tModLoader v2024.05
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
AmmoID.Sets Class Reference

Static Public Attributes

static SetFactory Factory = new(ItemLoader.ItemCount)
static bool[] IsArrow = Factory.CreateBoolSet(false, Arrow, Stake)
 If true for a given item type (Item.type), then items of that type are counted as arrows for the purposes of Player.arrowDamage and the ItemID.MagicQuiver.
Defaults to false.
static bool[] IsBullet = Factory.CreateBoolSet(false, Bullet, CandyCorn)
 If true for a given item type (Item.type), then items of that type are counted as bullets for the purposes of Player.bulletDamage.
Defaults to false.
static bool[] IsSpecialist = Factory.CreateBoolSet(false, Rocket, StyngerBolt, JackOLantern, NailFriendly, Coin, Flare, Dart, Snowball, Sand, FallenStar, Gel)
 If true for a given item type (Item.type), then items of that type are counted as specialist ammo for the purposes of Player.specialistDamage.
Defaults to false.
static Dictionary< int, Dictionary< int, int > > SpecificLauncherAmmoProjectileMatches
 Associates a launcher's item type (Item.type) and an ammo's item type (Item.type) to the projectile type (Projectile.type) they will shoot when used together.
For example, a ItemID.SnowmanCannon used with a ItemID.MiniNukeI will fire the ProjectileID.MiniNukeSnowmanRocketI.