▼NExtensions | |
CEnumerationExtensions | |
CIStaticPortMapping | |
CIStaticPortMappingCollection | |
▼NTerraria | |
►NAchievements | |
CAchievement | |
CAchievementCondition | |
CAchievementManager | |
CAchievementTracker | |
CConditionFloatTracker | |
CConditionIntTracker | |
CConditionsCompletedTracker | |
CIAchievementTracker | |
►NAudio | |
CActiveSound | |
CASoundEffectBasedAudioTrack | |
CCueAudioTrack | |
CDisabledAudioSystem | |
CIAudioSystem | |
CIAudioTrack | |
CLegacyAudioSystem | |
CLegacySoundPlayer | |
CMP3AudioTrack | |
CMusicCueHolder | |
COGGAudioTrack | |
CSoundEngine | |
CSoundInstanceGarbageCollector | |
CSoundPlayer | |
CSoundStyle | This data type describes in detail how a sound should be played.
Passable to the SoundEngine.PlaySound(in SoundStyle, Vector2?) method. |
CWAVAudioTrack | |
►NChat | |
►NCommands | |
CChatCommandAttribute | |
CEmojiCommand | |
CEmoteCommand | |
CHelpCommand | |
CIChatCommand | |
CListPlayersCommand | |
CPartyChatCommand | |
CRockPaperScissorsCommand | |
CRollCommand | |
CSayChatCommand | |
CChatCommandId | |
CChatCommandProcessor | |
CChatHelper | |
CChatMessage | |
CIChatProcessor | |
►NCinematics | |
CCinematicManager | |
CDD2Film | |
CDSTFilm | |
CFilm | |
CFrameEventData | |
►NDataStructures | |
CAEntitySource_Tile | |
CAnchorData | |
CAnchoredEntitiesCollection | |
CBinaryWriterHelper | |
CBossBarDrawParams | Holds data required for boss bar drawing. |
CBuffDrawParams | Holds data required for buff drawing. |
CBufferPool | |
CCachedBuffer | |
CColorSlidersSet | |
CDoubleStack | |
CDrawAnimation | |
CDrawAnimationVertical | |
CDrawData | |
CDrillDebugDraw | |
CEntityShadowInfo | |
CEntitySource_BossSpawn | |
CEntitySource_Buff | |
CEntitySource_CatchEntity | Used for when NPCs or other entities are caught by things like bug nets. |
CEntitySource_DebugCommand | |
CEntitySource_DropAsItem | |
CEntitySource_Film | |
CEntitySource_FishedOut | |
CEntitySource_Gift | |
CEntitySource_ItemOpen | |
CEntitySource_ItemUse | |
CEntitySource_ItemUse_WithAmmo | |
CEntitySource_Loot | |
CEntitySource_Misc | To be used in cases where no entity is present.NOTE: Unlike most other entity sources, this one requires context to be specified. |
CEntitySource_Mount | |
CEntitySource_OldOnesArmy | |
CEntitySource_OnHit | |
CEntitySource_Parent | |
CEntitySource_RevengeSystem | |
CEntitySource_ShakeTree | |
CEntitySource_SpawnNPC | |
CEntitySource_Sync | |
CEntitySource_TileBreak | |
CEntitySource_TileEntity | |
CEntitySource_TileInteraction | |
CEntitySource_TileUpdate | Added by TML. Derives from AEntitySource_Tile. |
CEntitySource_Wiring | |
CEntitySource_WorldEvent | |
CEntitySource_WorldGen | |
CEntryFilterer | |
CEntrySorter | |
CFishingAttempt | |
CFlowerPacketInfo | |
CGameModeData | |
CGeneralIssueReporter | |
CIConfigKeyHolder | |
CIEntitySource | This object encapsulates context information about the source of a particular spawning event of an Item/Projectile/NPC/etc. Aids in facilitating many modding situations and used in various OnSpawn hooks.
The IEntitySource Guideteaches how and why to use this. |
CIEntryFilter | |
CIEntrySortStep | |
CIProvideReports | |
CISearchFilter | |
CIssueReport | |
CItemSyncPersistentStats | |
CLineSegment | |
CMethodSequenceListItem | |
CNPCAimedTarget | |
CNPCDebuffImmunityData | |
CNPCKillAttempt | |
CNPCStrengthHelper | |
CPlacementHook | |
CPlayerDeathReason | |
CPlayerDrawHelper | |
CPlayerDrawLayers | |
CPlayerDrawSet | |
CPlayerFishingConditions | |
CPlayerInteractionAnchor | |
CPlayerMovementAccsCache | |
CPoint16 | |
CPortableStoolUsage | |
CRejectionMenuInfo | |
CSelectionHolder | |
CSoundPlaySet | |
CSpriteFrame | |
CTileDrawInfo | |
►CTileDrawSorter | |
CCustomComparer | |
CTileTexPoint | |
CTileEntitiesManager | |
CTileEntity | |
CTileObjectPreviewData | |
CTileRestingInfo | Holds data required for offsetting an entity when it rests on a tile (sitting/sleeping). |
CTitleLinkButton | |
CTrackedProjectileReference | |
CWingStats | |
NEnums | |
►NGameContent | |
►NAchievements | |
CAchievementsHelper | |
CCustomFlagCondition | |
CCustomFloatCondition | |
CCustomIntCondition | |
CItemCraftCondition | |
CItemPickupCondition | |
CNPCKilledCondition | |
CProgressionEventCondition | |
CTileDestroyedCondition | |
►NAmbience | |
►CAmbienceServer | |
CAmbienceSpawnInfo | |
►CAmbientSkyDrawCache | |
COceanLineCache | |
CUnderworldCache | |
►NBestiary | |
CBestiaryDatabase | |
►CBestiaryDatabaseNPCsPopulator | |
►CCommonTags | |
►CSpawnConditions | |
CBiomes | |
CEvents | |
CInvasions | |
CTimes | |
CVisuals | |
CConditions | |
CCrownosIconIndexes | |
CBestiaryEntry | |
CBestiaryPortraitBackgroundBasedOnWorldEvilProviderPreferenceInfoElement | |
CBestiaryPortraitBackgroundProviderPreferenceInfoElement | |
CBestiaryUICollectionInfo | |
CBestiaryUnlockProgressReport | |
CBestiaryUnlocksTracker | |
CBossBestiaryInfoElement | |
CCommonEnemyUICollectionInfoProvider | |
CCritterUICollectionInfoProvider | |
CCustomEntryIcon | |
CEntryIconDrawSettings | |
CFilterProviderInfoElement | |
►CFilters | |
CByBoss | |
CByInfoElement | |
CByRareCreature | |
CBySearch | |
CByUnlockState | |
CFlavorTextBestiaryInfoElement | |
CGoldCritterUICollectionInfoProvider | |
CHighestOfMultipleUICollectionInfoProvider | |
CIBestiaryBackgroundImagePathAndColorProvider | |
CIBestiaryBackgroundOverlayAndColorProvider | |
CIBestiaryEntryDisplayIndex | |
CIBestiaryEntryFilter | |
CIBestiaryInfoElement | |
CIBestiaryPrioritizedElement | |
CIBestiarySortStep | |
CIBestiaryUICollectionInfoProvider | |
CIEntryIcon | |
CIFilterInfoProvider | |
CIItemBestiaryInfoElement | |
CIPreferenceProviderElement | |
CIProvideSearchFilterString | |
CItemDropBestiaryInfoElement | |
CItemFromCatchingNPCBestiaryInfoElement | |
CModBestiaryInfoElement | |
CModBiomeBestiaryInfoElement | |
CModSourceBestiaryInfoElement | |
CMoonLordPortraitBackgroundProviderBestiaryInfoElement | |
CNamePlateInfoElement | |
CNPCKillsTracker | |
CNPCNetIdBestiaryInfoElement | |
CNPCPortraitInfoElement | |
CNPCStatsReportInfoElement | |
CNPCWasChatWithTracker | |
CNPCWasNearPlayerTracker | |
CRareSpawnBestiaryInfoElement | |
CSalamanderShellyDadUICollectionInfoProvider | |
CSearchAliasInfoElement | |
►CSortingSteps | |
CAlphabetical | |
CByAttack | |
CByBestiaryRarity | |
CByBestiarySortingId | |
CByCoins | |
CByDefense | |
CByHP | |
CByNetId | |
CByStat | |
CByUnlockState | |
CSpawnConditionBestiaryInfoElement | |
CSpawnConditionBestiaryOverlayInfoElement | |
CSpawnConditionDecorativeOverlayInfoElement | |
CTownNPCUICollectionInfoProvider | |
CUnlockableNPCEntryIcon | |
CUnlockProgressDisplayBestiaryInfoElement | |
►NBiomes | |
►NCaveHouse | |
CDesertHouseBuilder | |
CGraniteHouseBuilder | |
CHouseBuilder | |
CHouseBuilderContext | |
CHouseUtils | |
CIceHouseBuilder | |
CJungleHouseBuilder | |
CMarbleHouseBuilder | |
CMushroomHouseBuilder | |
CWoodHouseBuilder | |
►NDesert | |
CAnthillEntrance | |
CChambersEntrance | |
CDesertDescription | |
CDesertHive | |
CLarvaHoleEntrance | |
CPitEntrance | |
CSandMound | |
CSurfaceMap | |
CCampsiteBiome | |
CCaveHouseBiome | |
CCorruptionPitBiome | |
CDeadMansChestBiome | |
CDesertBiome | |
CDunesBiome | |
CEnchantedSwordBiome | |
CGraniteBiome | |
CHiveBiome | |
CHoneyPatchBiome | |
CJunglePass | |
CMahoganyTreeBiome | |
CMarbleBiome | |
CMiningExplosivesBiome | |
CTerrainPass | |
CThinIceBiome | |
►NCreative | |
CCreativeItemSacrificesCatalog | |
CCreativePowerManager | |
►CCreativePowers | |
CAPerPlayerSliderPower | |
CAPerPlayerTogglePower | |
CASharedButtonPower | |
CASharedSliderPower | |
CASharedTogglePower | |
CDifficultySliderPower | |
CFarPlacementRangePower | |
CFreezeRainPower | |
CFreezeTime | |
CFreezeWindDirectionAndStrength | |
CGodmodePower | |
CModifyRainPower | |
CModifyTimeRate | |
CModifyWindDirectionAndStrength | |
CSpawnRateSliderPerPlayerPower | |
CStartDayImmediately | |
CStartMidnightImmediately | |
CStartNightImmediately | |
CStartNoonImmediately | |
CStopBiomeSpreadPower | |
CCreativePowerSettings | |
►CCreativePowersHelper | |
CCreativePowerIconLocations | |
CCreativePowerUIElementRequestInfo | |
CCreativeUI | |
CCreativeUnlocksTracker | |
CICreativeItemSortStep | |
CICreativePower | |
CIItemEntryFilter | |
CIPowerSubcategoryElement | |
CIProvideSliderElement | |
►CItemFilters | |
CAAccessories | |
CAArmor | |
CAccessories | |
CArmor | |
CBuildingBlock | |
CBySearch | |
CConsumables | |
CFurniture | |
CGameplayItems | |
CMaterials | |
CMiscAccessories | |
CMiscFallback | |
CTools | |
CVanity | |
CWeapon | |
CItemsSacrificedUnlocksTracker | |
►CSortingSteps | |
CACreativeItemSortStep | |
CAlphabetical | |
CAStepByFittingFilter | |
CBlocks | |
CByCreativeSortingId | |
CPlacableObjects | |
CWalls | |
►NDrawing | |
CParticleOrchestraSettings | |
CParticleOrchestrator | |
CTileDrawing | |
CWallDrawing | |
CWindGrid | |
►NDyes | |
CLegacyHairShaderData | |
CReflectiveArmorShaderData | |
CTeamArmorShaderData | |
CTwilightDyeShaderData | |
CTwilightHairDyeShaderData | |
►NEvents | |
CBirthdayParty | |
CCreditsRollEvent | |
CCultistRitual | |
CDD2Event | |
CLanternNight | |
►CMoonlordDeathDrama | |
CMoonlordExplosion | |
CMoonlordPiece | |
CMysticLogFairiesEvent | |
CSandstorm | |
CScreenDarkness | |
CScreenObstruction | |
►NGeneration | |
CActionGrass | |
CActionPlaceStatue | |
CActionStalagtite | |
CActionVines | |
CPassLegacy | |
CShapeBranch | |
CShapeFloodFill | |
CShapeRoot | |
CShapeRunner | |
CTrackGenerator | |
►NGolf | |
CFancyGolfPredictionLine | |
CGolfBallTrackRecord | |
►CGolfHelper | |
CClubProperties | |
CContactListener | |
CShotStrength | |
CGolfState | |
►NItemDropRules | |
CAlwaysAtleastOneSuccessDropRule | Re-runs all drop rules if none succeded. |
►CChains | |
CTryIfDoesntFillConditions | |
CTryIfFailedRandomRoll | |
CTryIfSucceeded | |
CCoinsRule | |
CCommonCode | |
CCommonDrop | |
CCommonDropNotScalingWithLuck | |
CCommonDropWithRerolls | |
►CConditions | |
CBeatAnyMechBoss | |
CCorruptKeyCondition | |
CCrimsonKeyCondition | |
CDesertKeyCondition | |
CDontStarveIsNotUp | |
CDontStarveIsUp | |
CDownedAllMechBosses | |
CDownedPlantera | |
CEmpressOfLightIsGenuinelyEnraged | |
CFirstTimeKillingPlantera | |
CFromCertainWaveAndAbove | |
CFrostMoonDropGateForTrophies | |
CFrostMoonDropGatingChance | |
CFrozenKeyCondition | |
CHalloweenGoodieBagDrop | |
CHalloweenWeapons | |
CHallowKeyCondition | |
CIsBloodMoonAndNotFromStatue | |
CIsChristmas | |
CIsCorruption | |
CIsCorruptionAndNotExpert | |
CIsCrimson | |
CIsCrimsonAndNotExpert | |
CIsExpert | |
CIsHardmode | |
CIsMasterMode | |
CIsPreHardmode | |
CIsPumpkinMoon | |
CIsUsingSpecificAIValues | |
CJungleKeyCondition | |
CKOCannon | |
CLegacyHack_IsABoss | |
CLegacyHack_IsBossAndExpert | |
CLegacyHack_IsBossAndNotExpert | |
CLivingFlames | |
CMechanicalBossesDummyCondition | |
CMissingTwin | |
CNamedNPC | |
CNeverTrue | |
CNoPortalGun | |
CNotExpert | |
CNotFromStatue | |
CNotMasterMode | |
CNotUsedDemonHeart | |
CPirateMap | |
CPlayerNeedsHealing | |
CPumpkinMoonDropGatingChance | |
CSoulOfLight | |
CSoulOfNight | |
CTenthAnniversaryIsNotUp | |
CTenthAnniversaryIsUp | |
CWindyEnoughForKiteDrops | |
CXmasPresentDrop | |
CYoyoCascade | |
CYoyosAmarok | |
CYoyosHelFire | |
CYoyosKraken | |
CYoyosYelets | |
CDropAttemptInfo | |
CDropBasedOnExpertMode | |
CDropBasedOnMasterMode | |
CDropLocalPerClientAndResetsNPCMoneyTo0 | |
CDropNothing | |
►CDropOneByOne | |
CParameters | |
CDropPerPlayerOnThePlayer | |
CDropRateInfo | |
CDropRateInfoChainFeed | |
CFewFromOptionsDropRule | Runs multiple rules if successes. |
CFewFromOptionsNotScaledWithLuckDropRule | Runs multiple rules if successes. Does not use player luck. |
CFewFromRulesRule | Runs multiple drop rules if successes. |
CHerbBagDropsItemDropRule | Used just by Herb Bag. Horribly hardcoded. Do not use if you can. |
CIItemDropRule | |
CIItemDropRuleChainAttempt | |
CIItemDropRuleCondition | |
CINestedItemDropRule | |
CIProvideItemConditionDescription | |
CItemDropAttemptResult | |
CItemDropDatabase | |
CItemDropResolver | |
CItemDropRule | |
CItemDropWithConditionRule | |
CLeadingConditionRule | |
CMechBossSpawnersDropRule | |
COneFromOptionsDropRule | |
COneFromOptionsNotScaledWithLuckDropRule | |
COneFromRulesRule | |
CSequentialRulesNotScalingWithLuckRule | Runs the provided rules in order, stopping after a rule succeeds.
Does not use player luck.
CSequentialRulesRule | Runs the provided rules in order, stopping after a rule succeeds.
CSlimeBodyItemDropRule | |
►NLiquid | |
CLiquidRenderer | |
►NLootSimulation | |
►NLootSimulatorConditionSetterTypes | |
CFastConditionSetter | |
CLuckyCoinConditionSetter | |
CSlimeStaffConditionSetter | |
CStackedConditionSetter | |
CISimulationConditionSetter | |
CLootSimulationItemCounter | |
CLootSimulator | |
CSimulationConditionSetters | |
CSimulatorInfo | |
►NMetadata | |
CTileGolfPhysics | |
CTileMaterial | |
CTileMaterials | |
►NNetModules | |
CNetAmbienceModule | |
CNetBestiaryModule | |
CNetCreativePowerPermissionsModule | |
CNetCreativePowersModule | |
CNetCreativeUnlocksModule | |
CNetCreativeUnlocksPlayerReportModule | |
CNetLiquidModule | |
CNetParticlesModule | |
CNetPingModule | |
CNetTeleportPylonModule | |
CNetTextModule | |
►NObjectInteractions | |
CAHoverInteractionChecker | |
CBlockBecauseYouAreOverAnImportantTile | |
CISmartInteractBlockReasonProvider | |
CISmartInteractCandidate | |
CISmartInteractCandidateProvider | |
CNPCSmartInteractCandidateProvider | |
CPotionOfReturnGateInteractionChecker | |
CPotionOfReturnHelper | |
CPotionOfReturnSmartInteractCandidateProvider | |
CProjectileSmartInteractCandidateProvider | |
CSmartInteractScanSettings | |
CSmartInteractSystem | |
CTileSmartInteractCandidateProvider | |
►NPersonalities | |
CAllPersonalitiesModifier | |
CAShoppingBiome | |
►CBiomePreferenceListTrait | |
CBiomePreference | |
CCorruptionBiome | |
CCrimsonBiome | |
CDesertBiome | |
CDungeonBiome | |
CForestBiome | |
CHallowBiome | |
CHelperInfo | |
CIShopPersonalityTrait | |
CIShoppingBiome | |
CJungleBiome | |
CMushroomBiome | |
CNPCPreferenceTrait | |
COceanBiome | |
CPersonalityDatabase | |
CPersonalityDatabasePopulator | |
CPersonalityProfile | |
CSnowBiome | |
CUndergroundBiome | |
►NRGB | |
CBlizzardShader | |
CBrainShader | |
CCavernShader | |
►CCommonConditions | |
CAlert | |
CBoss | |
CConditionBase | |
CCriticalAlert | |
CDepth | |
CEvents | |
CMiscBiome | |
CSurfaceBiome | |
CUndergroundBiome | |
CWeather | |
CCorruptSurfaceShader | |
CCultistShader | |
CDD2Shader | |
CDeathShader | |
CDesertShader | |
CDrippingShader | |
CDrowningShader | |
CDukeFishronShader | |
CDungeonShader | |
CEmpressShader | |
CEyeballShader | |
CEyeOfCthulhuShader | |
CFrostLegionShader | |
CGemCaveShader | |
CGoblinArmyShader | |
CGolemShader | |
CHallowSurfaceShader | |
CIceShader | |
CJungleShader | |
CKingSlimeShader | |
CLavaIndicatorShader | |
CLowLifeShader | |
CMartianMadnessShader | |
CMeteoriteShader | |
CMoonShader | |
CNoiseHelper | |
CPillarShader | |
CPirateInvasionShader | |
CPlanteraShader | |
CQueenBeeShader | |
CQueenSlimeShader | |
CRainShader | |
CSandstormShader | |
CSkullShader | |
CSkyShader | |
CSlimeRainShader | |
CSurfaceBiomeShader | |
CTempleShader | |
CTwinsShader | |
CUndergroundCorruptionShader | |
CUndergroundHallowShader | |
CUndergroundMushroomShader | |
CUnderworldShader | |
CVineShader | |
CVirtualKeyboard | |
CWallOfFleshShader | |
CWormShader | |
►NShaders | |
CBlizzardShaderData | |
CBloodMoonScreenShaderData | |
CMoonLordScreenShaderData | |
CSandstormShaderData | |
CSepiaScreenShaderData | |
CWaterShaderData | |
►NSkies | |
►NCreditsRoll | |
►CActions | |
►CNPCs | |
CBlink | |
CDoBunnyRestAnimation | |
CFade | |
CForceAltTexture | |
CINPCAction | |
CLookAt | |
CMove | |
CMoveWithAcceleration | |
CMoveWithRotor | |
CPartyHard | |
CShowItem | |
CVariant | |
CWait | |
CZombieKnockOnDoor | |
►CPlayers | |
CFade | |
CIPlayerAction | |
CLookAt | |
CMoveWithAcceleration | |
CWait | |
►CSprites | |
CFade | |
CISpriteAction | |
CSetFrame | |
CSetFrameSequence | |
CSimulateGravity | |
CWait | |
CCreditsRollComposer | |
CCreditsRollInfo | |
CICreditsRollSegment | |
CICreditsRollSegmentAction | |
►CSegments | |
CACreditsRollSegmentWithActions | |
CEmoteSegment | |
CLocalizedTextSegment | |
CLooseSprite | |
CNPCSegment | |
►CPlayerSegment | |
CImmediateSpritebatchForPlayerDyesEffect | |
CIShaderEffect | |
►CSpriteSegment | |
CIShaderEffect | |
CMaskedFadeEffect | |
CAmbientSky | |
CBlizzardSky | |
CCreditsRollSky | |
CLanternSky | |
CMartianSky | |
CMoonLordSky | |
CNebulaSky | |
CPartySky | |
CSandstormSky | |
CSlimeSky | |
CSolarSky | |
CStardustSky | |
CVortexSky | |
►NTile_Entities | |
CDisplayDollSlot | |
CHatRackSlot | |
CTEDisplayDoll | |
CTEFoodPlatter | |
CTEHatRack | |
CTEItemFrame | |
CTELogicSensor | |
CTETeleportationPylon | |
CTETrainingDummy | |
CTEWeaponsRack | |
►NUI | |
►NBigProgressBar | |
CBigProgressBarHelper | |
CBigProgressBarInfo | |
CBigProgressBarSystem | |
CBrainOfCthuluBigProgressBar | |
CCommonBossBigProgressBar | |
CDeerclopsBigProgressBar | |
CEaterOfWorldsProgressBar | |
CGolemHeadProgressBar | |
CIBigProgressBar | |
CLunarPillarBigProgessBar | |
CMartianSaucerBigProgressBar | |
CMoonLordProgressBar | |
CNebulaPillarBigProgressBar | |
CNeverValidProgressBar | |
CPirateShipBigProgressBar | |
CSolarFlarePillarBigProgressBar | |
CStardustPillarBigProgressBar | |
CTwinsBigProgressBar | |
CVortexPillarBigProgressBar | |
►NChat | |
CAchievementTagHandler | |
CColorTagHandler | |
CGlyphTagHandler | |
CIChatMonitor | |
CItemTagHandler | |
CLegacyChatMonitor | |
CNameTagHandler | |
►CPlainTagHandler | |
CPlainSnippet | |
CRemadeChatMonitor | |
►NElements | |
CEmoteButton | |
CEmotesGroupListItem | |
CExtraBestiaryInfoPageInformation | |
CFixedUIScrollbar | |
CGroupOptionButton | |
CIColorable | |
CIGroupOptionButton | |
CIManuallyOrderedUIElement | |
CPowerStripUIElement | |
CUIAchievementListItem | |
CUIBestiaryEntryButton | |
CUIBestiaryEntryGrid | |
CUIBestiaryEntryIcon | |
CUIBestiaryEntryInfoPage | |
CUIBestiaryFilteringOptionsGrid | |
CUIBestiaryInfoItemLine | |
CUIBestiaryInfoLine | |
CUIBestiaryNPCEntryPortrait | |
CUIBestiarySortingOptionsGrid | |
CUICharacter | |
CUICharacterListItem | |
CUICharacterNameButton | |
CUIClothStyleButton | |
CUIColoredImageButton | |
CUIColoredSlider | |
CUIColoredSliderSimple | |
CUICreativeInfiniteItemsDisplay | |
CUICreativeItemsInfiniteFilteringOptions | |
CUICreativePowerButton | |
CUIDifficultyButton | |
CUIDynamicItemCollection | |
CUIGenProgressBar | |
CUIHairStyleButton | |
CUIHeader | |
CUIHorizontalSeparator | |
CUIIconTextButton | |
CUIImage | |
CUIImageButton | |
CUIImageFramed | |
CUIImageWithBorder | |
CUIItemIcon | |
CUIItemSlot | |
CUIKeybindingListItem | |
CUIKeybindingSimpleListItem | |
CUIKeybindingSliderItem | |
CUIKeybindingToggleListItem | |
CUIList | |
CUIPanel | |
CUIParticleLayer | |
CUIProgressBar | |
CUIResourcePack | |
CUIResourcePackInfoButton | |
CUIScrollbar | |
CUISearchBar | |
CUISelectableTextPanel | |
CUISlicedImage | |
CUISliderBase | |
CUIText | |
CUITextBox | |
CUITextPanel | |
CUIToggleImage | |
CUIVerticalSeparator | |
CUIVerticalSlider | |
CUIWorkshopImportWorldListItem | |
CUIWorkshopPublishResourcePackListItem | |
CUIWorkshopPublishWorldListItem | |
CUIWorldCreationPreview | |
CUIWorldListItem | |
►NMinimap | |
CMinimapFrame | |
CMinimapFrameManager | |
CMinimapFrameTemplate | |
►NResourceSets | |
CClassicPlayerResourcesDisplaySet | |
CCommonResourceBarMethods | |
CFancyClassicPlayerResourcesDisplaySet | |
CHorizontalBarsPlayerReosurcesDisplaySet | |
CIPlayerResourcesDisplaySet | |
CPlayerResourceSetsManager | |
CPlayerResourceSetsManager2 | |
CPlayerStatsSnapshot | |
CResourceDrawSettings | |
►NStates | |
CAWorkshopPublishInfoState | |
CUIAchievementsMenu | |
CUIBestiaryTest | |
CUICharacterCreation | |
CUICharacterSelect | |
CUICreativePowersMenu | |
CUIEmotesMenu | |
CUIGamepadHelper | |
CUIManageControls | |
CUIReportsPage | |
CUIResourcePackInfoMenu | |
CUIResourcePackSelectionMenu | |
CUISortableElement | |
CUIVirtualKeyboard | |
CUIWorkshopHub | |
CUIWorkshopSelectResourcePackToPublish | |
CUIWorkshopSelectWorldToPublish | |
CUIWorkshopWorldImport | |
CUIWorldCreation | |
CUIWorldLoad | |
CUIWorldSelect | |
CWorkshopPublishInfoStateForMods | |
CWorkshopPublishInfoStateForResourcePack | |
CWorkshopPublishInfoStateForWorld | |
►CBuilderAccTogglesUI | |
CIBuilderAccToggle | |
CCustomCurrencyManager | |
CCustomCurrencySingleCoin | |
CCustomCurrencySystem | |
CEmoteBubble | |
CEmoteID | |
CGameTipsDisplay | |
CIMultiplayerClosePlayersOverlay | |
CIssueReportsIndicator | |
CItemRarity | |
CLegacyMultiplayerClosePlayersOverlay | |
CNewMultiplayerClosePlayersOverlay | |
►CWiresUI | |
CSettings | |
CWiresRadial | |
CWorkshopPublishingIndicator | |
CWorldUIAnchor | |
CAmbientWindSystem | |
CAnOutlinedDrawRenderTargetContent | |
CARenderTargetContentByRequest | |
CAssetSourceController | |
CBackgroundChangeFlashInfo | |
CChildSafety | |
CChromaHotkeyPainter | |
CChumBucketProjectileHelper | |
►CCoinLossRevengeSystem | |
CRevengeMarker | |
CContentRejectionFromSize | |
CDontStarveDarknessDamageDealer | |
CDontStarveSeed | |
CDoorOpeningHelper | |
CFixExploitManEaters | |
CFontAssets | |
CHairstyleUnlocksHelper | |
CINeedRenderTargetContent | |
CIOnPlayerJoining | |
CIPersistentPerPlayerContent | |
CIPersistentPerWorldContent | |
CItemShopSellbackHelper | |
CITownNPCProfile | |
CLucyAxeMessage | |
CMinecartDiggerHelper | |
CNPCHeadDrawRenderTargetContent | |
CPlayerEyeHelper | |
CPlayerHeadDrawRenderTargetContent | |
CPlayerQueenSlimeMountTextureContent | |
CPlayerRainbowWingsTextureContent | |
CPlayerSittingHelper | |
CPlayerSleepingHelper | |
CPlayerTitaniumStormBuffTextureContent | |
CPortalHelper | |
CPotionOfReturnGateHelper | |
CPressurePlateHelper | |
►CProfiles | |
CAlternateLegacyNPCProfile | |
CLegacyNPCProfile | |
CTransformableNPCProfile | |
CVariantNPCProfile | |
CShopHelper | |
CSmartCursorHelper | |
CSpelunkerProjectileHelper | |
CTeleportHelpers | |
CTeleportPylonInfo | |
CTeleportPylonsSystem | |
►CTextureAssets | |
CRenderTargets | |
►CTilePaintSystemV2 | |
CARenderTargetHolder | |
CTileRenderTargetHolder | |
CTileVariationkey | |
CTreeBranchTargetHolder | |
CTreeFoliageVariantKey | |
CTreeTopRenderTargetHolder | |
CWallRenderTargetHolder | |
CWallVariationKey | |
CTownNPCProfiles | |
CTownRoomManager | |
CTreePaintingSettings | |
CTreePaintSystemData | |
►CTreeTopsInfo | |
CAreaId | |
CVanillaContentValidator | |
CVoidLensHelper | |
CWellFedHelper | |
►NGameInput | |
CKeyConfiguration | |
CLockOnHelper | |
►CPlayerInput | |
CMiscSettingsTEMP | |
CSettingsForUI | |
CPlayerInputProfile | |
CSmartSelectGamepadPointer | |
CTriggerNames | |
CTriggersPack | |
CTriggersSet | |
►NGraphics | |
►NCameraModifiers | |
CCameraInfo | |
CCameraModifierStack | |
CICameraModifier | |
CPunchCameraModifier | |
►NCapture | |
►CCaptureBiome | |
►CSets | |
CWaterStyles | |
CStyles | |
►CCaptureInterface | |
CSettings | |
CCaptureManager | |
CCaptureSettings | |
►NEffects | |
CCustomSky | |
CEffectManager | |
CFilter | |
CFilterManager | |
CFilters | |
CGameEffect | |
CMissingEffectException | |
COverlay | |
COverlayManager | |
COverlays | |
CSimpleOverlay | |
CSkyManager | |
►NLight | |
CILightingEngine | |
►CLegacyLighting | |
CRectArea | |
CLightingEngine | |
CLightMap | |
CTileLightScanner | |
►NRenderers | |
CABasicParticle | |
CCreativeSacrificeParticle | |
CFadingParticle | |
CFlameParticle | |
CIParticle | |
CIPlayerRenderer | |
CIPooledParticle | |
CLegacyPlayerRenderer | |
CMapHeadRenderer | |
CNPCHeadRenderer | |
CParticlePool | |
CParticleRenderer | |
CParticleRendererSettings | |
CPrettySparkleParticle | |
CRandomizedFrameParticle | |
►NShaders | |
CArmorShaderData | |
CArmorShaderDataSet | |
CGameShaders | |
CHairShaderData | |
CHairShaderDataSet | |
CMiscShaderData | |
CScreenShaderData | |
CShaderData | |
CCamera | |
CEmpressBladeDrawer | |
►CFinalFractalHelper | |
CFinalFractalProfile | |
CFlameLashDrawer | |
CMagicMissileDrawer | |
CRainbowRodDrawer | |
CSpriteRenderTargetHelper | |
CSpriteViewMatrix | |
CTileBatch | |
CVertexColors | |
CVertexStrip | |
CVirtualCamera | |
CWindowStateController | |
►NID | |
►CAchievementHelperID | |
CEvents | |
CSpecial | |
►CAmmoID | |
CSets | |
CAnimationID | |
►CArmorIDs | |
►CBack | |
CSets | |
►CBalloon | |
CSets | |
►CBeard | |
CSets | |
►CBody | |
►CSets | |
CIncludeCapeFrontAndBackInfo | |
►CFace | |
CSets | |
►CFront | |
CSets | |
►CHandOff | |
CSets | |
►CHandOn | |
CSets | |
►CHead | |
CSets | |
►CLegs | |
CSets | |
CNeck | |
CRocketBoots | |
CShield | |
►CShoe | |
CSets | |
►CWaist | |
CSets | |
►CWing | |
CSets | |
►CBuffID | |
►CSets | |
CBuffMountData | |
CChainID | |
CCloudID | |
CColors | |
►CContentSamples | |
CBestiaryHelper | |
CCommonlyUsedContentSamples | |
►CCreativeHelper | |
CItemGroupAndOrderInGroup | |
CCursorOverrideID | |
CCustomCurrencyID | |
CDustID | |
CExtrasID | |
CGameEventClearedID | |
CGameModeID | |
CGlowMaskID | |
►CGoreID | |
CSets | |
CHousingCategoryID | |
CImmunityCooldownID | |
CInvasionID | |
CItemAlternativeFunctionID | |
CItemHoldStyleID | |
►CItemID | |
CBannerEffect | |
CSets | |
CItemRarityID | Enumerates the values used with Item.rare |
CItemUseStyleID | |
CLangID | |
CLiquidID | |
CMenuID | |
CMessageID | |
►CMountID | |
CSets | |
CMusicID | |
CNetmodeID | |
►CNPCHeadID | |
CSets | |
►CSets | |
CNPCBestiaryDrawModifiers | |
CPaintID | |
CPlayerDifficultyID | |
CPlayerItemSlotID | |
CPlayerTextureID | |
►CPlayerVariantID | |
CSets | |
CPrefixID | |
CProjAIStyleID | |
►CProjectileID | |
CSets | |
CRecipeGroupID | |
CSetFactory | |
CSoundID | |
CStatusID | |
CSurfaceBackgroundID | |
CTeleportationStyleID | |
CTileEntityID | |
►CTileID | |
►CSets | |
CConversion | |
CForAdvancedCollision | |
CRoomNeeds | |
CTorchID | |
CTreeTopID | |
►CWallID | |
►CSets | |
CConversion | |
CWaterStyleID | |
►NInitializers | |
CAchievementInitializer | |
CAssetInitializer | |
CChatInitializer | |
►CChromaInitializer | |
CEventLocalization | |
CDyeInitializer | |
CLaunchInitializer | |
CLinkButtonsInitializer | |
CNetworkInitializer | |
CPlayerDataInitializer | |
CScreenEffectInitializer | |
►CUILinksInitializer | |
CSomeVarsForUILinkers | |
CWingStatsInitializer | |
►NIO | |
CFavoritesFile | |
CFileData | |
CFileMetadata | |
CGameConfiguration | |
CPlayerFileData | |
CPreferences | |
CResourcePack | |
CResourcePackContentValidator | |
CResourcePackList | |
CResourcePackVersion | |
CWorldFile | |
CWorldFileData | |
►NLocalization | |
CGameCulture | |
CLanguage | |
CLanguageManager | |
CLocalizedText | |
CNetworkText | |
►NMap | |
CIMapLayer | |
CMapHelper | |
CMapIconOverlay | |
►CMapOverlayDrawContext | |
CDrawResult | |
CMapTile | |
CPingMapLayer | |
CSpawnMapLayer | |
CTeleportPylonsMapLayer | |
CWorldMap | |
►NModLoader | |
►NAssets | |
CAssemblyResourcesContentSource | |
CMP3Reader | |
COggReader | |
CRawImgReader | |
CTModContentSource | |
CWavReader | |
►NConfig | |
►NUI | |
CConfigElement | |
CFloatElement | |
CPrimitiveRangeElement | |
CPropertyFieldWrapper | |
CRangeElement | |
CBackgroundColorAttribute | Specifies a background color to be used for the property, field, or class in the ModConfig UI. |
CColorHSLSliderAttribute | Add this attribute to a Color item and the UI will present a Hue, Saturation, and Lightness sliders rather than Red, Green, and Blue sliders. Pass in false to skip Saturation and Lightness. |
CColorNoAlphaAttribute | Add this attribute to a Color item and Alpha will not be presented in the UI and will remain as 255 unless manually edited. |
CConfigManager | |
CCustomModConfigItemAttribute | Use this attribute to specify a custom UI element to be used for the annotated property, field, or class in the ModConfig UI. |
CDefaultDictionaryKeyValueAttribute | Defines the default key value to be added when using the ModConfig UI to add elements to a Dictionary. Works the same as System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute, but can't inherit from it because it would break when deserializing any data structure annotated with it. This attribute compliments DefaultListValueAttribute when used annotating a Dictionary. |
CDefaultListValueAttribute | Defines the default value to be added when using the ModConfig UI to add elements to a Collection (List, Set, or Dictionary value). Works the same as System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute, but can't inherit from it because it would break when deserializing any data structure annotated with it. |
CDrawTicksAttribute | Add this attribute and the sliders will show white tick marks at each increment. |
CEntityDefinition | Classes implementing EntityDefinition serve to function as a way to save and load the identities of various Terraria objects. Only the identity is preserved, no other data such as stack size, damage, etc. These classes are well suited for ModConfig, but can be saved and loaded in a TagCompound as well. |
CExpandAttribute | Affects whether this data will be expanded by default. The default value currently is true. Use the constructor with 2 parameters to control if list elements should be collapsed or expanded. |
CHeaderAttribute | This attribute adds a label above this property or field in the ModConfig UI that acts as a header. Use this to delineate sections within your config. Note that fields will be in order, and properties will be in order, but fields and properties will not be interleaved together in the source code order. |
CIncrementAttribute | Use this to set an increment for sliders. The slider will move by the amount assigned. Remember that this is just a UI suggestion and manual editing of config files can specify other values, so validate your values. Defaults are: float: 0.01f - byte/int/uint: 1 |
CItemDefinition | ItemDefinition represents an Item identity. A typical use for this class is usage in ModConfig, perhapse to facilitate an Item tweaking mod. |
CJsonDefaultDictionaryKeyValueAttribute | Similar to JsonDefaultListValueAttribute, but for assigning to the Dictionary Key rather than the Value. |
CJsonDefaultListValueAttribute | Similar to DefaultListValueAttribute but for reference types. It uses a json string that will be used populate new instances list elements. Defines the default value, expressed as json, to be added when using the ModConfig UI to add elements to a Collection (List, Set, or Dictionary value). |
CJsonDefaultValueAttribute | Similar to DefaultValueAttribute but for reference types. It uses a json string that will be used populate this element when initialized. Defines the default value, expressed as json, to be used to populate an object with the NullAllowed attribute. Modders should only use this in conjuction with NullAllowed, as simply initializing the field with a default value is preferred. |
CLabelAttribute | This attribute sets a label for the property, field, or class for use in the ModConfig UI. Starting the label with $ means the label should be interpreted as a Localization key. |
CModConfig | ModConfig provides a way for mods to be configurable. ModConfigs can either be Client specific or Server specific. When joining a MP server, Client configs are kept but Server configs are synced from the server. Using serialization attributes such as [DefaultValue(5)] or [JsonIgnore] are critical for proper usage of ModConfig. tModLoader also provides its own attributes such as ReloadRequiredAttribute and LabelAttribute. |
CNPCDefinition | |
CNullAllowedAttribute | This attribute means the annotated item can possibly be null. This will allow the UI to make the item null. It is up to the modder to make sure the item isn't null in the ModConfig constructor and nested classes. |
COptionStringsAttribute | By default, string fields will provide the user with a text input field. Use this attribute to restrict strings to a selection of options. |
CPrefixDefinition | |
CProjectileDefinition | |
CRangeAttribute | Specifies a range for primitive data values. Without this, default min and max are as follows: float: 0, 1 - int/uint: 0, 100 - byte: 0, 255 |
CReloadRequiredAttribute | This attribute hints that changing the value of the annotated property or field will put the config in a state that requires a reload. An overridden ModConfig.NeedsReload can further validate if more complex logic is needed. |
CSeparatePageAttribute | This specifies that the annotated item will appear as a button that leads to a separate page in the UI. Use this to organize hierarchies. |
CSliderAttribute | Affects whether this data will be presented as a slider or an input field. Add this attribute to use a slider. Currently only affects data of type int. |
CSliderColorAttribute | Specifies a slider color for ModConfig elements that use a slider. The default color is white. |
CToFromStringConverter | This TypeConverter facilitates converting to and from the string Type. This is necessary for Objects that are to be used as Dictionary keys, since the JSON for keys needs to be a string. Classes annotated with this TypeConverter need to implement a static FromString method that returns T. |
CTooltipAttribute | This attribute sets a hover tooltip for the annotated property or field to be shown in the ModConfig UI. This can be longer and more descriptive than Label. Starting the tooltip with $ means the tooltip should be interpreted as a Localization key. |
►NCore | |
CCloning | |
CFilteredArrayEnumerator | |
CFilteredSpanEnumerator | |
►CHookList | |
CInstanceEnumerator | |
CLoaderUtils | |
►CTmodFile | |
CFileEntry | |
►NDefault | |
►NDeveloper | |
NJofairden | |
NPatreon | |
CAprilFools | |
CModAccessorySlotPlayer | |
CModLoaderModItem | |
CPylonShopNPC | This is a GlobalNPC native to tML that handles adding Pylon items to NPC's shops, to save on patch size within vanilla. |
CStartBag | |
CTEModdedPylon | This is a TML provided Tile Entity that acts extremely similar to vanilla's pylon TEs by default. If you plan to make a pylon tile in any capacity, you must extend this TE at least once. |
CUnloadedAccessorySlot | |
CUnloadedChest | |
CUnloadedDresser | |
CUnloadedGlobalItem | |
CUnloadedGlobalNPC | |
CUnloadedItem | |
CUnloadedNonSolidTile | |
CUnloadedPlayer | |
CUnloadedSemiSolidTile | |
CUnloadedSolidTile | |
CUnloadedSupremeFurniture | |
CUnloadedSystem | |
CUnloadedTile | |
CUnloadedTileEntity | |
CUnloadedWall | |
NEngine | |
►NExceptions | |
CCustomModDataException | |
CFolderCreationFailedException | |
CGetLoadableTypesException | |
CJITException | |
CLevenshteinDistance | |
CMissingResourceException | |
CMultipleException | |
COldHookException | |
CRecipeException | |
CResourceLoadException | |
►NIO | |
CBigEndianReader | |
CBigEndianWriter | |
CBinaryIO | |
CBitReader | |
CBitWriter | |
CBoolTagSerializer | |
CColorSerializer | |
CImageIO | |
CItemIO | |
CModEntry | |
CPoint16Serializer | |
CRectangleSerializer | |
CTagCompound | |
CTagIO | |
CTagPrinter | |
CTagSerializable | |
CTagSerializer | |
CTileEntry | |
CUIntTagSerializer | |
CULongTagSerializer | |
CUploadFile | |
CUShortTagSerializer | |
CVector2TagSerializer | |
CVector3TagSerializer | |
►NUI | |
NDownloadManager | |
►NElements | |
CFixedUIScrollbar | |
CNestedUIGrid | |
CUIGrid | |
►NModBrowser | |
CModBrowserSortModesExtensions | |
CModSideFilterModesExtensions | |
CSearchFilterModesExtensions | |
CUpdateFilterModesExtensions | |
CEnabledFilterModesExtensions | |
CModsMenuSortModesExtensions | |
CUIAutoScaleTextTextPanel | |
CUIBestiaryBar | |
CUICommon | |
CUICreateMod | |
CUICycleImage | |
CUIModNetDiagnostics | |
CUIModsFilterResults | |
►NUtilities | |
CSpawnCondition | This server as a central class to help modders spawn their npcs. It's basically the vanilla spawn code if-else chains condensed into objects. See ExampleMod for usages. |
CAccessorySlotLoader | This serves as a central place to store equipment slots and their corresponding textures. You will use this to obtain the IDs for your equipment textures. |
CAutoloadAttribute | Allows for types to be autoloaded and unloaded. True to always autoload, false to never autoload, null to use mod default. |
CAutoloadBossHead | |
CAutoloadEquip | |
CAutoloadHead | |
CBackgroundTextureLoader | This is the class that keeps track of all modded background textures and their slots/IDs. |
CBiomeLoader | |
CBossBarLoader | |
CBuffLoader | This serves as the central class from which buff-related functions are supported and carried out. |
CBuildInfo | |
CCloneByReference | Indicates that references to this object can be shared between clones. When applied to a class, applies to all fields/properties of that type. |
CCombinedHooks | |
CCommandCaller | |
CCommandLoader | This serves as the central class from which ModCommand functions are supported and carried out. |
CCompassInfoDisplay | |
CContentInstance | |
CDamageClass | |
CDamageClassData | |
CDamageClassLoader | |
CDefaultDamageClass | |
CDepthMeterInfoDisplay | |
CDPSMeterInfoDisplay | |
CDrawableTooltipLine | This class serves as a way to store information about a line that will be drawn of tooltip for an item. You will create and manipulate objects of this class if you use the draw hooks for tooltips in ModItem and GlobalItem. For examples, see ExampleSword |
CDummyInfoDisplay | |
CDustLoader | |
CEquipLoader | This serves as a central place to store equipment slots and their corresponding textures. You will use this to obtain the IDs for your equipment textures. |
CEquipTexture | This serves as a place for you to program behaviors of equipment textures. This is useful for equipment slots that do not have any item associated with them (for example, the Werewolf buff). Note that this class is purely for visual effects. |
CExtendsFromModAttribute | |
CFishFinderInfoDisplay | |
CFrameworkVersion | |
CGameTipData | Wrapper class for a LocalizedText and visibility field that has intended use with modification of Game Tips. |
CGameTipID | This class contains a more human-readable name for every single Game Tip created by Vanilla. |
CGenericDamageClass | |
CGlobalBackgroundStyle | This class serves to collect functions that operate on any kind of background style, without being specific to one single background style. |
CGlobalBlockType | This is the superclass for GlobalTile and GlobalWall, combining common code |
CGlobalBossBar | A class that is used to modify existing boss health bars. To add them, use ModBossBar instead. |
CGlobalBuff | This class allows you to modify the behavior of any buff in the game. |
CGlobalInfoDisplay | A class that is used to modify existing info displays (i.e. the things that the Cell Phone uses to communicate information). All vanilla displays can be accessed using InfoDisplay.(name of item). |
CGlobalItem | This class allows you to modify and use hooks for all items, including vanilla items. Create an instance of an overriding class then call Mod.AddGlobalItem to use this. |
CGlobalLoot | This readonly struct is a simple shortcut for modifying global drop rules in an ItemDropDatabase. |
CGlobalNPC | This class allows you to modify and use hooks for all NPCs, including vanilla mobs. Create an instance of an overriding class then call Mod.AddGlobalNPC to use this. |
CGlobalProjectile | This class allows you to modify and use hooks for all projectiles, including vanilla projectiles. Create an instance of an overriding class then call Mod.AddGlobalProjectile to use this. |
CGlobalPylon | Global Type that exists for pylons that allows for modification of teleportation steps, map drawing, and other functionality for any pylon that exists, whether it be vanilla or modded. |
CGlobalRecipe | |
CGlobalTile | This class allows you to modify the behavior of any tile in the game. Create an instance of an overriding class then call Mod.AddGlobalTile to use this. |
CGlobalType | |
CGlobalWall | This class allows you to modify the behavior of any wall in the game (although admittedly walls don't have much behavior). Create an instance of an overriding class then call Mod.AddGlobalWall to use this. |
CGoreLoader | |
CIEntityWithGlobals | |
CIEntityWithInstances | |
CIIndexed | |
CILoadable | Allows for implementing types to be loaded and unloaded. |
CILoader | |
CILoot | |
CIModType | |
CInfoDisplay | |
CInfoDisplayLoader | |
CInitializationContext | |
CInstanced | The purpose of this struct is to micro-optimize lookups of GlobalX indices by providing these associations without additional retrievals from the heap. |
CIPlant | |
CIPylonTileEntity | Allows Tile Entities that you want to be included in vanilla's pylon list to actually be added to the list when said TE is extended by this interface. What this means, in short, is that whenever all of the pylons are refreshed by vanilla, Tile Entities that extend this interface will get their own - See also
- TeleportPylonInfo
instance and it will be included along-side all of vanilla's pylons and any other modded pylons. |
CItemCreationContext | |
CItemLoader | This serves as the central class from which item-related functions are carried out. It also stores a list of mod items by ID. |
CItemLoot | This readonly struct is a simple shortcut to ItemDropDatabase's methods. |
CITree | |
CJITWhenModsEnabledAttribute | |
CKeybindLoader | |
CLegacyNameAttribute | |
CLifeformAnalyzerInfoDisplay | |
CLoader | Serves as a highest-level base for loaders. |
CLoaderManager | |
►CLocalizationLoader | |
CCommentedWscJsonObject | |
CLogging | |
CMagicDamageClass | |
CMagicSummonHybridDamageClass | |
CMapLegend | |
CMeleeDamageClass | |
CMeleeNoSpeedDamageClass | |
CMemberJitAttribute | |
CMenuLoader | |
CMetalDetectorInfoDisplay | |
CMod | Mod is an abstract class that you will override. It serves as a central place from which the mod's contents are stored. It provides methods for you to use or override. |
CModAccessorySlot | A ModAccessorySlot instance represents a net new accessory slot instance. You can store fields in the ModAccessorySlot class. |
CModBackgroundStyle | |
CModBiome | This class represents a biome added by a mod. It exists to centralize various biome related hooks, handling a lot of biome boilerplate. |
CModBlockType | This is the superclass for ModTile and ModWall, combining common code |
CModBossBar | A class that is used to create custom boss health bars for modded and vanilla NPCs. |
CModBossBarStyle | A class that is used to swap out the entire boss bar display system with your own implementation |
CModBuff | This class serves as a place for you to define a new buff and how that buff behaves. |
CModCactus | This class represents a type of modded cactus. This class encapsulates a function for retrieving the cactus's texture and an array for type of soil it grows on. |
CModCommand | This class represents a chat or console command. Use the CommandType to specify the scope of the command. |
CModContent | Manages content added by mods. Liasons between mod content and Terraria's arrays and oversees the Loader classes. |
CModDust | This class represents a type of dust that is added by a mod. Only one instance of this class will ever exist for each type of dust you add.
The Basic Dust Guideteaches the basics of making modded dust. |
CModGore | This class allows you to customize the behavior of a custom gore. |
CModItem | This class serves as a place for you to place all your properties and hooks for each item. Create instances of ModItem (preferably overriding this class) to pass as parameters to Mod.AddItem.
The Basic Item Guideteaches the basics of making a modded item. |
CModKeybind | Represents a loaded input binding. It is suggested to access the keybind status only in ModPlayer.ProcessTriggers. |
CModLoader | This serves as the central class which loads mods. It contains many static fields and methods related to mods and their contents. |
CModMapLayer | This class is used to facilitate easily drawing icons and other things over the map. Pylons and spawn/bed icons are examples of vanilla map layers. Use ModSystem.PreDrawMapIconOverlay(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<IMapLayer>, MapOverlayDrawContext) to selectively hide vanilla layers if needed. |
CModMenu | A class that is used to customize aesthetic features of the main menu, such as the logo, background and music. |
CModMount | This class serves as a place for you to place all your properties and hooks for each mount. Create instances of ModMoundData (preferably overriding this class) to pass as parameters to Mod.AddMount. Only one instance of ModMount will exist for each mount, so storing player specific data on the ModMount is not good. Modders can use player.mount._mountSpecificData or a ModPlayer class to store player specific data relating to a mount. Use SetMount to assign these fields. |
CModNet | |
CModNPC | This class serves as a place for you to place all your properties and hooks for each NPC. Create instances of ModNPC (preferably overriding this class) to pass as parameters to Mod.AddNPC. |
CModPacket | This class inherits from BinaryWriter. This means that you can use all of its writing functions to send information between client and server. This class also comes with a Send method that's used to actually send everything you've written between client and server |
CModPalmTree | This class represents a type of modded palm tree. The palm tree will share a tile ID with the vanilla palm trees (323), so that the trees can freely convert between each other if the sand below is converted. This class encapsulates several functions that distinguish each type of palm tree from each other. |
CModPlayer | A ModPlayer instance represents an extension of a Player instance. You can store fields in the ModPlayer classes, much like how the Player class abuses field usage, to keep track of mod-specific information on the player that a ModPlayer instance represents. It also contains hooks to insert your code into the Player class. |
CModPrefix | |
CModProjectile | This class serves as a place for you to place all your properties and hooks for each projectile. Create instances of ModProjectile (preferably overriding this class) to pass as parameters to Mod.AddProjectile.
The Basic Projectile Guideteaches the basics of making a modded projectile. |
CModPylon | Extension to - See also
- ModTile
that streamlines the process of creating a modded Pylon. Has all of ModTile's hooks for customization, but additional hooks for Pylon functionality. |
CModRarity | |
CModResourceDisplaySet | This class serves as a place for you to define your own logic for drawing the player's life and mana resources.
For modifying parts of the vanilla display sets, use ModResourceOverlay. |
CModResourceOverlay | This class serves as a place for you to customize how the vanilla resource displays (Classic, Fancy and Bars) are drawn.
For implementing your own resource displays, use ModResourceDisplaySet. |
CModSceneEffect | ModSceneEffect is an abstract class that your classes can derive from. It serves as a container for handling exclusive SceneEffect content such as backgrounds, music, and water styling. |
CModSideExtensions | |
CModSurfaceBackgroundStyle | Each background style determines in its own way how exactly the background is drawn. This class serves as a collection of functions for above-ground backgrounds. |
CModSystem | ModSystem is an abstract class that your classes can derive from. It contains general-use hooks, and, unlike Mod, can have unlimited amounts of types deriving from it. |
CModTexturedType | The base type for most modded things with textures. |
CModTile | This class represents a type of tile that can be added by a mod. Only one instance of this class will ever exist for each type of tile that is added. Any hooks that are called will be called by the instance corresponding to the tile type. This is to prevent the game from using a massive amount of memory storing tile instances.
The Basic Tile Guideteaches the basics of making a modded tile. |
CModTileEntity | Tile Entities are Entities tightly coupled with tiles, allowing the possibility of tiles to exhibit cool behavior. TileEntity.Update is called in SP and on Server, not on Clients. |
CModTranslation | |
CModTree | This class represents a type of modded tree. The tree will share a tile ID with the vanilla trees (5), so that the trees can freely convert between each other if the soil below is converted. This class encapsulates several functions that distinguish each type of tree from each other. |
CModType | The base type for most modded things. |
CModTypeLookup | |
CModUndergroundBackgroundStyle | Each background style determines in its own way how exactly the background is drawn. This class serves as a collection of functions for underground backgrounds. |
CModWall | This class represents a type of wall that can be added by a mod. Only one instance of this class will ever exist for each type of wall that is added. Any hooks that are called will be called by the instance corresponding to the wall type. |
CModWaterfallStyle | Represents a style of waterfalls that gets drawn. This is mostly used to determine the color of the waterfall. |
CModWaterStyle | Represents a style of water that gets drawn, based on factors such as the background. This is used to determine the color of the water, as well as other things as determined by the hooks below. |
CMonoModHooks | |
CMountLoader | This serves as the central place from which mounts are stored and mount-related functions are carried out. |
CMusicLoader | |
CNoJITAttribute | |
CNPCHappiness | This struct provides access to an NPC type's NPC & Biome relationships. |
CNPCHeadLoader | This class serves as a central place from which NPC head slots are stored and NPC head textures are assigned. This can be used to obtain the corresponding slots to head textures. |
CNPCLoader | This serves as the central class from which NPC-related functions are carried out. It also stores a list of mod NPCs by ID. |
CNPCLoot | This readonly struct is a simple shortcut to ItemDropDatabase's methods. |
CNPCSpawnInfo | A struct that stores information regarding where an NPC is naturally spawning and the player it is spawning around. This serves to reduce the parameter count for ModNPC.CanSpawn and GlobalNPC.EditSpawnPool. |
CPlantLoader | |
►CPlayerDrawLayer | This class represents a DrawLayer for the player, and uses PlayerDrawInfo as its InfoType. Drawing should be done by adding Terraria.DataStructures.DrawData objects to Main.playerDrawData. |
CAfterParent | |
CBeforeParent | |
CBetween | |
CMultiple | |
CPosition | |
CTransformation | |
CPlayerDrawLayerLoader | |
CPlayerDrawLayerSlot | |
CPlayerLoader | This is where all ModPlayer hooks are gathered and called. |
►CPosData | |
COrderedSparseLookupBuilder | Efficient builder for PosData<T>[] lookups covering the whole world. Must add elements in ascending pos order. |
COrderedSparseLookupReader | |
CPrefixLoader | |
CPreJITFilter | |
CProjectileLoader | This serves as the central class from which projectile-related functions are carried out. It also stores a list of mod projectiles by ID. |
CPylonLoader | |
CRadarInfoDisplay | |
CRangedDamageClass | |
CRarityLoader | |
CRecipeCreationContext | |
CRecipeLoader | This is where all Recipe and GlobalRecipe hooks are gathered and called. |
CRefReadOnlyArray | |
CResourceDisplaySetLoader | |
CResourceOverlayDrawContext | |
CResourceOverlayLoader | |
►CSceneEffectLoader | This serves as the central class from which SceneEffect functions are supported and carried out. |
►CSceneEffectInstance | |
CPrioritizedPair | |
CSextantInfoDisplay | |
CSimpleModGore | |
CStatInheritanceData | |
CStatModifier | |
CStopwatchInfoDisplay | |
CSummonDamageClass | |
CSummonMeleeSpeedDamageClass | |
CSurfaceBackgroundStylesLoader | |
CSystemLoader | This is where all ModSystem hooks are gathered and called. |
CTallyCounterInfoDisplay | |
CThrowingDamageClass | |
CTileLoader | This serves as the central class from which tile-related functions are supported and carried out. |
CTooltipLine | This class serves as a way to store information about a line of tooltip for an item. You will create and manipulate objects of this class if you use the ModifyTooltips hook. |
►CTopoSort | |
CSortingException | |
CUndergroundBackgroundStylesLoader | This serves as the central class from which ModUndergroundBackgroundStyle functions are supported and carried out. |
CUsageException | |
CVanillaDamageClass | |
CVanillaInfoDisplay | |
CWallLoader | This serves as the central class from which wall-related functions are supported and carried out. |
CWatchesInfoDisplay | |
CWaterFallStylesLoader | |
CWaterStylesLoader | |
CWeatherRadioInfoDisplay | |
►NModules | |
CAnchorDataModule | |
CAnchorTypesModule | |
CLiquidDeathModule | |
CLiquidPlacementModule | |
CTileObjectAlternatesModule | |
CTileObjectBaseModule | |
CTileObjectCoordinatesModule | |
CTileObjectDrawModule | |
CTileObjectStyleModule | |
CTileObjectSubTilesModule | |
CTilePlacementHooksModule | |
►NNet | |
►NSockets | |
CISocket | |
CSocialSocket | |
CTcpSocket | |
CLegacyNetBufferPool | |
CNetGroupInfo | |
CNetManager | |
CNetModule | |
CNetPacket | |
CRemoteAddress | |
CSteamAddress | |
CTcpAddress | |
CWeGameAddress | |
►NObjectData | |
CTileObjectData | |
►NPhysics | |
CBallCollision | |
CBallCollisionEvent | |
CBallPassThroughEvent | |
CBallStepResult | |
CIBallContactListener | |
CPhysicsProperties | |
►NServer | |
CGame | |
►NSocial | |
►NBase | |
CAchievementsSocialModule | |
CAWorkshopEntry | |
CAWorkshopProgressReporter | |
CAWorkshopTagsCollection | |
CCloudSocialModule | |
CFoundWorkshopEntryInfo | |
CFriendsSocialModule | |
CModWorkshopEntry | |
CNetSocialModule | |
COverlaySocialModule | |
CPlatformSocialModule | |
CRichPresenceState | |
CServerJoinRequestsManager | |
CTexturePackWorkshopEntry | |
CUserJoinToServerRequest | |
CWorkshopBranding | |
CWorkshopIssueReporter | |
CWorkshopItemPublishSettings | |
CWorkshopSocialModule | |
CWorkshopTagOption | |
CWorldWorkshopEntry | |
►NSteam | |
CAchievementsSocialModule | |
CCloudSocialModule | |
CCoreSocialModule | |
CFriendsSocialModule | |
CLobby | |
CNetClientSocialModule | |
CNetServerSocialModule | |
CNetSocialModule | |
COverlaySocialModule | |
CPlatformSocialModule | |
►CSteamedWraps | |
CItemInstallInfo | |
►CSteamP2PReader | |
CReadResult | |
►CSteamP2PWriter | |
CWriteInformation | |
CSupportedWorkshopTags | |
►CWorkshopHelper | |
CModPublisherInstance | |
►CUGCBased | |
CAPublisherInstance | |
CDownloader | |
CPublishedItemsFinder | |
CResourcePackPublisherInstance | |
CSteamWorkshopItem | |
CWorldPublisherInstance | |
CWorkshopProgressReporter | |
CWorkshopSocialModule | |
►NWeGame | |
CAchievementsSocialModule | |
CAsyncTaskHelper | |
CCloudSocialModule | |
CCoreSocialModule | |
CCurrentThreadRunner | |
CFriendsSocialModule | |
CIPCBase | |
CIPCClient | |
CIPCContent | |
CIPCMessage | |
CIPCServer | |
CLobby | |
CMessageDispatcherBase | |
CMessageDispatcherClient | |
CMessageDispatcherServer | |
CNetClientSocialModule | |
CNetServerSocialModule | |
CNetSocialModule | |
COverlaySocialModule | |
CReportServerID | |
CWeGameFriendListInfo | |
CWeGameHelper | |
►CWeGameP2PReader | |
CReadResult | |
►CWeGameP2PWriter | |
CWriteInformation | |
CISocialModule | |
CSocialAPI | |
►NTesting | |
►NChatCommands | |
CArgumentHelper | |
CArgumentListResult | |
CPacketHistory | |
►NUI | |
►NChat | |
CChatLine | |
►CChatManager | |
CRegexes | |
CChatMessageContainer | |
CITagHandler | |
CTextSnippet | |
►NGamepad | |
CGamepadMainMenuHandler | |
CGamepadPageID | |
CGamepadPointID | |
CUILinkPage | |
CUILinkPoint | |
►CUILinkPointNavigator | |
CShortcuts | |
CAchievementAdvisor | |
CAchievementAdvisorCard | |
CAlignment | |
CCalculatedStyle | |
►CChestUI | |
CButtonID | |
CEmptyDiagnosticsUI | |
CFancyErrorPrinter | |
CGameInterfaceLayer | |
CIHaveBackButtonCommand | |
CIInGameNotification | |
CINetDiagnosticsUI | |
CIngameFancyUI | |
CInGameNotificationsTracker | |
►CInGamePopups | |
CAchievementUnlockedPopup | |
CPlayerWantsToJoinGamePopup | |
►CItemSlot | |
CContext | |
CItemTransferInfo | |
COptions | |
CItemSorting | |
CItemTooltip | |
CLegacyGameInterfaceLayer | |
CLegacyNetDiagnosticsUI | |
CNetDiagnosticsUI | |
CSnapPoint | |
CStyleDimension | |
CUIAlign | |
CUIElement | |
CUIEvent | |
CUIMouseEvent | |
CUIScrollWheelEvent | |
CUIState | |
CUserInterface | |
►NUtilities | |
►NFileBrowser | |
CExtensionFilter | |
CFileBrowser | |
CIFileBrowser | |
CNativeFileDialog | |
►NTerraria | |
►NUtilities | |
CFloatRange | |
CCrashDump | |
CCrashWatcher | |
CFastRandom | |
CFileOperationAPIWrapper | |
CFileUtilities | |
CIntRange | |
►CNPCUtils | |
CSearchFilters | |
CTargetSearchResults | |
COldAttribute | |
CPlatformUtilities | |
CUnifiedRandom | |
CWeightedRandom | |
►NWorldBuilding | |
►CActions | |
CBlank | |
CClear | |
CClearMetadata | |
CClearTile | |
CClearWall | |
CContinueWrapper | |
CCount | |
CCustom | |
CDebugDraw | |
CHalfBlock | |
CPlaceTile | |
CPlaceWall | |
CRemoveWall | |
CScanner | |
CSetFrames | |
CSetHalfTile | |
CSetLiquid | |
CSetSlope | |
CSetTile | |
CSetTileAndWallRainbowPaint | |
CSetTileKeepWall | |
CSmooth | |
CSwapSolidTile | |
CTileScanner | |
►CConditions | |
CContinue | |
CHasLava | |
CIsSolid | |
CIsTile | |
CMysticSnake | |
CNotNull | |
CGenAction | |
CGenBase | |
CGenCondition | |
CGenerationProgress | |
CGenModShape | |
CGenPass | |
CGenSearch | |
CGenShape | |
CGenShapeActionPair | |
CGenStructure | |
CMicroBiome | |
►CModifiers | |
CBlotches | |
CConditions | |
CDither | |
CExpand | |
CFlip | |
CHasLiquid | |
CInShape | |
CIsEmpty | |
CIsNotSolid | |
CIsSolid | |
CIsTouching | |
CIsTouchingAir | |
CNotInShape | |
CNotTouching | |
COffset | |
COnlyTiles | |
COnlyWalls | |
CRadialDither | |
CRectangleMask | |
CShapeScale | |
CSkipTiles | |
CSkipWalls | |
►CModShapes | |
CAll | |
CInnerOutline | |
COuterOutline | |
►CPasses | |
CClear | |
CScatterCustom | |
►CSearches | |
CDown | |
CLeft | |
CRectangle | |
CRight | |
CUp | |
CShapeData | |
►CShapes | |
CCircle | |
CHalfCircle | |
CMound | |
CRectangle | |
CSlime | |
CTail | |
CSimpleStructure | |
CStructureMap | |
►CTileFont | |
CDrawMode | |
CWorldGenConfiguration | |
CWorldGenerator | |
CWorldGenRange | |
CWorldUtils | |
CAdvancedPopupRequest | |
CAnimation | |
CBitsByte | |
CChest | |
CCloud | |
CCollision | |
CCombatText | |
►CDelegateMethods | |
CMinecart | |
CDust | |
CEntity | |
CFrameSkipTest | |
CFraming | |
CGetItemSettings | |
CGore | |
►CHitTile | |
CHitTileObject | |
CIngameOptions | |
CItem | |
CITileData | |
CLang | |
CLighting | |
CLiquid | |
CLiquidBuffer | |
CLiquidData | |
►CMain | |
►CCurrentFrameFlags | |
CHacks | |
CCurrentPlayerOverride | |
CInfoToSetBackColor | |
CSceneArea | |
CTextDisplayCache | |
CMessageBuffer | |
CMinecart | |
►CMount | |
CMountData | |
CMountDelegatesData | |
►CNetMessage | |
CNetSoundInfo | |
CNetplay | |
CNPC | |
CNPCSpawnParams | |
►CPlayer | |
CBuilderAccToggleIDs | |
CCompositeArmData | |
CHooks | |
CItemSpaceStatus | |
COverheadMessage | |
CRabbitOrderFrameHelper | |
CRandomTeleportationAttemptSettings | |
CSavedPlayerDataWithAnnoyingRules | |
CSelectionRadial | |
CSettings | |
CSmartCursorSettings | |
CPopupText | |
CProgram | |
►CProjectile | |
CHallowBossPelletStormInfo | |
CRain | |
►CRecipe | |
CCondition | |
CConsumptionRules | |
CICondition | |
CRecipeGroup | |
CRef | |
CRemoteClient | |
CRemoteServer | |
CSceneMetrics | |
CSceneMetricsScanSettings | |
CShoppingSettings | |
CSign | |
CStar | |
CStrayMethods | |
CTestHighFPSIssues | |
CTile | |
CTileDataPacking | |
CTilemap | |
CTileObject | |
CTileTypeData | |
CTileWallWireStateData | |
CTimeLogger | |
CUtils | |
CWallTypeData | |
►CWaterfallManager | |
CWaterfallData | |
CWhipSettings | |
CWiring | |
►CWorldGen | |
CCheckTreeSettings | |
►CGrowTreeSettings | |
CProfiles | |
CHooks | |
CSavedOreTiers | |
CSpread | |
CTenthAnniversaryWorldInfo | |
CWorldSections | |
▼NUwUPnP | |
CUPnP | A simple UPnP library See: https://github.com/Rartrin/UwUPnP |