tModLoader v0.11.8.9
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Go to the documentation of this file.
1using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
2using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
3using System;
4using System.Collections.Generic;
5using System.IO;
6using System.Linq;
7using System.Threading;
8using Terraria.DataStructures;
9using Terraria.GameContent.UI;
10using Terraria.GameInput;
11using Terraria.Localization;
13using Terraria.ModLoader.Core;
14using Terraria.ModLoader.Engine;
17using Terraria.ModLoader.UI;
18using Terraria.UI;
20namespace Terraria.ModLoader
26 public static class ModContent
27 {
28 public static T GetInstance<T>() where T : class => ContentInstance<T>.Instance;
30 public static void SplitName(string name, out string domain, out string subName) {
31 int slash = name.IndexOf('/');
32 if (slash < 0)
33 throw new MissingResourceException("Missing mod qualifier: " + name);
35 domain = name.Substring(0, slash);
36 subName = name.Substring(slash + 1);
37 }
43 public static byte[] GetFileBytes(string name) {
44 string modName, subName;
45 SplitName(name, out modName, out subName);
47 Mod mod = ModLoader.GetMod(modName);
48 if (mod == null)
49 throw new MissingResourceException("Missing mod: " + name);
51 return mod.GetFileBytes(subName);
52 }
57 public static bool FileExists(string name) {
58 if (!name.Contains('/'))
59 return false;
61 string modName, subName;
62 SplitName(name, out modName, out subName);
64 Mod mod = ModLoader.GetMod(modName);
65 return mod != null && mod.FileExists(subName);
66 }
72 public static Texture2D GetTexture(string name) {
73 if (Main.dedServ)
74 return null;
76 string modName, subName;
77 SplitName(name, out modName, out subName);
78 if (modName == "Terraria")
79 return Main.instance.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Images" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + subName);
81 Mod mod = ModLoader.GetMod(modName);
82 if (mod == null)
83 throw new MissingResourceException("Missing mod: " + name);
85 return mod.GetTexture(subName);
86 }
91 public static bool TextureExists(string name) {
92 if (Main.dedServ || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) || !name.Contains('/'))
93 return false;
95 SplitName(name, out string modName, out string subName);
97 if (modName == "Terraria")
98 return (Main.instance.Content as TMLContentManager).ImageExists(subName);
100 Mod mod = ModLoader.GetMod(modName);
102 return mod != null && mod.TextureExists(subName);
103 }
111 internal static bool TryGetTexture(string name, out Texture2D texture) {
112 if (Main.dedServ || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) || !name.Contains('/')) {
113 texture = null;
115 return false;
116 }
118 SplitName(name, out string modName, out string subName);
120 if (modName == "Terraria") {
121 if ((Main.instance.Content as TMLContentManager).ImageExists(subName)) {
122 texture = Main.instance.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Images" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + subName);
124 return true;
125 }
127 texture = null;
129 return false;
130 }
132 Mod mod = ModLoader.GetMod(modName);
134 if (mod == null) {
135 texture = null;
137 return false;
138 }
140 return mod.textures.TryGetValue(subName, out texture);
141 }
147 public static SoundEffect GetSound(string name) {
148 if (Main.dedServ)
149 return null;
151 string modName, subName;
152 SplitName(name, out modName, out subName);
154 Mod mod = ModLoader.GetMod(modName);
155 if (mod == null)
156 throw new MissingResourceException("Missing mod: " + name);
158 return mod.GetSound(subName);
159 }
164 public static bool SoundExists(string name) {
165 if (!name.Contains('/'))
166 return false;
168 string modName, subName;
169 SplitName(name, out modName, out subName);
171 Mod mod = ModLoader.GetMod(modName);
172 return mod != null && mod.SoundExists(subName);
173 }
179 public static Music GetMusic(string name) {
180 if (Main.dedServ) { return null; }
181 string modName, subName;
182 SplitName(name, out modName, out subName);
183 Mod mod = ModLoader.GetMod(modName);
184 if (mod == null) { throw new MissingResourceException("Missing mod: " + name); }
185 return mod.GetMusic(subName);
186 }
191 public static bool MusicExists(string name) {
192 if (!name.Contains('/')) { return false; }
193 string modName, subName;
194 SplitName(name, out modName, out subName);
195 Mod mod = ModLoader.GetMod(modName);
196 return mod != null && mod.MusicExists(subName);
197 }
204 public static ModNPC GetModNPC(int type) => NPCLoader.GetNPC(type);
211 public static int GetModBossHeadSlot(string texture) => NPCHeadLoader.GetBossHeadSlot(texture);
218 public static int GetModHeadSlot(string texture) => NPCHeadLoader.GetHeadSlot(texture);
223 public static ModItem GetModItem(int type) => ItemLoader.GetItem(type);
228 public static ModDust GetModDust(int type) => ModDust.GetDust(type);
240 public static ModBuff GetModBuff(int type) => BuffLoader.GetBuff(type);
248 public static EquipTexture GetEquipTexture(EquipType type, int slot) => EquipLoader.GetEquipTexture(type, slot);
255 public static ModMountData GetModMountData(int type) => MountLoader.GetMount(type);
262 public static ModTile GetModTile(int type) => TileLoader.GetTile(type);
267 public static ModWall GetModWall(int type) => WallLoader.GetWall(type);
282 public static int GetModBackgroundSlot(string texture) => BackgroundTextureLoader.GetBackgroundSlot(texture);
292 public static ModUgBgStyle GetModUgBgStyle(int style) => UgBgStyleLoader.GetUgBgStyle(style);
297 public static int ItemType<T>() where T : ModItem => GetInstance<T>()?.item.type ?? 0;
302 public static byte PrefixType<T>() where T : ModPrefix => GetInstance<T>()?.Type ?? 0;
307 public static int DustType<T>() where T : ModDust => GetInstance<T>()?.Type ?? 0;
312 public static int TileType<T>() where T : ModTile => GetInstance<T>()?.Type ?? 0;
317 public static int TileEntityType<T>() where T : ModTileEntity => GetInstance<T>()?.Type ?? 0;
322 public static int WallType<T>() where T : ModWall => GetInstance<T>()?.Type ?? 0;
327 public static int ProjectileType<T>() where T : ModProjectile => GetInstance<T>()?.projectile.type ?? 0;
332 public static int NPCType<T>() where T : ModNPC => GetInstance<T>()?.npc.type ?? 0;
337 public static int BuffType<T>() where T : ModBuff => GetInstance<T>()?.Type ?? 0;
342 public static int MountType<T>() where T : ModMountData => GetInstance<T>()?.Type ?? 0;
344 private static LocalizedText SetLocalizedText(Dictionary<string, LocalizedText> dict, LocalizedText value) {
345 if (dict.ContainsKey(value.Key)) {
346 dict[value.Key].SetValue(value.Value);
347 }
348 else {
349 dict[value.Key] = value;
350 }
351 return dict[value.Key];
352 }
354 internal static void Load(CancellationToken token) {
357 Interface.loadMods.SetLoadStage("tModLoader.MSIntializing", ModLoader.Mods.Length);
358 LoadModContent(token, mod => {
360 mod.loading = true;
361 mod.AutoloadConfig();
362 mod.LoadResources();
363 mod.Autoload();
364 mod.Load();
365 mod.loading = false;
366 });
368 Interface.loadMods.SetLoadStage("tModLoader.MSSettingUp");
369 ResizeArrays();
370 RecipeGroupHelper.FixRecipeGroupLookups();
372 Interface.loadMods.SetLoadStage("tModLoader.MSLoading", ModLoader.Mods.Length);
373 LoadModContent(token, mod => {
374 mod.SetupContent();
375 mod.PostSetupContent();
376 });
378 MemoryTracking.Finish();
380 if (Main.dedServ)
381 ModNet.AssignNetIDs();
383 Main.player[255] = new Player(false); // setup inventory is unnecessary
385 RefreshModLanguage(Language.ActiveCulture);
386 MapLoader.SetupModMap();
387 ItemSorting.SetupWhiteLists();
388 PlayerInput.reinitialize = true;
389 SetupRecipes(token);
390 }
392 private static void CacheVanillaState() {
393 EffectsTracker.CacheVanillaState();
394 }
396 internal static Mod LoadingMod { get; private set; }
397 private static void LoadModContent(CancellationToken token, Action<Mod> loadAction) {
398 MemoryTracking.Checkpoint();
399 int num = 0;
400 foreach (var mod in ModLoader.Mods) {
401 token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();
402 Interface.loadMods.SetCurrentMod(num++, $"{mod.Name} ({mod.DisplayName}) v{mod.Version}");
403 try {
404 LoadingMod = mod;
405 loadAction(mod);
406 }
407 catch (Exception e) {
408 e.Data["mod"] = mod.Name;
409 throw;
410 }
411 finally {
412 LoadingMod = null;
413 MemoryTracking.Update(mod.Name);
414 }
415 }
416 }
418 private static void SetupRecipes(CancellationToken token) {
419 Interface.loadMods.SetLoadStage("tModLoader.MSAddingRecipes");
420 for (int k = 0; k < Recipe.maxRecipes; k++) {
421 token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();
422 Main.recipe[k] = new Recipe();
423 }
425 Recipe.numRecipes = 0;
426 RecipeGroupHelper.ResetRecipeGroups();
427 RecipeHooks.setupRecipes = true;
428 Recipe.SetupRecipes();
429 RecipeHooks.setupRecipes = false;
430 }
432 internal static void UnloadModContent() {
433 int i = 0;
434 foreach (var mod in ModLoader.Mods.Reverse()) {
435 try {
436 if (Main.dedServ)
437 Console.WriteLine($"Unloading {mod.DisplayName}...");
438 else
439 Interface.loadMods.SetCurrentMod(i++, $"{mod.Name} ({mod.DisplayName}) v{mod.Version}");
440 mod.Close();
441 mod.UnloadContent();
442 }
443 catch (Exception e) {
444 e.Data["mod"] = mod.Name;
445 throw;
446 }
447 finally {
448 MonoModHooks.RemoveAll(mod);
449 }
450 }
451 }
453 internal static void Unload() {
454 ContentInstance.Clear();
455 ItemLoader.Unload();
456 EquipLoader.Unload();
457 ModPrefix.Unload();
458 ModDust.Unload();
459 TileLoader.Unload();
460 ModTileEntity.Unload();
461 WallLoader.Unload();
462 ProjectileLoader.Unload();
463 NPCLoader.Unload();
464 NPCHeadLoader.Unload();
465 PlayerHooks.Unload();
466 BuffLoader.Unload();
467 MountLoader.Unload();
468 ModGore.Unload();
469 SoundLoader.Unload();
470 DisposeMusic();
472 UgBgStyleLoader.Unload();
473 SurfaceBgStyleLoader.Unload();
474 GlobalBgStyleLoader.Unload();
475 WaterStyleLoader.Unload();
476 WaterfallStyleLoader.Unload();
477 WorldHooks.Unload();
478 ResizeArrays(true);
479 for (int k = 0; k < Recipe.maxRecipes; k++) {
480 Main.recipe[k] = new Recipe();
481 }
482 Recipe.numRecipes = 0;
483 RecipeGroupHelper.ResetRecipeGroups();
484 Recipe.SetupRecipes();
485 MapLoader.UnloadModMap();
486 ItemSorting.SetupWhiteLists();
487 HotKeyLoader.Unload();
488 RecipeHooks.Unload();
489 CommandManager.Unload();
490 TagSerializer.Reload();
491 ModNet.Unload();
492 Config.ConfigManager.Unload();
493 CustomCurrencyManager.Initialize();
494 EffectsTracker.RemoveModEffects();
496 CleanupModReferences();
497 }
499 private static void ResizeArrays(bool unloading = false) {
500 ItemLoader.ResizeArrays(unloading);
501 EquipLoader.ResizeAndFillArrays();
502 ModPrefix.ResizeArrays();
503 Main.InitializeItemAnimations();
504 ModDust.ResizeArrays();
505 TileLoader.ResizeArrays(unloading);
506 WallLoader.ResizeArrays(unloading);
507 ProjectileLoader.ResizeArrays();
508 NPCLoader.ResizeArrays(unloading);
509 NPCHeadLoader.ResizeAndFillArrays();
510 ModGore.ResizeAndFillArrays();
511 SoundLoader.ResizeAndFillArrays();
512 MountLoader.ResizeArrays();
513 BuffLoader.ResizeArrays();
514 PlayerHooks.RebuildHooks();
515 BackgroundTextureLoader.ResizeAndFillArrays();
516 UgBgStyleLoader.ResizeAndFillArrays();
517 SurfaceBgStyleLoader.ResizeAndFillArrays();
518 GlobalBgStyleLoader.ResizeAndFillArrays(unloading);
519 WaterStyleLoader.ResizeArrays();
520 WaterfallStyleLoader.ResizeArrays();
521 WorldHooks.ResizeArrays();
522 foreach (LocalizedText text in LanguageManager.Instance._localizedTexts.Values) {
523 text.Override = null;
524 }
525 }
527 public static void RefreshModLanguage(GameCulture culture) {
528 Dictionary<string, LocalizedText> dict = LanguageManager.Instance._localizedTexts;
529 foreach (ModItem item in ItemLoader.items) {
530 LocalizedText text = new LocalizedText(item.DisplayName.Key, item.DisplayName.GetTranslation(culture));
531 Lang._itemNameCache[item.item.type] = SetLocalizedText(dict, text);
532 text = new LocalizedText(item.Tooltip.Key, item.Tooltip.GetTranslation(culture));
533 if (text.Value != null) {
534 text = SetLocalizedText(dict, text);
535 Lang._itemTooltipCache[item.item.type] = ItemTooltip.FromLanguageKey(text.Key);
536 }
537 }
538 foreach (ModPrefix prefix in ModPrefix.prefixes) {
539 LocalizedText text = new LocalizedText(prefix.DisplayName.Key, prefix.DisplayName.GetTranslation(culture));
540 Lang.prefix[prefix.Type] = SetLocalizedText(dict, text);
541 }
542 foreach (var keyValuePair in MapLoader.tileEntries) {
543 foreach (MapEntry entry in keyValuePair.Value) {
544 if (entry.translation != null) {
545 LocalizedText text = new LocalizedText(entry.translation.Key, entry.translation.GetTranslation(culture));
546 SetLocalizedText(dict, text);
547 }
548 }
549 }
550 foreach (var keyValuePair in MapLoader.wallEntries) {
551 foreach (MapEntry entry in keyValuePair.Value) {
552 if (entry.translation != null) {
553 LocalizedText text = new LocalizedText(entry.translation.Key, entry.translation.GetTranslation(culture));
554 SetLocalizedText(dict, text);
555 }
556 }
557 }
558 foreach (ModProjectile proj in ProjectileLoader.projectiles) {
559 LocalizedText text = new LocalizedText(proj.DisplayName.Key, proj.DisplayName.GetTranslation(culture));
560 Lang._projectileNameCache[proj.projectile.type] = SetLocalizedText(dict, text);
561 }
562 foreach (ModNPC npc in NPCLoader.npcs) {
563 LocalizedText text = new LocalizedText(npc.DisplayName.Key, npc.DisplayName.GetTranslation(culture));
564 Lang._npcNameCache[npc.npc.type] = SetLocalizedText(dict, text);
565 }
566 foreach (ModBuff buff in BuffLoader.buffs) {
567 LocalizedText text = new LocalizedText(buff.DisplayName.Key, buff.DisplayName.GetTranslation(culture));
568 Lang._buffNameCache[buff.Type] = SetLocalizedText(dict, text);
569 text = new LocalizedText(buff.Description.Key, buff.Description.GetTranslation(culture));
570 Lang._buffDescriptionCache[buff.Type] = SetLocalizedText(dict, text);
571 }
572 foreach (Mod mod in ModLoader.Mods) {
573 foreach (ModTranslation translation in mod.translations.Values) {
574 LocalizedText text = new LocalizedText(translation.Key, translation.GetTranslation(culture));
575 SetLocalizedText(dict, text);
576 }
577 }
578 LanguageManager.Instance.ProcessCopyCommandsInTexts();
579 }
581 private static void DisposeMusic() {
582 foreach (var music in<MusicStreaming>())
583 music.Dispose();
584 }
590 internal static void CleanupModReferences()
591 {
592 // Clear references to ModPlayer instances
593 for (int i = 0; i < Main.player.Length; i++) {
594 Main.player[i] = new Player();
595 // player.whoAmI is only set for active players
596 }
598 Main.clientPlayer = new Player(false);
599 Main.ActivePlayerFileData = new Terraria.IO.PlayerFileData();
600 Main._characterSelectMenu._playerList?.Clear();
601 Main.PlayerList.Clear();
603 for (int i = 0; i < Main.npc.Length; i++) {
604 Main.npc[i] = new NPC();
605 Main.npc[i].whoAmI = i;
606 }
608 for (int i = 0; i < Main.item.Length; i++) {
609 Main.item[i] = new Item();
610 // item.whoAmI is never used
611 }
613 if (ItemSlot.singleSlotArray[0] != null) {
614 ItemSlot.singleSlotArray[0] = new Item();
615 }
617 for (int i = 0; i < Main.chest.Length; i++) {
618 Main.chest[i] = new Chest();
619 }
621 for (int i = 0; i < Main.projectile.Length; i++) {
622 Main.projectile[i] = new Projectile();
623 // projectile.whoAmI is only set for active projectiles
624 }
626 TileEntity.Clear(); // drop all possible references to mod TEs
627 }
629 public static Stream OpenRead(string assetName, bool newFileStream = false) {
630 if (!assetName.StartsWith("tmod:"))
631 return File.OpenRead(assetName);
633 SplitName(assetName.Substring(5).Replace('\\', '/'), out var modName, out var entryPath);
634 return ModLoader.GetMod(modName).GetFileStream(entryPath, newFileStream);
635 }
636 }
This is the class that keeps track of all modded background textures and their slots/IDs.
static int GetBackgroundSlot(string texture)
Returns the slot/ID of the background texture with the given name.
This serves as the central class from which buff-related functions are supported and carried out.
Definition: BuffLoader.cs:15
static ModBuff GetBuff(int type)
Gets the ModBuff instance with the given type. If no ModBuff with the given type exists,...
Definition: BuffLoader.cs:77
This serves as the central class from which ModCommand functions are supported and carried out.
static void Register(object obj)
This serves as a central place to store equipment slots and their corresponding textures....
Definition: EquipLoader.cs:12
static EquipTexture GetEquipTexture(EquipType type, int slot)
Gets the equipment texture for the specified equipment type and ID.
Definition: EquipLoader.cs:56
This serves as a place for you to program behaviors of equipment textures. This is useful for equipme...
Definition: EquipTexture.cs:9
This serves as the central class from which item-related functions are carried out....
Definition: ItemLoader.cs:22
static ModItem GetItem(int type)
Gets the ModItem instance corresponding to the specified type. Returns null if no modded item has the...
Definition: ItemLoader.cs:76
This class serves as a place for you to define a new buff and how that buff behaves.
Definition: ModBuff.cs:7
int Type
The buff id of this buff.
Definition: ModBuff.cs:27
ModTranslation Description
The translations of this buff's description.
Definition: ModBuff.cs:43
ModTranslation DisplayName
The translations of this buff's display name.
Definition: ModBuff.cs:35
Manages content added by mods. Liasons between mod content and Terraria's arrays and oversees the Loa...
Definition: ModContent.cs:27
static void CacheVanillaState()
Definition: ModContent.cs:392
static ModProjectile GetModProjectile(int type)
Gets the ModProjectile instance corresponding to the specified type.
static int GetModBossHeadSlot(string texture)
Gets the index of the boss head texture corresponding to the given texture path.
static ModWaterStyle GetModWaterStyle(int style)
Returns the ModWaterStyle with the given ID.
static int GetModBackgroundSlot(string texture)
Returns the slot/ID of the background texture with the given name.
static ModWall GetModWall(int type)
Gets the ModWall instance with the given type. If no ModWall with the given type exists,...
static bool TextureExists(string name)
Returns whether or not a texture with the specified name exists.
Definition: ModContent.cs:91
static ModWaterfallStyle GetModWaterfallStyle(int style)
Returns the ModWaterfallStyle with the given ID.
static void ResizeArrays(bool unloading=false)
Definition: ModContent.cs:499
static bool FileExists(string name)
Returns whether or not a file with the specified name exists.
Definition: ModContent.cs:57
static ModSurfaceBgStyle GetModSurfaceBgStyle(int style)
Returns the ModSurfaceBgStyle object with the given ID.
static SoundEffect GetSound(string name)
Gets the sound with the specified name. The name is in the same format as for texture names....
Definition: ModContent.cs:147
static Stream OpenRead(string assetName, bool newFileStream=false)
Definition: ModContent.cs:629
static Music GetMusic(string name)
Gets the music with the specified name. The name is in the same format as for texture names....
Definition: ModContent.cs:179
static void SplitName(string name, out string domain, out string subName)
Definition: ModContent.cs:30
static Texture2D GetTexture(string name)
Gets the texture with the specified name. The name is in the format of "ModFolder/OtherFolders/FileNa...
Definition: ModContent.cs:72
static bool SoundExists(string name)
Returns whether or not a sound with the specified name exists.
Definition: ModContent.cs:164
static int GetModHeadSlot(string texture)
Gets the index of the head texture corresponding to the given texture path.
static void SetupRecipes(CancellationToken token)
Definition: ModContent.cs:418
static ModTile GetModTile(int type)
Gets the ModTile instance with the given type. If no ModTile with the given type exists,...
static void RefreshModLanguage(GameCulture culture)
Definition: ModContent.cs:527
static ModUgBgStyle GetModUgBgStyle(int style)
Returns the ModUgBgStyle object with the given ID.
static bool MusicExists(string name)
Returns whether or not a sound with the specified name exists.
Definition: ModContent.cs:191
static ModBuff GetModBuff(int type)
Gets the ModBuff instance with the given type. If no ModBuff with the given type exists,...
static ModItem GetModItem(int type)
Gets the ModItem instance corresponding to the specified type. Returns null if no modded item has the...
static ModNPC GetModNPC(int type)
Gets the ModNPC instance corresponding to the specified type.
static byte[] GetFileBytes(string name)
Gets the byte representation of the file with the specified name. The name is in the format of "ModFo...
Definition: ModContent.cs:43
static EquipTexture GetEquipTexture(EquipType type, int slot)
Gets the equipment texture for the specified equipment type and ID.
static ModDust GetModDust(int type)
Gets the ModDust instance with the given type. Returns null if no ModDust with the given type exists.
static ModMountData GetModMountData(int type)
Gets the ModMountData instance corresponding to the given type. Returns null if no ModMountData has t...
static int ItemType< T >()
Get the id (type) of a ModItem by class. Assumes one instance per class.
static LocalizedText SetLocalizedText(Dictionary< string, LocalizedText > dict, LocalizedText value)
Definition: ModContent.cs:344
static void LoadModContent(CancellationToken token, Action< Mod > loadAction)
Definition: ModContent.cs:397
This class represents a type of dust that is added by a mod. Only one instance of this class will eve...
Definition: ModDust.cs:14
static ModDust GetDust(int type)
Gets the ModDust instance with the given type. Returns null if no ModDust with the given type exists.
Definition: ModDust.cs:57
This class allows you to customize the behavior of a custom gore. Create a new instance of this and p...
Definition: ModGore.cs:13
Mod is an abstract class that you will override. It serves as a central place from which the mod's co...
Definition: Mod.cs:25
virtual void PostSetupContent()
Allows you to load things in your mod after its content has been setup (arrays have been resized to f...
Definition: Mod.cs:77
bool SoundExists(string name)
Shorthand for calling ModLoader.SoundExists(this.FileName(name)).
SoundEffect GetSound(string name)
Shorthand for calling ModContent.GetSound(this.FileName(name)).
Definition: Mod.cs:1614
Music GetMusic(string name)
Shorthand for calling ModContent.GetMusic(this.FileName(name)).
Definition: Mod.cs:1634
byte[] GetFileBytes(string name)
Retrieve contents of files within the tmod file
virtual void LoadResources()
Definition: Mod.cs:109
bool TextureExists(string name)
Shorthand for calling ModLoader.TextureExists(this.FileName(name)).
bool FileExists(string name)
Shorthand for calling ModLoader.FileExists(this.FileName(name)). Note that file extensions are used h...
Stream GetFileStream(string name, bool newFileStream=false)
Retrieve contents of files within the tmod file
bool MusicExists(string name)
Shorthand for calling ModLoader.MusicExists(this.FileName(name)).
virtual void Load()
Override this method to add most of your content to your mod. Here you will call other methods such a...
Definition: Mod.cs:71
This class serves as a place for you to place all your properties and hooks for each item....
Definition: ModItem.cs:17
ModTranslation Tooltip
The translations for the display name of this tooltip.
Definition: ModItem.cs:61
Item item
The item object that this ModItem controls.
Definition: ModItem.cs:26
ModTranslation DisplayName
The translations for the display name of this item.
Definition: ModItem.cs:53
This serves as the central class which loads mods. It contains many static fields and methods related...
Definition: ModLoader.cs:29
static Mod GetMod(string name)
Gets the instance of the Mod with the specified name.
Definition: ModLoader.cs:90
This class serves as a place for you to place all your properties and hooks for each mount....
Definition: ModMountData.cs:15
This class serves as a place for you to place all your properties and hooks for each NPC....
Definition: ModNPC.cs:15
NPC npc
The NPC object that this ModNPC controls.
Definition: ModNPC.cs:21
ModTranslation DisplayName
The translations for the display name of this NPC.
Definition: ModNPC.cs:45
ModTranslation DisplayName
Definition: ModPrefix.cs:97
This class serves as a place for you to place all your properties and hooks for each projectile....
Projectile projectile
The projectile object that this ModProjectile controls.
ModTranslation DisplayName
The translations for the display name of this projectile.
Each background style determines in its own way how exactly the background is drawn....
Tile Entities are Entities tightly coupled with tiles, allowing the possibility of tiles to exhibit c...
This class represents a type of tile that can be added by a mod. Only one instance of this class will...
Definition: ModTile.cs:13
string GetTranslation(int culture)
Each background style determines in its own way how exactly the background is drawn....
This class represents a type of wall that can be added by a mod. Only one instance of this class will...
Definition: ModWall.cs:13
Represents a style of water that gets drawn, based on factors such as the background....
Definition: ModWaterStyle.cs:9
Represents a style of waterfalls that gets drawn. This is mostly used to determine the color of the w...
This serves as the central place from which mounts are stored and mount-related functions are carried...
Definition: MountLoader.cs:14
static ModMountData GetMount(int type)
Gets the ModMountData instance corresponding to the given type. Returns null if no ModMountData has t...
Definition: MountLoader.cs:23
This class serves as a central place from which NPC head slots are stored and NPC head textures are a...
static int GetBossHeadSlot(string texture)
Gets the index of the boss head texture corresponding to the given texture path.
static int GetHeadSlot(string texture)
Gets the index of the head texture corresponding to the given texture path.
This serves as the central class from which NPC-related functions are carried out....
Definition: NPCLoader.cs:20
static ModNPC GetNPC(int type)
Gets the ModNPC instance corresponding to the specified type.
Definition: NPCLoader.cs:93
This is where all ModPlayer hooks are gathered and called.
Definition: PlayerHooks.cs:21
This serves as the central class from which projectile-related functions are carried out....
static ModProjectile GetProjectile(int type)
Gets the ModProjectile instance corresponding to the specified type.
This is where all ModRecipe and GlobalRecipe hooks are gathered and called.
Definition: RecipeHooks.cs:10
This class is used to keep track of and support the existence of custom sounds that have been added t...
Definition: SoundLoader.cs:12
static ModSurfaceBgStyle GetSurfaceBgStyle(int style)
Returns the ModSurfaceBgStyle object with the given ID.
This serves as the central class from which tile-related functions are supported and carried out.
Definition: TileLoader.cs:15
static ModTile GetTile(int type)
Gets the ModTile instance with the given type. If no ModTile with the given type exists,...
Definition: TileLoader.cs:102
This serves as the central class from which ModUgBgStyle functions are supported and carried out.
static ModUgBgStyle GetUgBgStyle(int style)
Returns the ModUgBgStyle object with the given ID.
This serves as the central class from which wall-related functions are supported and carried out.
Definition: WallLoader.cs:14
static ModWall GetWall(int type)
Gets the ModWall instance with the given type. If no ModWall with the given type exists,...
Definition: WallLoader.cs:50
This serves as the central class from which WaterStyle functions are supported and carried out.
static ModWaterStyle GetWaterStyle(int style)
Returns the ModWaterStyle with the given ID.
static ModWaterfallStyle GetWaterfallStyle(int style)
Returns the ModWaterfallStyle with the given ID.
This is where all ModWorld hooks are gathered and called.
Definition: WorldHooks.cs:13
@ Console
Command can be used in server console during MP.
This is an enum of all the types of equipment that exist. An equipment type is defined as a type or l...
Definition: EquipType.cs:7