tModLoader v2023.01
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Terraria.DataStructures Namespace Reference


class  AEntitySource_Tile
struct  AnchorData
class  AnchoredEntitiesCollection
struct  BinaryWriterHelper
struct  BossBarDrawParams
 Holds data required for boss bar drawing. More...
struct  BuffDrawParams
 Holds data required for buff drawing. More...
class  BufferPool
class  CachedBuffer
class  ColorSlidersSet
class  DoubleStack
class  DrawAnimation
class  DrawAnimationVertical
struct  DrawData
struct  DrillDebugDraw
struct  EntityShadowInfo
class  EntitySource_BossSpawn
class  EntitySource_Buff
class  EntitySource_CatchEntity
 Used for when NPCs or other entities are caught by things like bug nets. More...
class  EntitySource_DebugCommand
class  EntitySource_DropAsItem
class  EntitySource_Film
class  EntitySource_FishedOut
class  EntitySource_Gift
class  EntitySource_ItemOpen
class  EntitySource_ItemUse
class  EntitySource_ItemUse_WithAmmo
class  EntitySource_Loot
class  EntitySource_Misc
 To be used in cases where no entity is present.NOTE: Unlike most other entity sources, this one requires context to be specified. More...
class  EntitySource_Mount
class  EntitySource_OldOnesArmy
class  EntitySource_OnHit
class  EntitySource_Parent
class  EntitySource_RevengeSystem
class  EntitySource_ShakeTree
class  EntitySource_SpawnNPC
class  EntitySource_Sync
class  EntitySource_TileBreak
class  EntitySource_TileEntity
class  EntitySource_TileInteraction
class  EntitySource_TileUpdate
 Added by TML. Derives from AEntitySource_Tile. More...
class  EntitySource_Wiring
class  EntitySource_WorldEvent
class  EntitySource_WorldGen
class  EntryFilterer
class  EntrySorter
struct  FishingAttempt
class  FlowerPacketInfo
struct  GameModeData
class  GeneralIssueReporter
interface  IConfigKeyHolder
interface  IEntitySource
 This object encapsulates context information about the source of a particular spawning event of an Item/Projectile/NPC/etc. Aids in facilitating many modding situations and used in various OnSpawn hooks.
The IEntitySource Guideteaches how and why to use this. More...
interface  IEntryFilter
interface  IEntrySortStep
interface  IProvideReports
interface  ISearchFilter
class  IssueReport
struct  ItemSyncPersistentStats
struct  LineSegment
class  MethodSequenceListItem
struct  NPCAimedTarget
class  NPCDebuffImmunityData
struct  NPCKillAttempt
struct  NPCStrengthHelper
struct  PlacementHook
class  PlayerDeathReason
class  PlayerDrawHelper
class  PlayerDrawLayers
struct  PlayerDrawSet
struct  PlayerFishingConditions
struct  PlayerInteractionAnchor
struct  PlayerMovementAccsCache
struct  Point16
struct  PortableStoolUsage
class  RejectionMenuInfo
class  SelectionHolder
class  SoundPlaySet
struct  SpriteFrame
class  TileDrawInfo
class  TileDrawSorter
class  TileEntitiesManager
class  TileEntity
class  TileObjectPreviewData
struct  TileRestingInfo
 Holds data required for offsetting an entity when it rests on a tile (sitting/sleeping). More...
class  TitleLinkButton
struct  TrackedProjectileReference
class  VanillaPlayerDrawLayer
class  VanillaPlayerDrawTransform
struct  WingStats


enum  CompositePlayerDrawContext {
  BackShoulder , BackArm , Torso , FrontArm ,
  FrontShoulder , FrontArmAccessory , BackArmAccessory
enum  TileDataType {
  Tile = 0x1 , TilePaint = 0x2 , Wall = 0x4 , WallPaint = 0x8 ,
  Liquid = 0x10 , Wiring = 0x20 , Actuator = 0x40 , Slope = 0x80 ,
  All = 0xFF
enum  WeaponDrawOrder { BehindBackArm , BehindFrontArm , OverFrontArm }


delegate void ReturnFromRejectionMenuAction ()