tModLoader v2023.01
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Terraria.Projectile Class Reference

Inherits Terraria.Entity, and IEntityWithGlobals< GlobalProjectile >.


struct  HallowBossPelletStormInfo

Public Member Functions

void AI ()
bool AI_137_CanHit (Vector2 targetPosition)
Color AI_156_GetColor ()
Color AI_171_GetColor ()
HallowBossPelletStormInfo AI_172_GetPelletStormInfo (int stormIndex)
int AI_172_GetPelletStormsCount ()
Color AI_173_GetColor ()
bool CanBeReflected ()
bool CanExplodeTile (int x, int y)
bool CanHitWithMeleeWeapon (Entity ent)
bool CanHitWithOwnBody (Entity ent)
void CheckUsability (Player player, ref bool currentlyUsable)
void CloneDefaults (int TypeToClone)
bool Colliding (Rectangle myRect, Rectangle targetRect)
bool CountsAsClass (DamageClass damageClass)
bool CountsAsClass< T > ()
void CreateImpactExplosion (int dustAmountMultiplier, Vector2 explosionOrigin, ref Point scanAreaStart, ref Point scanAreaEnd, int explosionRange, out bool causedShockwaves)
void CreateImpactExplosion2_FlailTileCollision (Vector2 explosionOrigin, bool causedShockwaves, Vector2 velocityBeforeCollision)
void Damage ()
void DefaultToWhip ()
void ExplodeCrackedTiles (Vector2 compareSpot, int radius, int minI, int maxI, int minJ, int maxJ)
void ExplodeTiles (Vector2 compareSpot, int radius, int minI, int maxI, int minJ, int maxJ, bool wallSplode)
NPC FindTargetWithinRange (float maxRange, bool checkCanHit=false)
int FindTargetWithLineOfSight (float maxRange=800f)
 Finds the closest NPC to this projectile which can be targeted and which it has line of sight to. More...
void FishingCheck ()
Color GetAlpha (Color newColor)
Color GetCeleb2Color ()
Color GetFairyQueenWeaponsColor (float alphaChannelMultiplier=1f, float lerpToWhite=0f, float? rawHueOverride=null)
Color GetFirstFractalColor ()
Color GetFloatingDaggerMinionGlowColor ()
GetGlobalProjectile< T > (bool exactType=true)
 Gets the instance of the specified GlobalProjectile type. This will throw exceptions on failure. More...
GetGlobalProjectile< T > (T baseInstance)
 Gets the local instance of the type of the specified GlobalProjectile instance. This will throw exceptions on failure. More...
float GetLastPrismHue (float laserIndex, ref float laserLuminance, ref float laserAlphaMultiplier)
Rectangle getRect ()
void ghostHeal (int dmg, Vector2 Position, Entity victim)
void ghostHurt (int dmg, Vector2 Position, Entity victim)
void Interrupt (Player player)
bool IsAttachedTo (NPC npc)
bool IsInRangeOfMeOrMyOwner (Entity entity, float maxDistance, out float myDistance, out float playerDistance, out bool closerIsMe)
bool IsInteractible ()
bool IsInterruptible (Player player)
void Kill ()
void Kill_DirtAndFluidProjectiles_RunDelegateMethodPushUpForHalfBricks (Point pt, float size, Utils.TileActionAttempt plot)
void Minion_FindTargetInRange (int startAttackRange, ref int attackTarget, bool skipIfCannotHitWithOwnBody, Func< Entity, int, bool > customEliminationCheck=null)
void ProjectileFixDesperation ()
void ProjLight ()
void ResetLocalNPCHitImmunity ()
void Resize (int newWidth, int newHeight)
void SetDefaults (int Type)
bool ShouldUseWindPhysics ()
bool ShouldWallExplode (Vector2 compareSpot, int radius, int minI, int maxI, int minJ, int maxJ)
void StatusNPC (int i)
void StatusPlayer (int i)
void StatusPvP (int i)
override string ToString ()
bool TryGetContainerIndex (out int containerIndex)
bool TryGetGlobalProjectile< T > (out T result, bool exactType=true)
 Gets the instance of the specified GlobalProjectile type. More...
bool TryGetGlobalProjectile< T > (T baseInstance, out T result)
 Safely attempts to get the local instance of the type of the specified GlobalProjectile instance. More...
bool TurretShouldPersist ()
void Update (int i)
void vampireHeal (int dmg, Vector2 Position, Entity victim)
void VanillaAI ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Terraria.Entity
float AngleFrom (Vector2 Source)
float AngleTo (Vector2 Destination)
Vector2 DirectionFrom (Vector2 Source)
Vector2 DirectionTo (Vector2 Destination)
float Distance (Vector2 Other)
float DistanceSQ (Vector2 Other)
IEntitySource GetSource_Accessory (Item item, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_CatchEntity (Entity caughtEntity, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_Death (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_DropAsItem (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_FromAI (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_FromThis (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_GiftOrReward (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_ItemUse (Item item, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_ItemUse_WithPotentialAmmo (Item item, int ammoItemId, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_Loot (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_Misc (string context)
IEntitySource GetSource_OnHit (Entity victim, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_OnHurt (Entity attacker, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_OpenItem (int itemType, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_ReleaseEntity (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_TileInteraction (int tileCoordsX, int tileCoordsY, string? context=null)
bool WithinRange (Vector2 Target, float MaxRange)

Static Public Member Functions

static Vector2 AI_158_GetHomeLocation (Player master, int stackedIndex)
static Vector2 AI_164_GetHomeLocation (Player master, int stackedIndex, int totalIndexes)
static void EmitBlackLightningParticles (NPC targetNPC)
static void FillWhipControlPoints (Projectile proj, List< Vector2 > controlPoints)
static int FindOldestProjectile ()
static int GetByUUID (int owner, float uuid)
static int GetByUUID (int owner, int uuid)
static Color GetGolfTrailColor (Projectile proj)
static int GetNextSlot ()
static void GetWhipSettings (Projectile proj, out float timeToFlyOut, out int segments, out float rangeMultiplier)
static void InitializeStaticThings ()
static bool IsNPCIndexImmuneToProjectileType (int projectileType, int npcIndex)
static void KillOldestJavelin (int protectedProjectileIndex, int projectileType, int targetNPCIndex, Point[] bufferForScan)
static int NewProjectile (IEntitySource spawnSource, float X, float Y, float SpeedX, float SpeedY, int Type, int Damage, float KnockBack, int Owner=255, float ai0=0f, float ai1=0f)
 Spawns a projectile into the game world with the given type. The spawn position is given in world coordinates by the X and Y parameters. SpeedX and SpeedY dictate the initial velocity. Damage and KnockBack are self explanitory. Owner is the player who spawned the projectile, almost always Main.myPlayer. ai0 and ai1 will initialize the[] array with the supplied values. This can be used to pass in information to the Projectile. The Projectile AI code will have to be written to utilize those values. The return value is the index of the spawned Projectile within the Main.projectile array.
Make sure that this method is called only by the client in charge of the source causing this projectile to spawn. Failure to do this will result in the projectile spawning once for each player in the world. For example, if Player code uses this method, make sure to first check More...
static int NewProjectile (IEntitySource spawnSource, Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, int Type, int Damage, float KnockBack, int Owner=255, float ai0=0f, float ai1=0f)

This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X and Y to determine the actual spawn position and a Vector2 to dictate the initial velocity.
static Projectile NewProjectileDirect (IEntitySource spawnSource, Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, int type, int damage, float knockback, int owner=255, float ai0=0f, float ai1=0f)

This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X and Y to determine the actual spawn position and a Vector2 to dictate the initial velocity. The return value is the actual Projectile instance rather than the index of the spawned Projectile within the Main.projectile array.
A short-hand for More...
static void RandomizeInsanityShadowFor (Entity targetEntity, bool isHostile, out Vector2 spawnposition, out Vector2 spawnvelocity, out float ai0, out float ai1)
static void ResetImmunity ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Terraria.Entity
static IEntitySource GetSource_NaturalSpawn ()
static ? IEntitySource GetSource_None ()
static IEntitySource GetSource_TownSpawn ()
static ? IEntitySource InheritSource (Entity entity)

Public Attributes

float[] ai = new float[maxAI]
int aiStyle
int alpha
bool arrow
int bannerIdToRespondTo
bool bobber
bool coldDamage
bool counterweight
int damage
bool decidesManualFallThrough
int extraUpdates
int frame
int frameCounter
bool friendly
float gfxOffY
short glowMask
bool hide
bool hostile
int identity
int idStaticNPCHitCooldown = -1
bool ignoreWater
float knockBack
float light
float[] localAI = new float[maxAI]
int localNPCHitCooldown = -2
int[] localNPCImmunity = new int[200]
bool manualDirectionChange
int maxPenetrate = 1
bool minion
int minionPos
float minionSlots
string miscText = ""
bool netImportant
int netSpam
bool netUpdate
bool netUpdate2
bool noDropItem
bool noEnchantments
bool noEnchantmentVisuals
bool npcProj
int numHits
int numUpdates
Vector2[] oldPos = new Vector2[10]
 Holds the value of Entity.position from previous updates from newest to oldest. Use for drawing trails. Must be used with ProjectileID.Sets.TrailCacheLength and ProjectileID.Sets.TrailingMode to be used properly.
float[] oldRot = new float[10]
 Holds the value of Projectile.rotation from previous updates from newest to oldest. Use for drawing trails. Must be used with ProjectileID.Sets.TrailCacheLength and ProjectileID.Sets.TrailingMode to be used properly.
int[] oldSpriteDirection = new int[10]
 Holds the value of Projectile.spriteDirection from previous updates from newest to oldest. Use for drawing trails. Must be used with ProjectileID.Sets.TrailCacheLength and ProjectileID.Sets.TrailingMode to be used properly.
int originalDamage
bool originatedFromActivableTile
int owner = 255
bool ownerHitCheck
float ownerHitCheckDistance = 1000f
int penetrate = 1
int[] playerImmune = new int[255]
int projUUID = -1
int restrikeDelay
float rotation
float scale = 1f
bool sentry
bool shouldFallThrough
int soundDelay
int spriteDirection = 1
float stepSpeed = 1f
bool tileCollide
int timeLeft
bool trap
int type
bool usesIDStaticNPCImmunity
bool usesLocalNPCImmunity
List< Vector2 > WhipPointsForCollision = new List<Vector2>()
WhipSettings WhipSettings
- Public Attributes inherited from Terraria.Entity
bool active
int direction = 1
int height
bool honeyWet
bool lavaWet
int oldDirection
Vector2 oldPosition
Vector2 oldVelocity
Vector2 position
Vector2 velocity
bool wet
byte wetCount
int whoAmI
int width

Static Public Attributes

const int ArrowLifeTime = 1200
static int maxAI = 2
static uint[][] perIDStaticNPCImmunity = new uint[972][]
const int SentryLifeTime = 7200


int ArmorPenetration [get, set]
 The number of defense points that this projectile can ignore on its own. Cannot be set to negative values. Defaults to 0. On spawn, if this projectile was fired from a weapon, this value has the total armor penetration of the weapon that made the projectile added to itself.
bool ContinuouslyUpdateDamage [get, set]
 If set, Projectile.damage will be recalculated based on Projectile.originalDamage, Projectile.DamageType and the owning player, just like minions and sentries. This has no effect if Projectile.minion or Projectile.sentry is set.
int CritChance [get, set]
 The critical strike chance modifier of this projectile. Cannot be set to negative values. Defaults to 0. On spawn, if this projectile was fired from a weapon, this value has the total critical strike chance of the weapon that made the projectile added to itself.
DamageClass DamageType [get, set]
 The damage type assigned to this projectile, represented as a DamageClass. Leave blank or use DamageClass.Default to prevent damage type scaling of any kind for this projectile. Use DamageClass.Generic/Melee/Ranged/Magic/Summon/Throwing for vanilla damage types. Refer to ExampleMod for more information on how to create and use your own damage types.
RefReadOnlyArray< Instanced< GlobalProjectile > > Globals [get]
int MaxUpdates [get, set]
ModProjectile ModProjectile [get, set]
string Name [get, set]
float Opacity [get, set]
NPC OwnerMinionAttackTargetNPC [get]
bool WipableTurret [get]
- Properties inherited from Terraria.Entity
Vector2 Bottom [get, set]
Vector2 BottomLeft [get, set]
Vector2 BottomRight [get, set]
Vector2 Center [get, set]
Rectangle Hitbox [get, set]
Vector2 Left [get, set]
Vector2 Right [get, set]
Vector2 Size [get, set]
Vector2 Top [get, set]
Vector2 TopLeft [get, set]
Vector2 TopRight [get, set]
virtual Vector2 VisualPosition [get]

Member Function Documentation

◆ CountsAsClass< T >()

bool Terraria.Projectile.CountsAsClass< T > ( )
Type Constraints
T :DamageClass 
T :CountsAsClass 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 

◆ FindTargetWithLineOfSight()

int Terraria.Projectile.FindTargetWithLineOfSight ( float  maxRange = 800f)

Finds the closest NPC to this projectile which can be targeted and which it has line of sight to.

maxRangeThe maximum range at which this projectile should search out a target, measured in pixels.
Defaults to 800 (50 tiles). Each tile, for reference, measures out to be 16x16 pixels.
The index, in Main.npc, of the closest targetable NPC.

◆ GetGlobalProjectile< T >() [1/2]

T Terraria.Projectile.GetGlobalProjectile< T > ( bool  exactType = true)

Gets the instance of the specified GlobalProjectile type. This will throw exceptions on failure.

Type Constraints
T :GlobalProjectile 
T :GlobalType.GetGlobal 
T :Projectile 
T :GlobalProjectile 
T :T 
T :globalProjectiles 
T :exactType 

◆ GetGlobalProjectile< T >() [2/2]

T Terraria.Projectile.GetGlobalProjectile< T > ( baseInstance)

Gets the local instance of the type of the specified GlobalProjectile instance. This will throw exceptions on failure.

Type Constraints
T :GlobalProjectile 
T :GlobalType.GetGlobal 
T :Projectile 
T :GlobalProjectile 
T :T 
T :globalProjectiles 
T :baseInstance 

◆ NewProjectile()

static int Terraria.Projectile.NewProjectile ( IEntitySource  spawnSource,
float  X,
float  Y,
float  SpeedX,
float  SpeedY,
int  Type,
int  Damage,
float  KnockBack,
int  Owner = 255,
float  ai0 = 0f,
float  ai1 = 0f 

Spawns a projectile into the game world with the given type. The spawn position is given in world coordinates by the X and Y parameters. SpeedX and SpeedY dictate the initial velocity. Damage and KnockBack are self explanitory. Owner is the player who spawned the projectile, almost always Main.myPlayer. ai0 and ai1 will initialize the[] array with the supplied values. This can be used to pass in information to the Projectile. The Projectile AI code will have to be written to utilize those values. The return value is the index of the spawned Projectile within the Main.projectile array.
Make sure that this method is called only by the client in charge of the source causing this projectile to spawn. Failure to do this will result in the projectile spawning once for each player in the world. For example, if Player code uses this method, make sure to first check

if(Main.myPlayer == Player.whoAmI) to ensure that only the local player spawns the projectile.
Projectiles spawning other projectiles should check if(Main.myPlayer == Projectile.owner)
If the source is an NPC or non-player owned projectile, checking if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient) will ensure that clients don't attempt to spawn the projectile.

TypeEither an ProjectileID entry or ModContent.ProjectileType<T>, for example ProjectileID.FireArrow or ModContent.ProjectileType<MyModProjectile>()

◆ NewProjectileDirect()

static Projectile Terraria.Projectile.NewProjectileDirect ( IEntitySource  spawnSource,
Vector2  position,
Vector2  velocity,
int  type,
int  damage,
float  knockback,
int  owner = 255,
float  ai0 = 0f,
float  ai1 = 0f 

This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X and Y to determine the actual spawn position and a Vector2 to dictate the initial velocity. The return value is the actual Projectile instance rather than the index of the spawned Projectile within the Main.projectile array.
A short-hand for


◆ TryGetGlobalProjectile< T >() [1/2]

bool Terraria.Projectile.TryGetGlobalProjectile< T > ( out T  result,
bool  exactType = true 

Gets the instance of the specified GlobalProjectile type.

Type Constraints
T :GlobalProjectile 
T :GlobalType.TryGetGlobal 
T :GlobalProjectile 
T :T 
T :globalProjectiles 
T :exactType 
T :out 
T :result 

◆ TryGetGlobalProjectile< T >() [2/2]

bool Terraria.Projectile.TryGetGlobalProjectile< T > ( baseInstance,
out T  result 

Safely attempts to get the local instance of the type of the specified GlobalProjectile instance.

Whether or not the requested instance has been found.
Type Constraints
T :GlobalProjectile 
T :GlobalType.TryGetGlobal 
T :GlobalProjectile 
T :T 
T :globalProjectiles 
T :baseInstance 
T :out 
T :result