd2_drakin_death", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_DrakinHurt = CreateTrackable("dd2_drakin_hurt", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_DrakinShot = CreateTrackable("dd2_drakin_shot", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_EtherianPortalDryadTouch = CreateTrackable("dd2_etherian_portal_dryad_touch")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_EtherianPortalIdleLoop = CreateTrackable("dd2_etherian_portal_idle_loop")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_EtherianPortalOpen = CreateTrackable("dd2_etherian_portal_open")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_EtherianPortalSpawnEnemy = CreateTrackable("dd2_etherian_portal_spawn_enemy", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_ExplosiveTrapExplode = CreateTrackable("dd2_explosive_trap_explode", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_FlameburstTowerShot = CreateTrackable("dd2_flameburst_tower_shot", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_GhastlyGlaiveImpactGhost = CreateTrackable("dd2_ghastly_glaive_impact_ghost", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_GhastlyGlaivePierce = CreateTrackable("dd2_ghastly_glaive_pierce", 3)
static readonly SoundStyle DD2_GoblinBomb = new SoundStyle($"{Prefix}NPC_Killed_14") { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_GoblinBomberDeath = CreateTrackable("dd2_goblin_bomber_death", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_GoblinBomberHurt = CreateTrackable("dd2_goblin_bomber_hurt", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_GoblinBomberScream = CreateTrackable("dd2_goblin_bomber_scream", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_GoblinBomberThrow = CreateTrackable("dd2_goblin_bomber_throw", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_GoblinDeath = CreateTrackable("dd2_goblin_death", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_GoblinHurt = CreateTrackable("dd2_goblin_hurt", 6)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_GoblinScream = CreateTrackable("dd2_goblin_scream", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_JavelinThrowersAttack = CreateTrackable("dd2_javelin_throwers_attack", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_JavelinThrowersDeath = CreateTrackable("dd2_javelin_throwers_death", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_JavelinThrowersHurt = CreateTrackable("dd2_javelin_throwers_hurt", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_JavelinThrowersTaunt = CreateTrackable("dd2_javelin_throwers_taunt", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_KoboldDeath = CreateTrackable("dd2_kobold_death", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_KoboldExplosion = CreateTrackable("dd2_kobold_explosion", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_KoboldFlyerChargeScream = CreateTrackable("dd2_kobold_flyer_charge_scream", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_KoboldFlyerDeath = CreateTrackable("dd2_kobold_flyer_death", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_KoboldFlyerHurt = CreateTrackable("dd2_kobold_flyer_hurt", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_KoboldHurt = CreateTrackable("dd2_kobold_hurt", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_KoboldIgnite = CreateTrackable("dd2_kobold_ignite")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_KoboldIgniteLoop = CreateTrackable("dd2_kobold_ignite_loop")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_KoboldScreamChargeLoop = CreateTrackable("dd2_kobold_scream_charge_loop")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_LightningAuraZap = CreateTrackable("dd2_lightning_aura_zap", 4)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_LightningBugDeath = CreateTrackable("dd2_lightning_bug_death", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_LightningBugHurt = CreateTrackable("dd2_lightning_bug_hurt", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_LightningBugZap = CreateTrackable("dd2_lightning_bug_zap", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_MonkStaffGroundImpact = CreateTrackable("dd2_monk_staff_ground_impact", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_MonkStaffGroundMiss = CreateTrackable("dd2_monk_staff_ground_miss", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_MonkStaffSwing = CreateTrackable("dd2_monk_staff_swing", 4)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_OgreAttack = CreateTrackable("dd2_ogre_attack", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_OgreDeath = CreateTrackable("dd2_ogre_death", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_OgreGroundPound = CreateTrackable("dd2_ogre_ground_pound")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_OgreHurt = CreateTrackable("dd2_ogre_hurt", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_OgreRoar = CreateTrackable("dd2_ogre_roar", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_OgreSpit = CreateTrackable("dd2_ogre_spit")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_PhantomPhoenixShot = CreateTrackable("dd2_phantom_phoenix_shot", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_SkeletonDeath = CreateTrackable("dd2_skeleton_death", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_SkeletonHurt = CreateTrackable("dd2_skeleton_hurt", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_SkeletonSummoned = CreateTrackable("dd2_skeleton_summoned")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_SkyDragonsFuryCircle = CreateTrackable("dd2_sky_dragons_fury_circle", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_SkyDragonsFuryShot = CreateTrackable("dd2_sky_dragons_fury_shot", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_SkyDragonsFurySwing = CreateTrackable("dd2_sky_dragons_fury_swing", 4)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_SonicBoomBladeSlash = CreateTrackable("dd2_sonic_boom_blade_slash", 3, ItemDefaults).WithVolume(0.5f)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_WinScene = CreateTrackable("dd2_win_scene")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_WitherBeastAuraPulse = CreateTrackable("dd2_wither_beast_aura_pulse", 2)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_WitherBeastCrystalImpact = CreateTrackable("dd2_wither_beast_crystal_impact", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_WitherBeastDeath = CreateTrackable("dd2_wither_beast_death", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_WitherBeastHurt = CreateTrackable("dd2_wither_beast_hurt", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_WyvernDeath = CreateTrackable("dd2_wyvern_death", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_WyvernDiveDown = CreateTrackable("dd2_wyvern_dive_down", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_WyvernHurt = CreateTrackable("dd2_wyvern_hurt", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DD2_WyvernScream = CreateTrackable("dd2_wyvern_scream", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DeerclopsDeath = CreateTrackable("deerclops_death")
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DeerclopsHit = CreateTrackable("deerclops_hit", 3).WithVolume(0.3f)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DeerclopsIceAttack = CreateTrackable("deerclops_ice_attack", 3).WithVolume(0.1f)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DeerclopsRubbleAttack = CreateTrackable("deerclops_rubble_attack").WithVolume(0.5f)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DeerclopsScream = CreateTrackable("deerclops_scream", 3)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DeerclopsStep = CreateTrackable("deerclops_step").WithVolume(0.2f)
static readonly SoundStyle Dig = new($"{Prefix}Dig_", 0, 3) { PitchVariance = 0.2f }
static readonly SoundStyle Dolphin = new($"{Prefix}Zombie_109") { Volume = 0.3f, PitchVariance = 0.2f, SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle DoorClosed = new($"{Prefix}Door_Closed") { PitchVariance = 0.4f }
static readonly SoundStyle DoorOpen = new($"{Prefix}Door_Opened") { PitchVariance = 0.4f }
static readonly SoundStyle DoubleJump = new($"{Prefix}Double_Jump") { PitchVariance = 0.2f }
static readonly SoundStyle Drip = new($"{Prefix}Drip_", 0, 3, SoundType.Ambient) { Volume = 0.5f, PitchVariance = 0.6f }
static readonly SoundStyle Drown = new($"{Prefix}Drown")
static readonly SoundStyle DrumClosedHiHat = new($"{Prefix}Item_143") { Volume = 0.7f, Identifier = "Terraria/Drums" }
static readonly SoundStyle DrumCymbal1 = new($"{Prefix}Item_144") { Volume = 0.7f, Identifier = "Terraria/Drums" }
static readonly SoundStyle DrumCymbal2 = new($"{Prefix}Item_145") { Volume = 0.7f, Identifier = "Terraria/Drums" }
static readonly SoundStyle DrumFloorTom = new($"{Prefix}Item_148") { Volume = 0.7f, Identifier = "Terraria/Drums" }
static readonly SoundStyle DrumHiHat = new($"{Prefix}Item_139") { Volume = 0.7f, Identifier = "Terraria/Drums" }
static readonly SoundStyle DrumKick = new($"{Prefix}Item_146") { Volume = 0.7f, Identifier = "Terraria/Drums" }
static readonly SoundStyle DrumTamaSnare = new($"{Prefix}Item_147") { Volume = 0.7f, Identifier = "Terraria/Drums" }
static readonly SoundStyle DrumTomHigh = new($"{Prefix}Item_140") { Volume = 0.7f, Identifier = "Terraria/Drums" }
static readonly SoundStyle DrumTomLow = new($"{Prefix}Item_141") { Volume = 0.7f, Identifier = "Terraria/Drums" }
static readonly SoundStyle DrumTomMid = new($"{Prefix}Item_142") { Volume = 0.7f, Identifier = "Terraria/Drums" }
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DSTFemaleHurt = CreateTrackable("dst_female_hit", 3).WithVolume(0.1f)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle DSTMaleHurt = CreateTrackable("dst_male_hit", 3).WithVolume(0.1f)
static readonly SoundStyle Duck
static readonly SoundStyle FemaleHit = new($"{Prefix}Female_Hit_", 0, 3)
static readonly SoundStyle ForceRoar = new($"{Prefix}Roar_0") { Identifier = "Terraria/Roar" }
static readonly SoundStyle ForceRoarPitched = new($"{Prefix}Roar_0") { Pitch = 0.6f, Identifier = "Terraria/Roar" }
static readonly SoundStyle Frog = new($"{Prefix}Zombie_13", SoundType.Ambient) { Volume = 0.35f, PitchRange = (-0.4f, 0.2f) }
static readonly LegacySoundStyle GlommerBounce = CreateTrackable("glommer_bounce", 2).WithVolume(0.5f)
static readonly SoundStyle Grab = new($"{Prefix}Grab") { PitchVariance = 0.2f }
static readonly SoundStyle Grass = new($"{Prefix}Grass") { PitchVariance = 0.6f }
static readonly SoundStyle GuitarAm = new($"{Prefix}Item_138") { Volume = 0.45f, Identifier = "Terraria/Guitar" }
static readonly SoundStyle GuitarBm = new($"{Prefix}Item_137") { Volume = 0.45f, Identifier = "Terraria/Guitar" }
static readonly SoundStyle GuitarC = new($"{Prefix}Item_133") { Volume = 0.45f, Identifier = "Terraria/Guitar" }
static readonly SoundStyle GuitarD = new($"{Prefix}Item_134") { Volume = 0.45f, Identifier = "Terraria/Guitar" }
static readonly SoundStyle GuitarEm = new($"{Prefix}Item_135") { Volume = 0.45f, Identifier = "Terraria/Guitar" }
static readonly SoundStyle GuitarG = new($"{Prefix}Item_136") { Volume = 0.45f, Identifier = "Terraria/Guitar" }
static Dictionary< string, ushort > IndexByName = null
static readonly SoundStyle Item = new($"{Prefix}Item_")
static readonly SoundStyle Item1 = ItemSound(stackalloc int[] { 1, 18, 19 })
static readonly SoundStyle Item10 = ItemSound(10)
static readonly SoundStyle Item100 = ItemSound(100)
static readonly SoundStyle Item101 = ItemSound(101)
static readonly SoundStyle Item102 = ItemSound(102)
static readonly SoundStyle Item103 = ItemSound(103)
static readonly SoundStyle Item104 = ItemSound(104)
static readonly SoundStyle Item105 = ItemSound(105)
static readonly SoundStyle Item106 = ItemSound(106)
static readonly SoundStyle Item107 = ItemSound(107)
static readonly SoundStyle Item108 = ItemSound(108)
static readonly SoundStyle Item109 = ItemSound(109)
static readonly SoundStyle Item11 = ItemSound(11)
static readonly SoundStyle Item110 = ItemSound(110)
static readonly SoundStyle Item111 = ItemSound(111)
static readonly SoundStyle Item112 = ItemSound(112)
static readonly SoundStyle Item113 = ItemSound(113)
static readonly SoundStyle Item114 = ItemSound(114)
static readonly SoundStyle Item115 = ItemSound(115)
static readonly SoundStyle Item116 = ItemSound(116) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Item117 = ItemSound(117)
static readonly SoundStyle Item118 = ItemSound(118)
static readonly SoundStyle Item119 = ItemSound(119)
static readonly SoundStyle Item12 = ItemSound(12)
static readonly SoundStyle Item120 = ItemSound(120)
static readonly SoundStyle Item121 = ItemSound(121)
static readonly SoundStyle Item122 = ItemSound(122)
static readonly SoundStyle Item123 = ItemSound(123) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Item124 = ItemSound(124) with { Volume = 0.65f }
static readonly SoundStyle Item125 = ItemSound(125) with { Volume = 0.65f }
static readonly SoundStyle Item126 = ItemSound(126)
static readonly SoundStyle Item127 = ItemSound(127)
static readonly SoundStyle Item128 = ItemSound(128)
static readonly SoundStyle Item129 = ItemSound(129) with { Volume = 0.6f }
static readonly SoundStyle Item13 = ItemSound(13)
static readonly SoundStyle Item130 = ItemSound(130)
static readonly SoundStyle Item131 = ItemSound(131)
static readonly SoundStyle Item132 = ItemSound(132) with { PitchVariance = 0.04f }
static readonly SoundStyle Item133 = ItemSound(133)
static readonly SoundStyle Item134 = ItemSound(134)
static readonly SoundStyle Item135 = ItemSound(135)
static readonly SoundStyle Item136 = ItemSound(136)
static readonly SoundStyle Item137 = ItemSound(137)
static readonly SoundStyle Item138 = ItemSound(138)
static readonly SoundStyle Item139 = ItemSound(139)
static readonly SoundStyle Item14 = ItemSound(14)
static readonly SoundStyle Item140 = ItemSound(140)
static readonly SoundStyle Item141 = ItemSound(141)
static readonly SoundStyle Item142 = ItemSound(142)
static readonly SoundStyle Item143 = ItemSound(143)
static readonly SoundStyle Item144 = ItemSound(144)
static readonly SoundStyle Item145 = ItemSound(145)
static readonly SoundStyle Item146 = ItemSound(146)
static readonly SoundStyle Item147 = ItemSound(147)
static readonly SoundStyle Item148 = ItemSound(148)
static readonly SoundStyle Item149 = ItemSound(149)
static readonly SoundStyle Item15 = ItemSound(15)
static readonly SoundStyle Item150 = ItemSound(150)
static readonly SoundStyle Item151 = ItemSound(151)
static readonly SoundStyle Item152 = ItemSound(152)
static readonly SoundStyle Item153 = ItemSound(153) with { PitchVariance = 0.3f }
static readonly SoundStyle Item154 = ItemSound(154)
static readonly SoundStyle Item155 = ItemSound(155)
static readonly SoundStyle Item156 = ItemSound(156) with { Volume = 0.6f, PitchVariance = 0.2f }
static readonly SoundStyle Item157 = ItemSound(157) with { Volume = 0.7f }
static readonly SoundStyle Item158 = ItemSound(158) with { Volume = 0.8f }
static readonly SoundStyle Item159 = ItemSound(159) with { Volume = 0.75f, SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew, }
static readonly SoundStyle Item16 = ItemSound(16)
static readonly SoundStyle Item160 = ItemSound(160)
static readonly SoundStyle Item161 = ItemSound(161)
static readonly SoundStyle Item162 = ItemSound(162)
static readonly SoundStyle Item163 = ItemSound(163)
static readonly SoundStyle Item164 = ItemSound(164)
static readonly SoundStyle Item165 = ItemSound(165)
static readonly SoundStyle Item166 = ItemSound(166)
static readonly SoundStyle Item167 = ItemSound(167)
static readonly SoundStyle Item168 = ItemSound(168)
static readonly SoundStyle Item169 = ItemSound(169) with { Pitch = -0.8f }
static readonly SoundStyle Item17 = ItemSound(17)
static readonly SoundStyle Item170 = ItemSound(170)
static readonly SoundStyle Item171 = ItemSound(171)
static readonly SoundStyle Item172 = ItemSound(172)
static readonly SoundStyle Item173 = ItemSound(173)
static readonly SoundStyle Item174 = ItemSound(174)
static readonly SoundStyle Item175 = ItemSound(175)
static readonly SoundStyle Item176 = ItemSound(176)
static readonly SoundStyle Item177 = ItemSound(177)
static readonly SoundStyle Item178 = ItemSound(178)
static readonly SoundStyle Item18 = ItemSound(18)
static readonly SoundStyle Item19 = ItemSound(19)
static readonly SoundStyle Item2 = ItemSound(2)
static readonly SoundStyle Item20 = ItemSound(20)
static readonly SoundStyle Item21 = ItemSound(21)
static readonly SoundStyle Item22 = ItemSound(22)
static readonly SoundStyle Item23 = ItemSound(23)
static readonly SoundStyle Item24 = ItemSound(24)
static readonly SoundStyle Item25 = ItemSound(25)
static readonly SoundStyle Item26 = ItemSound(26) with { Volume = 0.75f, PitchVariance = 0f, UsesMusicPitch = true }
static readonly SoundStyle Item27 = ItemSound(27)
static readonly SoundStyle Item28 = ItemSound(28)
static readonly SoundStyle Item29 = ItemSound(29)
static readonly SoundStyle Item3 = ItemSound(3)
static readonly SoundStyle Item30 = ItemSound(30)
static readonly SoundStyle Item31 = ItemSound(31)
static readonly SoundStyle Item32 = ItemSound(32)
static readonly SoundStyle Item33 = ItemSound(33)
static readonly SoundStyle Item34 = ItemSound(34)
static readonly SoundStyle Item35 = ItemSound(35) with { Volume = 0.75f, PitchVariance = 0f, UsesMusicPitch = true }
static readonly SoundStyle Item36 = ItemSound(36)
static readonly SoundStyle Item37 = ItemSound(37) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Item38 = ItemSound(38)
static readonly SoundStyle Item39 = ItemSound(39)
static readonly SoundStyle Item4 = ItemSound(4)
static readonly SoundStyle Item40 = ItemSound(40)
static readonly SoundStyle Item41 = ItemSound(41)
static readonly SoundStyle Item42 = ItemSound(42)
static readonly SoundStyle Item43 = ItemSound(43)
static readonly SoundStyle Item44 = ItemSound(44)
static readonly SoundStyle Item45 = ItemSound(45)
static readonly SoundStyle Item46 = ItemSound(46)
static readonly SoundStyle Item47 = ItemSound(47) with { Volume = 0.75f, PitchVariance = 0f, UsesMusicPitch = true }
static readonly SoundStyle Item48 = ItemSound(48)
static readonly SoundStyle Item49 = ItemSound(49)
static readonly SoundStyle Item5 = ItemSound(5)
static readonly SoundStyle Item50 = ItemSound(50)
static readonly SoundStyle Item51 = ItemSound(51)
static readonly SoundStyle Item52 = ItemSound(52) with { Volume = 0.35f }
static readonly SoundStyle Item53 = ItemSound(53) with { Volume = 0.75f, PitchRange = (-0.4f, -0.2f), SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle Item54 = ItemSound(54)
static readonly SoundStyle Item55 = ItemSound(55) with { Volume = 0.75f * 0.75f, PitchRange = (-0.4f, -0.2f), SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle Item56 = ItemSound(56)
static readonly SoundStyle Item57 = ItemSound(57)
static readonly SoundStyle Item58 = ItemSound(58)
static readonly SoundStyle Item59 = ItemSound(59)
static readonly SoundStyle Item6 = ItemSound(6)
static readonly SoundStyle Item60 = ItemSound(60)
static readonly SoundStyle Item61 = ItemSound(61)
static readonly SoundStyle Item62 = ItemSound(62)
static readonly SoundStyle Item63 = ItemSound(63)
static readonly SoundStyle Item64 = ItemSound(64)
static readonly SoundStyle Item65 = ItemSound(65)
static readonly SoundStyle Item66 = ItemSound(66)
static readonly SoundStyle Item67 = ItemSound(67)
static readonly SoundStyle Item68 = ItemSound(68)
static readonly SoundStyle Item69 = ItemSound(69)
static readonly SoundStyle Item7 = ItemSound(7)
static readonly SoundStyle Item70 = ItemSound(70)
static readonly SoundStyle Item71 = ItemSound(71)
static readonly SoundStyle Item72 = ItemSound(72)
static readonly SoundStyle Item73 = ItemSound(73)
static readonly SoundStyle Item74 = ItemSound(74)
static readonly SoundStyle Item75 = ItemSound(75)
static readonly SoundStyle Item76 = ItemSound(76)
static readonly SoundStyle Item77 = ItemSound(77)
static readonly SoundStyle Item78 = ItemSound(78)
static readonly SoundStyle Item79 = ItemSound(79)
static readonly SoundStyle Item8 = ItemSound(8)
static readonly SoundStyle Item80 = ItemSound(80)
static readonly SoundStyle Item81 = ItemSound(81)
static readonly SoundStyle Item82 = ItemSound(82)
static readonly SoundStyle Item83 = ItemSound(83)
static readonly SoundStyle Item84 = ItemSound(84)
static readonly SoundStyle Item85 = ItemSound(85)
static readonly SoundStyle Item86 = ItemSound(86)
static readonly SoundStyle Item87 = ItemSound(87)
static readonly SoundStyle Item88 = ItemSound(88)
static readonly SoundStyle Item89 = ItemSound(89)
static readonly SoundStyle Item9 = ItemSound(9)
static readonly SoundStyle Item90 = ItemSound(90)
static readonly SoundStyle Item91 = ItemSound(91)
static readonly SoundStyle Item92 = ItemSound(92)
static readonly SoundStyle Item93 = ItemSound(93)
static readonly SoundStyle Item94 = ItemSound(94)
static readonly SoundStyle Item95 = ItemSound(95)
static readonly SoundStyle Item96 = ItemSound(96)
static readonly SoundStyle Item97 = ItemSound(97)
static readonly SoundStyle Item98 = ItemSound(98)
static readonly SoundStyle Item99 = ItemSound(99)
static int ItemSoundCount = 179
static readonly LegacySoundStyle JimsDrone = CreateTrackable("Drone").WithVolume(0.1f)
static readonly SoundStyle Lavafall = new($"{Prefix}Liquid_1", SoundType.Ambient) { Volume = 0.65f, SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly LegacySoundStyle LiquidsHoneyLava = CreateTrackable("liquids_honey_lava", 3, SoundType.Ambient)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle LiquidsHoneyWater = CreateTrackable("liquids_honey_water", 3, SoundType.Ambient)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle LiquidsWaterLava = CreateTrackable("liquids_water_lava", 3, SoundType.Ambient)
static readonly LegacySoundStyle LucyTheAxeTalk = CreateTrackable("lucyaxe_talk", 5).WithVolume(0.4f).WithPitchVariance(0.1f)
static readonly SoundStyle Macaw = new($"{Prefix}Zombie_", 126, 3) { Volume = 0.22f, PitchVariance = 0.05f }
static readonly SoundStyle MaxMana = new($"{Prefix}MaxMana")
static readonly SoundStyle Mech = new($"{Prefix}Mech_0") { PitchVariance = 0.2f, SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle MenuClose = new($"{Prefix}Menu_Close")
static readonly SoundStyle MenuOpen = new($"{Prefix}Menu_Open")
static readonly SoundStyle MenuTick = new($"{Prefix}Menu_Tick") { PlayOnlyIfFocused = true }
static readonly SoundStyle Meowmere = new($"{Prefix}Item_", 57, 2) { PitchVariance = 0.8f }
static readonly SoundStyle MoonLord = new($"{Prefix}NPC_Killed_10") { PitchVariance = 0.2f }
static readonly SoundStyle Mummy = new($"{Prefix}Zombie_", 3, 2) { Volume = 0.9f, PitchVariance = 0.2f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath1 = NPCDeathSound(1)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath10 = NPCDeathSound(10) with { SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath11 = NPCDeathSound(11)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath12 = NPCDeathSound(12)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath13 = NPCDeathSound(13)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath14 = NPCDeathSound(14)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath15 = NPCDeathSound(15)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath16 = NPCDeathSound(16)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath17 = NPCDeathSound(17)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath18 = NPCDeathSound(18)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath19 = NPCDeathSound(19)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath2 = NPCDeathSound(2)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath20 = NPCDeathSound(20)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath21 = NPCDeathSound(21)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath22 = NPCDeathSound(22)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath23 = NPCDeathSound(23) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath24 = NPCDeathSound(24) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath25 = NPCDeathSound(25) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath26 = NPCDeathSound(26) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath27 = NPCDeathSound(27) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath28 = NPCDeathSound(28) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath29 = NPCDeathSound(29) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath3 = NPCDeathSound(3)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath30 = NPCDeathSound(30) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath31 = NPCDeathSound(31) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath32 = NPCDeathSound(32) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath33 = NPCDeathSound(33) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath34 = NPCDeathSound(34) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath35 = NPCDeathSound(35) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath36 = NPCDeathSound(36) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath37 = NPCDeathSound(37) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath38 = NPCDeathSound(38) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath39 = NPCDeathSound(39) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath4 = NPCDeathSound(4)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath40 = NPCDeathSound(40) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath41 = NPCDeathSound(41) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath42 = NPCDeathSound(42) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath43 = NPCDeathSound(43) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath44 = NPCDeathSound(44) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath45 = NPCDeathSound(45) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath46 = NPCDeathSound(46) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath47 = NPCDeathSound(47) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath48 = NPCDeathSound(48) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath49 = NPCDeathSound(49) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath5 = NPCDeathSound(5)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath50 = NPCDeathSound(50) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath51 = NPCDeathSound(51) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath52 = NPCDeathSound(52) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath53 = NPCDeathSound(53) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath54 = NPCDeathSound(54) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath55 = NPCDeathSound(55) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath56 = NPCDeathSound(56) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath57 = NPCDeathSound(57) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath58 = NPCDeathSound(58)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath59 = NPCDeathSound(59)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath6 = NPCDeathSound(6)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath60 = NPCDeathSound(60)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath61 = NPCDeathSound(61) with { Volume = 0.6f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath62 = NPCDeathSound(62) with { Volume = 0.6f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath63 = NPCDeathSound(63)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath64 = NPCDeathSound(64)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath65 = NPCDeathSound(65)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath66 = NPCDeathSound(66)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath7 = NPCDeathSound(7)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath8 = NPCDeathSound(8)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCDeath9 = NPCDeathSound(9)
static int NPCDeathCount = 66
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit1 = NPCHitSound(1)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit10 = NPCHitSound(10)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit11 = NPCHitSound(11)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit12 = NPCHitSound(12)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit13 = NPCHitSound(13)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit14 = NPCHitSound(14)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit15 = NPCHitSound(15)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit16 = NPCHitSound(16)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit17 = NPCHitSound(17)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit18 = NPCHitSound(18)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit19 = NPCHitSound(19)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit2 = NPCHitSound(2)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit20 = NPCHitSound(20) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit21 = NPCHitSound(21) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit22 = NPCHitSound(22) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit23 = NPCHitSound(23) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit24 = NPCHitSound(24) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit25 = NPCHitSound(25) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit26 = NPCHitSound(26) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit27 = NPCHitSound(27) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit28 = NPCHitSound(28) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit29 = NPCHitSound(29) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit3 = NPCHitSound(3)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit30 = NPCHitSound(30) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit31 = NPCHitSound(31) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit32 = NPCHitSound(32) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit33 = NPCHitSound(33) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit34 = NPCHitSound(34) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit35 = NPCHitSound(35) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit36 = NPCHitSound(36) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit37 = NPCHitSound(37) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit38 = NPCHitSound(38) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit39 = NPCHitSound(39) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit4 = NPCHitSound(4)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit40 = NPCHitSound(40) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit41 = NPCHitSound(41) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit42 = NPCHitSound(42) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit43 = NPCHitSound(43) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit44 = NPCHitSound(44) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit45 = NPCHitSound(45) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit46 = NPCHitSound(46) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit47 = NPCHitSound(47) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit48 = NPCHitSound(48) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit49 = NPCHitSound(49) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit5 = NPCHitSound(5)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit50 = NPCHitSound(50) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit51 = NPCHitSound(51) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit52 = NPCHitSound(52) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit53 = NPCHitSound(53) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit54 = NPCHitSound(54) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit55 = NPCHitSound(55) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit56 = NPCHitSound(56) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit57 = NPCHitSound(57) with { Volume = 0.6f, SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit6 = NPCHitSound(6)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit7 = NPCHitSound(7)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit8 = NPCHitSound(8)
static readonly SoundStyle NPCHit9 = NPCHitSound(9)
static int NPCHitCount = 58
static readonly SoundStyle Owl
static readonly SoundStyle Pixie = new($"{Prefix}Pixie") { PitchVariance = 0.2f, SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle PlayerHit = new($"{Prefix}Player_Hit_", 0, 3) { PitchVariance = 0.2f }
static readonly SoundStyle PlayerKilled = new($"{Prefix}Player_Killed")
static readonly SoundStyle QueenSlime = new($"{Prefix}Zombie_", 115, 3) { Volume = 0.5f, SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle Research = new($"{Prefix}Research_", 1, 3)
static readonly SoundStyle ResearchComplete = new($"{Prefix}Research_0")
static readonly SoundStyle Roar = new($"{Prefix}Roar_0") { Identifier = "Terraria/Roar", SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle Run = new($"{Prefix}Run") { PitchVariance = 0.2f }
static readonly SoundStyle SandShark = new($"{Prefix}Zombie_7") { Volume = 0.4f }
static readonly SoundStyle ScaryScream = new($"{Prefix}Roar_2") { SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle Seagull = new($"{Prefix}Zombie_", 106, 3) { Volume = 0.2f, PitchRange = (-0.7f, 0f) }
static readonly SoundStyle Shatter = new($"{Prefix}Shatter")
static readonly SoundStyle Shimmer1 = new($"{Prefix}Splash_2") { Volume = 0.75f, PitchVariance = 0.2f, SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle Shimmer2 = new($"{Prefix}Splash_3") { Volume = 0.75f, PitchVariance = 0.2f, SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle ShimmerWeak1 = new($"{Prefix}Splash_4") { Volume = 0.75f, Pitch = -0.1f, PitchVariance = 0.2f, SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle ShimmerWeak2 = new($"{Prefix}Splash_5") { Volume = 0.75f, Pitch = -0.1f, PitchVariance = 0.2f, SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static Dictionary< ushort, LegacySoundStyle > SoundByIndex = null
static Dictionary< string, LegacySoundStyle > SoundByName = null
static readonly SoundStyle Splash = new($"{Prefix}Splash_0") { PitchVariance = 0.2f, SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle SplashWeak = new($"{Prefix}Splash_1") { PitchVariance = 0.2f, SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle Thunder = new($"{Prefix}Thunder_", 0, 7, SoundType.Ambient) { MaxInstances = 7, PitchVariance = 0.2f, }
static readonly SoundStyle Tink = new($"{Prefix}Tink_", 0, 3)
static readonly SoundStyle Toucan = new($"{Prefix}Zombie_", 129, 3) { Volume = 0.2f, PitchVariance = 0.05f }
static readonly SoundStyle Unlock = new($"{Prefix}Unlock")
static readonly SoundStyle Waterfall = new($"{Prefix}Liquid_0", SoundType.Ambient) { Volume = 0.2f, SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle WormDig = new($"{Prefix}Roar_1") { SoundLimitBehavior = IgnoreNew }
static readonly SoundStyle WormDigQuiet = WormDig with { Volume = 0.25f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie1 = ZombieSound(1)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie10 = ZombieSound(10)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie100 = ZombieSound(100) with { Volume = 0.25f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie101 = ZombieSound(101) with { Volume = 0.25f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie102 = ZombieSound(102) with { Volume = 0.4f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie103 = ZombieSound(103) with { Volume = 0.4f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie104 = ZombieSound(104) with { Volume = 0.55f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie105 = ZombieSound(105)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie106 = ZombieSound(106)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie107 = ZombieSound(107)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie108 = ZombieSound(108)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie109 = ZombieSound(109)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie11 = ZombieSound(11)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie110 = ZombieSound(110)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie111 = ZombieSound(111)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie112 = ZombieSound(112)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie113 = ZombieSound(113)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie114 = ZombieSound(114)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie115 = ZombieSound(115)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie116 = ZombieSound(116)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie117 = ZombieSound(117)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie118 = ZombieSound(118)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie119 = ZombieSound(119)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie12 = ZombieSound(12)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie120 = ZombieSound(120)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie121 = ZombieSound(121)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie122 = ZombieSound(122)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie123 = ZombieSound(123)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie124 = ZombieSound(124)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie125 = ZombieSound(125)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie126 = ZombieSound(126)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie127 = ZombieSound(127)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie128 = ZombieSound(128)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie129 = ZombieSound(129)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie13 = ZombieSound(13)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie130 = ZombieSound(130)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie14 = ZombieSound(14)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie15 = ZombieSound(15)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie16 = ZombieSound(16)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie17 = ZombieSound(17)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie18 = ZombieSound(18)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie19 = ZombieSound(19)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie2 = ZombieSound(2)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie20 = ZombieSound(20)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie21 = ZombieSound(21)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie22 = ZombieSound(22)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie23 = ZombieSound(23)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie24 = ZombieSound(24) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie25 = ZombieSound(25) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie26 = ZombieSound(26) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie27 = ZombieSound(27) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie28 = ZombieSound(28) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie29 = ZombieSound(29) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie3 = ZombieSound(3)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie30 = ZombieSound(30) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie31 = ZombieSound(31) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie32 = ZombieSound(32) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie33 = ZombieSound(33) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie34 = ZombieSound(34) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie35 = ZombieSound(35) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie36 = ZombieSound(36) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie37 = ZombieSound(37) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie38 = ZombieSound(38) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie39 = ZombieSound(39) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie4 = ZombieSound(4)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie40 = ZombieSound(40) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie41 = ZombieSound(41) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie42 = ZombieSound(42) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie43 = ZombieSound(43) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie44 = ZombieSound(44) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie45 = ZombieSound(45) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie46 = ZombieSound(46) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie47 = ZombieSound(47) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie48 = ZombieSound(48) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie49 = ZombieSound(49) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie5 = ZombieSound(5)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie50 = ZombieSound(50) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie51 = ZombieSound(51) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie52 = ZombieSound(52) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie53 = ZombieSound(53) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie54 = ZombieSound(54) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie55 = ZombieSound(55) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie56 = ZombieSound(56) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie57 = ZombieSound(57) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie58 = ZombieSound(58) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie59 = ZombieSound(59) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie6 = ZombieSound(6)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie60 = ZombieSound(60) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie61 = ZombieSound(61) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie62 = ZombieSound(62) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie63 = ZombieSound(63) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie64 = ZombieSound(64) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie65 = ZombieSound(65) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie66 = ZombieSound(66) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie67 = ZombieSound(67) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie68 = ZombieSound(68) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie69 = ZombieSound(69) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie7 = ZombieSound(7)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie70 = ZombieSound(70) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie71 = ZombieSound(71) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie72 = ZombieSound(72) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie73 = ZombieSound(73) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie74 = ZombieSound(74) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie75 = ZombieSound(75) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie76 = ZombieSound(76) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie77 = ZombieSound(77) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie78 = ZombieSound(78) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie79 = ZombieSound(79) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie8 = ZombieSound(8)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie80 = ZombieSound(80) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie81 = ZombieSound(81) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie82 = ZombieSound(82) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie83 = ZombieSound(83) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie84 = ZombieSound(84) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie85 = ZombieSound(85) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie86 = ZombieSound(86) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie87 = ZombieSound(87) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie88 = ZombieSound(88) with { Volume = 0.7f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie89 = ZombieSound(89) with { Volume = 0.7f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie9 = ZombieSound(9)
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie90 = ZombieSound(90) with { Volume = 0.7f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie91 = ZombieSound(91) with { Volume = 0.7f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie92 = ZombieSound(92) with { Volume = 0.5f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie93 = ZombieSound(93) with { Volume = 0.4f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie94 = ZombieSound(94) with { Volume = 0.4f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie95 = ZombieSound(95) with { Volume = 0.4f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie96 = ZombieSound(96) with { Volume = 0.4f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie97 = ZombieSound(97) with { Volume = 0.4f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie98 = ZombieSound(98) with { Volume = 0.4f }
static readonly SoundStyle Zombie99 = ZombieSound(99) with { Volume = 0.4f }
static readonly SoundStyle ZombieMoan = new($"{Prefix}Zombie_", 0, 3) { Volume = 0.4f }

Member Data Documentation

◆ Duck

readonly SoundStyle SoundID.Duck
Initial value:
= new($"{Prefix}Zombie_", stackalloc (int, float)[] { (10, 300f), (11, 300f), (12, 1f), }, SoundType.Ambient) {
Volume = 0.75f,
PitchRange = (-0.7f, 0.0f)

◆ Owl

readonly SoundStyle SoundID.Owl
Initial value:
= new($"{Prefix}Zombie_", stackalloc (int, float)[] { (110, 300f), (111, 300f), (112, 1f), (113, 1f), (114, 1f), }) {
PitchVariance = 0.2f