tModLoader v2023.01
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Terraria.Social.Steam.SteamedWraps Class Reference


struct  ItemInstallInfo

Static Public Member Functions

static void BeginPlaytimeTracking ()
static bool DoesWorkshopItemNeedUpdate (PublishedFileId_t publishId)
static PublishedFileId_t[] FetchItemDependencies (UGCQueryHandle_t handle, uint index, uint numChildren)
static SteamUGCDetails_t FetchItemDetails (UGCQueryHandle_t handle, uint index)
static void FetchMetadata (UGCQueryHandle_t handle, uint index, out NameValueCollection metadata)
static void FetchPlayTimeStats (UGCQueryHandle_t handle, uint index, out ulong hot, out ulong downloads)
static void FetchPreviewImageUrl (UGCQueryHandle_t handle, uint index, out string modIconUrl)
static void ForceCallbacks ()
static SteamAPICall_t GenerateModBrowserQuery (string queryCursor, List< string > tags=null, string internalName=null)
static SteamAPICall_t GenerateSingleItemQuery (ulong publishId)
static ItemInstallInfo GetInstallInfo (PublishedFileId_t publishId)
static uint GetWorkshopItemState (PublishedFileId_t publishId)
static bool IsWorkshopItemInstalled (PublishedFileId_t publishId)
static void ReleaseWorkshopHandle (UGCQueryHandle_t handle)
static void StopPlaytimeTracking ()
static bool TryInitViaGameServer ()
static void UninstallWorkshopItem (PublishedFileId_t publishId, string installPath=null)


static bool FamilyShared = false [get, set]
static bool SteamClient [get, set]