tModLoader v2024.12
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
CombinedHooks Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static ? bool CanAutoReuseItem (Player player, Item item)
static bool CanBeHitByProjectile (Player player, Projectile projectile)
static ? bool CanCatchNPC (Player player, NPC npc, Item item)
static bool CanConsumeAmmo (Player player, Item weapon, Item ammo)
static ? bool CanConsumeBait (Player player, Item item)
static ? bool CanHitNPCWithProj (Projectile proj, NPC npc)
static bool CanHitPvp (Player player, Item sItem, Player target)
static bool CanHitPvpWithProj (Projectile projectile, Player target)
static bool CanNPCHitPlayer (NPC nPC, Player player, ref int specialHitSetter)
static ? bool CanPlayerHitNPCWithItem (Player player, Item item, NPC npc)
static ? bool CanPlayerMeleeAttackCollideWithNPC (Player player, Item item, Rectangle meleeAttackHitbox, NPC target)
static bool CanShoot (Player player, Item item)
static bool CanUseItem (Player player, Item item)
static void EmitEnchantmentVisualsAt (Projectile projectile, Vector2 boxPosition, int boxWidth, int boxHeight)
static void MeleeEffects (Player player, Item sItem, Rectangle itemRectangle)
static void ModifyHitByNPC (Player player, NPC nPC, ref Player.HurtModifiers modifiers)
static void ModifyHitByProjectile (Player player, Projectile projectile, ref Player.HurtModifiers modifiers)
static void ModifyHitNPCWithProj (Projectile projectile, NPC nPC, ref NPC.HitModifiers modifiers)
static void ModifyItemScale (Player player, Item item, ref float scale)
static void ModifyManaCost (Player player, Item item, ref float reduce, ref float mult)
static void ModifyPlayerHitNPCWithItem (Player player, Item sItem, NPC nPC, ref NPC.HitModifiers modifiers)
static void ModifyShootStats (Player player, Item item, ref Vector2 position, ref Vector2 velocity, ref int type, ref int damage, ref float knockback)
static void ModifyWeaponCrit (Player player, Item item, ref float crit)
static void ModifyWeaponDamage (Player player, Item item, ref StatModifier damage)
static void ModifyWeaponKnockback (Player player, Item item, ref StatModifier knockback)
static void OnCatchNPC (Player player, NPC npc, Item item, bool failed)
static void OnConsumeAmmo (Player player, Item weapon, Item ammo)
static void OnConsumeMana (Player player, Item item, int manaConsumed)
static void OnHitByNPC (Player player, NPC nPC, in Player.HurtInfo hurtInfo)
static void OnHitByProjectile (Player player, Projectile projectile, in Player.HurtInfo hurtInfo)
static void OnHitNPCWithProj (Projectile projectile, NPC nPC, in NPC.HitInfo hit, int damageDone)
static void OnMissingMana (Player player, Item item, int neededMana)
static bool OnPickup (Item item, Player player)
static void OnPlayerHitNPCWithItem (Player player, Item sItem, NPC nPC, in NPC.HitInfo hit, int damageDone)
static void PlayerFrameEffects (Player player)
static bool Shoot (Player player, Item item, EntitySource_ItemUse_WithAmmo source, Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, int type, int damage, float knockback)
static int TotalAnimationTime (float useAnimation, Player player, Item item)
static float TotalUseAnimationMultiplier (Player player, Item item)
static float TotalUseSpeedMultiplier (Player player, Item item)
static int TotalUseTime (float useTime, Player player, Item item)
static float TotalUseTimeMultiplier (Player player, Item item)