tModLoader v2023.01
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Terraria.Item Class Reference

Inherits Terraria.Entity, Terraria.ModLoader.IO.TagSerializable, and Terraria.ModLoader.IEntityWithGlobals< GlobalItem >.

Public Member Functions

 Item (int setDefaultsToType, int stack=1, int prefix=0)
string AffixName ()
bool CanCombineStackInWorld ()
bool CanFillEmptyAmmoSlot ()
bool checkMat ()
void ClearNameOverride ()
Item Clone ()
void CloneDefaults (int TypeToClone)
Item CloneWithModdedDataFrom (Item dataSource)
bool CountsAsClass (DamageClass damageClass)
bool CountsAsClass< T > ()
void DefaultToAccessory (int newwidth=24, int newheight=24)
void DefaultToBow (int singleShotTime, float shotVelocity, bool hasAutoReuse=false)
 This method sets a variety of common Item values common to bow weapons.
Specifically: width = 14; height = 30; UseSound = SoundID.Item5;
Addtionally: More...
void DefaultToCapturedCritter (int npcIdToSpawnOnUse)
void DefaultToFood (int newwidth, int newheight, int foodbuff, int foodbuffduration, bool useGulpSound=false, int animationTime=17)
 This method sets a variety of common Item values common to food items.
Specifically: UseSound = useGulpSound ? Item3 : Item2; useStyle = useGulpSound ? DrinkLiquid : EatFood;
useTurn = true; useAnimation = useTime = animationTime; maxStack = 30; consumable = true;
buffType = foodbuff; buffTime = foodbuffduration; rare = Blue; value = 20 silver; More...
void DefaultToGolfBall (int projid)
void DefaultToGolfClub (int newwidth, int newheight)
void DefaultToGuitar (int newwidth=24, int newheight=24)
void DefaultToHeadgear (int newwidth, int newheight, int helmetArtID)
void DefaultToHealingPotion (int newwidth, int newheight, int healingAmount, int animationTime=17)
void DefaultTokite (int projId)
void DefaultToLawnMower (int newwidth, int newheight)
void DefaultToMagicWeapon (int projType, int singleShotTime, float shotVelocity, bool hasAutoReuse=false)
void DefaultToMount (int mount)
void DefaultToMusicBox (int style)
void DefaultToPlacableWall (ushort wallToPlace)
 This method sets a variety of common Item values common to placeable walls.
Specifically: useStyle = 1; useTurn = true; useAnimation = 15; useTime = 7; autoReuse = true; maxStack = 999; consumable = true; createWall = wallToPlace; width = 12; height = 12;
void DefaultToPlaceableTile (int tileIDToPlace, int tileStyleToPlace=0)
void DefaultToPlaceableTile (ushort tileIDToPlace, int tileStyleToPlace=0)
void DefaultToQuestFish ()
void DefaultToRangedWeapon (int baseProjType, int ammoID, int singleShotTime, float shotVelocity, bool hasAutoReuse=false)
 This method sets a variety of common Item values common to ranged weapons.
Specifically: autoReuse = hasAutoReuse; useStyle = 5; useAnimation = singleShotTime; useTime = singleShotTime; shoot = baseProjType; useAmmo = ammoID; shootSpeed = shotVelocity; noMelee = true; ranged = true;
void DefaultToSeaShelll ()
void DefaultToSpear (int projType, float pushForwardSpeed, int animationTime)
void DefaultToStaff (int projType, float pushForwardSpeed, int singleShotTime, int manaPerShot)
void DefaultToThrownWeapon (int baseProjType, int singleShotTime, float shotVelocity, bool hasAutoReuse=false)
void DefaultToTorch (int tileStyleToPlace, bool allowWaterPlacement=false)
void DefaultToVanitypet (int projId, int buffID)
void DefaultToWhip (int projectileId, int dmg, float kb, float shootspeed, int animationTotalTime=30)
void DeserializeFrom (BinaryReader reader, ItemSerializationContext context)
void FindOwner (int whoAmI)
bool FitsAmmoSlot ()
Color GetAlpha (Color newColor)
Color GetColor (Color newColor)
GetGlobalItem< T > (bool exactType=true)
 Gets the instance of the specified GlobalItem type. This will throw exceptions on failure. More...
GetGlobalItem< T > (T baseInstance)
 Gets the local instance of the type of the specified GlobalItem instance. This will throw exceptions on failure. More...
Rectangle getRect ()
int GetStoreValue ()
bool IsNotSameTypePrefixAndStack (Item compareItem)
 returns false if and only if netID (deprecated, equivalent to type), stack and prefix match
void netDefaults (int type)
void OnPurchase (Item item)
bool Prefix (int pre)
void RebuildTooltip ()
void Refresh ()
void ResetStats (int Type)
void Serialize (BinaryWriter writer, ItemSerializationContext context)
TagCompound SerializeData ()
void SetDefaults (int Type, bool noMatCheck=false)
void SetDefaults (int Type=0)
void SetDefaults1 (int type)
void SetDefaults2 (int type)
void SetDefaults3 (int type)
void SetDefaults4 (int type)
void SetDefaults5 (int type)
void SetNameOverride (string name)
void SetShopValues (ItemRarityColor rarity, int coinValue)
void SetWeaponValues (int dmg, float knockback, int bonusCritChance=0)
override string ToString ()
void TryCombiningIntoNearbyItems (int i)
bool TryGetGlobalItem< T > (out T result, bool exactType=true)
 Gets the instance of the specified GlobalItem type. More...
bool TryGetGlobalItem< T > (T baseInstance, out T result)
 Safely attempts to get the local instance of the type of the specified GlobalItem instance. More...
void TurnToAir ()
void UpdateItem (int i)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Terraria.Entity
float AngleFrom (Vector2 Source)
float AngleTo (Vector2 Destination)
Vector2 DirectionFrom (Vector2 Source)
Vector2 DirectionTo (Vector2 Destination)
float Distance (Vector2 Other)
float DistanceSQ (Vector2 Other)
IEntitySource GetSource_Accessory (Item item, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_CatchEntity (Entity caughtEntity, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_Death (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_DropAsItem (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_FromAI (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_FromThis (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_GiftOrReward (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_ItemUse (Item item, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_ItemUse_WithPotentialAmmo (Item item, int ammoItemId, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_Loot (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_Misc (string context)
IEntitySource GetSource_OnHit (Entity victim, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_OnHurt (Entity attacker, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_OpenItem (int itemType, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_ReleaseEntity (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_TileInteraction (int tileCoordsX, int tileCoordsY, string? context=null)
bool WithinRange (Vector2 Target, float MaxRange)
TagCompound SerializeData ()

Static Public Member Functions

static int BannerToItem (int banner)
static int BannerToNPC (int i)
static int buyPrice (int platinum=0, int gold=0, int silver=0, int copper=0)
static void DropCache (IEntitySource reason, Vector2 pos, Vector2 spread, int t, bool stopCaching=true)
static Rectangle GetDrawHitbox (int type, Player user)
static bool IsAGolfingItem (Item item)
static bool MechSpawn (float x, float y, int type)
static int NewItem (IEntitySource source, int X, int Y, int Width, int Height, int Type, int Stack=1, bool noBroadcast=false, int pfix=0, bool noGrabDelay=false, bool reverseLookup=false)
 Spawns an item into the game world with the given type and stack size. The X, Y, Width, and Height parameters dictate a rectangle, the item will be spawned centered within that rectangle. Other overloads support passing in a position directly, or just use 0 for Width and Height if the center is passed in a X and Y. This method should not be called on multiplayer clients. If you need to spawn items from client code, use Player.QuickSpawnItem(IEntitySource, int, int) instead, it handles the multiplayer syncing code needed. See the noBroadcast documentation if you need to customize attached ModItem or GlobalItem data prior to syncing. The source represents the entity causing this item to spawn. The return value is the index of the spawned Item within the Main.item array. More...
static int NewItem (IEntitySource source, int X, int Y, int Width, int Height, Item item, bool noBroadcast=false, bool noGrabDelay=false, bool reverseLookup=false)

This particular overload uses an Item instead of just the item type. All modded data will be preserved. More...
static int NewItem (IEntitySource source, Rectangle rectangle, int Type, int Stack=1, bool noBroadcast=false, int prefixGiven=0, bool noGrabDelay=false, bool reverseLookup=false)

This particular overload uses a Rectangle instead of X, Y, Width, and Height to determine the actual spawn position. More...
static int NewItem (IEntitySource source, Rectangle rectangle, Item item, bool noBroadcast=false, bool noGrabDelay=false, bool reverseLookup=false)

This particular overload uses an Item instead of just the item type. All modded data will be preserved.

This particular overload uses a Rectangle instead of X, Y, Width, and Height to determine the actual spawn position. More...
static int NewItem (IEntitySource source, Vector2 pos, int Width, int Height, int Type, int Stack=1, bool noBroadcast=false, int prefixGiven=0, bool noGrabDelay=false, bool reverseLookup=false)

This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X and Y to determine the actual spawn position. More...
static int NewItem (IEntitySource source, Vector2 pos, int Width, int Height, Item item, bool noBroadcast=false, bool noGrabDelay=false, bool reverseLookup=false)

This particular overload uses an Item instead of just the item type. All modded data will be preserved.

This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X and Y to determine the actual spawn position. More...
static int NewItem (IEntitySource source, Vector2 pos, Vector2 randomBox, int Type, int Stack=1, bool noBroadcast=false, int prefixGiven=0, bool noGrabDelay=false, bool reverseLookup=false)

This particular overload uses two Vector2 to determine the actual spawn position. More...
static int NewItem (IEntitySource source, Vector2 pos, Vector2 randomBox, Item item, bool noBroadcast=false, bool noGrabDelay=false, bool reverseLookup=false)

This particular overload uses an Item instead of just the item type. All modded data will be preserved.

This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X and Y to determine the actual spawn position. More...
static int NewItem (IEntitySource source, Vector2 position, int Type, int Stack=1, bool noBroadcast=false, int prefixGiven=0, bool noGrabDelay=false, bool reverseLookup=false)

This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X, Y, Width, and Height to determine the actual spawn position. More...
static int NewItem (IEntitySource source, Vector2 position, Item item, bool noBroadcast=false, bool noGrabDelay=false, bool reverseLookup=false)

This particular overload uses an Item instead of just the item type. All modded data will be preserved.

This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X, Y, Width, and Height to determine the actual spawn position. More...
static int NPCtoBanner (int i)
static int sellPrice (int platinum=0, int gold=0, int silver=0, int copper=0)
static void StartCachingType (int t)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Terraria.Entity
static IEntitySource GetSource_NaturalSpawn ()
static ? IEntitySource GetSource_None ()
static IEntitySource GetSource_TownSpawn ()
static ? IEntitySource InheritSource (Entity entity)

Public Attributes

bool accessory
int alpha
int ammo = AmmoID.None
bool autoReuse
int axe
sbyte backSlot = -1
int bait
 The numerical value this item adds to a player's fishing skill when used as bait.
If greater than 0, categorizes this item as bait.
Bait can be put into ammo slots and is consumed when fishing.
The higher the value of bait, the lower the chance the bait is consumed.
Defaults to 0.

sbyte balloonSlot = -1
sbyte beardSlot = -1
bool beingGrabbed
 If true, then this item is currently being grabbed by a player.
Items being grabbed by the player cannot combine with nearby items, be picked up by enemies, burn in lava, or despawn.

string BestiaryNotes
int bodySlot = -1
int buffTime
int buffType
bool buy
bool buyOnce
bool canBePlacedInVanityRegardlessOfConditions
bool cartTrack
bool channel
Color color
bool consumable
int createTile = -1
int createWall = -1
int crit
int damage
bool DD2Summon
 If true, the given item is categorized as a Dungeon Defenders 2 summon item.
DD2 summon items get a counter for how much Etherian Mana is in the player's inventory.
This field being set does not make the item consume Etherian Mana. Etherian Mana consumption is handled manually per-type.
Defaults to false.

int defense
int dye
 The numerical ID of the armor shader in GameShaders.Armor this item activates when worn in a dye slot.
If greater than 0, then this item can be equipped into dye slots.
Defaults to -1.

bool expert
 If true, then the given item is automatically given the Expert rarity, causing its name to be drawn in rainbow text.
It also adds the "Expert" tooltip. To use the Expert rarity without adding this tooltip, see ItemRarityID.Expert.

bool expertOnly
 If true, then the given item's effects only function in Expert Mode or higher (Main.expertMode).
Specifically, any equipped, Expert-only accessory will not update, any Expert-only minecart will not be used when riding minecart tracks, and an 'X' will be drawn over the item when equipped.
Unused in vanilla.

sbyte faceSlot = -1
bool favorited
 If true, then the given item is favorited.
Favorited items cannot be dropped, automatically moved into chests, placed in any kind of item rack, sold, trashed, or sorted.
Favorited items can still be dropped if the player has no inventory space and will still drop on death on Mediumcore or higher difficulties.
An item becomes unfavorited if removed from the player's inventory, including if the item is move to any equipment slot.
Defaults to false.

int fishingPole = 1
 The numerical value this item adds to a player's fishing skill when held.
If greater than 0, categorizes this item as a fishing pole.
Fishing poles can be placed into weapon racks, have a counter for the bait the player is carrying, and are held out when a bobber is active.
Defaults to 0.

bool flame
sbyte frontSlot = -1
short glowMask
int hairDye = -1
int hammer
sbyte handOffSlot = -1
sbyte handOnSlot = -1
int headSlot = -1
int healLife
int healMana
int holdStyle
bool instanced
 If true, then the given item is instanced per-client.
Instanced items only appear on the client they were spawned on and are less likely to be replaced if a new item is spawned.
Instanced items do not exist on servers.
Vanilla uses this field for treasure bags and Defender Medals. tModLoader automatically handles this for modded treasure bags.
If you would like to make an instanced item, see any one of the following for examples:
bool isAShopItem
 If true, then the given item is being sold in a shop.
Shop items display their price. See value.

int keepTime
float knockBack
int legSlot = -1
int lifeRegen
int makeNPC
 The numerical ID of the NPC that this item creates when used.
Mainly used for caught critters as items so that they can be released into the world.
int mana
int manaIncrease
bool master
 If true, then the given item is automatically given the Master rarity, causing its name to be drawn in red-orange text.
It also adds the "Master" tooltip. To use the Master rarity without adding this tooltip, see ItemRarityID.Master.

bool masterOnly
 If true, then the given item's effects only function in Master Mode or higher (Main.masterMode).
Specifically, any equipped, Master-only accessory will not update, any Master-only minecart will not be used when riding minecart tracks, and an 'X' will be drawn over the item when equipped.
Unused in vanilla.

bool material
int maxStack
bool mech
 If true, then the given item will show all placed wires and actuators when held.
This item will also be grouped with other items with mech set to true when the inventory is sorted.
Defaults to false.

int mountType = -1
sbyte neckSlot = -1
int netID
bool newAndShiny
int noGrabDelay
 The delay, in ticks, before players can pick up this item.
Usually set to 100 (approximately 1.666... seconds) whenever an item is dropped.
Set to 0 whenever an item drops from a projectile.

bool noMelee
bool notAmmo
bool noUseGraphic
bool noWet
int ownIgnore = -1
int ownTime
byte paint
 The numerical ID of the paint applied by this item when used with a paint brush or paint roller.
For conversion into a shader index, see Main.ConvertPaintIdToTileShaderIndex.
For more details regarding paint, see Tile.TileColor and Tile.WallColor.
Defaults to 0.

int pick
int placeStyle
int playerIndexTheItemIsReservedFor = 255
bool potion
int prefix
bool questItem
 If true, categorizes the given item as a quest fish.
Quest fish get a special tooltip, their own category in the Research Menu, and cannot be auto-moved to the Void Vault when picked up.
If you'd like to make a quest fish, see DefaultToQuestFish.
If you'd just like to emulate the one-per-inventory behavior of quest fish, see uniqueStack.
Defaults to false.

int rare
int reuseDelay
float scale = 1f
bool sentry
sbyte shieldSlot = -1
sbyte shoeSlot = -1
int shoot
float shootSpeed
int? shopCustomPrice
 If not null, the custom value of the given item when being bought from a shop.
Used for assigning a non-default price to an item in shops.
To get the raw price of an item, use GetStoreValue.
To get the price of an item after discounts, use Player.GetItemExpectedPrice.
Defaults to null.

int shopSpecialCurrency = -1
 The numerical ID of the special currency this item is bought using.
To make an item bought using Defender Medals, set this to CustomCurrencyID.DefenderMedals.
Defaults to -1, which means an item is bought using coins.

bool social
int stack
int stringColor
int tileBoost
int tileWand = -1
 The numerical ID of the item this item consumes when used.
If greater than 0, this item cannot be used unless the player has the item type tileWand is set to. The item also gains a counter for said item type.
Defaults to -1.

int timeLeftInWhichTheItemCannotBeTakenByEnemies
int timeSinceItemSpawned
 A value that increases every tick an item is in the world.
Defaults to the value in ItemID.Sets.NewItemSpawnPriority when an item is created, and increases by ItemID.Sets.ItemSpawnDecaySpeed every tick.
When creating new items, items with a high timeSinceItemSpawned value will be replaced if no empty item slots are available.

int timeSinceTheItemHasBeenReservedForSomeone
ItemTooltip ToolTip
int tooltipContext = -1
 The context in which this item's tooltip is being drawn.
See ItemSlot.Context for more details.
Defaults to -1.

int type
bool uniqueStack
 Players cannot pick up a uniqueStack item if they have an item with the same type in their inventory.
This does not apply to equipped items, nor does it apply to items held with the mouse (Main.mouseItem).
This field only prevents picking items up: Multiple uniqueStack items may still be transferred into the player's inventory from chests.
Defaults to false.

int useAmmo = AmmoID.None
int useAnimation
int useStyle
int useTime
bool useTurn
int value
bool vanity
sbyte waistSlot = -1
sbyte wingSlot = -1
bool wornArmor
 If true, then this item is in the local player's armor slots.
This causes the item to gain the set bonus tooltip if Player.setBonus isn't an empty string.
Defaults to false.

- Public Attributes inherited from Terraria.Entity
bool active
int direction = 1
int height
bool honeyWet
bool lavaWet
int oldDirection
Vector2 oldPosition
Vector2 oldVelocity
Vector2 position
Vector2 velocity
bool wet
byte wetCount
int whoAmI
int width

Static Public Attributes

static int[] bodyType = new int[246]
 An array for converting an bodySlot value into a type value.
Indexed by bodySlot. Defaults to 0.

static int[] cachedItemSpawnsByType = ItemID.Sets.Factory.CreateIntSet(-1)
 The number of cached item spawns by type.
A value of -1 means that an item type is not being cached.
See StartCachingType and DropCache for more info.
Indexed by type.Defaults to -1.

static bool[] claw = new bool[5125]
 If true, categorizes the given item type as a claw.
Claws are held differently when their useStyle is ItemUseStyleID.Swing, but are otherwise no different than any other item.
Used exclusively by the Bladed Glove in vanilla.
Indexed by type. Defaults to false.

static int coinGrabRange = 350
 The additional distance, in pixels, that coins may be grabbed from if the player has the Gold Ring or its upgrades (Player.goldRing).
Applies to ItemID.CopperCoin, ItemID.SilverCoin, ItemID.GoldCoin, and ItemID.PlatinumCoin.

const int copper = 1
static readonly Func< TagCompound, ItemDESERIALIZER = ItemIO.Load
const int flaskTime = 72000
const int gold = 10000
const int goldCritterRarityColor = 3
static int[] headType = new int[277]
 An array for converting an headSlot value into a type value.
Indexed by headSlot. Defaults to 0.

static int[] legType = new int[234]
 An array for converting an legSlot value into a type value.
Indexed by legSlot. Defaults to 0.

static int lifeGrabRange = 250
 The additional distance, in pixels, that mana stars may be grabbed from if the player has consumed a Heartreach Potion (Player.lifeMagnet).
Applies to ItemID.Heart, ItemID.CandyApple, and ItemID.CandyCane.

const int luckPotionDuration1 = 10800
const int luckPotionDuration2 = 18000
const int luckPotionDuration3 = 36000
static int manaGrabRange = 300
 The additional distance, in pixels, that mana stars may be grabbed from if the player has the Celestial Magnet or its upgrades (Player.manaMagnet).
Applies to ItemID.Star, ItemID.SoulCake, and ItemID.SugarPlum.

static int mushroomDelay = 1800
 The default cooldown, in ticks, of Mushrooms.
This value is never changed. For creating a Philosopher's Stone-like item, see Player.pStone or Player.mushroomDelayTime.

static int numberOfNewItems = 0
const int platinum = 1000000
static int potionDelay = 3600
 The default cooldown, in ticks, of most healing items.
This value is never changed. For creating a Philosopher's Stone-like item, see Player.pStone or Player.potionDelayTime.

static int restorationDelay = 2700
 The default cooldown, in ticks, of Restoration Potions.
This value is never changed. For creating a Philosopher's Stone-like item, see Player.pStone or Player.restorationDelayTime.

const int silver = 100
static bool[] staff = new bool[5125]
 If true, categorizes the given item type as a staff.
Staffs are held differently when their useStyle is ItemUseStyleID.Shoot, but are otherwise no different than any other item.
Indexed by type. Defaults to false.

static int treasureGrabRange = 150
 The additional distance, in pixels, that items may be grabbed from if the player has equipped a Treasure Magnet (Player.treasureMagnet).



bool AllowReforgeForStackableItem [get, set]
 Set to true in SetDefaults to allow this item to receive a prefix on reforge even if maxStack is not 1.
This prevents it from receiving a prefix on craft.
int ArmorPenetration [get, set]
 The number of defense points that this item can ignore on its own. Cannot be set to negative values. Defaults to 0.
bool attackSpeedOnlyAffectsWeaponAnimation [get, set]
 Dictates whether or not attack speed modifiers on this weapon will actually affect its use time.
Defaults to false, which allows attack speed modifiers to affect use time. Set this to true to prevent this from happening.
Used in vanilla by all melee weapons which shoot a projectile and have noMelee set to false.
bool CanBeQuickUsed [get]
bool consumeAmmoOnFirstShotOnly [get, set]
 Dictates whether or not this item should only consume ammo on its first shot of each use.
Defaults to false.
Used in vanilla by the following:
bool consumeAmmoOnLastShotOnly [get, set]
 Dictates whether or not this item should only consume ammo on its last shot of each use.
Defaults to false.
Used in vanilla by the following:
DamageClass DamageType [get, set]
 The damage type of this Item. Assign to DamageClass.Melee/Ranged/Magic/Summon/Throwing for vanilla classes, or ModContent.GetInstance for custom damage types.
bool FitsAccessoryVanitySlot [get]
RefReadOnlyArray< Instanced< GlobalItem > > Globals [get]
string HoverName [get]
bool InterruptChannelOnHurt [get, set]
 When enabled and the player is hurt, will be set to false
bool IsACoin [get]
bool IsAir [get]
bool IsCandidateForReforge [get]
 Used to make stackable items reforgeable
bool IsCurrency [get]
ModItem ModItem [get, set]
string Name [get]
int OriginalDamage [get]
int OriginalDefense [get]
int OriginalRarity [get]
List< ModStatsModifiedBy = new() [get]
bool StopAnimationOnHurt [get, set]
 When enabled and the player is hurt, will be set to false, and the item animation will stop immediately
int? useLimitPerAnimation [get, set]
 Dictates the amount of times a weapon can be used (shot, etc) each time it animates (is swung, clicked, etc).
Defaults to null.
Used in vanilla by the following:
- Properties inherited from Terraria.Entity
Vector2 Bottom [get, set]
Vector2 BottomLeft [get, set]
Vector2 BottomRight [get, set]
Vector2 Center [get, set]
Rectangle Hitbox [get, set]
Vector2 Left [get, set]
Vector2 Right [get, set]
Vector2 Size [get, set]
Vector2 Top [get, set]
Vector2 TopLeft [get, set]
Vector2 TopRight [get, set]
virtual Vector2 VisualPosition [get]
- Properties inherited from Terraria.ModLoader.IEntityWithGlobals< GlobalItem >
RefReadOnlyArray< Instanced< T > > Globals [get]

Member Function Documentation

◆ CountsAsClass< T >()

bool Terraria.Item.CountsAsClass< T > ( )
Type Constraints
T :DamageClass 
T :CountsAsClass 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 

◆ DefaultToBow()

void Terraria.Item.DefaultToBow ( int  singleShotTime,
float  shotVelocity,
bool  hasAutoReuse = false 

This method sets a variety of common Item values common to bow weapons.
Specifically: width = 14; height = 30; UseSound = SoundID.Item5;


◆ DefaultToFood()

void Terraria.Item.DefaultToFood ( int  newwidth,
int  newheight,
int  foodbuff,
int  foodbuffduration,
bool  useGulpSound = false,
int  animationTime = 17 

This method sets a variety of common Item values common to food items.
Specifically: UseSound = useGulpSound ? Item3 : Item2; useStyle = useGulpSound ? DrinkLiquid : EatFood;
useTurn = true; useAnimation = useTime = animationTime; maxStack = 30; consumable = true;
buffType = foodbuff; buffTime = foodbuffduration; rare = Blue; value = 20 silver;

useGulpSoundIf true, the gulp sound is set, otherwise the crunch sound is set

◆ DefaultToPlacableWall()

void Terraria.Item.DefaultToPlacableWall ( ushort  wallToPlace)

This method sets a variety of common Item values common to placeable walls.
Specifically: useStyle = 1; useTurn = true; useAnimation = 15; useTime = 7; autoReuse = true; maxStack = 999; consumable = true; createWall = wallToPlace; width = 12; height = 12;


◆ DefaultToRangedWeapon()

void Terraria.Item.DefaultToRangedWeapon ( int  baseProjType,
int  ammoID,
int  singleShotTime,
float  shotVelocity,
bool  hasAutoReuse = false 

This method sets a variety of common Item values common to ranged weapons.
Specifically: autoReuse = hasAutoReuse; useStyle = 5; useAnimation = singleShotTime; useTime = singleShotTime; shoot = baseProjType; useAmmo = ammoID; shootSpeed = shotVelocity; noMelee = true; ranged = true;


◆ GetGlobalItem< T >() [1/2]

T Terraria.Item.GetGlobalItem< T > ( bool  exactType = true)

Gets the instance of the specified GlobalItem type. This will throw exceptions on failure.

Type Constraints
T :GlobalItem 
T :GlobalType.GetGlobal 
T :Item 
T :GlobalItem 
T :T 
T :globalItems 
T :exactType 

◆ GetGlobalItem< T >() [2/2]

T Terraria.Item.GetGlobalItem< T > ( baseInstance)

Gets the local instance of the type of the specified GlobalItem instance. This will throw exceptions on failure.

Type Constraints
T :GlobalItem 
T :GlobalType.GetGlobal 
T :Item 
T :GlobalItem 
T :T 
T :globalItems 
T :baseInstance 

◆ NewItem() [1/10]

static int Terraria.Item.NewItem ( IEntitySource  source,
int  X,
int  Y,
int  Width,
int  Height,
int  Type,
int  Stack = 1,
bool  noBroadcast = false,
int  pfix = 0,
bool  noGrabDelay = false,
bool  reverseLookup = false 

Spawns an item into the game world with the given type and stack size. The X, Y, Width, and Height parameters dictate a rectangle, the item will be spawned centered within that rectangle. Other overloads support passing in a position directly, or just use 0 for Width and Height if the center is passed in a X and Y. This method should not be called on multiplayer clients. If you need to spawn items from client code, use Player.QuickSpawnItem(IEntitySource, int, int) instead, it handles the multiplayer syncing code needed. See the noBroadcast documentation if you need to customize attached ModItem or GlobalItem data prior to syncing. The source represents the entity causing this item to spawn. The return value is the index of the spawned Item within the Main.item array.

TypeEither an ItemID entry or ModContent.ItemType<T>, for example ItemID.IronskinPotion or ModContent.ItemType<MyModItem>()
StackItem stack
noBroadcastControls whether an item spawned on a server is synced using NetMessage.SendData and MessageID.SyncItem. If false, the item will be synced. If true, the calling code can modify the item instance and then sync the item with MessageID.SyncItem. Has no effect except on server. NewItem running on multiplayer clients always needs to manually sync, see Player.QuickSpawnItem(IEntitySource, int, int) source code for an example.
The index of the item within Main.item

◆ NewItem() [2/10]

static int Terraria.Item.NewItem ( IEntitySource  source,
int  X,
int  Y,
int  Width,
int  Height,
Item  item,
bool  noBroadcast = false,
bool  noGrabDelay = false,
bool  reverseLookup = false 

This particular overload uses an Item instead of just the item type. All modded data will be preserved.


◆ NewItem() [3/10]

static int Terraria.Item.NewItem ( IEntitySource  source,
Rectangle  rectangle,
int  Type,
int  Stack = 1,
bool  noBroadcast = false,
int  prefixGiven = 0,
bool  noGrabDelay = false,
bool  reverseLookup = false 

This particular overload uses a Rectangle instead of X, Y, Width, and Height to determine the actual spawn position.


◆ NewItem() [4/10]

static int Terraria.Item.NewItem ( IEntitySource  source,
Rectangle  rectangle,
Item  item,
bool  noBroadcast = false,
bool  noGrabDelay = false,
bool  reverseLookup = false 

This particular overload uses an Item instead of just the item type. All modded data will be preserved.

This particular overload uses a Rectangle instead of X, Y, Width, and Height to determine the actual spawn position.


◆ NewItem() [5/10]

static int Terraria.Item.NewItem ( IEntitySource  source,
Vector2  pos,
int  Width,
int  Height,
int  Type,
int  Stack = 1,
bool  noBroadcast = false,
int  prefixGiven = 0,
bool  noGrabDelay = false,
bool  reverseLookup = false 

This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X and Y to determine the actual spawn position.


◆ NewItem() [6/10]

static int Terraria.Item.NewItem ( IEntitySource  source,
Vector2  pos,
int  Width,
int  Height,
Item  item,
bool  noBroadcast = false,
bool  noGrabDelay = false,
bool  reverseLookup = false 

This particular overload uses an Item instead of just the item type. All modded data will be preserved.

This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X and Y to determine the actual spawn position.


◆ NewItem() [7/10]

static int Terraria.Item.NewItem ( IEntitySource  source,
Vector2  pos,
Vector2  randomBox,
int  Type,
int  Stack = 1,
bool  noBroadcast = false,
int  prefixGiven = 0,
bool  noGrabDelay = false,
bool  reverseLookup = false 

This particular overload uses two Vector2 to determine the actual spawn position.


◆ NewItem() [8/10]

static int Terraria.Item.NewItem ( IEntitySource  source,
Vector2  pos,
Vector2  randomBox,
Item  item,
bool  noBroadcast = false,
bool  noGrabDelay = false,
bool  reverseLookup = false 

This particular overload uses an Item instead of just the item type. All modded data will be preserved.

This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X and Y to determine the actual spawn position.


◆ NewItem() [9/10]

static int Terraria.Item.NewItem ( IEntitySource  source,
Vector2  position,
int  Type,
int  Stack = 1,
bool  noBroadcast = false,
int  prefixGiven = 0,
bool  noGrabDelay = false,
bool  reverseLookup = false 

This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X, Y, Width, and Height to determine the actual spawn position.


◆ NewItem() [10/10]

static int Terraria.Item.NewItem ( IEntitySource  source,
Vector2  position,
Item  item,
bool  noBroadcast = false,
bool  noGrabDelay = false,
bool  reverseLookup = false 

This particular overload uses an Item instead of just the item type. All modded data will be preserved.

This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X, Y, Width, and Height to determine the actual spawn position.


◆ SerializeData()

TagCompound Terraria.Item.SerializeData ( )

◆ TryGetGlobalItem< T >() [1/2]

bool Terraria.Item.TryGetGlobalItem< T > ( out T  result,
bool  exactType = true 

Gets the instance of the specified GlobalItem type.

Type Constraints
T :GlobalItem 
T :GlobalType.TryGetGlobal 
T :globalItems 
T :exactType 
T :out 
T :result 

◆ TryGetGlobalItem< T >() [2/2]

bool Terraria.Item.TryGetGlobalItem< T > ( baseInstance,
out T  result 

Safely attempts to get the local instance of the type of the specified GlobalItem instance.

Whether or not the requested instance has been found.
Type Constraints
T :GlobalItem 
T :GlobalType.TryGetGlobal 
T :globalItems 
T :baseInstance 
T :out 
T :result 

Member Data Documentation

◆ instanced

bool Terraria.Item.instanced

If true, then the given item is instanced per-client.
Instanced items only appear on the client they were spawned on and are less likely to be replaced if a new item is spawned.
Instanced items do not exist on servers.
Vanilla uses this field for treasure bags and Defender Medals. tModLoader automatically handles this for modded treasure bags.
If you would like to make an instanced item, see any one of the following for examples:

  • NPC.DropItemInstanced
  • GameContent.ItemDropRules.CommonCode.DropItemLocalPerClientAndSetNPCMoneyTo0
  • MessageID.InstancedItem
    Defaults to false.

Property Documentation

◆ consumeAmmoOnFirstShotOnly

bool Terraria.Item.consumeAmmoOnFirstShotOnly

Dictates whether or not this item should only consume ammo on its first shot of each use.
Defaults to false.
Used in vanilla by the following:

  • Flamethrower
  • Elf Melter

◆ consumeAmmoOnLastShotOnly

bool Terraria.Item.consumeAmmoOnLastShotOnly

Dictates whether or not this item should only consume ammo on its last shot of each use.
Defaults to false.
Used in vanilla by the following:

  • ClockworkAssaultRifle
  • Clentaminator
  • FairyQueenRangedItem

◆ useLimitPerAnimation

int? Terraria.Item.useLimitPerAnimation

Dictates the amount of times a weapon can be used (shot, etc) each time it animates (is swung, clicked, etc).
Defaults to null.
Used in vanilla by the following:

  • BookStaff
  • FairyQueenMagicItem
  • FairyQueenRangedItem