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tModLoader v2024.12
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Inherits Game.
Classes | |
class | CurrentFrameFlags |
struct | CurrentPlayerOverride |
struct | InfoToSetBackColor |
class | NativeMethods |
struct | SceneArea |
class | TextDisplayCache |
Public Types | |
enum | WorldPreparationState { AwaitingData , ProcessingData , Ready } |
Public Member Functions | |
void | autoCreate (string worldSize) |
void | AutoHost () |
void | AutoJoin (string IP, string player=null) |
void | AutoPass () |
void | ClearCachedTileDraws () |
void | DedServ () |
void | DrawCapture (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle area, CaptureSettings settings) |
void | DrawHealthBar (float X, float Y, int Health, int MaxHealth, float alpha, float scale=1f, bool noFlip=false) |
Draws a small health bar. spriteBatch should already be started before calling this method. More... | |
void | DrawInfernoRings () |
void | DrawInterface_Resources_Buffs () |
void | DrawItems () |
void | DrawMouseOver () |
void | DrawNPC (int iNPCIndex, bool behindTiles) |
void | DrawNPCCheckAlt (NPC n) |
void | DrawNPCDirect (SpriteBatch mySpriteBatch, NPC rCurrentNPC, bool behindTiles, Vector2 screenPos) |
void | DrawNPCDirect_QueenSlimeWings (NPC rCurrentNPC, SpriteBatch mySpriteBatch, Vector2 screenPos, Vector2 drawCenter, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color originColor) |
void | DrawProj (int i) |
void | DrawProjDirect (Projectile proj) |
void | DrawSimpleSurfaceBackground (Vector2 areaPosition, int areaWidth, int areaHeight) |
void | DrawTileCracks (int crackType, HitTile hitter) |
void | DrawWindowsIMEPanel (Vector2 position, float xAnchor=0f) |
void | EnableAutoShutdown () |
static IntPtr | FindWindow (string lpClassName, string lpWindowName) |
void | FullscreenStartup () |
static short | GetKeyState (int keyCode) |
void | GUIBarsDraw () |
void | GUIChatDraw () |
void | HandleIME () |
void | LoadAccBack (int i) |
void | LoadAccBalloon (int i) |
void | LoadAccBeard (int i) |
void | LoadAccFace (int i) |
void | LoadAccFront (int i) |
void | LoadAccHandsOff (int i) |
void | LoadAccHandsOn (int i) |
void | LoadAccNeck (int i) |
void | LoadAccShield (int i) |
void | LoadAccShoes (int i) |
void | LoadAccWaist (int i) |
void | LoadArmorBody (int i) |
void | LoadArmorHead (int i) |
void | LoadArmorLegs (int i) |
void | LoadBackground (int i) |
void | LoadDedConfig (string configPath) |
void | LoadFlameRing () |
void | LoadGore (int i) |
void | LoadHair (int i) |
void | LoadItem (int i) |
Loads the item texture if needed. All modded item textures are already loaded during mod loading so this is only needed before accessing vanilla item textures. Use TextureAssets.Item to access the item texture: TextureAssets.Item[Type].Value More... | |
void | LoadItemFlames (int i) |
void | loadLib (string path) |
static IntPtr | LoadLibrary (string dllToLoad) |
void | LoadNPC (int i) |
Loads the NPC texture if needed. All modded NPC textures are already loaded during mod loading so this is only needed before accessing vanilla NPC textures. Use TextureAssets.Npc to access the NPC texture: TextureAssets.Npc[Type].Value More... | |
void | LoadProjectile (int i) |
Loads the projectile texture if needed. All modded projectile textures are already loaded during mod loading so this is only needed before accessing vanilla projectile textures. Use TextureAssets.Projectile to access the projectile texture: TextureAssets.Projectile[Type].Value More... | |
void | LoadTiles (int i) |
Loads the tile texture if needed. All modded tile textures are already loaded during mod loading so this is only needed before accessing vanilla tile textures. Use TextureAssets.Tile to access the tile texture: TextureAssets.Tile[Type].Value More... | |
void | LoadWall (int i) |
Loads the wall texture if needed. All modded wall textures are already loaded during mod loading so this is only needed before accessing vanilla wall textures. Use TextureAssets.Wall to access the tile texture: TextureAssets.Wall[Type].Value More... | |
void | LoadWings (int i) |
void | MouseText (string cursorText, int rare=0, byte diff=0, int hackedMouseX=-1, int hackedMouseY=-1, int hackedScreenWidth=-1, int hackedScreenHeight=-1, int pushWidthX=0) |
Sets the tooltip text to be drawn next to the cursor. If used in conjunction with Main.HoverItem, an item tooltip will be shown, otherwise the text will be drawn as is with no background box. Similar to Main.hoverItemName except it will still show if an item is held on the mouse. Use UICommon.TooltipMouseText(string) instead to draw a non-item tooltip with the hover text background boxes, if that setting is not disabled by the user. | |
void | MouseText (string cursorText, string buffTooltip, int rare=0, byte diff=0, int hackedMouseX=-1, int hackedMouseY=-1, int hackedScreenWidth=-1, int hackedScreenHeight=-1, int pushWidthX=0, bool noOverride=false) |
void | MouseTextHackZoom (string text, int itemRarity, byte diff=0, string buffTooltip=null) |
void | MouseTextHackZoom (string text, string buffTooltip=null) |
void | MouseTextNoOverride (string cursorText, int rare=0, byte diff=0, int hackedMouseX=-1, int hackedMouseY=-1, int hackedScreenWidth=-1, int hackedScreenHeight=-1, int pushWidthX=0) |
void | NeverSleep () |
void | NewMOTD (string newMOTD) |
void | oldDrawWater (bool bg=false, int Style=0, float Alpha=1f) |
delegate void | OnPlayerSelected (PlayerFileData player) |
void | OnTileChangeEvent (int x, int y, int count, TileChangeType eventType) |
void | PrepareDrawnEntityDrawing (Entity entity, int intendedShader, Matrix? overrideMatrix) |
void | PrepareDrawnProjectileDrawing (Projectile proj) |
void | ResetAllContentBasedRenderTargets () |
void | SetMouseNPC (int index, int type) |
void | SetMouseNPC_ToHousingQuery () |
void | SetNetPlayers (int mPlayers) |
void | setServerWorldRollbacks (string rollBacksToKeep) |
void | SetWorld (string world, bool cloud) |
void | SetWorldName (string world) |
bool | ShouldUpdateEntities () |
void | updateCloudLayer () |
void | UpdateDisplaySettings () |
void | UpdateParticleSystems () |
void | UpdateViewZoomKeys () |
void | UpdateWeather (GameTime gameTime, int currentDayRateIteration) |
void | YouCanSleepNow () |
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void | Dispose () |
void | Exit () |
void | ResetElapsedTime () |
void | Run () |
void | RunOneFrame () |
void | SuppressDraw () |
void | Tick () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | AddSignalTraps () |
static void | Ambience () |
static void | AnglerQuestSwap () |
static void | AnimateTiles_CritterCages () |
static bool | AnyPlayerReadyToFightKingSlime () |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | buffColor (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color newColor, float R, float G, float B, float A) |
static void | BuilderTogglePageHandler (int startY, int activeToggles, out bool moveDownForButton, out int startIndex, out int endIndex) |
static void | BuyHairWindow () |
static int | CalculateWaterStyle (bool ignoreFountains=false) |
static void | CancelClothesWindow (bool quiet=false) |
static void | CancelHairWindow () |
static bool | CanDryadPlayStardewAnimation (Player player, NPC npc) |
static bool | CanPlayCreditsRoll () |
static bool | CanStartInvasion (int type=1, bool ignoreDelay=false) |
static void | CheckForMoonEventsScoreDisplay () |
static void | CheckForMoonEventsStartingTemporarySeasons () |
static void | checkHalloween () |
static void | CheckInvasionProgressDisplay () |
static void | checkXMas () |
static void | ClearPendingPlayerSelectCallbacks () |
static void | ClearSmartInteract () |
static void | CloseNPCChatOrSign () |
static void | ClosePlayerChat () |
static void | clrInput () |
Clears text input from any keys pressed since the last time GetInputText was called. Call when activating a menu with text input or focusing an element with text input to prevent keys pressed beforehand to be immediately captured as input. | |
static string | ConvertFromSafeArgument (string arg) |
static int | ConvertPaintIdToTileShaderIndex (int paintIndexOnTile, bool isUsedForPaintingGrass, bool useWallShaderHacks) |
static string | ConvertToSafeArgument (string arg) |
static void | CraftItem (Recipe r) |
static void | CursorColor () |
static void | CycleFrameSkipMode () |
static int | DamageVar (float dmg, float luck=0f) |
Multiplies the input damage by a random value between 0.85f and 1.15f . More... | |
static int | DamageVar (float dmg, int percent, float luck=0f) |
static void | DoUpdate_AnimateItemIcons () |
static int | DrawBuffIcon (int drawBuffText, int buffSlotOnPlayer, int x, int y) |
Draws the buff icon corresponding to the buff in Main.LocalPlayer.buffType[buffSlotOnPlayer ]. More... | |
static void | DrawCursor (Vector2 bonus, bool smart=false) |
static void | DrawGamepadInstructions () |
static void | DrawInterface_29_SettingsButton () |
static void | DrawInterface_Resources_ClearBuffs () |
static void | DrawInvasionProgress () |
static void | DrawItemIcon (SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Item theItem, Vector2 screenPositionForItemCenter, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color itemLightColor, float sizeLimit) |
static Vector2 | DrawPlayerItemPos (float gravdir, int itemtype) |
static void | DrawSettingButton (ref bool mouseOver, ref float scale, int posX, int posY, string text, string textSizeMatcher, Action clickAction) |
static Vector2 | DrawThickCursor (bool smart=false) |
static void | DrawTileInWater (Vector2 drawOffset, int x, int y) |
static void | DrawWallOfFish () |
static void | DrawWallOfStars () |
static Vector2 | DrawWhip_BoneWhip (Projectile proj, List< Vector2 > controlPoints) |
static Vector2 | DrawWhip_CoolWhip (Projectile proj, List< Vector2 > controlPoints) |
static Vector2 | DrawWhip_FireWhip (Projectile proj, List< Vector2 > controlPoints) |
static Vector2 | DrawWhip_RainbowWhip (Projectile proj, List< Vector2 > controlPoints) |
static Vector2 | DrawWhip_ThornWhip (Projectile proj, List< Vector2 > controlPoints) |
static Vector2 | DrawWhip_WhipBland (Projectile proj, List< Vector2 > controlPoints) |
static Vector2 | DrawWhip_WhipMace (Projectile proj, List< Vector2 > controlPoints) |
static Vector2 | DrawWhip_WhipScythe (Projectile proj, List< Vector2 > controlPoints) |
static Vector2 | DrawWhip_WhipSword (Projectile proj, List< Vector2 > controlPoints) |
static void | EntitySpriteDraw (DrawData data) |
static void | EntitySpriteDraw (Texture2D texture, Vector2 position, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle? sourceRectangle, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color color, float rotation, Vector2 origin, float scale, SpriteEffects effects, float worthless=0f) |
static void | EntitySpriteDraw (Texture2D texture, Vector2 position, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle? sourceRectangle, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color color, float rotation, Vector2 origin, Vector2 scale, SpriteEffects effects, float worthless=0f) |
static void | ExecuteCommand (string text, CommandCaller commandCaller) |
static void | FakeLoadInvasionStart () |
static void | FindAnnouncementBoxStatus () |
static void | FixUIScale () |
static void | GetAreaToLight (out int firstTileX, out int lastTileX, out int firstTileY, out int lastTileY) |
static BestiaryUnlockProgressReport | GetBestiaryProgressReport () |
static string | GetBuffTooltip (Player player, int buffType) |
static string | GetInputText (string oldString, bool allowMultiLine=false) |
static void | GetItemDrawFrame (int item, out Texture2D itemTexture, out Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle itemFrame) |
Gets the texture and frame of the given item type (Item.type). More... | |
static MoonPhase | GetMoonPhase () |
The current moon phaseexpressed as a MoonPhase. Use moonPhase to get the moon phase as an int instead. | |
static Vector2 | GetPlayerArmPosition (Projectile proj) |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | GetPlayerHeadBordersColor (Player plr) |
static string | GetPlayerPathFromName (string playerName, bool cloudSave) |
static int | GetPreferredBGStyleForPlayer () |
static int | GetProjectileDesiredShader (Projectile proj) |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point | GetScreenOverdrawOffset () |
static string | GetWorldPathFromName (string worldName, bool cloudSave) |
static void | GoToWorldSelect () |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | hslToRgb (float Hue, float Saturation, float Luminosity, byte a=byte.MaxValue) |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | hslToRgb (Vector3 hslVector) |
static double | hue2rgb (double c, double t1, double t2) |
static void | InfoDisplayPageHandler (int startX, ref string mouseText, out int startingDisplay, out int endingDisplay) |
static void | InitializeItemAnimations () |
static void | InputTextChest () |
static void | InputTextSign () |
static void | InputTextSignCancel () |
static bool | InSmartCursorHighlightArea (int x, int y, out bool actuallySelected) |
static bool | IsFastForwardingTime () |
static bool | IsItDay () |
Similar to dayTime, but always returns false in remixWorld worlds. This should be used instead of dayTime for logic taking into account the state of the world rather the specific hour. Some examples include boss spawners and boss despawn behaviors. | |
static bool | IsLiquidStyleWater (int liquidStyle) |
static bool | IsNPCActiveAndOneOfTypes (int npcIndex, params int[] types) |
static bool | IsTileBiomeSightable (int tileX, int tileY, ref Color sightColor) |
Checks if a tile at the given coordinates counts towards tile coloring from the Biome Sight buff. | |
static bool | IsTileSpelunkable (int tileX, int tileY) |
Checks if a tile at the given coordinates counts towards tile coloring from the Spelunker buff, and is detected by various pets. | |
static void | ItemIconCacheUpdate (int selectedItemID) |
static void | ItemIconCacheVerification () |
static void | LoadPlayers () |
static void | LoadTestLog (string logname) |
static void | LoadWorlds () |
static void | LockCraftingForThisCraftClickDuration () |
static void | Moondialing () |
static void | MouseText_DrawItemTooltip_GetLinesInfo (Item item, ref int yoyoLogo, ref int researchLine, float oldKB, ref int numLines, string[] toolTipLine, bool[] preFixLine, bool[] badPreFixLine, string[] toolTipNames, out int prefixlineIndex) |
static void | NewLightning () |
static void | NewText (object o, Color? color=null) |
static void | NewText (string newText, byte R=byte.MaxValue, byte G=byte.MaxValue, byte B=byte.MaxValue) |
Spawns chat text on the local client. Does nothing on the server. To send chat text from the server, use one of the following: • Terraria.Chat.ChatHelper.BroadcastChatMessage(NetworkText, Color, int) sends a message from the server to be displayed in chat for all clients. • Terraria.Chat.ChatHelper.SendChatMessageToClient(NetworkText, Color, int) sends a message from the server to be displayed in chat for a specific client. For floating text, such as damage, see CombatText | |
static void | NewTextMultiline (string text, bool force=false, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color c=default(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color), int WidthLimit=-1) |
static void | NotifyOfEvent (GameNotificationType type) |
static float | NPCAddHeight (NPC theNPC) |
static void | OnSubmitServerIP (string inputText) |
static void | OpenCharacterSelectUI () |
static void | OpenClothesWindow () |
static void | OpenHairWindow () |
static void | OpenPlayerChat () |
static void | OpenPlayerSelect (OnPlayerSelected method) |
static void | OpenReportsMenu () |
static void | OpenResourcePacksMenu (UIState uiStateToGoBackTo) |
static void | OpenWorldSelectUI () |
static void | PlayInteractiveProjectileOpenCloseSound (int projType, bool open) |
static void | PrintTimedMessage (string message, params object[] arguments) |
static void | QueueMainThreadAction (Action action) |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | quickAlpha (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color oldColor, float Alpha) |
static void | RegisterItemAnimation (int index, DrawAnimation animation) |
Registers an animation for an item type to draw inside UI (not world or held item on player). To enable its animation in the world, use ItemID.Sets.AnimatesAsSoul in conjunction with this More... | |
static void | ReleaseHostAndPlayProcess () |
static void | ReportInvasionProgress (int progress, int progressMax, int icon, int progressWave) |
static void | ResetKeyBindings () |
static void | ResetWindCounter (bool resetExtreme=false) |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point | ReverseGravitySupport (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point pos, int height=0) |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle | ReverseGravitySupport (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle box) |
static Vector2 | ReverseGravitySupport (Vector2 pos, float height=0f) |
static Vector3 | rgbToHsl (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color newColor) |
static Task | RunOnMainThread (Action action) |
Wait for an action to be performed on the main thread. More... | |
static Task< T > | RunOnMainThread< T > (Func< T > func) |
Wait for an action to be performed on the main thread. More... | |
static void | SaveClothesWindow () |
static void | SaveRecent () |
static bool | SaveSettings () |
static void | SelectPlayer (PlayerFileData data) |
static void | SetCameraGamepadLerp (float lerp) |
static void | SetCameraLerp (float lerp, int time) |
static void | SetDisplayMode (int width, int height, bool fullscreen) |
static void | SetFullScreen (bool fullscreen) |
static void | SetNPCShopIndex (int index) |
static void | SetRecommendedZoomContext (Matrix matrix) |
static void | SetResolution (int width, int height) |
static void | SetupTileMerge () |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | shine (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color newColor, int type) |
static void | shine (ref Vector3 newColor, int type) |
static bool | ShouldNormalEventsBeAbleToStart () |
static bool | ShouldShowInvisibleWalls () |
static void | SkipToTime (int timeToSet, bool setIsDayTime) |
static void | snowing () |
static double | starGameMath (double value=1.0) |
static void | StartClientGameplay () |
static void | startDedInput () |
static void | startDedInputCallBack () |
static void | StartInvasion (int type=1) |
static void | startPumpkinMoon () |
static void | StartRain () |
Starts rain for a random amount of time. Should be called on the server (netMode != client) - vanilla syncs it using SyncRain. You can also call this on the client to update visuals immediately, assuming it was/will be called serverside as well (Journey Mode rain slider does this). | |
static void | StartSlimeRain (bool announce=true) |
static void | startSnowMoon () |
static void | stopMoonEvent () |
static void | StopRain () |
Stops rain. Should be called on the server (netMode != client) - vanilla syncs it using SyncRain. You can also call this on the client to update visuals immediately, assuming it was called serverside as well (Journey Mode rain slider does this). | |
static void | StopSlimeRain (bool announce=true) |
static void | SubmitSignText () |
static void | Sundialing () |
static void | SwitchNetMode (int mode) |
static void | SyncAnInvasion (int toWho) |
static void | SyncRain () |
Syncs rain state if StartRain or StopRain were called in the same tick and caused a change to
. | |
static void | TeleportEffect (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle effectRect, int Style, int extraInfo=0, float dustCountMult=1f, TeleportationSide side=TeleportationSide.Entry, Vector2 otherPosition=default(Vector2)) |
static void | ToggleFullScreen () |
static void | ToggleGameplayUpdates (bool state) |
static void | TriggerPing (Vector2 position) |
static bool | TryGetBuffTime (int buffSlotOnPlayer, out int buffTimeValue) |
Checks if the buff at index buffSlotOnPlayer is allowed to draw a "remaining time" text, and sets buffTimeValue to it. More... | |
static void | TryRemovingBuff (int i, int b) |
Calls Player.DelBuff with index i after checking Main.debuff of buff type b. Will toggle Player.hideMisc for pet and light pet. More... | |
static void | TryRemovingBuff_CheckBuffHideMisc (int slot, int buffID) |
static void | TrySetPreparationState (WorldPreparationState state) |
static int | UnlockedMaxHair () |
static void | UpdateTime_StartDay (ref bool stopEvents) |
static void | UpdateTime_StartNight (ref bool stopEvents) |
static void | UpdateTimeRate () |
static void | UpdateTimeRate_Inner () |
static void | UpdateWorldPreparationState () |
static string | ValueToCoins (long value) |
static bool | WallLightAt (int i, int j) |
static bool | WallLightAt (int i, int j, bool showInvisibleWalls) |
static void | WeGameRequireExitGame () |
Public Attributes | |
RenderTarget2D | backgroundTarget |
RenderTarget2D | backWaterTarget |
RenderTarget2D | blackTarget |
CameraModifierStack | CameraModifiers = new CameraModifierStack() |
bool | chestCancelHover |
float | chestCancelScale = 1f |
bool | chestDepositHover |
float | chestDepositScale = 1f |
bool | chestLootHover |
float | chestLootScale = 1f |
bool | chestRenameHover |
float | chestRenameScale = 1f |
bool | chestStackHover |
float | chestStackScale = 1f |
ChumBucketProjectileHelper | ChumBucketProjectileHelper = new ChumBucketProjectileHelper() |
int | currentNPCShowingChatBubble = -1 |
int | DiscoStyle |
List< int > | DrawCacheFirstFractals = new List<int>(1000) |
List< int > | DrawCacheNPCProjectiles = new List<int>(200) |
List< int > | DrawCacheNPCsBehindNonSolidTiles = new List<int>(200) |
List< int > | DrawCacheNPCsMoonMoon = new List<int>(200) |
List< int > | DrawCacheNPCsOverPlayers = new List<int>(200) |
List< int > | DrawCacheProjsBehindNPCs = new List<int>(1000) |
List< int > | DrawCacheProjsBehindNPCsAndTiles = new List<int>(1000) |
List< int > | DrawCacheProjsBehindProjectiles = new List<int>(1000) |
List< int > | DrawCacheProjsOverPlayers = new List<int>(1000) |
List< int > | DrawCacheProjsOverWiresUI = new List<int>(1000) |
bool | gammaTest |
int | invBottom = 210 |
RenderTarget2D | mapSectionTexture |
RenderTarget2D[,] | mapTarget = new RenderTarget2D[mapTargetX, mapTargetY] |
int | mouseNPCIndex = -1 |
int | mouseNPCType = -1 |
bool | playOldTile |
RejectionMenuInfo | RejectionMenuInfo |
Chest[] | shop = new Chest[2] |
SpelunkerProjectileHelper | SpelunkerProjectileHelper = new SpelunkerProjectileHelper() |
int | textBlinkerCount |
int | textBlinkerState |
RenderTarget2D | tile2Target |
TilePaintSystemV2 | TilePaintSystem |
TileDrawing | TilesRenderer |
RenderTarget2D | tileTarget |
bool | unityMouseOver |
WallDrawing | WallsRenderer |
RenderTarget2D | wallTarget |
WaterfallManager | waterfallManager |
Static Public Attributes | |
static GameTime | _drawInterfaceGameTime |
static UnifiedRandom | _rand |
static bool | _shouldUseStormMusic = false |
static bool | _shouldUseWindyDayMusic = false |
static float | aBar = 1f |
static UIAchievementsMenu | AchievementsMenu = new UIAchievementsMenu() |
static IMultiplayerClosePlayersOverlay | ActiveClosePlayersTeamOverlay = new NewMultiplayerClosePlayersOverlay() |
static PlayerFileData | ActivePlayerFileData = new PlayerFileData() |
static WorldFileData | ActiveWorldFileData = new WorldFileData() |
static bool | afterPartyOfDoom = false |
static bool | allChestStackHover |
static bool | AllowUnfocusedInputOnGamepad |
static bool | alreadyGrabbingSunOrMoon |
static AmbienceServer | AmbienceServer |
static int | ambientCounter |
static int | ambientError |
static float | ambientLavafallStrength = 0f |
static float | ambientLavafallX = -1f |
static float | ambientLavafallY = -1f |
static float | ambientLavaStrength |
static float | ambientLavaX = -1f |
static float | ambientLavaY = -1f |
static float | ambientVolume = 1f |
static float | ambientWaterfallStrength = 0f |
static float | ambientWaterfallX = -1f |
static float | ambientWaterfallY = -1f |
static int | anglerQuest |
static bool | anglerQuestFinished |
static int[] | anglerQuestItemNetIDs |
static List< string > | anglerWhoFinishedToday = new List<string>() |
static bool | AnnouncementBoxDisabled |
static int | AnnouncementBoxRange = -1 |
static float | armorAlpha = 1f |
static bool | armorHide |
const string | assemblyVersionNumber = "" |
static IAssetRepository | Assets |
static AssetSourceController | AssetSourceController |
static float | atmo |
static IAudioSystem | audioSystem |
static bool | autoGen |
static string | autoGenFileLocation = null |
static GenerationProgress | AutogenProgress = new GenerationProgress() |
static string | AutogenSeedName |
static bool | autoJoin |
static bool | autoPass |
static bool | autoPause = false |
static bool | autoSave = true |
static bool | autoShutdown |
static int[] | availableRecipe = new int[Recipe.maxRecipes] |
Contains recipe indexes (Recipe.RecipeIndex) of the recipes currently being shown in the UI, either for crafting or a Guide query. | |
static float[] | availableRecipeY = new float[Recipe.maxRecipes] |
static int | background |
static bool | BackgroundEnabled = true |
static int[] | backgroundHeight = new int[maxBackgrounds] |
static SpriteViewMatrix | BackgroundViewMatrix |
static int[] | backgroundWidth = new int[maxBackgrounds] |
static bool | bannerMouseOver |
static int | BartenderHelpTextIndex = 0 |
static BestiaryDatabase | BestiaryDB |
static BestiaryUnlocksTracker | BestiaryTracker |
static UIBestiaryTest | BestiaryUI |
static bool | betterDebugRelease |
static float[] | bgAlphaFarBackLayer = new float[14] |
static float[] | bgAlphaFrontLayer = new float[14] |
static int | bgDelay |
static int[] | bgFrame = new int[14] |
static int[] | bgFrameCounter = new int[14] |
static int | bgScroll |
static int | bgStyle |
static BigProgressBarSystem | BigBossProgressBar = new BigProgressBarSystem() |
static int[] | birdCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | birdCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static int | BlackFadeIn |
static bool | blockInput = false |
static string | blockKey = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.None.ToString() |
static bool | blockMouse |
static bool | bloodMoon |
If true a Blood Moonis currently happening. | |
static int[] | blueBirdCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | blueBirdCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static NPCHeadRenderer | BossNPCHeadRenderer = null |
static float | bottomWorld = 38400f |
static float[] | buffAlpha = new float[BuffID.Count] |
static bool[] | buffDoubleApply = new bool[BuffID.Count] |
static bool[] | buffNoSave = new bool[BuffID.Count] |
Indexed by BuffID. If true for a given BuffID, then that buff will not be saved when exiting a world. Vanilla sets this for DoT effects (BuffID.Poisoned), short item buffs (BuffID.Panic), mount buffs, and conditionally-applied buffs (BuffID.Campfire, BuffID.Werewolf). Defaults to false . | |
static bool[] | buffNoTimeDisplay = new bool[BuffID.Count] |
Prevents status effects which have their entries set to true from displaying the amount of time they have left. Defaults to false; most, if not all, status effects which have their entries set to true here are related to mounts, pets, and summons. | |
static int | buffScanAreaHeight = (maxScreenH + 800) / 16 - 1 |
static int | buffScanAreaWidth = (maxScreenW + 800) / 16 - 1 |
static string | buffString = "" |
static int[] | bunnyCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | bunnyCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[,] | butterflyCageFrame = new int[9, cageFrames] |
static int[,] | butterflyCageFrameCounter = new int[9, cageFrames] |
static byte[,] | butterflyCageMode = new byte[9, cageFrames] |
static int | cageFrames = 25 |
static Camera | Camera = new Camera() |
static float | cameraX |
static bool | cancelWormHole = false |
static bool | CaptureModeDisabled = false |
static int | caveBackground = 0 |
static int[] | caveBackStyle = new int[4] |
static int[] | caveBackX = new int[4] |
static float | caveParallax = 0.88f |
static string | cBuff = "B" |
static string | cDown = "S" |
static string | cFavoriteKey = "LeftAlt" |
static bool | changeTheTitle |
static IChatMonitor | chatMonitor = new RemadeChatMonitor() |
static bool | chatRelease |
static string | chatText = "" |
static string | cHeal = "H" |
static int | checkForSpawns |
static Chest[] | chest = new Chest[8000] |
Contains all the placed chests in the world. This includes dressers and chests, but not player storage such as piggy bank and safe. | |
static string | cHook = "E" |
static ChromaEngine | Chroma |
static ChromaHotkeyPainter | ChromaPainter |
static string | cInv = "Escape" |
static string | cJump = "Space" |
static bool | clearMap |
static string | cLeft = "A" |
static Player | clientPlayer = new Player() |
Used internally for network syncing. Use Main.LocalPlayer to access the player for the local user. | |
static string | clientUUID |
static bool | clothesWindow |
static Cloud[] | cloud = new Cloud[200] |
static float | cloudAlpha |
static int[] | cloudBG |
static float | cloudBGActive |
static float | cloudBGAlpha |
static float[] | cloudBGX = new float[2] |
static FavoritesFile | CloudFavoritesData = new FavoritesFile("ModLoader/favorites.json", true) |
static string | CloudPlayerPath = Program.SaveFolderName + "/players" |
static string | CloudWorldPath = Program.SaveFolderName + "/worlds" |
static string | cMana = "J" |
static string | cMapAlphaDown = "PageDown" |
static string | cMapAlphaUp = "PageUp" |
static string | cMapFull = "M" |
static string | cMapStyle = "Tab" |
static string | cMapZoomIn = "Add" |
static string | cMapZoomOut = "Subtract" |
static string | cMount = "R" |
static int | colorDelay |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | ColorOfTheSkies |
static CombatText[] | combatText = new CombatText[100] |
static Preferences | Configuration = new Preferences(SavePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "config.json") |
static bool | ContentLoaded = false |
static List< INeedRenderTargetContent > | ContentThatNeedsRenderTargets = new List<INeedRenderTargetContent>() |
const string | copyrightText = "Copyright © 2022 Re-Logic" |
static int[] | corruptBG = new int[3] |
static bool[] | countsAsHostForGameplay = new bool[256] |
static float | craftingAlpha = 1f |
static bool | craftingHide |
static CreativeUI | CreativeMenu = new CreativeUI() |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | creativeModeColor = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Lerp(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.HotPink, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.White, 0.1f) |
static string | cRight = "D" |
static int[] | crimsonBG = new int[3] |
static bool | critterCage |
static bool | CrouchingEnabled = false |
static string | cSmart = "LeftControl" |
static bool | cSmartCursorModeIsToggleAndNotHold = true |
static string | cThrowItem = "T" |
static string | cTorch = "LeftShift" |
static string | cUp = "W" |
static int | curMusic |
const int | curRelease = 279 |
static Entity | CurrentDrawnEntity |
static int | CurrentDrawnEntityShader |
static object | CurrentInputTextTakerOverride |
static Vector2 | CurrentPan = Vector2.Zero |
static float | cursorAlpha |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | cursorColor = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.White |
static int | cursorColorDirection = 1 |
static int | cursorOverride = -1 |
static float | cursorScale |
const double | dayLength = 54000.0 |
static int | dayMusic |
static double | dayRate = 1 |
The rate at which time updates per tick. Can be modified using ModSystem.ModifyTimeRate(ref double, ref double, ref double). Capped at 86,400.0 . | |
static bool | dayTime = true |
True during the day hours (4:30 AM to 7:30 PM), false during night hours (7:30 PM to 4:30 AM). In conjunction with time these represent the in-game time of the world. Note that IsItDay additionally takes into account the constant night state of remixWorld worlds and should be used instead for logic taking into account the state of the world rather the specific hour. Some examples include boss spawners and boss despawn behaviors. | |
static bool[] | debuff = new bool[BuffID.Count] |
Categorizes status effects for which this is set to true as being debuffs instead of buffs. This has multiple effects on gameplay: More... | |
static BasicDebugDrawer | DebugDrawer |
static string | debugWords = "" |
static bool | dedServ |
True on the server process, false on the client. Use this to selectively run code on server or client, such as loading texture assets. dedServ is the same as netMode == ID.NetmodeID.Server . | |
static int | dedServCount1 |
static int | dedServCount2 |
static bool | dedServFPS |
static string | defaultChestName = string.Empty |
static int | DefaultDamageVariationPercent = 15 |
static string | defaultIP = "" |
static string | DefaultSeed = "" |
static List< IEnumerator > | DelayedProcesses = new List<IEnumerator>() |
static float | demonTorch = 1f |
static int | demonTorchDir = 1 |
static int[] | desertBG = new int[3] |
static double | desiredWorldEventsUpdateRate = 1 |
static double | desiredWorldTilesUpdateRate = 1 |
static Vector2 | destroyerHB = new Vector2(0f, 0f) |
static bool | DisableIntenseVisualEffects = false |
static int | DiscoB |
static int | DiscoG |
static int | DiscoR = 255 |
static int[] | displayHeight = new int[99] |
static int[] | displayWidth = new int[99] |
static bool | dontStarveWorld = false |
If true, the world was generated with the The Constantsecret world seed. See also WorldGen.dontStarveWorldGen. | |
static int[,] | dragonflyJarFrame = new int[7, cageFrames] |
static int[,] | dragonflyJarFrameCounter = new int[7, cageFrames] |
static bool | drawBackGore |
static bool | drawBetterDebug |
static bool | drawDiag |
static bool | drawingPlayerChat |
static bool | drawRelease |
static int | drawsCountedForFPS |
static bool | drawSkip |
static bool | drawToScreen |
static Player | dresserInterfaceDummy |
static bool | drewLava |
static DroneCameraTracker | DroneCameraTracker = new DroneCameraTracker() |
static bool | drunkWorld = false |
If true, the world was generated with the Drunk worldsecret world seed. See also WorldGen.drunkWorldGen. | |
static int[] | duckCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | duckCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static int | dungeonX |
static int | dungeonY |
static Dust[] | dust = new Dust[6001] |
static bool | eclipse |
If true a Solar Eclipseis currently happening. | |
static float | eclipseLight |
static bool | editChest |
static bool | editSign |
static int | EquipPage |
static int | EquipPageSelected |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | errorColor = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color(255, 0, 0) |
static int | essDir = -1 |
static float | essScale = 1f |
static float | exitScale = 0.8f |
static int | extremeWindCounter |
static int | fadeCounter |
static int[] | fairyJarFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | fairyJarFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static bool | fastForwardTimeToDawn |
static bool | fastForwardTimeToDusk |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys | FavoriteKey = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.LeftAlt |
static int[] | fishBowlFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | fishBowlFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static byte[] | fishBowlFrameMode = new byte[cageFrames] |
static int | focusColor |
static int | focusRecipe |
An index into availableRecipe indicating the currently selected Recipe. | |
static float | ForcedMinimumZoom = 1f |
static bool | forceHalloweenForToday |
static bool | forceXMasForToday |
static int | fpsCount |
static Stopwatch | fpsTimer = new Stopwatch() |
static int | frameRate |
static bool | frameRelease |
static FrameSkipMode | FrameSkipMode = FrameSkipMode.Subtle |
static int[] | frogCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | frogCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static bool | gameInactive |
static bool | gameMenu = true |
If true, the game is currently in the main menus. If false the game is in the game world. | |
static bool | gamePad = false |
static float | GamepadCursorAlpha = 0f |
static bool | GamepadDisableCursorItemIconInner = true |
static bool | GamepadDisableInstructionsDisplay |
static bool | gamePaused |
static GameTime | gameTimeCache = new GameTime() |
static GameTipsDisplay | gameTips |
static SpriteViewMatrix | GameViewMatrix |
static float | GameZoomTarget = 1f |
static bool | getGoodWorld = false |
If true, the world was generated with the For the worthysecret world seed. See also WorldGen.getGoodWorldGen. | |
static string | getIP = defaultIP |
static string | getPort = Convert.ToString(Netplay.ListenPort) |
static byte | gFade |
static byte | gFadeDir = 1 |
static float | gFader |
static float | gfxQuality = 1f |
static float | gfxRate = 0.01f |
static bool | GlobalTimerPaused = false |
static float | GlobalTimeWrappedHourly |
static Gore[] | gore = new Gore[601] |
static float | grabMapX |
static float | grabMapY |
static GraphicsDeviceManager | graphics |
static int[] | grasshopperCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | grasshopperCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static float | GraveyardVisualIntensity |
static int[] | grebeCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | grebeCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static Item | guideItem = new Item() |
static int | hairStart |
static HairstyleUnlocksHelper | Hairstyles = new HairstyleUnlocksHelper() |
static bool | hairWindow |
static int[] | hallowBG = new int[3] |
static bool | halloween |
If true the Halloweenseasonal event is currently active. | |
static bool | hardMode |
True if the world is in hard mode. This doubles as an indicator if NPCID.WallofFlesh has been defeated since they are tied together. | |
static bool | hasFocus |
static bool | HasInteractibleObjectThatIsNotATile = false |
static float | hBar = -1f |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | hcColor = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color(1f, 0.15f, 0.1f) |
static byte | HealthBarDrawSettings = 1 |
static int | hellBackStyle |
static int | helpText |
static bool | HidePassword |
static bool | hidePlayerCraftingMenu |
static bool | hideUI |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | highVersionColor = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color(255, 255, 0) |
static float[] | hotbarScale |
static bool | HoveringOverAnNPC |
static Item | HoverItem = new Item() |
The item to be displayed as an item tooltip. Set to a Item.Clone of an existing item instance. Needs to be set in conjunction with hoverItemName to work, although the Item.HoverName will actually be shown. Use Item.SetNameOverride(string) to customize the item name shown. | |
static string | hoverItemName = "" |
Sets the tooltip text to be drawn next to the cursor. Will be ignored if Main.mouseItem is not air, meaning the player is holding an item on the mouse. If used in conjunction with Main.HoverItem, an item tooltip will be shown, otherwise the text will be drawn as is with no background box. Similar to Main.MouseText(string, int, byte, int, int, int, int, int) except it won't show if an item is held on the mouse. Use UICommon.TooltipMouseText(string) instead to draw a non-item tooltip with the hover text background boxes, if that setting is not disabled by the user. | |
static int | iceBackStyle |
static bool | ignoreErrors = true |
static bool | inFancyUI = false |
static bool | ingameOptionsWindow = false |
static UserInterface | InGameUI = new UserInterface() |
Used for non-gameplay in-game fullscreen UI which hide all other UI. Some examples include the bestiary, emote menu, and settings menus. Modders can use IngameFancyUI.OpenUIState(UIState) to easily display a fullscreen UI without needing to manage updating or drawing a UserInterface. | |
static bool | InGuideCraftMenu |
static float | InitialMapScale = 1f |
static bool[,] | initMap = new bool[mapTargetX, mapTargetY] |
static Preferences | InputProfiles = new Preferences(SavePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "input profiles.json") |
static KeyboardState | inputText |
static bool | inputTextEnter |
static bool | inputTextEscape |
static bool | InReforgeMenu |
static Main | instance |
static int | instantBGTransitionCounter = 2 |
static int | interactedDresserTopLeftX |
static int | interactedDresserTopLeftY |
static float | invAlpha = 1f |
static int | invasionDelay |
static int | invasionProgress |
static float | invasionProgressAlpha |
static int | invasionProgressDisplayLeft |
static int | invasionProgressIcon |
static int | invasionProgressMax |
static int | invasionProgressMode = 2 |
static bool | invasionProgressNearInvasion |
static int | invasionProgressWave |
static int | invasionSize |
static int | invasionSizeStart |
static int | invasionType |
If not 0, an invasion event is currently active: If 1 (InvasionID.GoblinArmy), a Goblin Armyis happening. If 2 (InvasionID.SnowLegion), a Frost Legionis happening. If 3 (InvasionID.PirateInvasion), a Pirate Invasionis happening. If 4 (InvasionID.MartianMadness), a Martian Madnessis happening. | |
static int | invasionWarn |
static double | invasionX |
static float | invDir = 1f |
const int | InventoryAmmoSlotsCount = 4 |
const int | InventoryAmmoSlotsStart = 54 |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | inventoryBack = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color(220, 220, 220, 220) |
const int | InventoryCoinSlotsCount = 4 |
const int | InventoryCoinSlotsStart = 50 |
const int | InventoryItemSlotsCount = 50 |
const int | InventoryItemSlotsStart = 0 |
static float | inventoryScale = 0.75f |
const int | InventorySlotsTotal = 58 |
static bool | inventorySortMouseOver |
static bool | InvisibleCursorForGamepad = true |
static float | iS = 1f |
static bool | IsInTheMiddleOfLoadingSettings |
static bool | isMouseLeftConsumedByUI = false |
static GeneralIssueReporter | IssueReporter |
static IssueReportsIndicator | IssueReporterIndicator = new IssueReportsIndicator() |
static Item[] | item = new Item[401] |
Contains all the Items in the game world. Items should only be spawned via Item.NewItem(IEntitySource, int, int, int, int, int, int, bool, int, bool, bool) or similar methods. Player.QuickSpawnItem(IEntitySource, int, int) is an option that is safe to call from client code. Only entries in this array that are Entity.active are relevant. The last entry is a dummy entry used for overflow and should not be accessed. Modders seeking to run logic on all items should use ActiveItems to iterate over the Main.item entries to easily account for inactive entries and the dummy entry. | |
static DrawAnimation[] | itemAnimations = new DrawAnimation[ItemID.Count] |
static List< int > | itemAnimationsRegistered = new List<int>() |
static ItemDropDatabase | ItemDropsDB |
static ItemDropResolver | ItemDropSolver |
static int[] | itemFrame = new int[401] |
static int[] | itemFrameCounter = new int[401] |
static int[,] | jellyfishCageFrame = new int[3, cageFrames] |
static int[,] | jellyfishCageFrameCounter = new int[3, cageFrames] |
static byte[,] | jellyfishCageMode = new byte[3, cageFrames] |
static int | jungleBackStyle |
static int[] | jungleBG = new int[3] |
static int | keyCount |
static int[] | keyInt = new int[10] |
static KeyboardState | keyState |
static string[] | keyString = new string[10] |
static int[] | ladybugCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | ladybugCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static double | ladyBugRainBoost = 0 |
static int | lastItemUpdate |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point | LastLoadedResolution |
static int | lastMouseX |
static int | lastMouseY |
static int | lastNPCUpdate |
static int[] | lavaFishBowlFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | lavaFishBowlFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static float | lBar = 1f |
static float | leftWorld = 0f |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | legendaryModeColor = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.LimeGreen |
static string | libPath = "" |
static bool | LightingEveryFrame = true |
static float | lightning |
static bool[] | lightPet = new bool[BuffID.Count] |
Categorizes status effects for which this is set to true as being tied to a light pet, preventing them from overlapping with other light pet status effects. Defaults to false ; all vanilla light pets have their entries here set to true. | |
static Liquid[] | liquid = new Liquid[Liquid.maxLiquid] |
static float[] | liquidAlpha = new float[15] |
static LiquidBuffer[] | liquidBuffer = new LiquidBuffer[50000] |
static int | lo |
static bool | loadMap |
static int | loadMapLastX |
static bool | loadMapLock |
static ulong | LobbyId = 0uL |
static FavoritesFile | LocalFavoriteData = new FavoritesFile(SavePath + "/favorites.json", isCloud: false) |
static GolfState | LocalGolfState = new GolfState() |
static bool | lockMenuBGChange = false |
static int | LogicCheckScreenHeight = 1200 |
static int | LogicCheckScreenWidth = 1920 |
static int | LogoA = 255 |
static int | LogoB |
static bool | LogoT |
static int[] | macawCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | macawCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | maggotCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | maggotCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static int | magmaBGFrame |
static int | magmaBGFrameCounter |
static int[] | mallardCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | mallardCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static UIManageControls | ManageControlsMenu = new UIManageControls() |
static WorldMap | Map |
static int | mapDelay = 2 |
static bool | mapEnabled = true |
static FileMetadata | MapFileMetadata |
static bool | mapFullscreen |
static Vector2 | mapFullscreenPos = new Vector2(-1f, -1f) |
static float | mapFullscreenScale = 4f |
static MapIconOverlay | MapIcons = new MapIconOverlay().AddLayer(new SpawnMapLayer()).AddLayer(new TeleportPylonsMapLayer()).AddLayer(Pings) |
static bool | mapInit |
static int | mapMaxX = 0 |
static int | mapMaxY |
static float | mapMinimapAlpha = 1f |
static float | mapMinimapDefaultScale = 1.05f |
static float | mapMinimapScale = mapMinimapDefaultScale |
static int | mapMinX = 0 |
static int | mapMinY |
static float | mapOverlayAlpha = 0.35f |
static float | mapOverlayScale = 2.5f |
static MapHeadRenderer | MapPlayerRenderer = new MapHeadRenderer() |
static bool | mapReady |
static float | MapScale = 1f |
static int | mapStyle = 1 |
static int | mapTargetX = 5 |
static int | mapTargetY = 2 |
static int | mapTime = mapTimeMax |
static int | mapTimeMax = 30 |
static bool[,] | mapWasContentLost = new bool[mapTargetX, mapTargetY] |
static float | martianLight = 1f |
static int | martianLightDir = 1 |
static float | masterColor = 1f |
static int | masterColorDir = 1 |
static readonly int | maxBackgrounds = 298 |
const int | MaxBannerTypes = 290 |
const int | maxCharSelectHair = 51 |
static readonly int | maxChests = 8000 |
const int | maxClouds = 200 |
const int | maxCombatText = 100 |
const int | maxDust = 6000 |
static int | maxDustToDraw = 6000 |
const int | maxGore = 600 |
const int | maxHairOfStylistDefault = 123 |
const int | maxHairStyles = 165 |
static readonly int | maxItems = 400 |
const int | maxItemText = 20 |
static int | maxItemUpdates = 5 |
const int | maxLiquidTypes = 15 |
static int | maxMapUpdates = 250000 |
const int | maxMoons = 9 |
static int | maxMP = 10 |
static readonly int | maxMusic = 92 |
static int | maxNetPlayers = 255 |
static readonly int | maxNPCs = 200 |
static int | maxNPCUpdates = 5 |
const int | maxPlayers = 255 |
static readonly int | maxProjectiles = 1000 |
static bool | maxQ = true |
static int | maxRain = 750 |
static float | maxRaining |
static int | maxScreenH = 1200 |
static int | maxScreenW = 1920 |
static int | maxSectionsX = maxTilesX / 200 |
static int | maxSectionsY = maxTilesY / 150 |
const int | MaxShopIDs = 100 |
const int | maxStars = 400 |
const int | maxStarTypes = 4 |
static int | maxTilesX = (int)rightWorld / 16 + 1 |
The width of the currently-loaded world in tiles. | |
static int | maxTilesY = (int)bottomWorld / 16 + 1 |
The height of the currently-loaded world in tiles. | |
const int | MaxTimeout = 120 |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | mcColor = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color(1f, 0.6f, 0f) |
static bool[] | meleeBuff = new bool[BuffID.Count] |
Categorizes status effects for which this is set to true as being from flasks, preventing them from overlapping with other flask status effects. Defaults to false ; all vanilla flask effects have their entries here set to true. | |
static bool | menuBGChangedDay = false |
static bool | menuBGChangedNight = false |
static int | menuFocus = 0 |
static int | menuMode = Interface.loadModsID |
static bool | menuMultiplayer |
static bool | menuServer |
static ServerMode | MenuServerMode = ServerMode.Lobby | ServerMode.FriendsCanJoin |
static int | menuSkip |
static UserInterface | MenuUI = new UserInterface() |
static float | MenuXMovement = 0f |
static MinimapFrameManager | MinimapFrameManagerInstance |
static int | miniMapHeight |
static int | miniMapWidth |
static int | miniMapX |
static int | miniMapY |
static float | MinimumZoomComparerX = 1920f |
static float | MinimumZoomComparerY = 1200f |
static int | minScreenH = 720 |
static int | minScreenW = 800 |
static int | moondialCooldown |
static short | moonModY |
static int | moonPhase |
The current moon phaseexpressed as an int. Use GetMoonPhase to get the moon phase as a MoonPhase instead. | |
static int | moonType = 0 |
static string | motd = "" |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | MouseBorderColor = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color(64, 64, 64, 64) |
static ColorSlidersSet | mouseBorderColorSlider = new ColorSlidersSet() |
static float | MouseBuildingGridAlpha |
static int[] | mouseCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | mouseCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | mouseColor = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color(255, 50, 95) |
static ColorSlidersSet | mouseColorSlider = new ColorSlidersSet() |
static bool | mouseExit |
static Item | mouseItem = new Item() |
The item currently being carried by the mouse. | |
static bool | mouseLeft |
static bool | mouseLeftRelease |
static bool | mouseMiddle |
static bool | mouseMiddleRelease |
static bool | mouseReforge |
static bool | mouseRight |
static bool | mouseRightRelease |
static bool | MouseShowBuildingGrid |
static bool | mouseText |
static byte | mouseTextColor |
A value that oscillates between 190 and 255. It is used to drive the slight pulsing color effect seen in much of the text shown in-game. The value is used to create Colors by passing in this value as either all 4 parameters or just the alpha parameter. Main.MouseTextColorReal can be used to access the typical pulsing white Color value. | |
static int | mouseTextColorChange = 1 |
static int | mouseX |
static bool | mouseXButton1 |
static bool | mouseXButton1Release |
static bool | mouseXButton2 |
static bool | mouseXButton2Release |
static int | mouseY |
static int | multiplayerNPCSmoothingRange = 300 |
static int[] | mushroomBG = new int[3] |
static int | musicBox2 = -1 |
static int | musicBoxNotModifiedByVolume = -1 |
static int | musicError |
static float[] | musicFade = new float[maxMusic] |
static bool[] | musicNoCrossFade = new bool[maxMusic] |
static float | musicPitch = 0f |
static float | musicVolume = 1f |
static int | myPlayer |
The index in player of this client's Player. If this is 255 , this client is the server. Main.LocalPlayer is shorthand for Main.player[Main.myPlayer] and retrieves the local Player object. | |
static int | netMode |
Denotes the current network mode: 0 for single player client, 1 for multiplayer client, and 2 for server. Using ID.NetmodeID entries instead of 0, 1, and 2 will greatly enhance code readability. Modders must properly use netMode to selectively run code, such as code affecting the game world. Following examples in ExampleMod and Terraria code as well as reading the Basic Netcode guideare the best way to learn how to use netMode correctly. dedServ is the same as netMode == ID.NetmodeID.Server | |
static int | netPlayCounter |
static bool | netRelease |
static int | newMusic |
static string | newWorldName = "" |
const double | nightLength = 32400.0 |
static bool | noTrapsWorld = false |
If true, the world was generated with the No trapssecret world seed. See also WorldGen.noTrapsWorldGen. | |
static bool | notTheBeesWorld = false |
If true, the world was generated with the Not the beessecret world seed. See also WorldGen.notTheBees. | |
static bool | noWindowBorder = false |
static NPC[] | npc = new NPC[201] |
Contains all the NPCs in the game world. NPC are spawned via the NPC.NewNPC(IEntitySource, int, int, int, int, float, float, float, float, int) method. Only entries in this array that are Entity.active are relevant. Each NPC has an Entity.whoAmI corresponding to their index within Main.npc. The last entry is a dummy entry used for overflow and should not be accessed. Modders seeking to run logic on all NPCs should use ActiveNPCs to iterate over the Main.npc entries to easily account for inactive entries and the dummy entry. | |
static bool[] | npcCatchable = new bool[NPCID.Count] |
Used to denote an NPC as being catchable by bug nets and similar. Contrary to its name, this array isn't actually used for catching logic at all. It is instead used to determine if an NPC can be released back into the world after being caught. These NPC will be forced NPC.friendly for 1.5 seconds if naturally spawned. | |
static int | npcChatCornerItem |
The item type of the item icon to display at the bottom right corner of the NPC chat window. The Angler uses this functionality to display the fishing quest fish item, but it can be used to show any item. Assign during ModNPC.GetChat. Defaults to 0. | |
static bool | npcChatFocus1 |
static bool | npcChatFocus2 |
static bool | npcChatFocus3 |
static bool | npcChatFocus4 |
static bool | npcChatRelease |
static string | npcChatText = "" |
static int[] | npcFrameCount |
The number of animation frames this NPC's texture has. ModNPC should use ModNPC.FindFrame(int) to adjust NPC.frame.Y to change the drawn frame. | |
static Dictionary< int, byte > | npcLifeBytes = new Dictionary<int, byte>() |
static int | npcStreamSpeed = 30 |
static int | numAvailableRecipes |
The count of Recipes being shown. The length of availableRecipe. | |
const int | numberOfHairstyles = 165 |
static int | numClouds = 200 |
static int | numCloudsTemp = numClouds |
static int | numDisplayModes |
const int | numInfoIcons = 13 |
static int | numStars |
const int | numTileColors = 32 |
const int | numTreeStyles = 32 |
static int | oceanBG |
static readonly int | offLimitBorderTiles = 40 |
static int | offScreenRange = 200 |
static Vector2[] | OffsetsNPCOffhand |
static Vector2[] | OffsetsPlayerHeadgear |
static Vector2[] | OffsetsPlayerOffhand |
static Vector2[] | OffsetsPlayerOnhand |
static KeyboardState | oldInputText |
static KeyboardState | oldKeyState |
static float | oldMaxRaining |
static int | oldNPCShop |
static string | oldStatusText = "" |
static int | oldUndergroundBackground |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | OurFavoriteColor = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color(255, 231, 69) |
static int[] | owlCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | owlCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static ParticleRenderer | ParticleSystem_World_BehindPlayers = new ParticleRenderer() |
static ParticleRenderer | ParticleSystem_World_OverPlayers = new ParticleRenderer() |
static bool | PendingBorderlessState |
static Player | PendingPlayer = null |
static int | PendingResolutionHeight = 600 |
static int | PendingResolutionWidth = 800 |
static int[] | penguinCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | penguinCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static bool[] | persistentBuff = new bool[BuffID.Count] |
Allows status effects for which this is set to true to persist after the afflicted player's death. Defaults to false ; all vanilla flask effects have their entries here set to true. | |
static PingMapLayer | Pings = new PingMapLayer() |
static Ref< Effect > | PixelShaderRef = new Ref<Effect>() |
static bool | placementPreview = true |
static Player[] | player = new Player[256] |
Contains all the Players in the game world. Only entries in this array that are Entity.active are relevant. Each player has a Entity.whoAmI corresponding to their index within Main.player. myPlayer is the index of the local player as well. The last entry is a dummy entry used for server operations and should not be accessed. Modders seeking to run logic on all players should use ActivePlayers to iterate over the Main.player entries to easily account for inactive entries and the dummy entry. | |
static bool | playerInventory |
Indicates if the full player inventory is currently showing. | |
static List< PlayerFileData > | PlayerList = new List<PlayerFileData>() |
static int | PlayerOverheadChatMessageDisplayTime = 400 |
static string | PlayerPath = Path.Combine(SavePath, "Players") |
static IPlayerRenderer | PlayerRenderer = new LegacyPlayerRenderer() |
static Player[] | playerVisualClone = new Player[256] |
static PopupText[] | popupText = new PopupText[20] |
static IPlayerRenderer | PotionOfReturnRenderer = new ReturnGatePlayerRenderer() |
static bool | preventStackSplitReset |
static bool | PreventUpdatingTargets = true |
static Projectile[] | projectile = new Projectile[1001] |
Contains all the Projectiles in the game world. Projectiles should only be spawned via Projectile.NewProjectile(IEntitySource, float, float, float, float, int, int, float, int, float, float, float) or similar methods. Projectile ordering is not consistent between multiplayer clients. Only entries in this array that are Entity.active are relevant. Each projectile has a Entity.whoAmI corresponding to their index within Main.projectile. The last entry is a dummy entry used for overflow and should not be accessed. Modders seeking to run logic on all projectiles should use ActiveProjectiles to iterate over the Main.projectile entries to easily account for inactive entries and the dummy entry. | |
static int[,] | projectileIdentity = new int[256, 1001] |
static int | ProjectileUpdateLoopIndex = -1 |
static int[] | projFrames = new int[ProjectileID.Count] |
Indicates how many frames of animation are in each projectile type spritesheet. Use Projectile.frame to animate the projectile. The Basic Projectile Guideteaches how to animate projectiles. Indexed by Projectile.type. Defaults to 1. | |
static bool[] | projHook = new bool[ProjectileID.Count] |
static bool[] | projHostile = new bool[ProjectileID.Count] |
static bool[] | projPet = new bool[ProjectileID.Count] |
Indicates that a projectile type is a pet or minion projectile. Affects various things such as applying the appropriate dye/shader, syncing the projectile in multiplayer, minion contact damage, and more. | |
static bool | pumpkinMoon |
If true a Pumpkin Moonis currently happening. | |
static bool[] | pvpBuff = new bool[BuffID.Count] |
Indexed by BuffID. If true for a given BuffID, then that buff can be applied to players by other players in PvP. Defaults to false . | |
static TeleportPylonsSystem | PylonSystem |
static int | qaStyle |
static bool | qRelease = false |
static Rain[] | rain = new Rain[maxRain + 1] |
static bool | raining |
static double | rainTime |
static int | rare |
static RasterizerState | Rasterizer = RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise |
static int[] | ratCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | ratCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static bool | recBigList |
static string[] | recentIP = new string[maxMP] |
static int[] | recentPort = new int[maxMP] |
static string[] | recentWorld = new string[maxMP] |
static bool | recFastScroll |
static Recipe[] | recipe = new Recipe[Recipe.maxRecipes] |
Contains all the Recipe in the game. Be sure to read the Basic Recipes wiki pageto learn how to create and edit recipes. Modders should not attempt to manually edit Main.recipe, doing so will break things. Recipes can be disabled or edited but should not be removed. Recipe ordering can be done through the sort methods, such as Recipe.SortBefore(Recipe). Main.recipe is populated during mod loading and should not be changed in-game. Dynamic recipe availability is done through recipe conditions. | |
static int | recStart |
static int[] | redBirdCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | redBirdCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static Item | reforgeItem = new Item() |
static float | reforgeScale = 0.8f |
static bool | refreshMap |
static Dictionary< int, GameModeData > | RegisteredGameModes |
static bool | releaseUI |
static bool | remixWorld = false |
If true, the world was generated with the Don't dig up (aka Remix)secret world seed. See also WorldGen.remixWorldGen. | |
static bool | render |
static int | renderCount = 99 |
static bool | renderNow |
static bool | resetClouds = true |
static bool | resetMapFull |
static PlayerResourceSetsManager | ResourceSetsManager |
static bool | ReversedUpDownArmorSetBonuses |
static bool | RGBRelease |
static float | rightWorld = 134400f |
static double | rockLayer |
The y-coordinate of the top of the caverns layer, in tile coordinates. More... | |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point | rulerLineDisplayValues = default(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point) |
static bool | runningCollectorsEdition |
static SamplerState | SamplerStateForCursor = SamplerState.LinearClamp |
static int | saveTimer = 0 |
static float | sBar = -1f |
static Vector2 | sceneBackgroundPos = Vector2.Zero |
static SceneMetrics | SceneMetrics |
static Vector2 | sceneTile2Pos = Vector2.Zero |
static Vector2 | sceneTilePos = Vector2.Zero |
static Vector2 | sceneWallPos = Vector2.Zero |
static Vector2 | sceneWaterPos = Vector2.Zero |
static int[,] | scorpionCageFrame = new int[2, cageFrames] |
static int[,] | scorpionCageFrameCounter = new int[2, cageFrames] |
static bool | screenBorderless = true |
static int | screenBorderlessPendingResizes |
static int | screenHeight = 864 |
static Vector2 | screenLastPosition |
static bool | screenMaximized = true |
static Vector2 | screenPosition |
The position of the top left corner of the screen in world coordinates. Modify in ModSystem.ModifyScreenPosition or ModPlayer.ModifyScreenPosition. Also consider using Main.instance.CameraModifiers.Add(CameraModifier); as shown in ExampleMods MinionBossBody for screen shakes.When manually drawing, subtracting Main.screenPosition from the world position of the thing being drawn will result in the correct screen coordinates for use in SpriteBatch.Draw methods. When drawing tiles or walls, an additional offset calculated as Vector2 zero = Main.drawToScreen? Vector2.Zero : new Vector2(Main.offScreenRange, Main.offScreenRange); needs to be added to the coordinates. | |
static Ref< Effect > | ScreenShaderRef = new Ref<Effect>() |
static RenderTarget2D | screenTarget |
static RenderTarget2D | screenTargetSwap |
static int | screenWidth = 1152 |
static int[] | seagullCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | seagullCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | seahorseCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | seahorseCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
const int | sectionHeight = 150 |
static WorldSections | sectionManager |
const int | sectionWidth = 200 |
static int | selClothes |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | selColor = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.White |
static int | selectedPlayer = 0 |
static int | selectedWorld |
static bool | ServerSideCharacter |
static bool | serverStarting = false |
static int | setKey = -1 |
static bool | Setting_UseReducedMaxLiquids = false |
static bool | SettingBlockGamepadsEntirely |
static bool | SettingDontScaleMainMenuUp |
static bool | SettingMusicReplayDelayEnabled = false |
static bool | SettingsEnabled_AutoReuseAllItems = false |
static bool | SettingsEnabled_MinersWobble = true |
static bool | SettingsEnabled_OpaqueBoxBehindTooltips = true |
static bool | SettingsEnabled_TilesSwayInWind = true |
static bool | SettingsUnlock_WorldEvil |
static ContentManager | ShaderContentManager |
static float | shimmerAlpha = 0f |
static float | shimmerBrightenDelay = 0f |
static float | shimmerDarken = 0f |
static ShopHelper | ShopHelper |
static ItemShopSellbackHelper | shopSellbackHelper = new ItemShopSellbackHelper() |
static bool | shortRender = true |
static bool | shouldDrawNetDiagnosticsUI |
static bool | showFrameRate = false |
static bool | showItemOwner = false |
static bool | showItemText = true |
static bool | showServerConsole |
static bool | showSpam = false |
static bool | showSplash = true |
static Sign[] | sign = new Sign[1000] |
Contains all the signs in the world. There can be at most 1000 signs in the world. | |
static bool | signBubble |
static int | signHover = -1 |
static int | signX = 0 |
static int | signY = 0 |
static AnchoredEntitiesCollection | sittingManager |
static bool | SkipAssemblyLoad |
static bool | skipMenu = false |
static AnchoredEntitiesCollection | sleepingManager |
static bool | slimeRain |
static int | slimeRainKillCount |
static bool[] | slimeRainNPC = new bool[NPCID.Count] |
static float | slimeRainNPCSlots = 0.65f |
static double | slimeRainTime |
static int | slimeWarningDelay = 420 |
static int | slimeWarningTime |
static int[,] | slugCageFrame = new int[3, cageFrames] |
static int[,] | slugCageFrameCounter = new int[3, cageFrames] |
static bool | SmartCursorShowing = false |
static bool | SmartCursorWanted_GamePad = false |
static bool | SmartCursorWanted_Mouse = false |
static int | SmartCursorX |
static int | SmartCursorY |
static int | SmartInteractNPC |
static bool | SmartInteractPotionOfReturn |
static int | SmartInteractProj |
static bool | SmartInteractShowingFake |
static bool | SmartInteractShowingGenuine |
static List< Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point > | SmartInteractTileCoords = new List<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point>() |
static List< Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point > | SmartInteractTileCoordsSelected = new List<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point>() |
static int | SmartInteractX |
static int | SmartInteractY |
static float | SmoothedMushroomLightInfluence |
static int[] | snail2CageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | snail2CageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | snailCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | snailCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | snowBG = new int[3] |
static int | snowDust = 0 |
static int[] | snowMntBG = new int[2] |
static bool | snowMoon |
If true a Frost Moonis currently happening. | |
static int | soundError |
static float | soundVolume = 1f |
static int | spamCount = 0 |
static int | spawnTileX |
The x tile coordinate of the default spawn location of the world. Players without a bed spawn point (Player.SpawnX) will spawn at this location and invasions will target this location. | |
static int | spawnTileY |
The y tile coordinate of the default spawn location of the world. Players without a bed spawn point (Player.SpawnY) will spawn at this location and invasions will target this location. | |
static int[] | specX = new int[1000] |
static int[] | specY = new int[1000] |
static SpriteBatch | spriteBatch |
static int[] | squirrelCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | squirrelCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | squirrelCageFrameCounterOrange = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | squirrelCageFrameOrange = new int[cageFrames] |
static int | stackCounter |
static int | stackDelay = 7 |
static int | stackSplit |
static Star[] | star = new Star[400] |
static bool | starGame = false |
static int | starsHit = 0 |
static bool | startFullscreen = false |
static bool | stopTimeOuts = false |
static float | sunCircle |
static int | sundialCooldown |
static short | sunModY |
static bool | superFast = false |
static int | superFastStack |
static bool | Support4K = true |
static bool | Support8K = true |
static bool | targetSet |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color[] | teamColor = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color[6] |
static int | teamCooldown |
static int | teamCooldownLen = 300 |
static int | teamNamePlateDistance = 2000 |
static float | temporaryGUIScaleSlider = -1f |
static bool | temporaryGUIScaleSliderUpdate = false |
static bool | tenthAnniversaryWorld = false |
If true, the world was generated with the Celebrationmk10secret world seed. See also WorldGen.tenthAnniversaryWorldGen. | |
static bool | terrariasFixedTiming = true |
static int | textureMaxHeight = 1800 |
static int | textureMaxWidth = 2000 |
static int | thunderDistance |
static Tilemap | tile = new((ushort)maxTilesX, (ushort)maxTilesY) |
static bool[] | tileAlch = new bool[TileID.Count] |
static bool[] | tileAxe = new bool[TileID.Count] |
If true for the given tile type, tiles of the type are mined using an axe instead of pickaxe. Defaults to false . | |
static TileBatch | tileBatch |
static bool[] | tileBlendAll = new bool[TileID.Count] |
static bool[] | tileBlockLight = new bool[TileID.Count] |
If true, light is blocked by this tile and the light values will decrease as it passes through. Most Main.tileSolid tiles will set this to true. TileID.Glass is an example of a tile that is solid but doesn't block light. | |
static bool[] | tileBouncy = new bool[TileID.Count] |
static bool[] | tileBrick = new bool[TileID.Count] |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | tileColor |
static bool[] | tileContainer = new bool[TileID.Count] |
static bool[] | tileCracked = new bool[TileID.Count] |
static bool[] | tileCut = new bool[TileID.Count] |
If true, Tiles of the indexed Tile Type will be destroyed by weapons and projectiles. ModProjectile.CanCutTiles can be used to customize if a projectile should destroy tiles with this property. | |
static bool[] | tileDungeon = new bool[TileID.Count] |
static bool[] | tileFlame = new bool[TileID.Count] |
If true, indicates that a tile has a flame texture that will draw over the tile. Modded tiles should not use this. ModBlockType.PostDraw(int, int, SpriteBatch) can be used to manually draw a flame texture. | |
static int[] | tileFrame = new int[TileID.Count] |
Tracks the current animation frame for a specific tile type. This value is shared for all tiles of the type. The frame parameter in ModTile.AnimateTile(ref int, ref int) is equivalent to this value. Animation variation for a specific tile can be done with ModTile.AnimateIndividualTile(int, int, int, ref int, ref int). | |
static int[] | tileFrameCounter = new int[TileID.Count] |
Used to time how long the current animation frame for a specific tile type has been shown. This value is shared for all tiles of the type. The frameCounter parameter in ModTile.AnimateTile(ref int, ref int) is equivalent to this value. | |
static bool[] | tileFrameImportant = new bool[TileID.Count] |
Set to true if this is not a typical Terrain tile. Terrain tiles are 1x1 tiles that automatically adjust their frame values to nearby tiles. They don't have a TileObjectData. All non-1x1 tiles should set this to true. All 1x1 tiles that have a TileObjectData or that should preserve frame data should set this to true. | |
static ulong | TileFrameSeed = (ulong)Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode() |
static short[] | tileGlowMask = new short[TileID.Count] |
static bool[] | tileHammer = new bool[TileID.Count] |
static int | TileInteractionHX = -1 |
static int | TileInteractionHY = -1 |
static int | TileInteractionLX = -1 |
static int | TileInteractionLY = -1 |
static byte[] | tileLargeFrames = new byte[TileID.Count] |
static bool[] | tileLavaDeath = new bool[TileID.Count] |
If true for the given tile type, tiles of the type will be destroyed if in contact with lava. TileObjectData.LavaDeath supersedes this if a TileObjectData is available. Use tileObsidianKill instead if the tile should only be killed by obsidian forming over it. Defaults to false . | |
static bool[] | tileLighted = new bool[TileID.Count] |
Indexed by TileID. If true for a given TileID, then that tile produces light. You can set the light color for tile using ModBlockType.ModifyLight(int, int, ref float, ref float, ref float) or GlobalBlockType.ModifyLight(int, int, int, ref float, ref float, ref float). Defaults to false . | |
static bool[][] | tileMerge = new bool[TileID.Count][] |
static bool[] | tileMergeDirt = new bool[TileID.Count] |
Indexed by TileID. If true for a given TileID, then that tile has frames for merging with TileID.Dirt. Defaults to false . | |
static bool[] | tileMoss = new bool[TileID.Count] |
static bool[] | tileNoAttach = new bool[TileID.Count] |
If true, tiles can't be attached to this tile. Furniture tiles typically set this. A good rule of thumb is to set this to true if placing a torch on this tile would look strange. | |
static bool[] | tileNoFail = new bool[TileID.Count] |
static bool[] | tileNoSunLight = new bool[TileID.Count] |
static bool[] | tileObsidianKill = new bool[TileID.Count] |
If true for the given tile type, tiles of the type will be destroyed if obsidian would generate at it's location because of lava and water mixing. Automatically set to true if tileLavaDeath is true. Many tiles are immune to lava but break if obsidian kills it, such as Statues and Anvils. Defaults to false . | |
static short[] | tileOreFinderPriority = new short[TileID.Count] |
The priority of this tile in relation to the Metal Detector. The tile with the highest priority in range will show the corresponding map entry. The Metal Detector wiki pagelists existing values to use as reference. | |
static bool[] | tilePile = new bool[TileID.Count] |
static bool[] | tileRope = new bool[TileID.Count] |
static bool[] | tileSand = new bool[TileID.Count] |
static Ref< Effect > | TileShaderRef = new Ref<Effect>() |
static int[] | tileShine = new int[TileID.Count] |
How rarely tiny ambient dust appear from this tile. Larger values mean less frequently | |
static bool[] | tileShine2 = new bool[TileID.Count] |
If true, the tile will be drawn to be slightly more bright. | |
static bool[] | tileSign = new bool[TileID.Count] |
Indicates that a tile is a "sign" and will be paired with a Sign instance. Right click, hover, saving, and network syncing behaviors are all handled automatically. Note that signs are expected to be 2x2 tiles with pixel dimensions 36x36 and will likely not work correctly for other dimensions. Be sure to also set TileID.Sets.TileInteractRead. Defaults to false. | |
static bool | tilesLoaded = false |
static bool[] | tileSolid = new bool[TileID.Count] |
If true, this tile will be solid (unless tileSolidTop is also true). Projectiles will collide with it and NPC and Players can stand on it and collide with it. Typical terrain tiles such as TileID.Stone and TileID.Demonite set this. Other examples include TileID.ClosedDoor and TileID.Boulder The wikirefers to tiles with tileSolid set to true as "solid" tiles and those with tileSolid set to false as "background" tiles. | |
static bool[] | tileSolidTop = new bool[TileID.Count] |
If true, this tile can be stood on despite not being tileSolid. The player can pass down through the tile by pressing down. TileID.Tables, TileID.Anvils, and TileID.Platforms are some example. | |
static bool[] | tileSpelunker = new bool[TileID.Count] |
If true for the given tile type, tiles will be drawn much brighter and give off additional dust if the player is under the effects of the Spelunker buff, magic lantern, or similar effect. | |
static bool[] | tileStone = new bool[TileID.Count] |
static bool[] | tileTable = new bool[TileID.Count] |
If true, this tile type will be considered a table for the purposes of tile placement. Tiles such as TileID.Tables and TileID.WorkBenches set this. Some tiles such as TileID.PiggyBank, TileID.Bowls, and TileID.Candles can only be placed on tiles designated as a Table. Note that a separate system is used for counting a tile as a table for housing purposes. Use AddToArray(ref TileID.Sets.RoomNeeds.CountsAsTable); in a ModTile class to designate the tile as a table. | |
static bool[] | tileWaterDeath = new bool[TileID.Count] |
If true for the given tile type, tiles of the type will be destroyed if in contact with water. TileObjectData.WaterDeath supersedes this if a TileObjectData is available. | |
static double | time = 13500.0 |
The time that has passed since it last became day/night. Increased by dayRate every tick. If it is dayTime, this caps at dayLength. Otherwise, this caps at nightLength. More... | |
static double | timeForVisualEffects |
static int[] | timeItemSlotCannotBeReusedFor = new int[401] |
static int | timesTriedToFastStack |
static List< TitleLinkButton > | TitleLinks = new List<TitleLinkButton>() |
static List< TitleLinkButton > | tModLoaderTitleLinks = new List<TitleLinkButton>() |
static bool | toggleFullscreen |
static Item | tooltipPrefixComparisonItem = new Item() |
static float | topWorld = 0f |
static bool[] | townNPCCanSpawn = new bool[NPCID.Count] |
static NPCHeadRenderer | TownNPCHeadRenderer = null |
static Point16 | trashSlotOffset |
static int[] | travelShop = new int[40] |
static int[] | treeBGSet1 = new int[3] |
static int[] | treeBGSet2 = new int[3] |
static int[] | treeBGSet3 = new int[3] |
static int[] | treeBGSet4 = new int[3] |
static int[] | treeMntBGSet1 = new int[2] |
static int[] | treeMntBGSet2 = new int[2] |
static int[] | treeMntBGSet3 = new int[2] |
static int[] | treeMntBGSet4 = new int[2] |
static int[] | treeStyle = new int[4] |
static int[] | treeX = new int[4] |
static int[] | turtleCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | turtleCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static int | uCount |
static float | ugBackTransition |
static int | ugMusic |
static int | undergroundBackground |
static int[] | underworldBG = new int[5] |
static bool | updateMap |
static int | updateRate |
static int | updatesCountedForFPS |
static double | UpdateTimeAccumulator |
static float | upTimer |
static float | upTimerMax |
static float | upTimerMaxDelay |
static bool | UseExperimentalFeatures |
static bool | UseHeatDistortion = true |
static bool | UseStormEffects = true |
static bool | validateSaves = true |
static bool[] | vanityPet = new bool[BuffID.Count] |
Categorizes status effects for which this is set to true as being from vanity pets, preventing them from overlapping with other vanity pet status effects. Defaults to false ; all vanilla vanity pets have their entries here set to true. | |
static bool | verboseNetplay = false |
static string | versionNumber = "v1.4.4.9" |
static string | versionNumber2 = "v1.4.4.9" |
static Ref< Effect > | VertexPixelShaderRef = new Ref<Effect>() |
static int[] | wallBlend = new int[WallID.Count] |
static bool[] | wallDungeon = new bool[WallID.Count] |
static byte[] | wallFrame = new byte[WallID.Count] |
static byte[] | wallFrameCounter = new byte[WallID.Count] |
static bool[] | wallHouse = new bool[WallID.Count] |
If true, the wall is considered "safe" for enemy spawning purposes. | |
static byte[] | wallLargeFrames = new byte[WallID.Count] |
static bool[] | wallLight = new bool[WallID.Count] |
static int[] | waterStriderCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | waterStriderCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static int | waterStyle |
static RenderTarget2D | waterTarget |
static int | WaveQuality = 3 |
static int | weatherCounter |
static int | weatherVaneBobframe = 0 |
static float | wFrame |
static float | wFrCounter |
static int | windCounter |
static bool | windPhysics = false |
static float | windPhysicsStrength = 0.1f |
static float | windSpeedCurrent |
static float | windSpeedTarget |
static int | wofDrawAreaBottom |
static int | wofDrawAreaTop |
static int | wofDrawFrameIndex |
static int | wofNPCIndex = -1 |
static WorkshopPublishingIndicator | WorkshopPublishingIndicator = new WorkshopPublishingIndicator() |
static int | worldEventUpdates |
Representation that dictates the actual amount of "world event updates" that happen in a given GAME tick. This number increases/decreases in direct tandem with
. | |
static FileMetadata | WorldFileMetadata |
const ulong | WorldGeneratorVersion = 1198295875585uL |
static int | worldID |
static List< WorldFileData > | WorldList = new List<WorldFileData>() |
static string | worldName = "" |
static string | WorldPath = Path.Combine(SavePath, "Worlds") |
static int | WorldRollingBackupsCountToKeep = 2 |
static double | worldSurface |
The y-coordinate of the top of the dirt layer, in tile coordinates. Corresponds to 0' on the Depth Meter. More... | |
static int[] | wormCageFrame = new int[cageFrames] |
static int[] | wormCageFrameCounter = new int[cageFrames] |
static bool | xMas |
If true the Christmasseasonal event is currently active. | |
static bool | zenithWorld = false |
If true, the world was generated with the Get fixed boi (aka Zenith)secret world seed. This seed combines multiple secret seeds. Note that the other secret world seed bools inherited by this seed will be set as well, so there is no need to specifically check both those bools and this bool. See also WorldGen.everythingWorldGen. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | CacheNPCDraws () |
void | CacheProjDraws () |
void | CheckBunny () |
bool | checkMap (int i, int j) |
void | DoUpdate (ref GameTime gameTime) |
override void | Draw (GameTime gameTime) |
void | DrawBackground () |
void | DrawBlack (bool force=false) |
void | DrawCachedNPCs (List< int > npcCache, bool behindTiles) |
void | DrawCachedProjs (List< int > projCache, bool startSpriteBatch=true) |
void | DrawClothesWindow () |
void | DrawDust () |
void | DrawElderEye (SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 worldPosition, float opacity, float scale, int frameNumber, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color passedColor) |
void | DrawFPS () |
void | DrawGore () |
void | DrawGoreBehind () |
void | DrawHairWindow () |
void | DrawInterface (GameTime gameTime) |
void | DrawInventory () |
void | DrawItem (Item item, int whoami) |
void | DrawMap (GameTime gameTime) |
void | DrawMenu (GameTime gameTime) |
void | DrawNPCExtras (NPC n, bool beforeDraw, float addHeight, float addY, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color npcColor, Vector2 halfSize, SpriteEffects npcSpriteEffect, Vector2 screenPosition) |
void | DrawNPCHousesInWorld () |
void | DrawNPCs (bool behindTiles=false) |
void | DrawPlayerChat () |
void | DrawPlayers_AfterProjectiles () |
void | DrawPlayers_BehindNPCs () |
void | DrawProjectiles () |
void | DrawRain () |
void | DrawSplash (GameTime gameTime) |
void | DrawSuperSpecialProjectiles (List< int > projCache, bool startSpriteBatch=true) |
void | DrawSurfaceBG () |
void | DrawTiles (bool solidLayer, bool forRenderTargets, bool intoRenderTargets, int waterStyleOverride=-1) |
void | DrawToMap () |
void | DrawToMap_Section (int secX, int secY) |
void | DrawUnderworldBackground (bool flat) |
void | DrawWalls () |
void | DrawWires () |
void | DrawWoF () |
void | EnsureRenderTargetContent () |
bool | FullTile (int x, int y) |
void | GUIBarsDrawInner () |
void | GUIChatDrawInner () |
void | GUIHotbarDrawInner () |
override void | Initialize () |
void | InitMap () |
void | InitTargets () |
void | InitTargets (int width, int height) |
override void | LoadContent () |
IEnumerator | LoadContent_Deferred () |
void | LoadSettings () |
void | OldDrawBackground () |
void | OpenLegacySettings () |
void | OpenRecent () |
void | QuitGame () |
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | randColor () |
void | ReleaseTargets () |
void | RenderBackground () |
void | RenderBlack () |
void | RenderTiles () |
void | RenderTiles2 () |
void | RenderWalls () |
void | RenderWater () |
void | SetTitle () |
void | SortDrawCacheWorms () |
override void | UnloadContent () |
override void | Update (GameTime gameTime) |
void | UpdateAudio () |
![]() | |
virtual bool | BeginDraw () |
virtual void | BeginRun () |
virtual void | Dispose (bool disposing) |
virtual void | Draw (GameTime gameTime) |
virtual void | EndDraw () |
virtual void | EndRun () |
virtual void | Initialize () |
virtual void | LoadContent () |
virtual void | OnActivated (object sender, EventArgs args) |
virtual void | OnDeactivated (object sender, EventArgs args) |
virtual void | OnExiting (object sender, EventArgs args) |
virtual bool | ShowMissingRequirementMessage (Exception exception) |
virtual void | UnloadContent () |
virtual void | Update (GameTime gameTime) |
Protected Attributes | |
List< Tuple< int, int, ushort > > | DrawWiresSpecialTiles = new List<Tuple<int, int, ushort>>() |
Properties | |
static AchievementAdvisor | AchievementAdvisor [get] |
static AchievementManager | Achievements [get] |
static ActiveEntityIterator< Item > | ActiveItems [get] |
Use to iterate over active items. Game logic is usually only interested in Entity.active elements, this iterator facilitates that usage and allows for simpler and more readable code. Typically used in a foreach statement: More... | |
static INetDiagnosticsUI | ActiveNetDiagnosticsUI [get] |
static ActiveEntityIterator< NPC > | ActiveNPCs [get] |
Use to iterate over active players. Game logic is usually only interested in Entity.active elements, this iterator facilitates that usage and allows for simpler and more readable code. Typically used in a foreach statement: More... | |
static ActiveEntityIterator< Player > | ActivePlayers [get] |
Use to iterate over active players. Game logic is usually only interested in Entity.active elements, this iterator facilitates that usage and allows for simpler and more readable code. Typically used in a foreach statement: More... | |
static ActiveEntityIterator< Projectile > | ActiveProjectiles [get] |
Use to iterate over active projectiles. Game logic is usually only interested in Entity.active elements, this iterator facilitates that usage and allows for simpler and more readable code. Typically used in a foreach statement: More... | |
static bool | CanShowInfoAccs [get] |
static bool | CanUpdateGameplay [get] |
static Player | CurrentPlayer [get] |
A replacement for Main.LocalPlayer which respects whichever player is currently running hooks on the main thread. This works in the player select screen, and in multiplayer (when other players are updating) | |
static Matrix | CurrentWantedZoomMatrix [get] |
static SamplerState | DefaultSamplerState [get] |
static Color | DiscoColor [get] |
A color that cycles through the colors like Rainbow Brick does. | |
static bool | expertMode [get] |
Returns true if the world is an Expert Mode world. Will be true even in Master Mode worlds. | |
static int | GameMode [get, set] |
static GameModeData | GameModeInfo [get] |
static bool | GamepadDisableCursorItemIcon [get] |
static uint | GameUpdateCount [get] |
Counts game updates since the world was loaded. Updates even while gameplay is paused, but does not update on the main menus. Can be used to drive regular logic that doesn't need to run every update. The Modulo Timer section of the Time and Timers wiki pagehas examples. Player.miscCounter is a similar counter that should be used specifically for player effects. | |
static bool | HasSmartInteractTarget [get] |
static bool | IsGraphicsDeviceAvailable [get] |
static bool | IsItAHappyWindyDay [get] |
static bool | IsItRaining [get] |
static bool | IsItStorming [get] |
static Player | LocalPlayer [get] |
Retrieves the Player object for the local user. Shorthand for player[myPlayer] .Many gameplay elements such as recipes, UI, TownNPC chat, and Biome logic are only executed locally, LocalPlayer is suitable for code relating to those situations. If the hook has a Player parameter, it is likely not suitable to use LocalPlayer in it. | |
static CreativeUnlocksTracker | LocalPlayerCreativeTracker [get] |
static bool | masterMode [get] |
Returns true if the world is a Master Mode world. Note that the expertMode will also be true. | |
static Vector2 | MouseScreen [get] |
Fetches the position of the mouse cursor on the screen. Useful for making things visually happen near the cursor. | |
static Color | MouseTextColorReal [get] |
The typical pulsing white color used for much of the text shown in-game. | |
static Vector2 | MouseWorld [get] |
Fetches the position of the mouse cursor in the world. Useful for making things functionally happen near the cursor, such as projectile or NPC spawns. | |
static int | npcShop [get, set] |
static Effect | pixelShader [get] |
static bool | PlayerLoaded [get] |
static string | playerPathName [get] |
static UnifiedRandom | rand [get, set] |
int | RecommendedEquipmentAreaPushUp [get] |
static bool | RenderTargetsRequired [get] |
static string | SavePath [get] |
static Effect | screenShader [get] |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point | ScreenSize [get] |
static bool | ShouldDrawInfoIconsHorizontally [get] |
static bool | ShouldPVPDraw [get] |
static bool | SmartCursorIsUsed [get] |
static bool | SmartCursorWanted [get] |
static bool | specialSeedWorld [get] |
Returns true if any secret world seedis active for this world. | |
static string | statusText [get, set] |
static bool | ThickMouse [get] |
static Effect | tileShader [get] |
static Matrix | Transform [get] |
static float | UIScale [get, set] |
static Matrix | UIScaleMatrix [get] |
float | UIScaleMax [get] |
static float | UIScaleWanted [get] |
static int | UnderworldLayer [get] |
The y-coordinate of the top of the underworld, in tile coordinates. More... | |
static ulong | UnpausedUpdateSeed [get] |
static Effect | vertexPixelShader [get] |
static Vector2 | ViewPosition [get] |
static Vector2 | ViewSize [get] |
static float | WindForVisuals [get] |
static bool | WindyEnoughForKiteDrops [get] |
static string | worldPathName [get] |
![]() | |
GameComponentCollection | Components [get] |
ContentManager | Content [get, set] |
GraphicsDevice | GraphicsDevice [get] |
TimeSpan | InactiveSleepTime [get, set] |
bool | IsActive [get] |
bool | IsFixedTimeStep [get, set] |
bool | IsMouseVisible [get, set] |
LaunchParameters | LaunchParameters [get] |
GameServiceContainer | Services [get] |
TimeSpan | TargetElapsedTime [get, set] |
GameWindow | Window [get] |
Events | |
static Action | OnEngineLoad |
static Action | OnEnginePreload |
static Action< GameTime > | OnPostDraw |
static Action< Vector2, float > | OnPostFullscreenMapDraw |
static Action< GameTime > | OnPreDraw |
static ResolutionChangeEvent | OnRenderTargetsInitialized |
static Action | OnRenderTargetsReleased |
static Action< Vector2 > | OnResolutionChanged |
static Action | OnTickForInternalCodeOnly |
static Action | OnTickForThirdPartySoftwareOnly |
![]() | |
EventHandler< EventArgs > | Activated |
EventHandler< EventArgs > | Deactivated |
EventHandler< EventArgs > | Disposed |
EventHandler< EventArgs > | Exiting |
static |
Multiplies the input damage by a random value between 0.85f
and 1.15f
dmg | The damage to vary. |
luck | How lucky the damager is, in the range [-1f, 1f]. If luck > 0f , there is a luck % chance that damage variation is rerolled, with the higher value being used. If luck < 0f , there is a -luck % chance that damage variation is rerolled, with the lower value being used. |
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Game.
static |
Draws the buff icon corresponding to the buff in Main.LocalPlayer.buffType[buffSlotOnPlayer ].
Calls TML hooks related to drawing and clicking.
Has two exclusive contexts: Below the accessory slots (Main.EquipPage == 2), and regular under-the-inventory.
drawBuffText | The return from a previous DrawBuffIcon call, -1 if first drawn buff |
buffSlotOnPlayer | The index for buffType and buffTime |
x | Top-left draw position on the x-axis |
y | Top-left draw position on the y-axis |
void Main.DrawHealthBar | ( | float | X, |
float | Y, | ||
int | Health, | ||
int | MaxHealth, | ||
float | alpha, | ||
float | scale = 1f , |
bool | noFlip = false |
) |
Draws a small health bar.
spriteBatch should already be started before calling this method.
X | The x-coordinate of the health bar in world coordinates. |
Y | The y-coordinate of the health bar in world coordinates. |
Health | The current health displayed. The health bar is drawn Health / MaxHealth percent full. If Health <= 0 , no health bar is drawn. If Health > MaxHealth , the health bar will not exceed max capacity. |
MaxHealth | The maximum health displayed. The health bar is drawn Health / MaxHealth percent full. |
alpha | The opacity of the healthbar, where 0f is transparent and 1f is opaque. |
scale | The visual scale of the health bar. |
noFlip | If true , then the health bar will not adjust its y-position for players with reversed gravity. |
static |
Gets the texture and frame of the given item type (Item.type).
item | The item type to use. |
itemTexture | The Texture2D in TextureAssets.Item of item . |
itemFrame | The Rectangle covering this item's current frame on itemTexture . |
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Game.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Game.
void Main.LoadItem | ( | int | i | ) |
Loads the item texture if needed. All modded item textures are already loaded during mod loading so this is only needed before accessing vanilla item textures. Use TextureAssets.Item to access the item texture: TextureAssets.Item[Type].Value
i |
void Main.LoadNPC | ( | int | i | ) |
void Main.LoadProjectile | ( | int | i | ) |
Loads the projectile texture if needed. All modded projectile textures are already loaded during mod loading so this is only needed before accessing vanilla projectile textures. Use TextureAssets.Projectile to access the projectile texture: TextureAssets.Projectile[Type].Value
i |
void Main.LoadTiles | ( | int | i | ) |
Loads the tile texture if needed. All modded tile textures are already loaded during mod loading so this is only needed before accessing vanilla tile textures. Use TextureAssets.Tile to access the tile texture: TextureAssets.Tile[Type].Value
i |
void Main.LoadWall | ( | int | i | ) |
Loads the wall texture if needed. All modded wall textures are already loaded during mod loading so this is only needed before accessing vanilla wall textures. Use TextureAssets.Wall to access the tile texture: TextureAssets.Wall[Type].Value
i |
static |
Registers an animation for an item type to draw inside UI (not world or held item on player). To enable its animation in the world, use ItemID.Sets.AnimatesAsSoul in conjunction with this
index | Item type |
animation | Draw animation |
static |
Wait for an action to be performed on the main thread.
action |
static |
Wait for an action to be performed on the main thread.
func |
static |
Checks if the buff at index buffSlotOnPlayer is allowed to draw a "remaining time" text, and sets buffTimeValue to it.
Check buffTimeValue > 2 afterwards if you want to mirror text draw logic.
buffSlotOnPlayer | The index for buffType and buffTime |
buffTimeValue | The "remaining time" in ticks |
if buffTimeValue is set, otherwise false
static |
Calls Player.DelBuff with index i after checking Main.debuff of buff type b. Will toggle Player.hideMisc for pet and light pet.
i | The index for buffType and buffTime |
b | The buff type |
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Game.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Game.
static |
static |
Categorizes status effects for which this is set to true as being debuffs instead of buffs.
This has multiple effects on gameplay:
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
The y-coordinate of the top of the caverns layer, in tile coordinates.
Players in this layer will have Player.ZoneRockLayerHeight set to true
static |
The time that has passed since it last became day/night.
Increased by dayRate every tick.
If it is dayTime, this caps at dayLength. Otherwise, this caps at nightLength.
If you need 24-hour time, use Utils.GetDayTimeAs24FloatStartingFromMidnight.
static |
The y-coordinate of the top of the dirt layer, in tile coordinates. Corresponds to 0' on the Depth Meter.
Players under the surface will have Player.ZoneDirtLayerHeight set to true
staticget |
Use to iterate over active items. Game logic is usually only interested in Entity.active elements, this iterator facilitates that usage and allows for simpler and more readable code. Typically used in a foreach statement:
foreach (var item in Main.ActiveItems) { // Code }
This is equivalent to the less convenient approach: for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxItems; i++) { var item = Main.item[i]; if (!item.active) continue; // Code }
Note that if the index of the Item in the Main.item array is needed, Entity.whoAmI can not be used. This will be fixed in 1.4.5, but for now the for loop approach would have to be used instead.
staticget |
Use to iterate over active players. Game logic is usually only interested in Entity.active elements, this iterator facilitates that usage and allows for simpler and more readable code. Typically used in a foreach statement:
foreach (var npc in Main.ActiveNPCs) { // Code }
This is equivalent to the less convenient approach: for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxNPCs; i++) { var npc = Main.npc[i]; if (!npc.active) continue; // Code }
Note that if the index of the NPC in the Main.npc array is needed, Entity.whoAmI can be used.
staticget |
Use to iterate over active players. Game logic is usually only interested in Entity.active elements, this iterator facilitates that usage and allows for simpler and more readable code. Typically used in a foreach statement:
foreach (var player in Main.ActivePlayers) { // Code }
This is equivalent to the less convenient approach: for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxPlayers; i++) { var player = Main.player[i]; if (!player.active) continue; // Code }
Note that if the index of the Player in the Main.player array is needed, Entity.whoAmI can be used.
staticget |
Use to iterate over active projectiles. Game logic is usually only interested in Entity.active elements, this iterator facilitates that usage and allows for simpler and more readable code. Typically used in a foreach statement:
foreach (var projectile in Main.ActiveProjectiles) { // Code }
This is equivalent to the less convenient approach: for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxProjectiles; i++) { var projectile = Main.projectile[i]; if (!projectile.active) continue; // Code }
Note that if the index of the Projectile in the Main.projectile array is needed, Entity.whoAmI can be used.
staticget |
The y-coordinate of the top of the underworld, in tile coordinates.
Player in this layer will have Player.ZoneUnderworldHeight set to true