tModLoader v2023.01
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile Class Reference

This class allows you to modify and use hooks for all projectiles, including vanilla projectiles. Create an instance of an overriding class then call Mod.AddGlobalProjectile to use this. More...

Inherits Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalType< Projectile, GlobalProjectile >.

Public Member Functions

virtual void AI (Projectile projectile)
 Allows you to determine how any projectile behaves. This will only be called if PreAI returns true. More...
virtual ? bool CanCutTiles (Projectile projectile)
 Return true or false to specify if the projectile can cut tiles like vines, pots, and Queen Bee larva. Return null for vanilla decision. More...
virtual ? bool CanDamage (Projectile projectile)
 Whether or not the given projectile is capable of killing tiles (such as grass) and damaging NPCs/players. Return false to prevent it from doing any sort of damage. Return true if you want the projectile to do damage regardless of the default blacklist. Return null to let the projectile follow vanilla can-damage-anything rules. This is what happens by default. More...
virtual ? bool CanHitNPC (Projectile projectile, NPC target)
 Allows you to determine whether a projectile can hit the given NPC. Return true to allow hitting the target, return false to block the projectile from hitting the target, and return null to use the vanilla code for whether the target can be hit. Returns null by default. More...
virtual bool CanHitPlayer (Projectile projectile, Player target)
 Allows you to determine whether a hostile projectile can hit the given player. Return false to block the projectile from hitting the target. Returns true by default. More...
virtual bool CanHitPvp (Projectile projectile, Player target)
 Allows you to determine whether a projectile can hit the given opponent player. Return false to block the projectile from hitting the target. Returns true by default. More...
virtual ? bool CanUseGrapple (int type, Player player)
 Whether or not a grappling hook that shoots this type of projectile can be used by the given player. Return null to use the default code (whether or not the player is in the middle of firing the grappling hook). Returns null by default.
virtual ? bool Colliding (Projectile projectile, Rectangle projHitbox, Rectangle targetHitbox)
 Allows you to use custom collision detection between a projectile and a player or NPC that the projectile can damage. Useful for things like diagonal lasers, projectiles that leave a trail behind them, etc. More...
virtual void CutTiles (Projectile projectile)
 Code ran when the projectile cuts tiles. Only runs if CanCutTiles() returns true. Useful when programming lasers and such. More...
virtual void DrawBehind (Projectile projectile, int index, List< int > behindNPCsAndTiles, List< int > behindNPCs, List< int > behindProjectiles, List< int > overPlayers, List< int > overWiresUI)
 When used in conjunction with "projectile.hide = true", allows you to specify that this projectile should be drawn behind certain elements. Add the index to one and only one of the lists. For example, the Nebula Arcanum projectile draws behind NPCs and tiles. More...
virtual ? Color GetAlpha (Projectile projectile, Color lightColor)
 Allows you to determine the color and transparency in which a projectile is drawn. Return null to use the default color (normally light and buff color). Returns null by default. More...
virtual void GrapplePullSpeed (Projectile projectile, Player player, ref float speed)
 The speed at which the grapple pulls the player after hitting something. Defaults to 11, but the Bat Hook uses 16.
virtual void GrappleRetreatSpeed (Projectile projectile, Player player, ref float speed)
 The speed at which the grapple retreats back to the player after not hitting anything. Defaults to 11, but vanilla hooks go up to 24.
virtual void GrappleTargetPoint (Projectile projectile, Player player, ref float grappleX, ref float grappleY)
 The location that the grappling hook pulls the player to. Defaults to the center of the hook projectile.
GlobalProjectile Instance (Projectile projectile)
virtual void Kill (Projectile projectile, int timeLeft)
 Allows you to control what happens when a projectile is killed (for example, creating dust or making sounds). More...
virtual bool MinionContactDamage (Projectile projectile)
 Whether or not a minion can damage NPCs by touching them. Returns false by default. Note that this will only be used if the projectile is considered a pet. More...
virtual void ModifyDamageHitbox (Projectile projectile, ref Rectangle hitbox)
 Allows you to change the hitbox used by a projectile for damaging players and NPCs. More...
virtual void ModifyDamageScaling (Projectile projectile, ref float damageScale)
 Allows you to implement dynamic damage scaling for this projectile. For example, flails do more damage when in flight and Jousting Lance does more damage the faster the player is moving. This hook runs on the owner only. More...
virtual void ModifyHitNPC (Projectile projectile, NPC target, ref int damage, ref float knockback, ref bool crit, ref int hitDirection)
 Allows you to modify the damage, knockback, etc., that a projectile does to an NPC. This method is only called for the owner of the projectile, meaning that in multi-player, projectiles owned by a player call this method on that client, and projectiles owned by the server such as enemy projectiles call this method on the server. More...
virtual void ModifyHitPlayer (Projectile projectile, Player target, ref int damage, ref bool crit)
 Allows you to modify the damage, etc., that a hostile projectile does to a player. More...
virtual void ModifyHitPvp (Projectile projectile, Player target, ref int damage, ref bool crit)
 Allows you to modify the damage, etc., that a projectile does to an opponent player. More...
virtual void NumGrappleHooks (Projectile projectile, Player player, ref int numHooks)
 How many of this type of grappling hook the given player can latch onto blocks before the hooks start disappearing. Change the numHooks parameter to determine this; by default it will be 3.
virtual void OnHitNPC (Projectile projectile, NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit)
 Allows you to create special effects when a projectile hits an NPC (for example, inflicting debuffs). This method is only called for the owner of the projectile, meaning that in multi-player, projectiles owned by a player call this method on that client, and projectiles owned by the server such as enemy projectiles call this method on the server. More...
virtual void OnHitPlayer (Projectile projectile, Player target, int damage, bool crit)
 Allows you to create special effects when a hostile projectile hits a player. More...
virtual void OnHitPvp (Projectile projectile, Player target, int damage, bool crit)
 Allows you to create special effects when a projectile hits an opponent player. More...
virtual void OnSpawn (Projectile projectile, IEntitySource source)
 Gets called when any projectiles spawns in world
virtual bool OnTileCollide (Projectile projectile, Vector2 oldVelocity)
 Allows you to determine what happens when a projectile collides with a tile. OldVelocity is the velocity before tile collision. The velocity that takes tile collision into account can be found with projectile.velocity. Return true to allow the vanilla tile collision code to take place (which normally kills the projectile). Returns true by default. More...
virtual void PostAI (Projectile projectile)
 Allows you to determine how any projectile behaves. This will be called regardless of what PreAI returns. More...
virtual void PostDraw (Projectile projectile, Color lightColor)
 Allows you to draw things in front of a projectile. Use the Main.EntitySpriteDraw method for drawing. This method is called even if PreDraw returns false. More...
virtual bool PreAI (Projectile projectile)
 Allows you to determine how any projectile behaves. Return false to stop the vanilla AI and the AI hook from being run. Returns true by default. More...
virtual bool PreDraw (Projectile projectile, ref Color lightColor)
 Allows you to draw things behind a projectile, or to modify the way the projectile is drawn. Use the Main.EntitySpriteDraw method for drawing. Return false to stop the vanilla projectile drawing code (useful if you're manually drawing the projectile). Returns true by default. More...
virtual bool PreDrawExtras (Projectile projectile)
 Allows you to draw things behind a projectile. Use the Main.EntitySpriteDraw method for drawing. Returns false to stop the game from drawing extras textures related to the projectile (for example, the chains for grappling hooks), useful if you're manually drawing the extras. Returns true by default. More...
virtual bool PreKill (Projectile projectile, int timeLeft)
 Allows you to determine whether the vanilla code for Kill and the Kill hook will be called. Return false to stop them from being called. Returns true by default. Note that this does not stop the projectile from dying. More...
virtual void ReceiveExtraAI (Projectile projectile, BitReader bitReader, BinaryReader binaryReader)
 Use this to receive information that was sent in SendExtraAI.
Called whenever MessageID.SyncProjectile is successfully received.
Can be called on both server and client, depending on who owns the projectile. More...
virtual void SendExtraAI (Projectile projectile, BitWriter bitWriter, BinaryWriter binaryWriter)
 Use this judiciously to avoid straining the network.
Checks and methods such as GlobalType<TEntity, TGlobal>.AppliesToEntity can reduce how much data must be sent for how many projectiles.
Called whenever MessageID.SyncProjectile is successfully sent, for example on projectile creation, or whenever Projectile.netUpdate is set to true in the update loop for that tick.
Can be called on both server and client, depending on who owns the projectile. More...
virtual void SetDefaults (Projectile projectile)
 Allows you to set the properties of any and every projectile that gets created. More...
sealed override void SetupContent ()
 If you make a new ModType, seal this override, and call SetStaticDefaults in it. More...
virtual bool ShouldUpdatePosition (Projectile projectile)
 Whether or not the given projectile should update its position based on factors such as its velocity, whether it is in liquid, etc. Return false to make its velocity have no effect on its position. Returns true by default. More...
virtual ? bool SingleGrappleHook (int type, Player player)
 Whether or not a grappling hook can only have one hook per player in the world at a time. Return null to use the vanilla code. Returns null by default.
virtual bool TileCollideStyle (Projectile projectile, ref int width, ref int height, ref bool fallThrough, ref Vector2 hitboxCenterFrac)
 Allows you to determine how a projectile interacts with tiles. Return false if you completely override or cancel a projectile's tile collision behavior. Returns true by default. More...
virtual void UseGrapple (Player player, ref int type)
 This code is called whenever the player uses a grappling hook that shoots this type of projectile. Use it to change what kind of hook is fired (for example, the Dual Hook does this), to kill old hook projectiles, etc.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalType< Projectile, GlobalProjectile >
virtual bool AppliesToEntity (TEntity entity, bool lateInstantiation)
 Use this to control whether or not this global should be associated with the provided entity instance. More...
virtual TGlobal Clone (TEntity from, TEntity to)
 Create a copy of this instanced global. Called when an entity is cloned. More...
virtual TGlobal NewInstance (TEntity target)
 Only called if GlobalType.InstancePerEntity and AppliesToEntity(target , ...) are both true More...
virtual TModType Clone (TEntity newEntity)
 Create a copy of this instanced global. Called when an entity is cloned. More...
virtual bool IsLoadingEnabled (Mod mod)
 Allows you to stop Mod.AddContent from actually adding this content. Useful for items that can be disabled by a config. More...
virtual void Load ()
 Allows you to perform one-time loading tasks. Beware that mod content has not finished loading here, things like ModContent lookup tables or ID Sets are not fully populated. More...
virtual TModType NewInstance (TEntity entity)
 Create a new instance of this ModType for a specific entity More...
virtual void SetStaticDefaults ()
 Allows you to modify the properties after initial loading has completed. More...
virtual void SetupContent ()
 If you make a new ModType, seal this override, and call SetStaticDefaults in it. More...
virtual void Unload ()
 Allows you to safely unload things you added in Load. More...
virtual bool IsLoadingEnabled (Mod mod)
 Whether or not this type should be loaded when it's told to. Returning false disables Mod.AddContent from actually loading this type. More...
abstract void Load (Mod mod)
 Called when loading the type. More...
abstract void Unload ()
 Called during unloading when needed. More...
virtual TModType Clone (TEntity newEntity)
 Create a copy of this instanced global. Called when an entity is cloned. More...
virtual bool IsLoadingEnabled (Mod mod)
 Allows you to stop Mod.AddContent from actually adding this content. Useful for items that can be disabled by a config. More...
virtual void Load ()
 Allows you to perform one-time loading tasks. Beware that mod content has not finished loading here, things like ModContent lookup tables or ID Sets are not fully populated. More...
virtual TModType NewInstance (TEntity entity)
 Create a new instance of this ModType for a specific entity More...
virtual void SetStaticDefaults ()
 Allows you to modify the properties after initial loading has completed. More...
virtual void SetupContent ()
 If you make a new ModType, seal this override, and call SetStaticDefaults in it. More...
virtual void Unload ()
 Allows you to safely unload things you added in Load. More...

Protected Member Functions

sealed override void Register ()
 If you make a new ModType, seal this override. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalType< Projectile, GlobalProjectile >
override void ValidateType ()
 Check for the correct overrides of different hook methods and fields and properties More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Terraria.ModLoader.ModType< TEntity, TModType >
abstract TEntity CreateTemplateEntity ()
virtual void InitTemplateInstance ()
 Create dummy objects for instanced mod-types More...
override void InitTemplateInstance ()
 Create dummy objects for instanced mod-types More...
abstract void Register ()
 If you make a new ModType, seal this override. More...
virtual void ValidateType ()
 Check for the correct overrides of different hook methods and fields and properties More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Terraria.ModLoader.ModType< TEntity >
abstract TEntity CreateTemplateEntity ()
virtual void InitTemplateInstance ()
 Create dummy objects for instanced mod-types More...
override void InitTemplateInstance ()
 Create dummy objects for instanced mod-types
abstract void Register ()
 If you make a new ModType, seal this override. More...
virtual void ValidateType ()
 Check for the correct overrides of different hook methods and fields and properties More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalType< Projectile, GlobalProjectile >
static TResult GetGlobal< TEntity, TGlobal, TResult > (Instanced< TGlobal >[] globals, bool exactType)
static TResult GetGlobal< TEntity, TGlobal, TResult > (Instanced< TGlobal >[] globals, TResult baseInstance)
static T Instance< T > (Instanced< T >[] globals, ushort index)
static bool TryGetGlobal< TGlobal, TResult > (Instanced< TGlobal >[] globals, bool exactType, out TResult result)
static bool TryGetGlobal< TGlobal, TResult > (Instanced< TGlobal >[] globals, TResult baseInstance, out TResult result)
- Properties inherited from Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalType< Projectile, GlobalProjectile >
virtual bool CloneNewInstances [get]
 Whether to create new instances of this mod type via Clone or via the default constructor Defaults to false (default constructor).
ushort Index [get, set]
virtual bool InstancePerEntity [get]
 Whether to create a new instance of this Global for every entity that exists. Useful for storing information on an entity. Defaults to false. Return true if you need to store information (have non-static fields).
virtual bool IsCloneable [get]
 Whether or not this type is cloneable. Cloning is supported if
all reference typed fields in each sub-class which doesn't override Clone are marked with [CloneByReference]
- Properties inherited from Terraria.ModLoader.ModType< TEntity, TModType >
virtual bool CloneNewInstances [get]
 Whether to create new instances of this mod type via Clone(TEntity) or via the default constructor Defaults to false (default constructor).
TEntity Entity [get, set]
string FullName [get]
 The internal name of this, including the mod it is from. More...
virtual bool IsCloneable [get]
 Whether or not this type is cloneable. Cloning is supported if
all reference typed fields in each sub-class which doesn't override Clone are marked with [CloneByReference]
Mod Mod [get, set]
 The mod this belongs to. More...
virtual string Name [get]
 The internal name of this. More...
- Properties inherited from Terraria.ModLoader.IModType
string FullName [get]
 => $"{Mod.Name}/{Name}" More...
Mod Mod [get]
 The mod this belongs to. More...
string Name [get]
 The internal name of this instance. More...
- Properties inherited from Terraria.ModLoader.ModType< TEntity >
virtual bool CloneNewInstances [get]
 Whether to create new instances of this mod type via Clone(TEntity) or via the default constructor Defaults to false (default constructor).
TEntity Entity [get, set]
string FullName [get]
 The internal name of this, including the mod it is from. More...
virtual bool IsCloneable [get]
 Whether or not this type is cloneable. Cloning is supported if
all reference typed fields in each sub-class which doesn't override Clone are marked with [CloneByReference]
Mod Mod [get, set]
 The mod this belongs to. More...
virtual string Name [get]
 The internal name of this. More...
- Properties inherited from Terraria.ModLoader.IIndexed
ushort Index [get]

Detailed Description

This class allows you to modify and use hooks for all projectiles, including vanilla projectiles. Create an instance of an overriding class then call Mod.AddGlobalProjectile to use this.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AI()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.AI ( Projectile  projectile)

Allows you to determine how any projectile behaves. This will only be called if PreAI returns true.


◆ CanCutTiles()

virtual ? bool Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.CanCutTiles ( Projectile  projectile)

Return true or false to specify if the projectile can cut tiles like vines, pots, and Queen Bee larva. Return null for vanilla decision.


◆ CanDamage()

virtual ? bool Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.CanDamage ( Projectile  projectile)

Whether or not the given projectile is capable of killing tiles (such as grass) and damaging NPCs/players. Return false to prevent it from doing any sort of damage. Return true if you want the projectile to do damage regardless of the default blacklist. Return null to let the projectile follow vanilla can-damage-anything rules. This is what happens by default.


◆ CanHitNPC()

virtual ? bool Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.CanHitNPC ( Projectile  projectile,
NPC  target 

Allows you to determine whether a projectile can hit the given NPC. Return true to allow hitting the target, return false to block the projectile from hitting the target, and return null to use the vanilla code for whether the target can be hit. Returns null by default.


◆ CanHitPlayer()

virtual bool Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.CanHitPlayer ( Projectile  projectile,
Player  target 

Allows you to determine whether a hostile projectile can hit the given player. Return false to block the projectile from hitting the target. Returns true by default.


◆ CanHitPvp()

virtual bool Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.CanHitPvp ( Projectile  projectile,
Player  target 

Allows you to determine whether a projectile can hit the given opponent player. Return false to block the projectile from hitting the target. Returns true by default.


◆ Colliding()

virtual ? bool Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.Colliding ( Projectile  projectile,
Rectangle  projHitbox,
Rectangle  targetHitbox 

Allows you to use custom collision detection between a projectile and a player or NPC that the projectile can damage. Useful for things like diagonal lasers, projectiles that leave a trail behind them, etc.


◆ CutTiles()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.CutTiles ( Projectile  projectile)

Code ran when the projectile cuts tiles. Only runs if CanCutTiles() returns true. Useful when programming lasers and such.


◆ DrawBehind()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.DrawBehind ( Projectile  projectile,
int  index,
List< int >  behindNPCsAndTiles,
List< int >  behindNPCs,
List< int >  behindProjectiles,
List< int >  overPlayers,
List< int >  overWiresUI 

When used in conjunction with "projectile.hide = true", allows you to specify that this projectile should be drawn behind certain elements. Add the index to one and only one of the lists. For example, the Nebula Arcanum projectile draws behind NPCs and tiles.


◆ GetAlpha()

virtual ? Color Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.GetAlpha ( Projectile  projectile,
Color  lightColor 

Allows you to determine the color and transparency in which a projectile is drawn. Return null to use the default color (normally light and buff color). Returns null by default.


◆ Kill()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.Kill ( Projectile  projectile,
int  timeLeft 

Allows you to control what happens when a projectile is killed (for example, creating dust or making sounds).


◆ MinionContactDamage()

virtual bool Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.MinionContactDamage ( Projectile  projectile)

Whether or not a minion can damage NPCs by touching them. Returns false by default. Note that this will only be used if the projectile is considered a pet.


◆ ModifyDamageHitbox()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.ModifyDamageHitbox ( Projectile  projectile,
ref Rectangle  hitbox 

Allows you to change the hitbox used by a projectile for damaging players and NPCs.


◆ ModifyDamageScaling()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.ModifyDamageScaling ( Projectile  projectile,
ref float  damageScale 

Allows you to implement dynamic damage scaling for this projectile. For example, flails do more damage when in flight and Jousting Lance does more damage the faster the player is moving. This hook runs on the owner only.

damageScaleThe damage scaling

◆ ModifyHitNPC()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.ModifyHitNPC ( Projectile  projectile,
NPC  target,
ref int  damage,
ref float  knockback,
ref bool  crit,
ref int  hitDirection 

Allows you to modify the damage, knockback, etc., that a projectile does to an NPC. This method is only called for the owner of the projectile, meaning that in multi-player, projectiles owned by a player call this method on that client, and projectiles owned by the server such as enemy projectiles call this method on the server.


◆ ModifyHitPlayer()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.ModifyHitPlayer ( Projectile  projectile,
Player  target,
ref int  damage,
ref bool  crit 

Allows you to modify the damage, etc., that a hostile projectile does to a player.


◆ ModifyHitPvp()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.ModifyHitPvp ( Projectile  projectile,
Player  target,
ref int  damage,
ref bool  crit 

Allows you to modify the damage, etc., that a projectile does to an opponent player.


◆ OnHitNPC()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.OnHitNPC ( Projectile  projectile,
NPC  target,
int  damage,
float  knockback,
bool  crit 

Allows you to create special effects when a projectile hits an NPC (for example, inflicting debuffs). This method is only called for the owner of the projectile, meaning that in multi-player, projectiles owned by a player call this method on that client, and projectiles owned by the server such as enemy projectiles call this method on the server.


◆ OnHitPlayer()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.OnHitPlayer ( Projectile  projectile,
Player  target,
int  damage,
bool  crit 

Allows you to create special effects when a hostile projectile hits a player.


◆ OnHitPvp()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.OnHitPvp ( Projectile  projectile,
Player  target,
int  damage,
bool  crit 

Allows you to create special effects when a projectile hits an opponent player.


◆ OnTileCollide()

virtual bool Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.OnTileCollide ( Projectile  projectile,
Vector2  oldVelocity 

Allows you to determine what happens when a projectile collides with a tile. OldVelocity is the velocity before tile collision. The velocity that takes tile collision into account can be found with projectile.velocity. Return true to allow the vanilla tile collision code to take place (which normally kills the projectile). Returns true by default.


◆ PostAI()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.PostAI ( Projectile  projectile)

Allows you to determine how any projectile behaves. This will be called regardless of what PreAI returns.


◆ PostDraw()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.PostDraw ( Projectile  projectile,
Color  lightColor 

Allows you to draw things in front of a projectile. Use the Main.EntitySpriteDraw method for drawing. This method is called even if PreDraw returns false.

projectileThe projectile.
lightColorThe color of the light at the projectile's center, after being modified by vanilla and other mods.

◆ PreAI()

virtual bool Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.PreAI ( Projectile  projectile)

Allows you to determine how any projectile behaves. Return false to stop the vanilla AI and the AI hook from being run. Returns true by default.


◆ PreDraw()

virtual bool Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.PreDraw ( Projectile  projectile,
ref Color  lightColor 

Allows you to draw things behind a projectile, or to modify the way the projectile is drawn. Use the Main.EntitySpriteDraw method for drawing. Return false to stop the vanilla projectile drawing code (useful if you're manually drawing the projectile). Returns true by default.

projectileThe projectile.
lightColorThe color of the light at the projectile's center.

◆ PreDrawExtras()

virtual bool Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.PreDrawExtras ( Projectile  projectile)

Allows you to draw things behind a projectile. Use the Main.EntitySpriteDraw method for drawing. Returns false to stop the game from drawing extras textures related to the projectile (for example, the chains for grappling hooks), useful if you're manually drawing the extras. Returns true by default.

projectileThe projectile.

◆ PreKill()

virtual bool Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.PreKill ( Projectile  projectile,
int  timeLeft 

Allows you to determine whether the vanilla code for Kill and the Kill hook will be called. Return false to stop them from being called. Returns true by default. Note that this does not stop the projectile from dying.


◆ ReceiveExtraAI()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.ReceiveExtraAI ( Projectile  projectile,
BitReader  bitReader,
BinaryReader  binaryReader 

Use this to receive information that was sent in SendExtraAI.
Called whenever MessageID.SyncProjectile is successfully received.
Can be called on both server and client, depending on who owns the projectile.

projectileThe projectile.
bitReaderThe compressible bit reader.
binaryReaderThe reader.

◆ Register()

sealed override void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.Register ( )

If you make a new ModType, seal this override.

Implements Terraria.ModLoader.ModType< TEntity, TModType >.

◆ SendExtraAI()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.SendExtraAI ( Projectile  projectile,
BitWriter  bitWriter,
BinaryWriter  binaryWriter 

Use this judiciously to avoid straining the network.
Checks and methods such as GlobalType<TEntity, TGlobal>.AppliesToEntity can reduce how much data must be sent for how many projectiles.
Called whenever MessageID.SyncProjectile is successfully sent, for example on projectile creation, or whenever Projectile.netUpdate is set to true in the update loop for that tick.
Can be called on both server and client, depending on who owns the projectile.

projectileThe projectile.
bitWriterThe compressible bit writer. Booleans written via this are compressed across all mods to improve multiplayer performance.
binaryWriterThe writer.

◆ SetDefaults()

virtual void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.SetDefaults ( Projectile  projectile)

Allows you to set the properties of any and every projectile that gets created.


◆ SetupContent()

sealed override void Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.SetupContent ( )

If you make a new ModType, seal this override, and call SetStaticDefaults in it.

Reimplemented from Terraria.ModLoader.ModType< TEntity, TModType >.

◆ ShouldUpdatePosition()

virtual bool Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.ShouldUpdatePosition ( Projectile  projectile)

Whether or not the given projectile should update its position based on factors such as its velocity, whether it is in liquid, etc. Return false to make its velocity have no effect on its position. Returns true by default.


◆ TileCollideStyle()

virtual bool Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalProjectile.TileCollideStyle ( Projectile  projectile,
ref int  width,
ref int  height,
ref bool  fallThrough,
ref Vector2  hitboxCenterFrac 

Allows you to determine how a projectile interacts with tiles. Return false if you completely override or cancel a projectile's tile collision behavior. Returns true by default.

projectileThe projectile.
widthThe width of the hitbox the projectile will use for tile collision. If vanilla or a mod don't modify it, defaults to projectile.width.
heightThe height of the hitbox the projectile will use for tile collision. If vanilla or a mod don't modify it, defaults to projectile.height.
fallThroughWhether or not the projectile falls through platforms and similar tiles.
hitboxCenterFracDetermines by how much the tile collision hitbox's position (top left corner) will be offset from the projectile's real center. If vanilla or a mod don't modify it, defaults to half the hitbox size (new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)).