tModLoader v2024.12
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Player Class Reference

Inherits Entity, IFixLoadedData, and IEntityWithInstances< ModPlayer >.


class  BuilderAccToggleIDs
struct  CompositeArmData
struct  DefenseStat
struct  DirectionalInputSyncCache
class  Hooks
struct  HurtInfo
struct  HurtModifiers
struct  ItemCheckContext
struct  ItemSpaceStatus
struct  OverheadMessage
struct  RabbitOrderFrameHelper
class  RandomTeleportationAttemptSettings
class  SavedPlayerDataWithAnnoyingRules
class  SelectionRadial
struct  SetMatchRequest
class  Settings
class  SmartCursorSettings

Public Types

enum  CompositeArmStretchAmount { Full , None , Quarter , ThreeQuarters }

Public Member Functions

void AccumulateGolfingScore (int score)
void AddBuff (int type, int timeToAdd, bool quiet=true, bool foodHack=false)
 Gives the player the provided buff. This accounts for if the player is immune to the buff. This also accounts for adjusting the buff time for different game modes. If the player already has the buff, the re-apply logic will happen. Vanilla buff types are found in BuffID and modded buffs are typically retrieved using ModContent.BuffType<T>. The quiet parameter will determine if the network sync message should happen. This should only be set to false in non-deterministic situations (such as random chance) and code that only runs locally. Other situations run on all clients so the buff should automatically be applied on all clients, keeping the player buff data in sync without burdening the network. When in doubt, consult vanilla source code examples or test your code.
If applying a buff to a player other than the local player in pvp, quiet should be false and the buff must be true in Main.pvpBuff to properly sync. More...
void AddCoinLuck (Vector2 coinPosition, int coinAmount)
void addDPS (int dmg)
void AddImmuneTime (int cooldownCounterId, int immuneTime)
 Adds to either Player.immuneTime or Player.hurtCooldowns based on the cooldownCounterId More...
void AdjTiles ()
bool AnyExtraJumpUsable ()
 Returns true if any extra jump is ExtraJumpState.Available and ExtraJump.CanStart.
Setting blockExtraJumps will cause this method to return false instead.
void ApplyArmorSoundAndDustChanges ()
void ApplyAttackCooldown ()
void ApplyAttackCooldown (int frames)
void ApplyBannerDefenseBuff (int bannerId, ref Player.HurtModifiers modifiers)
void ApplyBannerDefenseBuff (NPC npc, ref Player.HurtModifiers modifiers)
void ApplyBannerOffenseBuff (int bannerId, ref NPC.HitModifiers modifiers)
void ApplyBannerOffenseBuff (NPC npc, ref NPC.HitModifiers modifiers)
void ApplyDamageToNPC (NPC npc, int damage, float knockback, int direction, bool crit=false, DamageClass? damageType=null, bool damageVariation=false)
 Deals damage to an NPC (and syncs the hit in multiplayer).
The damage will be affected by modifiers, armor pen, enemy resistances etc.
Will not apply damage class modifiers/knockback. Use GetTotalDamage<T> to adjust the damage before calling if necessary.
Will apply damage class based armor penetration.
Will exit early with no effect if PlayerLoader.CanHitNPC returns false. More...
void ApplyEquipFunctional (Item currentItem, bool hideVisual)
void ApplyEquipVanity (Item currentItem)
void ApplyItemAnimation (Item sItem)
void ApplyItemAnimation (Item sItem, float multiplier, int? itemReuseDelay=null)
void ApplyItemTime (Item sItem, float multiplier=1, bool? callUseItem=null)
void ApplyMeleeScale (ref float scale)
Vector2 ApplyRangeCompensation (float rangeCompensation, Vector2 startPos, Vector2 targetPos)
int ArmorSetDye ()
void AutoFinchStaff ()
int beeDamage (int dmg)
float beeKB (float KB)
int beeType ()
int BiomeCampfireHoldStyle (int itemType)
int BiomeCampfirePlaceStyle (ref int type, ref int style)
int BiomeTorchHoldStyle (int style)
int BiomeTorchPlaceStyle (ref int type, ref int style)
void BordersMovement ()
void BrainOfConfusionDodge ()
void BuffHandle_SpawnPetIfNeeded (ref bool petBool, int petProjID, int buffIndex)
void BuffHandle_SpawnPetIfNeededAndSetTime (int buffIndex, ref bool petBool, int petProjID, int buffTimeToGive=18000)
 A helper method that handles code common to pet buffs. Can be used during the buff update code.
Sets the buff time to the value and spawns the corresponding pet projectile for the player if not yet spawned.
bool BuyItem (long price, int customCurrency=-1)
 Attempts to "purchase" something that costs the given price .
Items will be taken from all of the player inventories and banks combined.
If customCurrency is provided, the price will be in terms of the custom currency instead of coins.
If the player has enough currency, the currency will be taken from the inventories.
bool CanAcceptItemIntoInventory (Item item)
bool CanAfford (long price, int customCurrency=-1)
 Checks if the player has the provided amount of money or custom currency (if customCurrency is set) in their inventory and banks combined. Use BuyItem(long, int) if the player does have enough money to take that money from the player.
bool CanAutoReuseItem (Item sItem)
void CancelAllBootRunVisualEffects ()
bool CanDemonHeartAccessoryBeShown ()
bool CanDoWireStuffHere (int x, int y)
bool CanFitSpace (int heightBoost)
bool CanGoIntoAmmoOnPickup (Item theSlot, Item theItemToAccept)
bool CanHit (Entity ent)
bool CanHitNPCWithMeleeHit (int npcIndex)
bool CanItemSlotAccept (Item theSlot, Item theItemToAccept)
bool CanMasterModeAccessoryBeShown ()
bool CanNPCBeHitByPlayerOrPlayerProjectile (NPC npc, Projectile projectile=null)
bool CanParryAgainst (Rectangle blockingPlayerRect, Rectangle enemyRect, Vector2 enemyVelocity)
bool CanPullItem (Item item, ItemSpaceStatus status)
bool CanSeeShimmerEffects ()
bool CanSnapToPosition (Vector2 offset)
bool CanVisuallyHoldItem (Item item)
void CarpetMovement ()
void ChangeDir (int dir)
 Changes the player's direction (Entity.direction) while adjusting arm and item rotations to be consistent. Will also account for pulley and pulleyDir. The player direction change will be prevented if the player is on a rope but there isn't space for the player to face the new direction. More...
void ChangeSpawn (int x, int y)
Color ChatColor ()
void CheckCrackedBrickBreak ()
void checkDPSTime ()
void CheckDrowning ()
Vector2 CheckForGoodTeleportationSpot (ref bool canSpawn, int teleportStartX, int teleportRangeX, int teleportStartY, int teleportRangeY, RandomTeleportationAttemptSettings settings)
void CheckIceBreak ()
bool CheckMana (int amount, bool pay=false, bool blockQuickMana=false)
bool CheckMana (Item item, int amount=-1, bool pay=false, bool blockQuickMana=false)
 Determines if this player has enough mana to use an item.
If the player doesn't have enough mana and blockQuickMana is false, the player will activate any missing mana effects they have and try again.
The pay parameter can be used to consume the mana amount. More...
Item ChooseAmmo (Item weapon)
 Attempts to select an ammo item stack from this player's inventory to shoot with the given weapon. More...
void ClearBuff (int type)
 Removes the provided buff type from the player and shuffles the remaining buff indexes down to fill the gap. Use Player.DelBuff(int) if you only know the buff index More...
void ClearGrapplingBlacklist ()
Player clientClone ()
object Clone ()
void CloseSign ()
void CollectTaxes ()
int CollideWithNPCs (Rectangle myRect, float Damage, float Knockback, int NPCImmuneTime, int PlayerImmuneTime, DamageClass? damageType=null)
void CommandForbiddenStorm ()
void ConsumeAllExtraJumps ()
 Sets the ExtraJumpState.Available flag for all extra jumps to false.
If you want to disable an extra jump, use ExtraJumpState.Disable instead.
If you want to disable all extra jumps, but not prevent them once the disabling factor is removed, use blockExtraJumps instead.
bool ConsumeItem (int type, bool reverseOrder=false, bool includeVoidBag=false)
 Use to consume a single item. The item does not have to be Item.consumable.
Attempts to reduce the Item.stack of the first Item found in the inventory by 1.
Respects ItemLoader.ConsumeItem(Item, Player), so the item won't necessarily be consumed.
To consume multiple of the item, first check Player.CountItem to ensure that there are enough of the item, then use a for loop to call this method many times.
bool ConsumeSolarFlare ()
void CopyVisuals (Player other)
int CountBuffs ()
void Counterweight (Vector2 hitPos, int dmg, float kb)
int CountItem (int type, int stopCountingAt=0)
 Counts the total stack of the specified item type in this players inventory.
Does not check Void Bag.
Use Player.HasItem(int) to check if the player has the item at all.
void DashMovement ()
delegate void DashStartAction (int dashDirection)
void DelBuff (int b)
 Removes the buff at the provided index in buffType and buffTime and shuffles the remaining buff indexes down to fill the gap. Use Player.ClearBuff(int) if you only know the BuffID. More...
void DemonConch ()
void DisplayDollUpdate ()
void DoBootsEffect (Utils.TileActionAttempt theEffectMethod)
bool DoBootsEffect_PlaceFlamesOnTile (int X, int Y)
bool DoBootsEffect_PlaceFlowersOnTile (int X, int Y)
void DoCoins (int i)
void DoPotionOfReturnReturnToOriginalUsePosition ()
void DoPotionOfReturnTeleportationAndSetTheComebackPoint ()
void DoQueenSlimeHookTeleport (Vector2 targetPosition)
void DoubleJumpVisuals ()
bool DropAnglerAccByMissing (List< int > itemIdsOfAccsWeWant, float totalChance, out bool botheredRollingForADrop, out int itemIdToDrop)
long DropCoins ()
void DropFromItem (int itemType)
void DropItem (IEntitySource source, Vector2 position, ref Item item)
 Drops the ref'd item from the player at the position, and than turns the ref'd Item to air.
void dropItemCheck ()
void DropItems ()
void DropSelectedItem ()
void DropSelectedItem (int slot, ref Item theItemWeDrop)
void DropTombstone (long coinsOwned, NetworkText deathText, int hitDirection)
void DryCollision (bool fallThrough, bool ignorePlats)
Item FillAmmo (int plr, Item newItem, GetItemSettings settings)
int FindBuffIndex (int type)
int FindItem (bool[] validtypes)
int FindItem (int netid)
int FindItem (int type, Item[] collection)
int FindItem (List< int > netids)
int FindItemInInventoryOrOpenVoidBag (int type, out bool inVoidBag)
Item FindPaintOrCoating ()
void FindPulley ()
void FindSentryRestingSpot (int checkProj, out int worldX, out int worldY, out int pushYUp)
void FindSpawn ()
void FixLoadedData ()
void FlipItemLocationAndRotationForGravity ()
void FloorVisuals (bool Falling)
void ForceUpdateBiomes ()
void GamepadEnableGrappleCooldown ()
float GetAdjustedItemScale (Item item)
 Used to determine what the overall scale of an item should be.
CombinedHooks.ModifyItemScale is called here. More...
EntityShadowInfo GetAdvancedShadow (int shadowIndex)
int GetAmountOfExtraAccessorySlotsToShow ()
void GetAnglerReward (NPC angler, int questItemType)
ref float GetArmorPenetration (DamageClass damageClass)
 Gets the armor penetration modifier for this damage type on this player. This returns a reference, and as such, you can freely modify this method's return value with operators. Note that armor penetration value are typically whole numbers. Adding 5, for example, would add 5 to the armor penetration stat, similar to the Shark Tooth Necklace accessory.
ref float GetArmorPenetration< T > ()
 Gets the armor penetration modifier for this damage type on this player. This returns a reference, and as such, you can freely modify this method's return value with operators. Note that armor penetration value are typically whole numbers. Adding 5, for example, would add 5 to the armor penetration stat, similar to the Shark Tooth Necklace accessory. More...
ref float GetAttackSpeed (DamageClass damageClass)
 Gets the attack speed modifier for this damage type on this player. This returns a reference, and as such, you can freely modify this method's return values with operators. Note that attack speed is a multiplier. Adding 0.15f, for example, would add 15% to the attack speed stat.
ref float GetAttackSpeed< T > ()
 Gets the attack speed modifier for this damage type on this player. This returns a reference, and as such, you can freely modify this method's return values with operators. Setting this such that it results in zero or a negative value will throw an exception. NOTE: Due to the nature of attack speed modifiers, modifications to Flat will do nothing for this modifier. Note that attack speed is a multiplier. Adding 0.15f, for example, would add 15% to the attack speed stat. More...
Vector2 GetBackHandPosition (CompositeArmStretchAmount stretch, float rotation)
Vector2 GetBeardDrawOffsetFromHelmet ()
Item GetBestPickaxe ()
ref float GetCritChance (DamageClass damageClass)
 Gets the crit chance modifier for this damage type on this player. This returns a reference, and as such, you can freely modify this method's return value with operators. Note that crit values are percentage values ranging from 0 to 100, unlike damage multipliers. Adding 4, for example, would add 4% to the crit chance.
ref float GetCritChance< T > ()
 Gets the crit chance modifier for this damage type on this player. This returns a reference, and as such, you can freely modify this method's return value with operators. Note that crit values are percentage values ranging from 0 to 100, unlike damage multipliers. Adding 4, for example, would add 4% to the crit chance. More...
ref StatModifier GetDamage (DamageClass damageClass)
 Gets the damage modifier for this damage type on this player. This returns a reference, and as such, you can freely modify this method's return value with operators.
ref StatModifier GetDamage< T > ()
 Gets the damage modifier for this damage type on this player. This returns a reference, and as such, you can freely modify this method's return value with operators. More...
Color GetDeathAlpha (Color newColor)
int getDPS ()
void GetDyeTraderReward (NPC dyeTrader)
Vector2 GetFaceHeadOffsetFromHelmet ()
Vector2 GetFarthestSpawnPositionOnLine (Vector2 startPos, float speedX, float speedY)
PlayerFishingConditions GetFishingConditions ()
Vector2 GetFrontHandPosition (CompositeArmStretchAmount stretch, float rotation)
Color GetHairColor (bool useLighting=true)
Vector2 GetHairDrawOffset (int hairID, bool hatHair)
void GetHairSettings (out bool fullHair, out bool hatHair, out bool hideHair, out bool backHairDraw, out bool drawsBackHairWithoutHeadgear)
int GetHealLife (Item item, bool quickHeal=false)
int GetHealMana (Item item, bool quickHeal=false)
Vector2 GetHelmetDrawOffset ()
Vector2 GetHelmetOffsetAddonFromFaceHead (Vector2 headOffset)
Color GetImmuneAlpha (Color newColor, float alphaReduction)
Color GetImmuneAlphaPure (Color newColor, float alphaReduction)
Item GetItem (int plr, Item newItem, GetItemSettings settings)
 Places the newItem directly into this player's inventory. The settings dictate how or if the pickup text is displayed as well as if the item can be placed into the Void Vault inventory. It is typical to use one of the existing options contained in the static fields of GetItemSettings for this parameter to match vanilla behavior. The plr parameter should always be set to the whoAmI of this player. Modders commonly use QuickSpawnItem(IEntitySource, Item, int) to give a player an item as it is simpler to implement, but GetItem allows for more control and should be used when possible. The return value is an Item instance containing the overflow. If the full stack of newItem is placed into the inventory successfully, the return value will be an empty item instance. If the inventory is full or if only a partial stack of newItem fit in the inventory, the return value will be the Item that didn't fit. If the returned Item isn't Item.IsAir, that will have to be handled by the calling code, typically by spawning the item in the world as a drop or leaving it where newItem came from. Make sure to test code using this method with a full inventory. Consulting vanilla code to match similar usages is recommended to implement specific item movement and popup text behavior the user would expect. More...
Rectangle GetItemDrawFrame (int type)
void GetItemExpectedPrice (Item item, out long calcForSelling, out long calcForBuying)
int GetItemGrabRange (Item item)
 Fetches the range at which the given item begins to gravitate towards the player.
This range, referred to as item grab range, is measured in pixels. More...
ref ExtraJumpState GetJumpState< T > ()
ref ExtraJumpState GetJumpState< T > (T baseInstance)
ref StatModifier GetKnockback (DamageClass damageClass)
 Gets the knockback modifier for this damage type on this player. This returns a reference, and as such, you can freely modify this method's return value with operators. Note that knockback values are multipliers. Adding 0.12f, for example, would add 12% to the knockback stat.
ref StatModifier GetKnockback< T > ()
 Gets the knockback modifier for this damage type on this player. This returns a reference, and as such, you can freely modify this method's return value with operators. Note that knockback values are multipliers. Adding 0.12f, for example, would add 12% to the knockback stat. More...
Vector2 GetLegsDrawOffset ()
List< int > GetListOfProjectilesToInteractWithHack ()
int GetManaCost (Item item)
 Calculates the mana needed to use the given item. More...
GetModPlayer< T > ()
 Gets the instance of the specified ModPlayer type. This will throw exceptions on failure. More...
GetModPlayer< T > (T baseInstance)
 Gets the local instance of the type of the specified ModPlayer instance. This will throw exceptions on failure. More...
List< int > GetNearbyContainerProjectilesList ()
void GetOtherPlayersPickTile (int x, int y, int pickDamage)
void GetPreferredGolfBallToUse (out int projType)
Rectangle getRect ()
IEntitySource GetSource_Accessory (Item item, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_Accessory_OnHurt (Item item, Entity? attacker, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_Accessory_OnHurt (Item item, PlayerDeathReason damageSource, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_Buff (int buffIndex)
IEntitySource GetSource_ItemUse (Item item, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_ItemUse_WithPotentialAmmo (Item item, int ammoItemId, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_OnHurt (PlayerDeathReason damageSource, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_OpenItem (int itemType, string? context=null)
bool[] GetTileCutIgnorance (bool allowRegrowth, bool fromTrap)
float GetTotalArmorPenetration (DamageClass damageClass)
float GetTotalArmorPenetration< T > ()
float GetTotalAttackSpeed (DamageClass damageClass)
float GetTotalAttackSpeed< T > ()
float GetTotalCritChance (DamageClass damageClass)
float GetTotalCritChance< T > ()
StatModifier GetTotalDamage (DamageClass damageClass)
 Calculates a total damage modifier for the player for the provided DamageClass.
Use in conjunction with StatModifier.ApplyTo(float) to calculate a final damage value for a given DamageClass and base damage: int finalDamage = (int)player.GetTotalDamage(item.DamageType).ApplyTo(30); More...
StatModifier GetTotalDamage< T > ()
StatModifier GetTotalKnockback (DamageClass damageClass)
StatModifier GetTotalKnockback< T > ()
int GetWeaponArmorPenetration (Item sItem)
float GetWeaponAttackSpeed (Item sItem)
int GetWeaponCrit (Item sItem)
int GetWeaponDamage (Item sItem, bool forTooltip=false)
float GetWeaponKnockback (Item sItem)
float GetWeaponKnockback (Item sItem, float baseKnockback)
WingStats GetWingStats (int wingID)
void Ghost ()
void GiveImmuneTimeForCollisionAttack (int time)
void GrantArmorBenefits (Item armorPiece)
void GrantPrefixBenefits (Item item)
void GrappleMovement ()
bool HasAmmo (Item sItem)
 Whether or not the player has ammunition available for the given weapon. More...
bool HasBuff (int type)
 Returns whether or not this Player currently has a (de)buff of the provided type.
bool HasBuff< T > ()
bool HasEnoughPickPowerToHurtTile (int x, int y)
bool HasItem (int type)
 Checks if the player has the specified item in their inventory.
Does not check Void Bag.
Use Player.CountItem(int, int) instead to count the total amount if needed.
bool HasItem (int type, Item[] collection)
 Similar to HasItem(int), but checks the provided Item[] collection for items instead. Useful for checking other Item arrays, such as Player.armor or
bool HasItemInAnyInventory (int type)
bool HasItemInInventoryOrOpenVoidBag (int type)
 Similar to HasItem(int), but also checks the Void Bag.
bool HasLockedInventory ()
bool HasNPCBannerBuff (int bannerType)
bool HasUnityPotion ()
void Heal (int amount)
 Heals the player for a certain amount. More...
void HealEffect (int healAmount, bool broadcast=true)
 Spawns a CombatText indicating the player healed healAmount life and syncs it if broadcast is true.
Note that this doesn't actually heal the player, it only spawns the floating text. The Heal(int) method heals the player and calls this method and is more commonly used.
void HoneyCollision (bool fallThrough, bool ignorePlats)
void HorizontalMovement ()
void HorsemansBlade_SpawnPumpkin (int npcIndex, int dmg, float kb)
void Hurt (HurtInfo info, bool quiet=false)
double Hurt (PlayerDeathReason damageSource, int Damage, int hitDirection, bool pvp=false, bool quiet=false, int cooldownCounter=-1, bool dodgeable=true, float armorPenetration=0, float scalingArmorPenetration=0, float knockback=4.5f)
double Hurt (PlayerDeathReason damageSource, int Damage, int hitDirection, out HurtInfo info, bool pvp=false, bool quiet=false, int cooldownCounter=-1, bool dodgeable=true, float armorPenetration=0, float scalingArmorPenetration=0, float knockback=4.5f)
bool InInteractionRange (int interactX, int interactY, TileReachCheckSettings settings)
bool InModBiome (ModBiome baseInstance)
 Determines if the player is in specified ModBiome. This will throw exceptions on failure. More...
bool InModBiome< T > ()
bool InOpposingTeam (Player otherPlayer)
void InterruptItemUsageIfOverTile (int tileTypeToBeOver)
bool InZonePurity ()
 Calculates whether or not the player is in the purity/forest biome.
bool IsAmmoFreeThisShot (Item weapon, Item ammo, int projToShoot)
 Determines whether or not the given ammunition should be conserved, based on the given weapon as wielded by this player. More...
bool IsBlacklistedForGrappling (Point p)
bool IsColorfulDye (int dye)
bool IsInInteractionRangeToMultiTileHitbox (int chestPointX, int chestPointY)
bool IsInTileInteractionRange (int targetX, int targetY, TileReachCheckSettings settings)
bool IsItemSlotUnlockedAndUsable (int slot)
bool isNearFairy ()
bool isNearNPC (int type, float range=-1f)
bool IsProjectileInteractibleAndInInteractionRange (Projectile proj, ref Vector2 compareSpot)
bool IsStackingItems ()
bool IsTargetTileInItemRange (Item sItem)
bool IsTileTypeInInteractionRange (int targetTileType, TileReachCheckSettings settings)
bool IsWithinSnappngRangeToTile (int x, int y, int distanceInPixels)
void ItemCheck ()
void ItemCheck_ApplyUseStyle (float mountOffset, Item sItem, Rectangle heldItemFrame)
void ItemCheck_ManageRightClickFeatures ()
void ItemCheck_ManageRightClickFeatures_ShieldRaise (bool theGeneralCheck)
bool ItemFitsItemFrame (Item i)
bool ItemFitsWeaponRack (Item i)
bool ItemIsVisuallyIncompatible (Item item)
ItemSpaceStatus ItemSpace (Item newItem)
bool ItemSpaceForCofveve (Item newItem)
void JumpMovement ()
void KeyDoubleTap (int keyDir)
void KeyHoldDown (int keyDir, int holdTime)
void KillMe (PlayerDeathReason damageSource, double dmg, int hitDirection, bool pvp=false)
void KillMeForGood ()
void LimitPointToPlayerReachableArea (ref Vector2 pointPoisition)
void LockGamepadTileInteractions ()
void LookForTileInteractions ()
void MagicConch ()
void ManaEffect (int manaAmount)
void ManageSpecialBiomeVisuals (string biomeName, bool inZone, Vector2 activationSource=default(Vector2))
void MatchItemTimeToItemAnimation ()
void MinionNPCTargetAim (bool doNotDisableIfTheTargetIsTheSame)
void MinionRestTargetAim ()
void MoonLeechRope ()
void NebulaLevelup (int type)
void NinjaDodge ()
void OnHit (float x, float y, Entity victim)
void OnKillNPC (ref NPCKillAttempt attempt, object externalKillingBlowSource)
void OpenBossBag (int type)
void OpenCanofWorms (int sourceItemType)
void OpenChest (int x, int y, int newChest)
 Handles boilerplate for gamepad and UI when opening or closing a container.
Sets Player.chestX, and Player.chestY, and Player.chest to the given coordinates. More...
void OpenFishingCrate (int crateItemID)
void OpenGoodieBag (int itemType)
void OpenHerbBag (int bagType)
void OpenLegacyPresent (int itemType)
void OpenLockBox (int lockboxItemType)
void OpenOyster (int sourceItemType)
void OpenPresent (int itemType)
void OpenShadowLockbox (int boxType)
bool PayCurrency (long price, int customCurrency=-1)
 Attempts to "purchase" something that costs the given price .
Items will be taken from all of the player inventories and banks combined.
If customCurrency is provided, the price will be in terms of the custom currency instead of coins.
The currency will be taken from the inventories. This method does not check if the player has enough currency (use CanAfford(long, int) to check that), the game will crash if called on a player without enough currency. Use BuyItem(long, int) instead for the more typical usage.
void PetAnimal (int animalNpcIndex)
bool PickAmmo (Item weapon, out int projToShoot, out float speed, out int damage, out float knockBack, out int usedAmmoItemId, bool dontConsume=false)
 A more-convenient-to-call variant of the vanilla PickAmmo method, which handles most vanilla ammunition logic to decide various common stats related to ammunition-consuming weapons.
The stats output by this method take into account any extra stats which the ammunition it finds may provide (read: it accounts for ammo damage and knockback).
void PickTile (int x, int y, int pickPower)
void PickWall (int x, int y, int damage)
void PlaceThing (ref ItemCheckContext context)
void PlaceThing_Tiles_PlaceIt_ConsumeFlexibleWandMaterial ()
void PlaceWeapon (int x, int y)
void PlayDroppedItemAnimation (int time)
void PlayDrums (float range)
void PlayerFrame ()
void PlayGuitarChord (float range)
void PutItemInInventoryFromItemUsage (int type, int theSelectedItem=-1)
void QuickBuff ()
void QuickGrapple ()
Item QuickGrapple_GetItemToUse ()
void QuickHeal ()
Item QuickHeal_GetItemToUse ()
void QuickMana ()
Item QuickMana_GetItemToUse ()
void QuickMount ()
Item QuickMount_GetItemToUse ()
int QuickSpawnClonedItem (IEntitySource source, Item item, int stack=1)
 Will spawn an item like Player.QuickSpawnItem(IEntitySource, int, int), but clones it (handy when you need to retain item infos) More...
Item QuickSpawnClonedItemDirect (IEntitySource source, Item item, int stack=1)
int QuickSpawnItem (IEntitySource source, int item, int stack=1)
 Spawns an item into the world at this players position. This is a simpler alternative to Item.NewItem(IEntitySource, int, int, int, int, int, int, bool, int, bool, bool). This method can be called from multiplayer client code without necessitating manually syncing the item.
Use QuickSpawnItem(IEntitySource, Item, int) if a specific instance of an Item needs to be spawned into the world to preserve modded data. More...
int QuickSpawnItem (IEntitySource source, Item item, int stack=1)
Item QuickSpawnItemDirect (IEntitySource source, int type, int stack=1)
Item QuickSpawnItemDirect (IEntitySource source, Item item, int stack=1)
void QuickStackAllChests ()
void RecalculateLuck ()
void RefreshExtraJumps ()
 For each extra jump that is ExtraJumpState.Enabled, its ExtraJumpState.Available property set to true, allowing the extra jump to be used again.
Vanilla calls this method when the player is grounded and when jumping off of a grappling hook.
void RefreshInfoAccs ()
void RefreshInfoAccsFromItemType (Item item)
void RefreshInfoAccsFromTeamPlayers ()
void RefreshItems (bool onlyIfVariantChanged=true)
 Calls Item.Refresh(bool) on all player-owned storage (inventory, banks, equipment). Also refreshes recipe and shop entries. This is called when entering a world and serves to ensure that items with ItemVariants have the correct stats.
void RefreshMechanicalAccsFromItemType (int accType)
void RefreshMovementAbilities (bool doubleJumps=true)
void RemoveAllFishingBobbers ()
void RemoveAllGrapplingHooks ()
void RemoveSpawn ()
void ResetAdvancedShadows ()
void ResetEffects ()
void ResetFloorFlags ()
void ResetMeleeHitCooldowns ()
void ResetVisibleAccessories ()
int RollLuck (int range)
Vector2 RotatedRelativePoint (Vector2 pos, bool reverseRotation=false, bool addGfxOffY=true)
 Takes an input position and returns the position adjusted to the players visual rotation and offset. This accounts for the player being shifted up or down and rotated while riding a mount, sitting in a chair, and sleeping.
Vector2 RotatedRelativePointOld (Vector2 pos, bool rotateForward=true)
void RotateRelativePoint (ref float x, ref float y)
void ScrollHotbar (int Offset)
bool SellItem (Item item, int stack=-1)
Player SerializedClone ()
void SetArmorEffectVisuals (Player drawPlayer)
void SetCompositeArmBack (bool enabled, CompositeArmStretchAmount stretch, float rotation)
void SetCompositeArmFront (bool enabled, CompositeArmStretchAmount stretch, float rotation)
void SetDummyItemTime (int frames)
void SetImmuneTimeForAllTypes (int time)
void SetItemAnimation (int frames)
void SetItemTime (int frames)
void SetMeleeHitCooldown (int npcIndex, int timeInFrames)
void SetPlayerDataToOutOfClassFields ()
void SetTalkNPC (int npcIndex, bool fromNet=false)
void ShadowDodge ()
void Shellphone_Spawn ()
void ShimmerCollision (bool fallThrough, bool ignorePlats, bool noCollision)
bool ShouldDrawFootball ()
bool ShouldDrawWingsThatAreAlwaysAnimated ()
void SlopeDownMovement ()
void SlopingCollision (bool fallThrough, bool ignorePlats)
void SmartInteractLookup ()
void SmartSelectLookup ()
void Spawn (PlayerSpawnContext context)
bool Spawn_GetPositionAtWorldSpawn (ref int floorX, ref int floorY)
int SpawnMinionOnCursor (IEntitySource projectileSource, int ownerIndex, int minionProjectileId, int originalDamageNotScaledByMinionDamage, float KnockBack, Vector2 offsetFromCursor=default(Vector2), Vector2 velocityOnSpawn=default(Vector2))
void SporeSac (Item sourceItem)
void StartChanneling ()
void StartChanneling (Item item)
void StatusFromNPC (NPC npc)
void StatusToNPC (int type, int i)
void StatusToPlayerPvP (int type, int i)
void StickyMovement ()
void StopExtraJumpInProgress ()
 Cancels any extra jump in progress.
Sets all ExtraJumpState.Active flags to false and calls OnExtraJumpEnded hooks.
Also sets jump to 0 if a an extra jump was active.

void StopVanityActions (bool multiplayerBroadcast=true)
void StrikeNPCDirect (NPC npc, NPC.HitInfo hit)
 Applies a hit to an NPC via NPC.StrikeNPC(NPC.HitInfo, bool, bool).
Also calls player based OnHit and OnKill hooks, tracks dps and net syncs the strike More...
bool SummonItemCheck (Item item)
void TakeDamageFromJellyfish (int npcIndex)
void TakeUnityPotion ()
bool TeamChangeAllowed ()
void Teleport (Vector2 newPos, int Style=0, int extraInfo=0)
void TeleportationPotion ()
void TileInteractionsCheck (int myX, int myY)
void ToggleCreativeMenu ()
void ToggleInv ()
void ToggleLight ()
void TogglePet ()
void TryCancelChannel (Projectile projectile)
void TryDroppingSingleItem (IEntitySource source, Item theItem)
bool TryGetModPlayer< T > (out T result)
 Gets the instance of the specified ModPlayer type. More...
bool TryGetModPlayer< T > (T baseInstance, out T result)
 Safely attempts to get the local instance of the type of the specified ModPlayer instance. More...
void TryGettingDevArmor (IEntitySource source)
void TryInterruptingItemUsage ()
void TryOpeningFullscreenMap ()
bool TryPlacingAGolfBallNearANearbyTee (Vector2 placePosition)
void TryPortalJumping ()
void TrySwitchingLoadout (int loadoutIndex)
void TryTogglingShield (bool shouldGuard)
void TryToResetHungerToNeutral ()
void TryUpdateChannel (Projectile projectile)
void UnityTeleport (Vector2 telePos)
void Update (int i)
void Update_NPCCollision ()
void UpdateAdvancedShadows ()
void UpdateArmorLights ()
void UpdateArmorSets (int i)
void UpdateBiomes ()
void UpdateBlacklistedTilesForGrappling ()
void UpdateBuffs (int i)
void UpdateDead ()
void UpdateDyes ()
void UpdateEquips (int i)
void UpdateForbiddenSetLock ()
void UpdateHairDyeDust ()
void UpdateHungerBuffs ()
void UpdateImmunity ()
void UpdateJumpHeight ()
void UpdateLifeRegen ()
void UpdateLuck ()
void UpdateLuckFactors ()
void UpdateManaRegen ()
void UpdateMaxTurrets ()
 Kills Projectile.sentry projectiles exceeding the players current maxTurrets. The oldest projectiles, determined by Projectile.timeLeft, are killed.
Call this method immediately after spawning a Projectile.sentry projectile.

void UpdateMeleeHitCooldowns ()
void UpdateMinionTarget ()
void UpdateMiscCounter ()
void UpdateNearbyInteractibleProjectilesList ()
void UpdatePermanentBoosters ()
void UpdatePet (int i)
void UpdatePetLight (int i)
void UpdateSocialShadow ()
void UpdateStarvingState (bool withEmote)
void UpdateTeleportVisuals ()
void UpdateTouchingTiles ()
void UpdateVisibleAccessories (Item item, bool invisible, int slot=-1, bool modded=false)
 Invoked in UpdateVisibleAccessories. Runs common code for both modded slots and vanilla slots based on provided Items.
void UpdateVisibleAccessory (int itemSlot, Item item, bool modded=false)
void UseHealthMaxIncreasingItem (int increase)
void UseManaMaxIncreasingItem (int increase)
bool useVoidBag ()
void VolatileGelatin (Item sourceItem)
void WallslideMovement ()
void WaterCollision (bool fallThrough, bool ignorePlats)
void WingFrame (bool wingFlap, bool isCustomWings=false)
void WingMovement ()
void WOFTongue ()
void Yoraiz0rEye ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Entity
float AngleFrom (Vector2 Source)
float AngleTo (Vector2 Destination)
Vector2 DirectionFrom (Vector2 Source)
Vector2 DirectionTo (Vector2 Destination)
float Distance (Vector2 Other)
float DistanceSQ (Vector2 Other)
IEntitySource GetSource_CatchEntity (Entity caughtEntity, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_Death (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_DropAsItem (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_FromAI (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_FromThis (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_GiftOrReward (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_Loot (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_Misc (string context)
IEntitySource GetSource_OnHit (Entity victim, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_OnHurt (Entity? attacker, string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_ReleaseEntity (string? context=null)
IEntitySource GetSource_TileInteraction (int tileCoordsX, int tileCoordsY, string? context=null)
bool WithinRange (Vector2 Target, float MaxRange)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool CanPlayerSmashWall (int X, int Y)
static bool CheckSpawn (int x, int y)
static void ClearPlayerTempInfo ()
static byte FindClosest (Vector2 Position, int Width, int Height)
static void FixLoadedData_EliminiateDuplicateAccessories (Item[] armorArray)
static float GetAnglerRewardRarityMultiplier (int questsDone)
static float GetClosestPlayersLuck (Point Position)
static float GetClosestPlayersLuck (Vector2 Position)
static float GetClosestRollLuck (int x, int y, int range)
static float GetClosestRollLuck (Vector2 position, int range)
static PlayerFileData GetFileData (string file, bool cloudSave)
static ? Tile GetFloorTile (int x, int y)
 Gets a solid, unactuated tile at the tile coordinates provided. Will fallback to the tile to the left or right if necessary. Returns null if no suitable tile is found. Typically used to retrieve the tile a player is standing on by passing in the tile coordinates directly below the player.
static int GetFloorTileType (int x, int y)
static int GetMouseScrollDelta ()
static void InternalSaveMap (bool isCloudSave)
static bool IsHoveringOverABottomSideOfABed (int myX, int myY)
static PlayerFileData LoadPlayer (string playerPath, bool cloudSave)
static PlayerFileData LoadPlayerFromStream (PlayerFileData playerFileData, byte[] plrData, byte[] tplrData)
static void SavePlayer (PlayerFileData playerFile, bool skipMapSave=false)
static byte[] SavePlayerFile_Vanilla (PlayerFileData playerFile)
static int SetMatch (SetMatchRequest request, ref bool somethingSpecial)
static bool WouldSpotOverlapWithSentry (int worldX, int worldY, bool lightningAura)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Entity
static IEntitySource GetSource_NaturalSpawn ()
static ? IEntitySource GetSource_None ()
static IEntitySource GetSource_TownSpawn ()
static ? IEntitySource InheritSource (Entity entity)

Public Attributes

int _framesLeftEligibleForDeadmansChestDeathAchievement
int _funkytownAchievementCheckCooldown
int _portalPhysicsTime
bool abigailMinion
bool accCalendar
int accCompass
bool accCritterGuide
byte accCritterGuideCounter
byte accCritterGuideNumber
int accDepthMeter
bool accDivingHelm
bool accDreamCatcher
bool accFishFinder
bool accFishingBobber
bool accFishingLine
 If true, this player's fishing line will never break.
bool accJarOfSouls
bool accLavaFishing
bool accMerman
bool accOreFinder
float accRunSpeed
 Similar to maxRunSpeed, except this is usually set to a specific value for the active shoe accessory. If accRunSpeed ends up larger than maxRunSpeed, then sprint dust will spawn at high speeds. Basically, this exists to differentiate between sprinting ("run super fast") and running. Defaults to 3f. Accessories set this to specific values, resulting in the last equipped accessories to dictate the final value. Vanilla shoe accessories set this to 6f (ItemID.HermesBoots) or 6.75 (ItemID.LightningBoots). This assignment should happen in ModItem.UpdateEquip(Player). This value is later multiplied by other effects in the same manner as maxRunSpeed. They are usually modified in tandem, but not always depending on the desired result. For example, asphalt triples maxRunSpeed but does not affect accRunSpeed, whereas Shadow Armor affects both equally. These multiplicative adjustments should only be done in ModPlayer.PostUpdateRunSpeeds or ModItem.HorizontalWingSpeeds to correctly function. When on a mount, all other modifiers are ignored and it is set to Mount.DashSpeed
bool accStopwatch
bool accTackleBox
bool accThirdEye
byte accThirdEyeCounter
byte accThirdEyeNumber
int accWatch
bool accWeatherRadio
bool ActuationRodLock
bool ActuationRodLockSetting
bool adjHoney
 True if the player is within crafting range of a tile with honey or a TileID.Sets.CountsAsHoneySource tile. (adjHoney stands for adjacent to honey)
bool adjLava
 True if the player is within crafting range of a tile with lava or a TileID.Sets.CountsAsLavaSource tile. (adjLava stands for adjacent to lava)
bool adjShimmer
 True if the player is within crafting range of a tile with shimmer or a TileID.Sets.CountsAsShimmerSource tile. (adjShimmer stands for adjacent to shimmer)
bool adjWater
 True if the player is within crafting range of a tile with water or a TileID.Sets.CountsAsWaterSource tile. (adjWater stands for adjacent to water)
int afkCounter
int aggro
bool alchemyTable
int altFunctionUse
bool ammoBox
bool ammoCost75
bool ammoCost80
bool ammoPotion
int anglerQuestsFinished
bool anglerSetSpawnReduction
bool archery
bool arcticDivingGear
Item[] armor = new Item[20]
 The player's armor and accessories. Indexes 0-2 hold head, chest, and legs armor while 10-12 hold the respective social armor items. Indexes 3-9 hold the accessories and 13-19 hold the social accessory items. Modded accessory slots are stored separately.

Generally speaking, modders should not be accessing this array to check for specific accessories, that is not how Terraria is designed and is not scalable, especially since modded accessory slots exist and each can have special logic. Modders should be using ModItem.UpdateAccessory(Player, bool) to set fields in a ModPlayer class, then use those values for gameplay effects. SimpleModPlayer.csshows the proper approach and explains this pattern.

The corresponding dye items are found in dye. The player's inventory is inventory. For equipment, see miscEquips and miscDyes. trashItem is the trash slot.

bool armorEffectDrawOutlines
bool armorEffectDrawOutlinesForbidden
bool armorEffectDrawShadow
bool armorEffectDrawShadowBasilisk
bool armorEffectDrawShadowEOCShield
bool armorEffectDrawShadowLokis
bool armorEffectDrawShadowSubtle
StatModifier arrowDamage = StatModifier.Default
bool ashWoodBonus
bool ateArtisanBread
int attackCD
bool autoActuator
bool autoJump
bool autoPaint
bool autoReuseAllWeapons
bool autoReuseGlove
int availableAdvancedShadowsCount
bool babyBird
bool babyFaceMonster
int back = -1
int backpack = -1
bool ballistaPanic
int balloon = -1
int balloonFront = -1
Chest bank = new Chest(bank: true)
 Piggy Bank items
Chest bank2 = new Chest(bank: true)
 Safe items
Chest bank3 = new Chest(bank: true)
 Defender's Forge items
Chest bank4 = new Chest(bank: true)
 Void Vault items
int bartenderQuestLog
float basiliskCharge
bool batsOfLight
int beard = -1
int beardGrowthTimer
bool beetleBuff
int beetleCountdown
float beetleCounter
bool beetleDefense
int beetleFrame
int beetleFrameCounter
bool beetleOffense
int beetleOrbs
Vector2[] beetlePos = new Vector2[3]
Vector2[] beetleVel = new Vector2[3]
bool behindBackWall
bool biomeSight
bool blackBelt
bool blackCat
bool blackout
bool bleed
bool blind
bool blockExtraJumps
 When true, all extra jumps will be blocked, including Flipper usage.
Setting this field to true will not stop any currently active extra jumps.
int blockRange
bool bloodMoonMonolithShader
bool blueFairy
int body = -1
Rectangle bodyFrame
double bodyFrameCounter
Vector2 bodyPosition
float bodyRotation
Vector2 bodyVelocity
bool boneArmor
Item boneGloveItem
int boneGloveTimer
int brainOfConfusionDodgeAnimationCounter
Item brainOfConfusionItem
int breath = 200
 The current amount of breath the player has (Breath info on the wiki). breathCD controls how often the value decreases. Once 0, the player will start to take drowning damage. When out of liquid increases by 3 each tick.
int breathCD
 A countdown timer for breath. Ticks up every frame the player is holding their breath underwater. Once it reaches breathCDMax, resets back to 0 and breath is reduced by 1.
int breathMax = 200
 The max value of breath. Defaults to 200. The total ticks before starting to drown is breathMax * breathCDMax.
bool brokenArmor
bool[] buffImmune = new bool[BuffID.Count]
 Indexed by BuffID. If true for a given BuffID, then this player cannot be inflicted with that buff.
Additionally, if the player is inflicted with that buff and becomes immune to it, the buff will be cleared.
Defaults to false.
int[] buffTime = new int[maxBuffs]
 The remaining durations in ticks of all buffs this player has active.
A value of 0 means that buff slot is empty.
Buff types are stored with the same index in buffType.
AddBuff(int, int, bool, bool), ClearBuff(int), and DelBuff(int) should be used to manipulate player buffs.
int[] buffType = new int[maxBuffs]
 The BuffIDs of all buffs this player has active.
A value of 0 means that buff slot is empty.
Buff times are stored with the same index in buffTime.
AddBuff(int, int, bool, bool), ClearBuff(int), and DelBuff(int) should be used to manipulate player buffs.
int[] builderAccStatus = new int[BuilderToggleLoader.BuilderToggleCount]
StatModifier bulletDamage = StatModifier.Default
bool bunny
bool burned
bool cactusThorns
bool calmed
bool canCarpet
bool canFloatInWater
int cAngelHalo
bool canRocket
bool CanSeeInvisibleBlocks
bool carpet
int carpetFrame = -1
float carpetFrameCounter
int carpetTime
bool cartFlip
int cartRampTime
int cBack
int cBackpack
int cBalloon
int cBalloonFront
int cBeard
int cBody
 The armor shader ID applied to the EquipType.Body equip texture by a dye item (Item.dye) in the dye slot.
int cCarpet
int cFace
int cFaceFlower
int cFaceHead
int cFlameWaker
int cFloatingTube
int cFront
int cGrapple
 The armor shader ID applied to the Hook equipment slot by a dye item (Item.dye) in the dye slot.
int cHandOff
int cHandOn
int changeItem = -1
bool channel
bool chaosState
OverheadMessage chatOverhead
int cHead
 The armor shader ID applied to the EquipType.Head equip texture by a dye item (Item.dye) in the dye slot.
int chest = -1
 Represents the chest the player currently has open. If -1, the player has no chest open.
Positive values indicate the index of the chest in Main.chest the player currently has open.
Negative values are used to indicate additional inventories: Piggy Bank (-2), Safe (-3), Defender's Forge (-4), Void Vault (-5)
int chestX
int chestY
bool chilled
bool chiselSpeed
bool chloroAmmoCost80
SelectionRadial CircularRadial = new SelectionRadial(SelectionRadial.SelectionMode.RadialCircular)
int cLegs
 The armor shader ID applied to the EquipType.Legs equip texture by a dye item (Item.dye) in the dye slot.
int cLeinShampoo
int cLight
 The armor shader ID applied to the Light Pet equipment slot by a dye item (Item.dye) in the dye slot.
int cMinecart
 The armor shader ID applied to the Minecart equipment slot by a dye item (Item.dye) in the dye slot.
int cMinion
int cMount
 The armor shader ID applied to the Mount equipment slot by a dye item (Item.dye) in the dye slot.
int cNeck
float coinLuck
bool coldDash
bool companionCube
CompositeArmData compositeBackArm
CompositeArmData compositeFrontArm
bool confused
bool controlCreativeMenu
bool controlDown
bool controlDownHold
 True when the player has been holding controlDown for at least 45 ticks. Used by ItemID.ShimmerCloak. See also holdDownCardinalTimer.
bool controlHook
bool controlInv
bool controlJump
bool controlLeft
bool controlMap
bool controlMount
bool controlQuickHeal
bool controlQuickMana
bool controlRight
bool controlSmart
bool controlThrow
bool controlTorch
bool controlUp
bool controlUseItem
bool controlUseTile
bool coolWhipBuff
bool cordage
int counterWeight
int cPet
 The armor shader ID applied to the Pet equipment slot by a dye item (Item.dye) in the dye slot.
int cPortableStool
bool cratePotion
bool creativeGodMode
bool creativeInterface
CreativeUnlocksTracker creativeTracker
bool crimsonHeart
bool crimsonRegen
bool crystalLeaf
int crystalLeafCooldown
bool cSapling
int cShield
int cShieldFallback
int cShoe
int cTail
int cUnicornHorn
int CurrentLoadoutIndex
ShoppingSettings currentShoppingSettings = ShoppingSettings.NotInShop
bool cursed
bool cursorItemIconEnabled
int cursorItemIconID
int cursorItemIconPush
bool cursorItemIconReversed
string cursorItemIconText = ""
int cWaist
int cWings
int cYorai
bool dangerSense
int dash
 The current vanilla dash that the player is VISIBLY using.
Unlike dashType, this does not update if a dash cannot currently be input.

int dashDelay
 The amount of time that has to pass, in ticks, before a new dash input will be registered.
For the first frame of any given dash, this is set to -1. After that frame has passed, it is set to 20 ticks, or 1/3 of a second.
For the Tabi dash, and when dashing into an enemy with the Shield of Cthulhu, this is set to 30 ticks, or 1/2 of a second, instead.

int dashTime
 The amount of time this player has left, in ticks, to input the second keystroke of a standard dash input (double-tap left/right).
For vanilla dashes, this window is 15 ticks, or a quarter of a second, in total.

int dashType
 The current vanilla dash that the player is using.
The following values correspond to vanilla dashes:
1 => Tabi / Master Ninja Gear
2 => Shield of Cthulhu
3 => Solar Flare armor set bonus
4 => Unused, though a dash for this value DOES exist
5 => Crystal Assassin set bonus

bool dazed
bool dd2Accessory
bool dead
 Indicates if this player is dead
bool DeadlySphereMinion
bool defendedByPaladin
MultipliableFloat DefenseEffectiveness
 Determines how effective the player's statDefense is at reducing incoming damage.
The Defense wiki pageexplains the effect, shown in the wiki as "factor".

bool delayUseItem
bool desertBoots
 Grants the player increased movement speed while running on sand
bool desertDash
bool detectCreature
byte difficulty
bool dino
int disableVoidBag = -1
bool discountAvailable
bool discountEquipped
string displayedFishingInfo = ""
bool dontHurtCritters
bool dontHurtNature
bool dontStarveShader
DoorOpeningHelper doorHelper
int[] doubleTapCardinalTimer = new int[4]
 Used to count time between repeated directional movement key presses. When a directional key is pressed it is set to a value of 15. The value will count down each update until it reaches 0. If the key is pressed again before it reaches 0 it will trigger Player.KeyDoubleTap, which will call ModPlayer.ArmorSetBonusActivated if the armor set bonus direction key has been pressed. Updated immediately before ModPlayer.SetControls.
bool downedDD2EventAnyDifficulty
SelectionRadial DpadRadial = new SelectionRadial()
int dpsDamage
DateTime dpsEnd
DateTime dpsLastHit
DateTime dpsStart
bool dpsStarted
float drainBoost
bool drawingFootball
bool dripping
bool drippingSlime
bool drippingSparkleSlime
bool dryadWard
Item[] dye = new Item[10]
 The dye items corresponding to the armor items.
bool eater
bool editedChestName
bool electrified
int emoteTime
bool empressBlade
bool empressBrooch
bool enabledSuperCart = true
 If true, then this player has the effects of the Super Cart enabled. See UsingSuperCart for more info.
float endurance
 The percent of damage this player should resist.
Has a soft cap of 1f. Cannot reduce taken damage below 1.
bool enemySpawns
int environmentBuffImmunityTimer
int eocDash
int eocHit
float equipmentBasedLuckBonus
bool equippedAnyTileRangeAcc
bool equippedAnyTileSpeedAcc
bool equippedAnyWallSpeedAcc
Item equippedWings = null
bool extraAccessory
int extraAccessorySlots = 2
int extraFall
 The number of extra tiles this player can fall before they start taking fall damage. For example ItemID.FrogLeg adds 10 to extraFall. More...
bool eyebrellaCloud
Color eyeColor = new Color(105, 90, 75)
PlayerEyeHelper eyeHelper
bool eyeSpring
int face = -1
int faceFlower = -1
int faceHead = -1
bool fairyBoots
int fallStart
int fallStart2
int fartKartCloudDelay
bool findTreasure
bool fireWalk
 Grants the player immunity from TileID.Sets.TouchDamageHot applying the BuffID.Burning buff. Given by ItemID.ObsidianSkull and many other items.
float firstFractalAfterImageOpacity
int fishingSkill
byte flameRingAlpha
byte flameRingFrame
float flameRingRot
float flameRingScale = 1f
bool flapSound
bool flinxMinion
bool flowerBoots
int forcedGravity
bool forceMerman
bool forceWerewolf
bool frogLegJumpBoost
int front = -1
bool frostArmor
bool frostBurn
bool frozen
float fullRotation
Vector2 fullRotationOrigin = Vector2.Zero
int gem = -1
int gemCount
float gfxOffY
 An offset from the actual position of the player that will be added to the draw position. Used to fake the effect of the player smoothly traveling up single block obstacles.
bool ghost
float ghostDir = 1f
float ghostDmg
float ghostFade
int ghostFrame
int ghostFrameCounter
bool ghostHeal
bool ghostHurt
bool gills
bool GoingDownWithGrapple
bool goldRing
int golferScoreAccumulated
int grapCount
int[] grappling = new int[20]
bool gravControl
bool gravControl2
float gravDir = 1f
 The players gravity direction. 1 if normal, -1 if reversed. Defaults to 1.
float gravity = defaultGravity
bool greenFairy
bool grinch
bool gross
int hair
Color hairColor = new Color(215, 90, 55)
int hairDye
Color hairDyeColor = Color.Transparent
float hairDyeVar
Rectangle hairFrame
int handoff = -1
int handon = -1
bool happyFunTorchTime
bool hasAngelHalo
bool hasCreditsSceneMusicBox
bool hasFloatingTube
bool hasFootball
bool HasGardenGnomeNearby
bool hasGemRobe = false
 Set by any gem robe when worn by the player in the functional armor slot. Increases the spawn rate of NPCID.Tim.
bool hasLuck_LuckyCoin
bool hasLuck_LuckyHorseshoe
bool hasLuckyCoin
bool hasLucyTheAxe
bool hasMagiluminescence
bool hasMoltenQuiver
bool hasPaladinShield
bool hasRainbowCursor
bool hasRaisableShield
bool hasTitaniumStormBuff
bool hasUnicornHorn
bool hbLocked
int head = -1
bool headcovered
Rectangle headFrame
double headFrameCounter
Vector2 headPosition
float headRotation
Vector2 headVelocity
bool heartyMeal
int heldProj = -1
 The index of the projectile (Entity.whoAmI) currently being "held" by the player as if it were an item. Set during projectile AI. Held projectiles will be drawn during player rendering over the player's arms. When making a held projectile, make sure to test holding the projectile while moving up or down a single block obstacles and adjust Player.RotatedRelativePoint, Player.gfxOffY or ProjectileID.Sets.HeldProjDoesNotUsePlayerGfxOffY accordingly if the draw location is incorrect. Defaults to -1.
bool hellfireTreads
SoundPlaySet hermesStepSound = new SoundPlaySet()
bool[] hideInfo = new bool[InfoDisplayLoader.InfoDisplayCount]
bool hideMerman
BitsByte hideMisc = (byte)0
bool[] hideVisibleAccessory = new bool[10]
bool hideWolf
int highestAbigailCounterOriginalDamage
int highestStormTigerGemOriginalDamage
HitTile hitReplace
HitTile hitTile
int[] holdDownCardinalTimer = new int[4]
 Counts how long (in ticks) the player has been holding directional movement keys. Updated immediately before ModPlayer.SetControls.
bool honey
Item honeyCombItem
 If not null, this player will create damaging bee projectiles when taking damage.
bool hornet
bool hornetMinion
bool hostile
 If true, the player has PvP enabled
int HotbarOffset
bool hungry
bool huntressAmmoCost90
int[] hurtCooldowns = new int[5]
bool iceBarrier
byte iceBarrierFrame
byte iceBarrierFrameCounter
bool iceSkate
 Grant the player improved speed on ice and not breaking thin ice when falling onto it
bool ichor
bool ignoreWater
bool immune
int immuneAlpha
int immuneAlphaDirection
bool immuneNoBlink
int immuneTime
bool impMinion
bool inferno
int infernoCounter
bool InfoAccMechShowWires
int insanityShadowCooldown
Vector2 instantMovementAccumulatedThisFrame
Item[] inventory = new Item[59]
 The player's normal inventory. Indexes 0-9 hold the hotbar items, 10-49 the rest of the main inventory, 50-53 are coin slots, 54-57 are ammo slots. Index 58 is used to store the mouse item in some situations.
Additional inventories are found in bank (Piggy Bank), bank2 (Safe), bank3 (Defender's Forge), and bank4 (Void Vault). For armor and accessories, see armor and dye. For equipment, see miscEquips and miscDyes. trashItem is the trash slot.

bool[] inventoryChestStack = new bool[59]
bool invis
bool isControlledByFilm
bool isDisplayDollOrInanimate
bool isFirstFractalAfterImage
bool isFullbright
bool isHatRackDoll
bool isOperatingAnotherEntity
bool isPerformingPogostickTricks
bool isPettingAnimal
bool isTheAnimalBeingPetSmall
int itemAnimation
int itemAnimationMax
int itemFlameCount
Vector2[] itemFlamePos = new Vector2[7]
int itemHeight
Vector2 itemLocation
float itemRotation
int itemTime
int itemTimeMax
int itemWidth
int jump
bool jumpBoost
float jumpSpeedBoost
 How much to directly increase jumpSpeed, in pixels/tick.
bool JustDroppedAnItem
bool justJumped
bool kbBuff
bool kbGlove
bool killClothier
bool killGuide
double ladyBugLuckTimeLeft
Vector2 lastBoost = Vector2.Zero
int lastChest
int lastCreatureHit = -1
 The BannerID of the last npc damaged by this player. Used by the ItemID.TallyCounter to display the name of the last attacked enemy. When attacking an enemy without an assigned banner, the value will be 0 and "Kill count unavailable" will be shown.
Vector2 lastDeathPostion
DateTime lastDeathTime
float lastEquipmentBasedLuckBonus
bool lastMouseInterface
int lastPortalColorIndex
bool lastStoned
int lastTeleportPylonStyleUsed
int lastTileRangeX
int lastTileRangeY
long lastTimePlayerWasSaved
Item lastVisualizedSelectedItem
int lavaCD
bool lavaImmune
 Complete lava immunity, such as given by ItemID.ObsidianSkinPotion.
int lavaMax
 The max amount of lava immunity time (in ticks) the player can have. ItemID.LavaCharm and many other accessories add 420 do this, or 7 seconds.
bool lavaRose
 Reduces damage from touching lava and halves the duration of lava inflicted BuffID.OnFire, such as given by ItemID.ObsidianRose and many other items.
int lavaTime
 The remaining amount of lava immunity time (in ticks) the player has.
int leftTimer
Rectangle legFrame
double legFrameCounter
Vector2 legPosition
float legRotation
int legs = -1
Vector2 legVelocity
bool leinforsHair
bool lifeForce
bool lifeMagnet
int lifeRegen
 The rate of this player's life regeneration in health per tick, divided by 120. To put it another way, it is health regeneration every 2 seconds. Used to implement the damage over time of debuffs and life regeneration accessories such as ItemID.BandofRegeneration.
For example, adding 10 to this value regenerates 10 / 120 = 1/6 health per tick, or 5 health per second.
Life regeneration is accumulated every tick in lifeRegenCount.
This value should be subtracted from in ModPlayer.UpdateBadLifeRegen and added to in ModPlayer.UpdateLifeRegen.
int lifeRegenCount
 This player's accumulated life regeneration.
If this value reaches or exceeds 120, the player gains lifeRegenCount / 120 health and this value decreases until it no longer exceeds 120.
If this value reaches or exceeds -120, the player loses health in the same way.
In either case, text will appear above the player indicating the life regeneration or life loss.
float lifeRegenTime
 How effective this player's natural life regeneration should be. Resets whenever the player is hurt, increases over time.
Certain effects increase this value to increase More...
float lifeSteal = 99999f
bool lightOrb
bool lizard
EquipmentLoadout[] Loadouts
int loadStatus
 0: Success
1: Future version
2: Read error More...
DirectionalInputSyncCache LocalInputCache
bool longInvince
long lostCoins
string lostCoinString = ""
bool loveStruck
float luck
float luckMaximumCap = 1f
float luckMinimumCap = -0.7f
bool luckNeedsSync
byte luckPotion
bool magicCuffs
bool magicLantern
bool magicQuiver
bool magmaStone
float manaCost = 1f
 The percent of mana actually used when mana is consumed.
Cannot reduce an item's mana cost below 0.
bool manaFlower
bool manaMagnet
int manaRegen
int manaRegenBonus
bool manaRegenBuff
int manaRegenCount
float manaRegenDelay
float manaRegenDelayBonus
bool manaSick
float manaSickReduction
bool mapAlphaDown
bool mapAlphaUp
bool mapFullScreen
bool mapStyle
bool mapZoomIn
bool mapZoomOut
float maxFallSpeed = 10f
int maxMinions = 1
 The maximum value of minions this player can have summoned at once.
A minion's value is stored as Projectile.minionSlots.
float maxRegenDelay
float maxRunSpeed = 3f
 The maximum speed, in pixels/tick, that this player can reach by just running. The acceleration to that speed is a separate stat (runAcceleration). This should only be modified in ModPlayer.PostUpdateRunSpeeds, ModItem.HorizontalWingSpeeds, or ExtraJump.UpdateHorizontalSpeeds(Player) to correctly function. accRunSpeed is commonly adjusted in tandem if suitable. Defaults to 3f, which is then multiplied by moveSpeed. Effects typically multiply this by some factor. Some examples: On ice with Ice Skates: *= 1.25f
On honey block (sticky): *= 0.25f
On asphalt block (powerrun): *= 3.5f
Shadow Armor (shadowArmor): *= 1.15f
Extra jumps: Typically *= 1.5f, see ExtraJump.UpdateHorizontalSpeeds When on a mount, all other modifiers are ignored and it is set to Mount.RunSpeed More...
int maxTurrets = 1
int maxTurretsOld = 1
byte meleeEnchant
 The vanilla flask effect which the player currently has active; these affect all melee weapons and whips.
Defaults to 0, which denotes that the player does not currently have a flask active.
The following values correspond to vanilla flasks:
1 => Flask of Venom (affected weapons proc Acid Venom on hit)
2 => Flask of Cursed Flames (affected weapons proc Cursed Inferno on hit)
3 => Flask of Fire (affected weapons proc On Fire! on hit)
4 => Flask of Gold (affected weapons proc Midas on hit)
5 => Flask of Ichor (affected weapons proc Ichor on hit)
6 => Flask of Nanites (affected weapons proc Confused on hit)
7 => Flask of Party (affected weapons sometimes release confetti explosions on hit)
8 => Flask of Poison (affected weapons proc Poisoned on hit)

int[] meleeNPCHitCooldown = new int[200]
bool meleeScaleGlove
bool merman
bool minecartLeft
bool miniMinotaur
int MinionAttackTargetNPC = -1
Vector2 MinionRestTargetPoint = Vector2.Zero
int miscCounter
 Counts updates from 0 up to 299 and then resets back to 0. Can be used to drive visuals and other player effects. The Modulo Timer section of the Time and Timers wiki pagehas more details about how to use a counter like this.
Item[] miscDyes = new Item[5]
 The dye items corresponding to the miscEquips items.
Item[] miscEquips = new Item[5]
 The player's equipment items. From indexes 0-4: Pet, Light Pet, Minecart, Mount, and Hook.
int miscTimer
bool moonLeech
bool moonLordLegs
bool moonLordMonolithShader
Mount mount
 This player's Mount.
Do not overwrite this value. Instead, call Mount.SetMount(int, Player, bool) or Mount.Dismount(Player) on it. Check Mount.Active (via Player.mount.Active) to determine if the player is currently using a mount.
float MountFishronSpecialCounter
bool mouseInterface
 If true, the mouse is currently overlapping with a user interface so any mouse interaction should be not be interpreted as gameplay input, such as using items. UIElements that should block user interaction typically check ContainsPoint(Main.MouseScreen) in the Update method to determine if mouseInterface should be set to true.
PlayerMovementAccsCache movementAbilitiesCache
float moveSpeed = 1f
 The multiplier on this player's maxRunSpeed and runAcceleration. This affects how quickly the player reaches max speed as well as the max speed itself. This is typically modified in ModBuff.Update(Player, ref int), ModItem.UpdateEquip(Player), ModItem.UpdateAccessory(Player, bool), or ModPlayer.PostUpdateMiscEffects. ModPlayer.PostUpdateRunSpeeds is too late to have any effect. Defaults to 1f. Effects typically add to or subtract from this, typically expressed as "X% increased movement speed" in tooltips. Some examples: Swiftness potion (BuffID.Swiftness): += 0.25f
Webbed buff (BuffID.Webbed): = 0f
Titanium Leggings: += 0.06f
Frostspark Boots: += 0.08f Some effects apply multiplicatively, these must be applied later on in the update process to work correctly, ModPlayer.PostUpdateMiscEffects or ModPlayer.UpdateBadLifeRegen are suitable places for this. Some examples: Oozed buff (slowOgreSpit): *= 1/3f
Slow buff (slow): *= 0.5f
Chilled buff (chilled): *= 0.75f
int mushroomDelayTime = Item.mushroomDelay
float musicDist
string name = ""
 This player's displayed name.
Usually capped at 20 characters.
float nearbyActiveNPCs
 The sum of the NPC.npcSlots values of NPC within the active range of this Player. Used to set NPC spawn rates.
int nebulaCD
int nebulaLevelDamage
int nebulaLevelLife
int nebulaLevelMana
int nebulaManaCounter
bool nebulaMonolithShader
int neck = -1
bool netLife
int netLifeTime
bool netMana
int netManaTime
int netSkip
int nextCycledSpiderMinionType
bool nightVision
bool noBuilding
bool noFallDmg
 If true, this player will take no fall damage, such as the effect given by ItemID.LuckyHorseshoe. If you want to increase the fall height required for fall damage, use extraFall instead.
bool noItems
bool noKnockback
int nonTorch = -1
int noThrow
bool[] npcTypeNoAggro = new bool[NPCID.Count]
int numberOfDeathsPVE
int numberOfDeathsPVP
int numMinions
 The current number of minions this player has summoned. Note that slotsMinions is how the minion limit is tracked, not this.
bool oldAdjHoney
bool oldAdjLava
bool oldAdjShimmer
bool oldAdjWater
byte oldLuckPotion
int oldSelectItem
bool onFire
bool onFire2
bool onFire3
bool onFrostBurn
bool onFrostBurn2
bool onHitDodge
bool onHitPetal
bool onHitRegen
bool onHitTitaniumStorm
bool onTrack
bool onWrongGround
float opacityForAnimation = 1f
bool outOfRange
int overrideFishingBobber = -1
BitsByte ownedLargeGems
int[] ownedProjectileCounts = new int[ProjectileID.Count]
 Provides efficient access to the number of projectiles of the specified type owned by this player currently active in the game world.
Can be used to prevent spawning additional projectiles when a limit is reached.
Updated each game update right before Player.UpdateBuffs.
For example, return player.ownedProjectileCounts[Item.shoot] < 1; in ModItem.CanUseItem could prevent a player using the item if the projectile the item spawns is already in the game world for the player.
bool palladiumRegen
bool panic
Color pantsColor = new Color(255, 230, 175)
bool parrot
bool parryDamageBuff
bool penguin
int petalTimer
bool petFlagBabyImp
bool petFlagBabyRedPanda
bool petFlagBabyShark
bool petFlagBabyWerewolf
bool petFlagBerniePet
bool petFlagBlueChickenPet
bool petFlagBrainOfCthulhuPet
bool petFlagCaveling
bool petFlagChesterPet
bool petFlagDD2BetsyPet
bool petFlagDD2Dragon
bool petFlagDD2Gato
bool petFlagDD2Ghost
bool petFlagDD2OgrePet
bool petFlagDeerclopsPet
bool petFlagDestroyerPet
bool petFlagDirtiestBlock
bool petFlagDukeFishronPet
bool petFlagDynamiteKitten
bool petFlagEaterOfWorldsPet
bool petFlagEverscreamPet
bool petFlagEyeOfCthulhuPet
bool petFlagFairyQueenPet
bool petFlagFennecFox
bool petFlagGlitteryButterfly
bool petFlagGlommerPet
bool petFlagGolemPet
bool petFlagIceQueenPet
bool petFlagJunimoPet
bool petFlagKingSlimePet
bool petFlagLilHarpy
bool petFlagLunaticCultistPet
bool petFlagMartianPet
bool petFlagMoonLordPet
bool petFlagPigPet
bool petFlagPlanteraPet
bool petFlagPlantero
bool petFlagPumpkingPet
bool petFlagQueenBeePet
bool petFlagQueenSlimePet
bool petFlagShadowMimic
bool petFlagSkeletronPet
bool petFlagSkeletronPrimePet
bool petFlagSpiffo
bool petFlagSugarGlider
bool petFlagTwinsPet
bool petFlagUpbeatStar
bool petFlagVoltBunny
int phantasmTime
int phantomPhoneixCounter
float pickSpeed = 1f
TrackedProjectileReference piggyBankProjTracker
bool pirateMinion
bool poisoned
PortableStoolUsage portableStoolInfo
bool portalPhysicsFlag
int potionDelay
int potionDelayTime = Item.potionDelay
Vector2? PotionOfReturnHomePosition
Vector2? PotionOfReturnOriginalUsePosition
bool poundRelease
bool powerrun
 Player is on TileID.Asphalt. Affects movement parameters.
bool preventAllItemPickups
bool pStone
bool pulley
 If true, the player is attached to a rope or similar tile.
byte pulleyDir
 While attached to a rope or similar tile (pulley), this value represents the how close to the rope the player is. A value of 1 means the player is centered on the rope, while a value of 2 represents that the player has nudged away from the rope but is still attached. Entity.direction is used still for the players direction.
int pulleyFrame
float pulleyFrameCounter
bool puppy
bool pvpDeath
bool pygmy
SelectionRadial QuicksRadial = new SelectionRadial(SelectionRadial.SelectionMode.RadialQuicks)
RabbitOrderFrameHelper rabbitOrderFrame
bool rabid
bool raven
bool redFairy
bool releaseCreativeMenu
bool releaseDown
bool releaseHook
bool releaseInventory
bool releaseJump
bool releaseLeft
bool releaseMapFullscreen
bool releaseMapStyle
bool releaseMount
bool releaseQuickHeal
bool releaseQuickMana
bool releaseRight
bool releaseSmart
bool releaseThrow
bool releaseUp
bool releaseUseItem
bool releaseUseTile
bool remoteVisionForDrone
bool resistCold
 If true, this player will take 30% less damage from any NPC with NPC.coldDamage set and any projectile with Projectile.coldDamage set.
int respawnTimer
 The amount of time in ticks before this player respawns after death. Most suitably modified in ModPlayer.Kill(double, int, bool, PlayerDeathReason)
int restorationDelayTime = Item.restorationDelay
int reuseDelay
int rightTimer
int rocketBoots
 If greater than 0, the player can briefly fly using rocket boots. Is usually set to the same value as vanityRocketBoots
int rocketDelay
int rocketDelay2
bool rocketFrame
bool rocketRelease
int rocketSoundDelay
int rocketTime
int rocketTimeMax = 7
int ropeCount
bool rulerGrid
bool rulerLine
float runAcceleration = 0.08f
 The acceleration, in pixels/ticks^2, that this player experiences while running. This affects how quickly the player reaches max speed, not the max speed (maxRunSpeed) itself. This should only be modified in ModPlayer.PostUpdateRunSpeeds, ModItem.HorizontalWingSpeeds, or ExtraJump.UpdateHorizontalSpeeds(Player) to correctly function. Defaults to 0.08f, which is then multiplied by moveSpeed. Effects typically multiply this by some factor. Some examples: On ice (slippy): *= 0.7f (or *= 2.1f if wearing Ice Skates)
On honey block (sticky): *= 0.25f
Shadow Armor (shadowArmor): *= 1.75f
Wings: *= WingStats.AccRunAccelerationMult
Extra jumps: Typically *= 3f, see ExtraJump.UpdateHorizontalSpeeds When on a mount, all other modifiers are ignored and it is set to Mount.Acceleration More...
bool runningOnSand
float runSlowdown = 0.2f
int runSoundDelay
bool sailDash
bool sapling
SavedPlayerDataWithAnnoyingRules savedPerPlayerFieldsThatArentInThePlayerClass
bool scope
int selectedItem
 The index of the Item within the inventory currently selected by the player. To access the Item directly use HeldItem instead.
bool selectItemOnNextUse
 Causes SmartSelectLookup to run the next time an item animation is finished, even if controlUseItem is held.
Used internally by tML to when a hotbar key is pressed while using an item.
bool setApprenticeT2
bool setApprenticeT3
string setBonus = ""
 The text that is shown on armor (Item.wornArmor) with an active set bonus.
bool setForbidden
bool setForbiddenCooldownLocked
bool setHuntressT2
bool setHuntressT3
bool setMonkT2
bool setMonkT3
bool setNebula
bool setSolar
bool setSquireT2
bool setSquireT3
bool setStardust
bool setVortex
bool shadowArmor
int shadowCount
int[] shadowDirection = new int[3]
bool shadowDodge
float shadowDodgeCount
int shadowDodgeTimer
Vector2[] shadowOrigin = new Vector2[3]
Vector2[] shadowPos = new Vector2[3]
float[] shadowRotation = new float[3]
bool sharknadoMinion
int shield = -1
int shield_parry_cooldown
int shieldParryTimeLeft
bool shieldRaised
bool shimmerImmune
bool shimmering
bool shimmerMonolithShader
float shimmerTransparency
ShimmerUnstuckHelper shimmerUnstuckHelper
bool shinyStone
Color shirtColor = new Color(175, 165, 140)
int shoe = -1
Color shoeColor = new Color(160, 105, 60)
bool showLastDeath
bool shroomiteStealth
int sign = -1
bool silence
PlayerSittingHelper sitting
bool skeletron
Color skinColor = new Color(255, 125, 90)
int skinDyePacked
int skinVariant
bool skipAnimatingValuesInPlayerFrame
bool skyStoneEffects
PlayerSleepingHelper sleeping
int slideDir
bool sliding
bool slime
bool slippy
 Player is on a TileID.Sets.IceSkateSlippery tile. Affects movement parameters.
bool slippy2
 Player is on TileID.FrozenSlimeBlock. Affects movement parameters.
bool sloping
float slotsMinions
 The current total value of minions this player has summoned. Used to limit active minions to maxMinions
A minion's value is stored as Projectile.minionSlots.
bool slow
bool slowFall
bool slowOgreSpit
bool smolstar
int snowBallLauncherInteractionCooldown
bool snowman
bool socialGhost
bool socialIgnoreLight
bool socialShadowRocketBoots
int solarCounter
bool solarDashConsumedFlare
bool solarDashing
bool solarMonolithShader
Vector2[] solarShieldPos = new Vector2[3]
int solarShields
Vector2[] solarShieldVel = new Vector2[3]
bool sonarPotion
int soulDrain
bool spaceGun
bool spawnMax
int SpawnX = -1
 The x tile coordinate of the bed spawn location for this player in this world. When -1 Main.spawnTileX is used instead.
int SpawnY = -1
 The y tile coordinate of the bed spawn location for this player in this world. When -1 Main.spawnTileY is used instead.
StatModifier specialistDamage = StatModifier.Default
float[] speedSlice = new float[60]
byte spelunkerTimer
int[] spI = new int[200]
bool spider
bool spiderArmor
bool spiderMinion
int spikedBoots
 Used by the Shoe Spikes and Climbing Claws to allow for holding onto walls (of tiles, not to be confused with actual walls).
Defaults to 0. Any value higher than 0 allows the player to wall-jump.
A value of 1 causes the player to slowly slide down them while holding onto them.
A value of 2 or more doesn't give this limitation, allowing the player to stay holding onto a wall indefinitely.
string[] spN = new string[200]
bool sporeSac
int[] spX = new int[200]
int[] spY = new int[200]
bool squashling
bool stairFall
int starCloakCooldown
Item starCloakItem
Item starCloakItem_beeCloakOverrideItem
Item starCloakItem_manaCloakOverrideItem
Item starCloakItem_starVeilOverrideItem
bool stardustDragon
bool stardustGuardian
bool stardustMinion
bool stardustMonolithShader
bool starving
DefenseStat statDefense
 The defense value of this player.
The Defense wiki pageteaches how player defense affects incoming damage alongside DefenseEffectiveness.
The value resets to 0 during Player.ResetEffects and is manipulated throughout Player.Update(int).
If the final value is needed, ModPlayer.PostUpdate or anytime later is the best place. As such it is not recommended to manipulate the value during PostUpdate or at any time later for compatibility. Failure to follow this guideline will result in inconsistent behavior.
Due to this field being a DefenseStat, modders can freely add, subtract, multiply, and divide the value. The final result will properly account for all modifications applied.

int statLife = 100
 The current health of this player. Capped at statLifeMax2.
If you increase this value, be sure to respect the cap. More...
int statLifeMax = 100
 The maximum health this player can have without adjustment.
You should not modify this value. If you need to increase max health for equipment, modify statLifeMax2. If you need to increase max health for a permanent stat boost, use ModPlayer.ModifyMaxStats(out StatModifier, out StatModifier).
int statLifeMax2 = 100
 The maximum health this player can have, adjusted by buffs and equipment.
int statMana
 The current mana of this player. Capped at statManaMax2.
If you increase this value, be sure to respect the cap. More...
int statManaMax
 The maximum mana this player can have without adjustment.
You should not modify this value. If you need to increase max mana for equipment, modify statManaMax2. If you need to increase max mana for a permanent stat boost, use ModPlayer.ModifyMaxStats(out StatModifier, out StatModifier).
int statManaMax2
 The maximum mana this player can have, adjusted by buffs and equipment.
float stealth = 1f
int stealthTimer
int step = -1
float stepSpeed = 1f
 Has nothing to do with the speed that this player travels, that is dictated by moveSpeed and related fields. This affects how quickly gfxOffY is adjusted.
bool sticky
 Player is on TileID.HoneyBlock. Affects movement parameters.
int stickyBreak
bool stinky
bool stoned
bool stormTiger
int stringColor
bool strongBees
 If true, then the bees created by honeyCombItem have a chance to be stronger.
byte suffocateDelay
bool suffocating
bool sunflower
bool suspiciouslookingTentacle
int swimTime
int tail = -1
int tankPet = -1
bool tankPetReset
int taxMoney
double taxTimer
int team
bool teleporting
int teleportStyle
float teleportTime
float thorns
bool tiki
PlayerInteractionAnchor tileEntityAnchor
bool tileInteractAttempted
bool tileInteractionHappened
float tileSpeed = 1f
int timeShimmering
int timeSinceLastDashStarted
 The amount of time that has passed, in ticks, since this player last performed a dash.
bool tipsy
int titaniumStormCooldown
bool tongued
int toolTime
float torchLuck
List< Point > TouchedTiles = new List<Point>()
float townNPCs
 The sum of the NPC.npcSlots of all town NPCs near this player.
If townNPCs > 2f, then this player is in a town.
float trackBoost
bool trapDebuffSource
Item trashItem = new Item()
bool treasureMagnet
bool trident
bool truffle
bool tryKeepingHoveringDown
bool tryKeepingHoveringUp
bool turtle
bool turtleArmor
bool turtleThorns
bool twinsMinion
bool UFOMinion
Color underShirtColor = new Color(160, 180, 215)
bool unlockedBiomeTorches
bool unlockedSuperCart
 If true, then this player has permanently buffed their minecarts. See UsingSuperCart for more info.
bool usedAegisCrystal
bool usedAegisFruit
bool usedAmbrosia
bool usedArcaneCrystal
bool usedGalaxyPearl
bool usedGummyWorm
bool vampireFrog
int vanityRocketBoots
 Controls which rocket boots visuals and sounds will be used: 1: Rocket Boots
2: Fairy Boots (plus fairyBoots), Spectre Boots, Lightning Boots
3: Frostspark Boots
4: Terraspark Boots
5: Hellfire Treads
bool venom
TrackedProjectileReference voidLensChest
BitsByte voidVaultInfo
bool volatileGelatin
int volatileGelatinCounter
bool vortexDebuff
bool vortexMonolithShader
bool vortexStealthActive
int waist = -1
float wallSpeed = 1f
bool waterWalk
 Allows the player to walk on water, honey, and shimmer, such as given by ItemID.WaterWalkingBoots.
bool waterWalk2
 Allows the player to walk on water, honey, lava, and shimmer, such as given by ItemID.LavaWaders.
bool wearsRobe
bool webbed
bool wellFed
bool wereWolf
byte wetSlime
float whipRangeMultiplier
bool windPushed
float wingAccRunSpeed = -1f
int wingFrame
int wingFrameCounter
float wingRunAccelerationMult = 1f
int wings
int wingsLogic
float wingTime
int wingTimeMax
int wireOperationsCooldown
bool wisp
bool witheredArmor
bool witheredWeapon
bool wolfAcc
bool yoraiz0rDarkness
int yoraiz0rEye
bool yoyoGlove
bool yoyoString
bool zephyrfish
BitsByte zone1 = (byte)0
BitsByte zone2 = (byte)0
BitsByte zone3 = (byte)0
BitsByte zone4 = (byte)0
BitsByte zone5 = (byte)0
- Public Attributes inherited from Entity
bool active
 If true, the Entity actually exists within the game world. Within the specific entity array, if active is false, the entity is junk data. Always check active if iterating over the entity array. Another option for iterating is to use Main.ActivePlayers, Main.ActiveNPCs, Main.ActiveProjectiles, or Main.ActiveItems instead for simpler code.
int direction = 1
 The direction this entity is facing. A value of 1 means the entity is facing to the right. -1 means facing to the left.
int height
 The height of this Entity's hitbox, in pixels.
bool honeyWet
bool lavaWet
int oldDirection
 The direction of this Entity during the previous tick. For projectiles with Projectile.extraUpdates, this will be the direction during the previous extra update, not necessarily the direction during the previous tick.
Vector2 oldPosition
 The position of this Entity during the previous tick. For projectiles with Projectile.extraUpdates, this will be the position during the previous extra update, not necessarily the position during the previous tick.
Vector2 oldVelocity
 The velocity of this Entity during the previous tick. For projectiles with Projectile.extraUpdates, this will be the velocity during the previous extra update, not necessarily the velocity during the previous tick.
Vector2 position
 The position of this Entity in world coordinates. Note that this corresponds to the top left corner of the entity. Use Center instead for logic that needs the position at the center of the entity.
bool shimmerWet
Vector2 velocity
 The velocity of this Entity in world coordinates per tick.
bool wet
 The Entity is currently in water.
Projectile: Affects movement speed and some projectiles die when wet. Projectile.ignoreWater prevents this.
byte wetCount
int whoAmI
 The index of this Entity within its specific array. These arrays track the entities in the world.
Item: unused
Projectile: Main.projectile
NPC: Main.npc
Player: Main.player Note that Projectile.whoAmI is not consistent between clients in multiplayer for the same projectile.
int width
 The width of this Entity's hitbox, in pixels.

Static Public Attributes

static float airLightDecay = 1f
static int BlockInteractionWithProjectiles = 3
const int ChairSittingMaxDistance = 40
static int crystalLeafDamage = 100
static int crystalLeafKB = 10
static bool deadForGood = false
static float defaultGravity = 0.4f
const int defaultHeight = 42
static int defaultItemGrabRange = 42
const int defaultWidth = 20
const int fartKartCloudDelayMax = 20
static int FlexibleWandCycleOffset
static Point FlexibleWandLastPosition
static int FlexibleWandRandomSeed
const int InitialAccSlotCount = 5
static int jumpHeight = 15
static float jumpSpeed = 5.01f
 The speed, in pixels/tick, that this players jumps at.
static bool lastPound = true
const int LifeCrystalMax = 15
 The maximum amount of Life Crystals this player is allowed to consume total
const int LifeFruitMax = 20
 The maximum amount of Life Fruit this player is allowed to consume total
const int ManaCrystalMax = 9
 The maximum amount of Mana Crystals this player is allowed to consume total
static float manaSickLessDmg = 0.25f
static int manaSickTime = 300
static int manaSickTimeMax = 600
const int maxSolarShields = 3
const int miscSlotCart = 2
const int miscSlotHook = 4
const int miscSlotLight = 1
const int miscSlotMount = 3
const int miscSlotPet = 0
static int musicNotes = 6
static int nameLen = 20
const int nebulaMaxLevel = 3
static readonly float PhilosopherStoneDurationMultiplier = 0.75f
const int respawnTimerMax = 3600
const int SafeItemAnimationTimeForPreventingExploits = 20
const int shadowMax = 3
static float solidLightDecay = 1f
const int SupportedMiscSlotCount = 5
const int SupportedSlotsAccs = 7
const int SupportedSlotsArmor = 3
const int SupportedSlotSets = 10
static double taxRate = 3600
static int tileRangeX = 5
static int tileRangeY = 4
static int tileTargetX
static int tileTargetY


bool accFlipper [get, set]
bool[] adjTile [get, set]
 An array indexed by tile type (Tile.TileType, TileID) indicating if the player is within crafting range of each tile type. Used to determine if a player satisfies crafting station requirements for recipes. Note that this includes tiles acting like other tiles (ModTile.AdjTiles, Player.AdjTiles), so the player might not actually be near specific tiles. For example a player near a TileID.MythrilAnvil tile will count as being near TileID.Anvils.
bool AnyThrownCostReduction [get]
 Returns true if either ThrownCost33 or ThrownCost50 are true
Vector2 BlehOldPositionFixer [get]
int breathCDMax [get]
 How long it takes for breathCD to cause breath to decrease by 1. Defaults to 7 and is increased by factors such as holding a Breathing Reed, which doubles this, or having a Diving Gear, which multiplies this by 6, to make the process of losing breath value slower.
bool CanBeTalkedTo [get]
bool CCed [get]
 Checks if the player is currently "crowd controlled", meaning the player is frozen, webbed, or stoned. Used in various checks to prevent some player actions that shouldn't be possible while in those states, such as channeling attacks, quick using items, and swapping loadouts.
int ConsumedLifeCrystals [get, set]
 How many Life Crystals this player has consumed
int ConsumedLifeFruit [get, set]
 How many Life Fruit this player has consumed
int ConsumedManaCrystals [get, set]
 How many Mana Crystals this player has consumed
SceneEffectLoader.SceneEffectInstance CurrentSceneEffect = new SceneEffectLoader.SceneEffectInstance() [get, set]
 Container for current SceneEffect client properties such as: Backgrounds, music, and water styling
bool DeadOrGhost [get]
Vector2 DefaultSize [get]
Vector2 Directions [get]
Span< ExtraJumpStateExtraJumps [get]
Vector2? HandPosition [get]
bool HasMinionAttackTargetNPC [get]
bool HasMinionRestTarget [get]
int HeightMapOffset [get]
int HeightOffsetBoost [get]
float HeightOffsetHitboxCenter [get]
float HeightOffsetVisual [get]
Item HeldItem [get]
 The Item within the inventory currently selected by the player.
Rectangle HitboxForBestiaryNearbyCheck [get]
bool isLockedToATile [get]
bool IsStandingStillForSpecialEffects [get]
bool IsVoidVaultEnabled [get, set]
bool ItemAnimationActive [get]
 Returns true if an item animation is currently running.
bool ItemAnimationEndingOrEnded [get]
 Returns true if the item animation is on or after its last frame. Meaning it could (if the player clicks etc) start again next frame.
Vanilla uses it to despawn spears, but it's not recommended because it will desync in multiplayer
(a remote player could get the packet for a new projectile just as they're finishing a swing).
It is recommended to use ai counters for the lifetime of animation bound projectiles instead.
bool ItemAnimationJustStarted [get]
 Returns true if the item animation is in its first frame.
bool ItemTimeIsZero [get]
int ItemUsesThisAnimation [get]
 The number of times the item has been used/fired this animation (swing)
bool Male [get, set]
static int MaxBuffs [get]
bool MeleeEnchantActive [get, set]
 Checks or sets meleeEnchant, indicating if a melee enchantment is active or not. Mods can check the meleeEnchant value directly to act on existing melee enchantments, but modded melee enchantments do not have specific assigned values.
float miscCounterNormalized [get]
RefReadOnlyArray< ModPlayerModPlayers [get]
Vector2 MountedCenter [get, set]
 Returns the player's center adjusted for mount and step stool usage. Typically used in conjunction with RotatedRelativePoint(Vector2, bool, bool) to retrieve a suitable position for positioning items and effects originating from the player.
bool MountFishronSpecial [get]
float MountXOffset [get]
Vector2? MouthPosition [get]
HashSet< int > NearbyModTorch = new HashSet<int>() [get]
float NormalizedLuck [get]
bool[] oldAdjTile [get, set]
bool PortalPhysicsEnabled [get]
bool sandStorm [get, set]
bool ShoppingZone_AnyBiome [get]
bool ShoppingZone_BelowSurface [get]
bool ShoppingZone_Forest [get]
bool ShouldFloatInWater [get]
bool ShouldNotDraw [get]
bool SlimeDontHyperJump [get]
int talkNPC [get]
NPC TalkNPC [get]
 The NPC instance the player is talking to, or null if talkNPC is -1
bool ThrownCost33 [get, set]
 If true, player has a 33% chance of not consuming the thrown item.
Only applies to consumable items and projectiles counted as the DamageClass.Throwing damage type.
Projectiles spawned from a player who holds such item will set Projectile.noDropItem to prevent duplication.
Stacks with ThrownCost50 multiplicatively
bool ThrownCost50 [get, set]
 If true, player has a 50% chance of not consuming the thrown item.
Only applies to consumable items counted as the DamageClass.Throwing damage type.
Projectiles spawned from a player who holds such item will set Projectile.noDropItem to prevent duplication.
Stacks with ThrownCost33 multiplicatively
float ThrownVelocity [get, set]
 Multiplier to shot projectile velocity before throwing. Result will be capped to 16f.
Only applies to items counted as the DamageClass.Throwing damage type
bool TileReplacementEnabled [get]
bool TryingToHoverDown [get]
bool TryingToHoverUp [get]
bool UsingBiomeTorches [get, set]
bool UsingSuperCart [get, set]
 If true, then any minecart (MountID.Sets.Cart) this player rides in will be significantly faster and fire lasers.
Cannot be true if unlockedSuperCart is false.
override Vector2 VisualPosition [get]
bool ZoneBeach [get, set]
bool ZoneCorrupt [get, set]
bool ZoneCrimson [get, set]
bool ZoneDesert [get, set]
bool ZoneDirtLayerHeight [get, set]
 If true, then this player is underground (Main.worldSurface) but above the Caverns layer (Main.rockLayer).
bool ZoneDungeon [get, set]
bool ZoneForest [get]
 Shorthand for More...
bool ZoneGemCave [get, set]
bool ZoneGlowshroom [get, set]
bool ZoneGranite [get, set]
bool ZoneGraveyard [get, set]
bool ZoneHallow [get, set]
bool ZoneHive [get, set]
bool ZoneJungle [get, set]
bool ZoneLihzhardTemple [get, set]
bool ZoneMarble [get, set]
bool ZoneMeteor [get, set]
bool ZoneNormalCaverns [get]
 Shorthand for More...
bool ZoneNormalSpace [get]
 Shorthand for More...
bool ZoneNormalUnderground [get]
 Shorthand for More...
bool ZoneOldOneArmy [get, set]
bool ZoneOverworldHeight [get, set]
 If true, then this player is above ground (Main.worldSurface) but not in space (ZoneSkyHeight).
bool ZonePeaceCandle [get, set]
bool ZonePurity = false [get, set]
 The zone property storing if the player is not in any particular biome. Updated in UpdateBiomes Does NOT account for height. Please use ZoneForest / ZoneNormalX for height based derivatives.
bool ZoneRain [get, set]
bool ZoneRockLayerHeight [get, set]
 If true, then this player is in the Caverns layer (Main.rockLayer) but not in the Underworld (Main.UnderworldLayer).
bool ZoneSandstorm [get, set]
bool ZoneShadowCandle [get, set]
bool ZoneShimmer [get, set]
bool ZoneSkyHeight [get, set]
 If true, then this player is the top 35% of the world.
NOTE: Vanilla uses a lot of different conditions for what counts as space. This flag is never used in vanilla, but the logic behind it is used for NPC shops and enemy spawns.
bool ZoneSnow [get, set]
bool ZoneTowerNebula [get, set]
bool ZoneTowerSolar [get, set]
bool ZoneTowerStardust [get, set]
bool ZoneTowerVortex [get, set]
bool ZoneUndergroundDesert [get, set]
bool ZoneUnderworldHeight [get, set]
 If true, then this player is in the Underworld (Main.UnderworldLayer).
bool ZoneWaterCandle [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Entity
Vector2 Bottom [get, set]
Vector2 BottomLeft [get, set]
Vector2 BottomRight [get, set]
Vector2 Center [get, set]
 The center position of this entity in world coordinates. Calculated from position, width, and height.
Rectangle Hitbox [get, set]
Vector2 Left [get, set]
Vector2 Right [get, set]
Vector2 Size [get, set]
Vector2 Top [get, set]
Vector2 TopLeft [get, set]
Vector2 TopRight [get, set]
virtual Vector2 VisualPosition [get]
- Properties inherited from IEntityWithInstances< ModPlayer >
RefReadOnlyArray< T > Instances [get]

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddBuff()

void Player.AddBuff ( int  type,
int  timeToAdd,
bool  quiet = true,
bool  foodHack = false 

Gives the player the provided buff. This accounts for if the player is immune to the buff. This also accounts for adjusting the buff time for different game modes. If the player already has the buff, the re-apply logic will happen. Vanilla buff types are found in BuffID and modded buffs are typically retrieved using ModContent.BuffType<T>. The quiet parameter will determine if the network sync message should happen. This should only be set to false in non-deterministic situations (such as random chance) and code that only runs locally. Other situations run on all clients so the buff should automatically be applied on all clients, keeping the player buff data in sync without burdening the network. When in doubt, consult vanilla source code examples or test your code.
If applying a buff to a player other than the local player in pvp, quiet should be false and the buff must be true in Main.pvpBuff to properly sync.

typeThe buff type
timeToAddThe desired buff time in ticks. 60 ticks is 1 second
quietIf true, the network sync message is skipped.

◆ AddImmuneTime()

void Player.AddImmuneTime ( int  cooldownCounterId,
int  immuneTime 

Adds to either Player.immuneTime or Player.hurtCooldowns based on the cooldownCounterId

cooldownCounterIdSee ImmunityCooldownID for valid ids.
immuneTimeExtra immunity time to add

◆ ApplyDamageToNPC()

void Player.ApplyDamageToNPC ( NPC  npc,
int  damage,
float  knockback,
int  direction,
bool  crit = false,
DamageClass damageType = null,
bool  damageVariation = false 

Deals damage to an NPC (and syncs the hit in multiplayer).
The damage will be affected by modifiers, armor pen, enemy resistances etc.
Will not apply damage class modifiers/knockback. Use GetTotalDamage<T> to adjust the damage before calling if necessary.
Will apply damage class based armor penetration.
Will exit early with no effect if PlayerLoader.CanHitNPC returns false.

npcThe NPC to strike
damageThe damage to deal to the NPC, before modifications, defense, resistances etc
knockbackThe amount of knockback to apply
directionThe hit direction of the resulting strike (1 or -1)
critWhether or not the strike is a crit
damageTypeDefaults to DamageClass.Default
damageVariationWhether to apply damage variation. Defaults to false.

◆ BuffHandle_SpawnPetIfNeededAndSetTime()

void Player.BuffHandle_SpawnPetIfNeededAndSetTime ( int  buffIndex,
ref bool  petBool,
int  petProjID,
int  buffTimeToGive = 18000 

A helper method that handles code common to pet buffs. Can be used during the buff update code.
Sets the buff time to the value and spawns the corresponding pet projectile for the player if not yet spawned.


◆ BuyItem()

bool Player.BuyItem ( long  price,
int  customCurrency = -1 

Attempts to "purchase" something that costs the given price .
Items will be taken from all of the player inventories and banks combined.
If customCurrency is provided, the price will be in terms of the custom currency instead of coins.
If the player has enough currency, the currency will be taken from the inventories.

true if the player had enough currency to pay the price.

◆ ChangeDir()

void Player.ChangeDir ( int  dir)

Changes the player's direction (Entity.direction) while adjusting arm and item rotations to be consistent. Will also account for pulley and pulleyDir. The player direction change will be prevented if the player is on a rope but there isn't space for the player to face the new direction.


◆ CheckMana()

bool Player.CheckMana ( Item  item,
int  amount = -1,
bool  pay = false,
bool  blockQuickMana = false 

Determines if this player has enough mana to use an item.
If the player doesn't have enough mana and blockQuickMana is false, the player will activate any missing mana effects they have and try again.
The pay parameter can be used to consume the mana amount.

itemThe item to use.
amountThe amount of mana needed. If -1, calculate using GetManaCost(Item).
payIf true, actually use the mana requested.
blockQuickManaIf true, prevent on missing mana effects like the Mana Flower from activating if the player doesn't have enough mana.
true if the player has enough mana to use the item, false otherwise.

◆ ChooseAmmo()

Item Player.ChooseAmmo ( Item  weapon)

Attempts to select an ammo item stack from this player's inventory to shoot with the given weapon.

weaponThe weapon for which this call should try to find ammo.
Null if no suitable ammo is found; otherwise, returns the first ammo item found.

◆ ClearBuff()

void Player.ClearBuff ( int  type)

Removes the provided buff type from the player and shuffles the remaining buff indexes down to fill the gap. Use Player.DelBuff(int) if you only know the buff index

typeThe buff type

◆ ConsumeItem()

bool Player.ConsumeItem ( int  type,
bool  reverseOrder = false,
bool  includeVoidBag = false 

Use to consume a single item. The item does not have to be Item.consumable.
Attempts to reduce the Item.stack of the first Item found in the inventory by 1.
Respects ItemLoader.ConsumeItem(Item, Player), so the item won't necessarily be consumed.
To consume multiple of the item, first check Player.CountItem to ensure that there are enough of the item, then use a for loop to call this method many times.

typeThe item type to consume
reverseOrderIf true, the search for the item will start at the end of the player inventory
includeVoidBagIf true, the void bag, if open, will also be considered for finding an item to consume
True if the item was found and attempted to be consumed

◆ CountItem()

int Player.CountItem ( int  type,
int  stopCountingAt = 0 

Counts the total stack of the specified item type in this players inventory.
Does not check Void Bag.
Use Player.HasItem(int) to check if the player has the item at all.

typeThe item type to count
stopCountingAtWhen to stop counting, useful to avoid unnecessary calculations
The total amount counted

◆ DelBuff()

void Player.DelBuff ( int  b)

Removes the buff at the provided index in buffType and buffTime and shuffles the remaining buff indexes down to fill the gap. Use Player.ClearBuff(int) if you only know the BuffID.

bThe index in buffType of the buff to remove.

◆ GetAdjustedItemScale()

float Player.GetAdjustedItemScale ( Item  item)

Used to determine what the overall scale of an item should be.
CombinedHooks.ModifyItemScale is called here.

itemThe item to fetch the adjusted scale of.
The final scale of the item, after the Titan Glove effect and all modded calculations.

◆ GetArmorPenetration< T >()

ref float Player.GetArmorPenetration< T > ( )

Gets the armor penetration modifier for this damage type on this player. This returns a reference, and as such, you can freely modify this method's return value with operators. Note that armor penetration value are typically whole numbers. Adding 5, for example, would add 5 to the armor penetration stat, similar to the Shark Tooth Necklace accessory.

Type Constraints
T :DamageClass 
T :ref 
T :GetArmorPenetration 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 

◆ GetAttackSpeed< T >()

ref float Player.GetAttackSpeed< T > ( )

Gets the attack speed modifier for this damage type on this player. This returns a reference, and as such, you can freely modify this method's return values with operators. Setting this such that it results in zero or a negative value will throw an exception. NOTE: Due to the nature of attack speed modifiers, modifications to Flat will do nothing for this modifier. Note that attack speed is a multiplier. Adding 0.15f, for example, would add 15% to the attack speed stat.

Type Constraints
T :DamageClass 
T :ref 
T :GetAttackSpeed 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 

◆ GetCritChance< T >()

ref float Player.GetCritChance< T > ( )

Gets the crit chance modifier for this damage type on this player. This returns a reference, and as such, you can freely modify this method's return value with operators. Note that crit values are percentage values ranging from 0 to 100, unlike damage multipliers. Adding 4, for example, would add 4% to the crit chance.

Type Constraints
T :DamageClass 
T :ref 
T :GetCritChance 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 

◆ GetDamage< T >()

Gets the damage modifier for this damage type on this player. This returns a reference, and as such, you can freely modify this method's return value with operators.

Type Constraints
T :DamageClass 
T :ref 
T :GetDamage 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 

◆ GetItem()

Item Player.GetItem ( int  plr,
Item  newItem,
GetItemSettings  settings 

Places the newItem directly into this player's inventory. The settings dictate how or if the pickup text is displayed as well as if the item can be placed into the Void Vault inventory. It is typical to use one of the existing options contained in the static fields of GetItemSettings for this parameter to match vanilla behavior. The plr parameter should always be set to the whoAmI of this player. Modders commonly use QuickSpawnItem(IEntitySource, Item, int) to give a player an item as it is simpler to implement, but GetItem allows for more control and should be used when possible. The return value is an Item instance containing the overflow. If the full stack of newItem is placed into the inventory successfully, the return value will be an empty item instance. If the inventory is full or if only a partial stack of newItem fit in the inventory, the return value will be the Item that didn't fit. If the returned Item isn't Item.IsAir, that will have to be handled by the calling code, typically by spawning the item in the world as a drop or leaving it where newItem came from. Make sure to test code using this method with a full inventory. Consulting vanilla code to match similar usages is recommended to implement specific item movement and popup text behavior the user would expect.


◆ GetItemGrabRange()

int Player.GetItemGrabRange ( Item  item)

Fetches the range at which the given item begins to gravitate towards the player.
This range, referred to as item grab range, is measured in pixels.

itemThe item whose grab range is being evaluated.
The item grab range of the player, in pixels.

◆ GetJumpState< T >() [1/2]

ref ExtraJumpState Player.GetJumpState< T > ( )
Type Constraints
T :ExtraJump 
T :ref 
T :GetJumpState 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 

◆ GetJumpState< T >() [2/2]

ref ExtraJumpState Player.GetJumpState< T > ( baseInstance)
Type Constraints
T :ExtraJump 
T :ref 
T :extraJumps 
T :baseInstance.Type 

◆ GetKnockback< T >()

Gets the knockback modifier for this damage type on this player. This returns a reference, and as such, you can freely modify this method's return value with operators. Note that knockback values are multipliers. Adding 0.12f, for example, would add 12% to the knockback stat.

Type Constraints
T :DamageClass 
T :ref 
T :GetKnockback 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 

◆ GetManaCost()

int Player.GetManaCost ( Item  item)

Calculates the mana needed to use the given item.

itemThe item to check.
The amount of mana needed to use item . Cannot be less than 0.

◆ GetModPlayer< T >() [1/2]

T Player.GetModPlayer< T > ( )

Gets the instance of the specified ModPlayer type. This will throw exceptions on failure.

Type Constraints
T :ModPlayer 
T :GetModPlayer 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 

◆ GetModPlayer< T >() [2/2]

T Player.GetModPlayer< T > ( baseInstance)

Gets the local instance of the type of the specified ModPlayer instance. This will throw exceptions on failure.

Type Constraints
T :ModPlayer 
T :modPlayers 
T :baseInstance.Index 
T :as 
T :T 
T :throw 
T :new 
T :KeyNotFoundException 
T :$ 
T :Instance 
T :of 

◆ GetTotalArmorPenetration< T >()

float Player.GetTotalArmorPenetration< T > ( )
Type Constraints
T :DamageClass 
T :GetTotalArmorPenetration 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 

◆ GetTotalAttackSpeed< T >()

float Player.GetTotalAttackSpeed< T > ( )
Type Constraints
T :DamageClass 
T :GetTotalAttackSpeed 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 

◆ GetTotalCritChance< T >()

float Player.GetTotalCritChance< T > ( )
Type Constraints
T :DamageClass 
T :GetTotalCritChance 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 

◆ GetTotalDamage()

StatModifier Player.GetTotalDamage ( DamageClass  damageClass)

Calculates a total damage modifier for the player for the provided DamageClass.
Use in conjunction with StatModifier.ApplyTo(float) to calculate a final damage value for a given DamageClass and base damage: int finalDamage = (int)player.GetTotalDamage(item.DamageType).ApplyTo(30);

The modifiers calculated here are important due to the possibility of damage classes inheriting modifiers from other damage classes. For instance, an attack can be classified as multiple damage types and each could have different modifiers to apply to the damage

damageClassThe DamageClass to use for total damage calculation
All modifiers combined

◆ GetTotalDamage< T >()

Type Constraints
T :DamageClass 
T :GetTotalDamage 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 

◆ GetTotalKnockback< T >()

StatModifier Player.GetTotalKnockback< T > ( )
Type Constraints
T :DamageClass 
T :GetTotalKnockback 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 

◆ HasAmmo()

bool Player.HasAmmo ( Item  sItem)

Whether or not the player has ammunition available for the given weapon.

sItemThe weapon for which to try to find ammunition.
True if the player has ammo available; false otherwise.

◆ HasBuff< T >()

bool Player.HasBuff< T > ( )

Type Constraints
T :ModBuff 
T :HasBuff 
T :ModContent.BuffType<T>() 

◆ HasItem()

bool Player.HasItem ( int  type)

Checks if the player has the specified item in their inventory.
Does not check Void Bag.
Use Player.CountItem(int, int) instead to count the total amount if needed.

typeThe item type to count
True if the player has the item

◆ Heal()

void Player.Heal ( int  amount)

Heals the player for a certain amount.

amountThe amount to heal the player by.

◆ InModBiome()

bool Player.InModBiome ( ModBiome  baseInstance)

Determines if the player is in specified ModBiome. This will throw exceptions on failure.


◆ InModBiome< T >()

bool Player.InModBiome< T > ( )

Type Constraints
T :ModBiome 
T :InModBiome 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 

◆ IsAmmoFreeThisShot()

bool Player.IsAmmoFreeThisShot ( Item  weapon,
Item  ammo,
int  projToShoot 

Determines whether or not the given ammunition should be conserved, based on the given weapon as wielded by this player.

weaponThe weapon attempting to consume the ammo.
ammoThe ammo attempting to be conserved (i.e. not consumed).
projToShootThe projectile that should be shot by the given weapon/ammo combination.
True if the ammo should be conserved on the given shot; false otherwise.

◆ OpenChest()

void Player.OpenChest ( int  x,
int  y,
int  newChest 

Handles boilerplate for gamepad and UI when opening or closing a container.
Sets Player.chestX, and Player.chestY, and Player.chest to the given coordinates.

xThe top-left X coordinate of the container.
yThe top-left Y coordinate of the container.
newChestThe container index in Main.chest if opening, or -1 if closing.

◆ PickAmmo()

bool Player.PickAmmo ( Item  weapon,
out int  projToShoot,
out float  speed,
out int  damage,
out float  knockBack,
out int  usedAmmoItemId,
bool  dontConsume = false 

A more-convenient-to-call variant of the vanilla PickAmmo method, which handles most vanilla ammunition logic to decide various common stats related to ammunition-consuming weapons.
The stats output by this method take into account any extra stats which the ammunition it finds may provide (read: it accounts for ammo damage and knockback).

weaponThe weapon for which to handle ammunition logic.
projToShootThe projectile that should be shot based on the given weapon and the located ammunition.
speedThe speed at which the projectile that would be made by the given weapon and located ammunition should move.
damageThe damage value that the projectile shot should have, based on the given weapon and the located ammunition.
knockBackThe knockback value that the projectile shot should have, based on the given weapon and the located ammunition.
usedAmmoItemIdThe numerical ID of the located ammunition.
dontConsumeWhether or not ammo consumption logic should be called upon.
This defaults to false, and if it is true for any reason, ammo will not be consumed at the end of the method.
This is useful for gathering the data needed based on PickAmmo's calculations without incidentally consuming any ammunition in the process.
True if ammo was found/chosen, and false otherwise.

◆ QuickSpawnClonedItem()

int Player.QuickSpawnClonedItem ( IEntitySource  source,
Item  item,
int  stack = 1 

Will spawn an item like Player.QuickSpawnItem(IEntitySource, int, int), but clones it (handy when you need to retain item infos)

sourceThe spawn context
itemThe item you want to be cloned
stackThe stack to give the item. Note that this will override maxStack if it's higher.

◆ QuickSpawnClonedItemDirect()

Item Player.QuickSpawnClonedItemDirect ( IEntitySource  source,
Item  item,
int  stack = 1 

Returns the Item instance

◆ QuickSpawnItem()

int Player.QuickSpawnItem ( IEntitySource  source,
int  item,
int  stack = 1 

Spawns an item into the world at this players position. This is a simpler alternative to Item.NewItem(IEntitySource, int, int, int, int, int, int, bool, int, bool, bool). This method can be called from multiplayer client code without necessitating manually syncing the item.
Use QuickSpawnItem(IEntitySource, Item, int) if a specific instance of an Item needs to be spawned into the world to preserve modded data.

The index of the item within Main.item

◆ QuickSpawnItemDirect() [1/2]

Item Player.QuickSpawnItemDirect ( IEntitySource  source,
int  type,
int  stack = 1 

Returns the Item instance

◆ QuickSpawnItemDirect() [2/2]

Item Player.QuickSpawnItemDirect ( IEntitySource  source,
Item  item,
int  stack = 1 

Returns the Item instance

◆ RotatedRelativePoint()

Vector2 Player.RotatedRelativePoint ( Vector2  pos,
bool  reverseRotation = false,
bool  addGfxOffY = true 

Takes an input position and returns the position adjusted to the players visual rotation and offset. This accounts for the player being shifted up or down and rotated while riding a mount, sitting in a chair, and sleeping.


◆ StopExtraJumpInProgress()

void Player.StopExtraJumpInProgress ( )

Cancels any extra jump in progress.
Sets all ExtraJumpState.Active flags to false and calls OnExtraJumpEnded hooks.
Also sets jump to 0 if a an extra jump was active.

Used by vanilla when performing an action which would cancel jumping, such as grappling, grabbing a rope or getting frozen.

To prevent the use of remaining jumps, use ConsumeAllExtraJumps or blockExtraJumps.
To cancel a regular jump as well, do Player.jump = 0;

◆ StrikeNPCDirect()

void Player.StrikeNPCDirect ( NPC  npc,
NPC.HitInfo  hit 

Applies a hit to an NPC via NPC.StrikeNPC(NPC.HitInfo, bool, bool).
Also calls player based OnHit and OnKill hooks, tracks dps and net syncs the strike

npcThe NPC to strike
hitThe hit to apply

◆ TryGetModPlayer< T >() [1/2]

bool Player.TryGetModPlayer< T > ( out T  result)

Gets the instance of the specified ModPlayer type.

Type Constraints
T :ModPlayer 
T :TryGetModPlayer 
T :ModContent.GetInstance<T>() 
T :out 
T :result 

◆ TryGetModPlayer< T >() [2/2]

bool Player.TryGetModPlayer< T > ( baseInstance,
out T  result 

Safely attempts to get the local instance of the type of the specified ModPlayer instance.

Whether or not the requested instance has been found.
Type Constraints
T :ModPlayer 

Member Data Documentation

◆ extraFall

int Player.extraFall

The number of extra tiles this player can fall before they start taking fall damage. For example ItemID.FrogLeg adds 10 to extraFall.

If you want to prevent fall damage entirely, use noFallDmg.

◆ lifeRegenTime

float Player.lifeRegenTime

How effective this player's natural life regeneration should be. Resets whenever the player is hurt, increases over time.
Certain effects increase this value to increase

Use ModPlayer.NaturalLifeRegen(ref float) to directly modify natural life regeneration.

◆ Loadouts

EquipmentLoadout [] Player.Loadouts
Initial value:
= new EquipmentLoadout[3] {
Definition: EquipmentLoadout.cs:7

◆ loadStatus

int Player.loadStatus

0: Success
1: Future version
2: Read error


◆ maxRunSpeed

float Player.maxRunSpeed = 3f

The maximum speed, in pixels/tick, that this player can reach by just running. The acceleration to that speed is a separate stat (runAcceleration). This should only be modified in ModPlayer.PostUpdateRunSpeeds, ModItem.HorizontalWingSpeeds, or ExtraJump.UpdateHorizontalSpeeds(Player) to correctly function. accRunSpeed is commonly adjusted in tandem if suitable. Defaults to 3f, which is then multiplied by moveSpeed. Effects typically multiply this by some factor. Some examples: On ice with Ice Skates: *= 1.25f
On honey block (sticky): *= 0.25f
On asphalt block (powerrun): *= 3.5f
Shadow Armor (shadowArmor): *= 1.15f
Extra jumps: Typically *= 1.5f, see ExtraJump.UpdateHorizontalSpeeds When on a mount, all other modifiers are ignored and it is set to Mount.RunSpeed

To apply a global run speed modifier, use moveSpeed.

◆ runAcceleration

float Player.runAcceleration = 0.08f

The acceleration, in pixels/ticks^2, that this player experiences while running. This affects how quickly the player reaches max speed, not the max speed (maxRunSpeed) itself. This should only be modified in ModPlayer.PostUpdateRunSpeeds, ModItem.HorizontalWingSpeeds, or ExtraJump.UpdateHorizontalSpeeds(Player) to correctly function. Defaults to 0.08f, which is then multiplied by moveSpeed. Effects typically multiply this by some factor. Some examples: On ice (slippy): *= 0.7f (or *= 2.1f if wearing Ice Skates)
On honey block (sticky): *= 0.25f
Shadow Armor (shadowArmor): *= 1.75f
Wings: *= WingStats.AccRunAccelerationMult
Extra jumps: Typically *= 3f, see ExtraJump.UpdateHorizontalSpeeds When on a mount, all other modifiers are ignored and it is set to Mount.Acceleration

To apply a global run speed modifier, use moveSpeed.

◆ statLife

int Player.statLife = 100

The current health of this player. Capped at statLifeMax2.
If you increase this value, be sure to respect the cap.

If you want to heal the player with the green text effect, use Player.Heal(int).
If you want to hurt the player, use Hurt(PlayerDeathReason, int, int, bool, bool, int, bool, float, float, float).

◆ statMana

int Player.statMana

The current mana of this player. Capped at statManaMax2.
If you increase this value, be sure to respect the cap.

If you want to use mana, use Player.CheckMana(Item, int, bool, bool) or its overload.

Property Documentation

◆ ZoneForest

bool Player.ZoneForest

Shorthand for

ZonePurity && ZoneOverworldHeight

◆ ZoneNormalCaverns

bool Player.ZoneNormalCaverns

Shorthand for

ZonePurity && ZoneRockLayerHeight

◆ ZoneNormalSpace

bool Player.ZoneNormalSpace

Shorthand for

ZonePurity && ZoneSkyHeight

◆ ZoneNormalUnderground

bool Player.ZoneNormalUnderground

Shorthand for

ZonePurity && ZoneDirtLayerHeight