tModLoader v0.11.8.9
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Go to the documentation of this file.
1using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
2using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
3using MP3Sharp;
4using NVorbis;
5using ReLogic.Graphics;
6using ReLogic.Utilities;
7using System;
8using System.Collections.Generic;
9using System.IO;
10using System.Linq;
11using System.Threading.Tasks;
12using Terraria.GameContent.Liquid;
13using Terraria.ID;
14using Terraria.Localization;
18using Terraria.ModLoader.UI;
19using Terraria.Utilities;
21namespace Terraria.ModLoader
23 partial class Mod
24 {
25 internal bool loading;
26 private readonly Queue<Task> AsyncLoadQueue = new Queue<Task>();
27 internal readonly IDictionary<string, Texture2D> textures = new Dictionary<string, Texture2D>();
28 internal readonly IDictionary<string, SoundEffect> sounds = new Dictionary<string, SoundEffect>();
29 internal readonly IDictionary<string, Music> musics = new Dictionary<string, Music>();
30 internal readonly IDictionary<string, DynamicSpriteFont> fonts = new Dictionary<string, DynamicSpriteFont>();
31 internal readonly IDictionary<string, Effect> effects = new Dictionary<string, Effect>();
32 internal readonly IList<ModRecipe> recipes = new List<ModRecipe>();
33 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModItem> items = new Dictionary<string, ModItem>();
34 internal readonly IDictionary<string, GlobalItem> globalItems = new Dictionary<string, GlobalItem>();
35 internal readonly IDictionary<Tuple<string, EquipType>, EquipTexture> equipTextures = new Dictionary<Tuple<string, EquipType>, EquipTexture>();
36 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModPrefix> prefixes = new Dictionary<string, ModPrefix>();
37 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModDust> dusts = new Dictionary<string, ModDust>();
38 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModTile> tiles = new Dictionary<string, ModTile>();
39 internal readonly IDictionary<string, GlobalTile> globalTiles = new Dictionary<string, GlobalTile>();
40 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModTileEntity> tileEntities = new Dictionary<string, ModTileEntity>();
41 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModWall> walls = new Dictionary<string, ModWall>();
42 internal readonly IDictionary<string, GlobalWall> globalWalls = new Dictionary<string, GlobalWall>();
43 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModProjectile> projectiles = new Dictionary<string, ModProjectile>();
44 internal readonly IDictionary<string, GlobalProjectile> globalProjectiles = new Dictionary<string, GlobalProjectile>();
45 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModNPC> npcs = new Dictionary<string, ModNPC>();
46 internal readonly IDictionary<string, GlobalNPC> globalNPCs = new Dictionary<string, GlobalNPC>();
47 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModPlayer> players = new Dictionary<string, ModPlayer>();
48 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModMountData> mountDatas = new Dictionary<string, ModMountData>();
49 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModBuff> buffs = new Dictionary<string, ModBuff>();
50 internal readonly IDictionary<string, GlobalBuff> globalBuffs = new Dictionary<string, GlobalBuff>();
51 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModWorld> worlds = new Dictionary<string, ModWorld>();
52 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModUgBgStyle> ugBgStyles = new Dictionary<string, ModUgBgStyle>();
53 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModSurfaceBgStyle> surfaceBgStyles = new Dictionary<string, ModSurfaceBgStyle>();
54 internal readonly IDictionary<string, GlobalBgStyle> globalBgStyles = new Dictionary<string, GlobalBgStyle>();
55 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModWaterStyle> waterStyles = new Dictionary<string, ModWaterStyle>();
56 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModWaterfallStyle> waterfallStyles = new Dictionary<string, ModWaterfallStyle>();
57 internal readonly IDictionary<string, GlobalRecipe> globalRecipes = new Dictionary<string, GlobalRecipe>();
58 internal readonly IDictionary<string, ModTranslation> translations = new Dictionary<string, ModTranslation>();
60 private void LoadTexture(string path, Stream stream, bool rawimg) {
61 try {
62 var texTask = rawimg
63 ? ImageIO.RawToTexture2DAsync(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, new BinaryReader(stream))
64 : ImageIO.PngToTexture2DAsync(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, stream);
66 AsyncLoadQueue.Enqueue(texTask.ContinueWith(t => {
67 if (t.Exception != null)
68 throw new ResourceLoadException(
69 Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.LoadErrorTextureFailedToLoad", path), t.Exception);
71 var tex = t.Result;
72 tex.Name = Name + "/" + path;
73 lock (textures)
74 textures[path] = tex;
75 }));
76 }
77 catch (Exception e) {
78 throw new ResourceLoadException(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.LoadErrorTextureFailedToLoad", path), e);
79 }
80 finally {
81 stream.Close();
82 }
83 }
85 private SoundEffect LoadSound(Stream stream, int length, string extension) {
86 switch (extension) {
87 case ".wav":
88 if (!stream.CanSeek)
89 stream = new MemoryStream(stream.ReadBytes(length));
90 return SoundEffect.FromStream(stream);
91 case ".mp3":
92 using (var mp3Stream = new MP3Stream(stream))
93 using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) {
94 mp3Stream.CopyTo(ms);
95 return new SoundEffect(ms.ToArray(), mp3Stream.Frequency, (AudioChannels)mp3Stream.ChannelCount);
96 }
97 case ".ogg":
98 using (var reader = new VorbisReader(stream, true)) {
99 var buffer = new byte[reader.TotalSamples * 2 * reader.Channels];
100 var floatBuf = new float[buffer.Length / 2];
101 reader.ReadSamples(floatBuf, 0, floatBuf.Length);
102 MusicStreamingOGG.Convert(floatBuf, buffer);
103 return new SoundEffect(buffer, reader.SampleRate, (AudioChannels)reader.Channels);
104 }
105 }
106 throw new ResourceLoadException("Unknown sound extension "+extension);
107 }
109 private Music LoadMusic(string path, string extension) {
110 path = "tmod:"+Name+'/'+path+extension;
111 switch (extension) {
112 case ".wav": return new MusicStreamingWAV(path);
113 case ".mp3": return new MusicStreamingMP3(path);
114 case ".ogg": return new MusicStreamingOGG(path);
115 }
116 throw new ResourceLoadException("Unknown music extension "+extension);
117 }
119 internal void SetupContent() {
120 foreach (ModItem item in items.Values) {
121 ItemLoader.SetDefaults(item.item, false);
122 item.AutoStaticDefaults();
123 item.SetStaticDefaults();
124 }
125 foreach (ModPrefix prefix in prefixes.Values) {
126 prefix.AutoDefaults();
127 prefix.SetDefaults();
128 }
129 foreach (ModDust dust in dusts.Values) {
130 dust.SetDefaults();
131 }
132 foreach (ModTile tile in tiles.Values) {
133 Main.tileTexture[tile.Type] = ModContent.GetTexture(tile.texture);
134 TileLoader.SetDefaults(tile);
135 if (TileID.Sets.HasOutlines[tile.Type]) {
136 Main.highlightMaskTexture[tile.Type] = ModContent.GetTexture(tile.HighlightTexture);
137 }
138 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tile.chest)) {
139 TileID.Sets.BasicChest[tile.Type] = true;
140 }
141 }
142 foreach (GlobalTile globalTile in globalTiles.Values) {
143 globalTile.SetDefaults();
144 }
145 foreach (ModWall wall in walls.Values) {
146 Main.wallTexture[wall.Type] = ModContent.GetTexture(wall.texture);
147 wall.SetDefaults();
148 }
149 foreach (GlobalWall globalWall in globalWalls.Values) {
150 globalWall.SetDefaults();
151 }
152 foreach (ModProjectile projectile in projectiles.Values) {
153 ProjectileLoader.SetDefaults(projectile.projectile, false);
154 projectile.AutoStaticDefaults();
155 projectile.SetStaticDefaults();
156 }
157 foreach (ModNPC npc in npcs.Values) {
158 NPCLoader.SetDefaults(npc.npc, false);
159 npc.AutoStaticDefaults();
160 npc.SetStaticDefaults();
161 }
162 foreach (ModMountData modMountData in mountDatas.Values) {
163 var mountData = modMountData.mountData;
164 mountData.modMountData = modMountData;
165 MountLoader.SetupMount(mountData);
166 Mount.mounts[modMountData.Type] = mountData;
167 }
168 foreach (ModBuff buff in buffs.Values) {
169 Main.buffTexture[buff.Type] = ModContent.GetTexture(buff.texture);
170 buff.SetDefaults();
171 }
172 foreach (ModWaterStyle waterStyle in waterStyles.Values) {
173 LiquidRenderer.Instance._liquidTextures[waterStyle.Type] = ModContent.GetTexture(waterStyle.texture);
174 Main.liquidTexture[waterStyle.Type] = ModContent.GetTexture(waterStyle.blockTexture);
175 }
176 foreach (ModWaterfallStyle waterfallStyle in waterfallStyles.Values) {
177 Main.instance.waterfallManager.waterfallTexture[waterfallStyle.Type]
178 = ModContent.GetTexture(waterfallStyle.texture);
179 }
180 }
182 internal void UnloadContent() {
183 Unload();
184 recipes.Clear();
185 items.Clear();
186 globalItems.Clear();
187 equipTextures.Clear();
188 prefixes.Clear();
189 dusts.Clear();
190 tiles.Clear();
191 globalTiles.Clear();
192 tileEntities.Clear();
193 walls.Clear();
194 globalWalls.Clear();
195 players.Clear();
196 projectiles.Clear();
197 globalProjectiles.Clear();
198 npcs.Clear();
199 globalNPCs.Clear();
200 buffs.Clear();
201 globalBuffs.Clear();
202 mountDatas.Clear();
203 worlds.Clear();
204 ugBgStyles.Clear();
205 surfaceBgStyles.Clear();
206 globalBgStyles.Clear();
207 waterStyles.Clear();
208 waterfallStyles.Clear();
209 globalRecipes.Clear();
210 translations.Clear();
211 if (!Main.dedServ) {
212 // Manually Dispose IDisposables to free up unmanaged memory immediately
213 /* Skip this for now, too many mods don't unload properly and run into exceptions.
214 foreach (var sound in sounds)
215 {
216 sound.Value.Dispose();
217 }
218 foreach (var effect in effects)
219 {
220 effect.Value.Dispose();
221 }
222 foreach (var texture in textures)
223 {
224 texture.Value.Dispose();
225 }
226 */
227 }
228 sounds.Clear();
229 effects.Clear();
230 foreach (var tex in textures.Values)
231 tex?.Dispose();
232 textures.Clear();
233 musics.Clear();
234 fonts.Clear();
235 }
237 internal void Autoload() {
238 if (Code == null)
239 return;
241 Interface.loadMods.SubProgressText = Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MSFinishingResourceLoading");
242 while (AsyncLoadQueue.Count > 0)
243 AsyncLoadQueue.Dequeue().Wait();
246 IList<Type> modGores = new List<Type>();
247 IList<Type> modSounds = new List<Type>();
248 foreach (Type type in Code.GetTypes().OrderBy(type => type.FullName, StringComparer.InvariantCulture)) {
249 if (type.IsAbstract || type.GetConstructor(new Type[0]) == null)//don't autoload things with no default constructor
250 {
251 continue;
252 }
253 if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModItem))) {
254 AutoloadItem(type);
255 }
256 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GlobalItem))) {
257 AutoloadGlobalItem(type);
258 }
259 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModPrefix))) {
260 AutoloadPrefix(type);
261 }
262 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModDust))) {
263 AutoloadDust(type);
264 }
265 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModTile))) {
266 AutoloadTile(type);
267 }
268 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GlobalTile))) {
269 AutoloadGlobalTile(type);
270 }
271 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModTileEntity))) {
272 AutoloadTileEntity(type);
273 }
274 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModWall))) {
275 AutoloadWall(type);
276 }
277 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GlobalWall))) {
278 AutoloadGlobalWall(type);
279 }
280 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModProjectile))) {
281 AutoloadProjectile(type);
282 }
283 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GlobalProjectile))) {
285 }
286 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModNPC))) {
287 AutoloadNPC(type);
288 }
289 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GlobalNPC))) {
290 AutoloadGlobalNPC(type);
291 }
292 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModPlayer))) {
293 AutoloadPlayer(type);
294 }
295 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModBuff))) {
296 AutoloadBuff(type);
297 }
298 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GlobalBuff))) {
299 AutoloadGlobalBuff(type);
300 }
301 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModMountData))) {
302 AutoloadMountData(type);
303 }
304 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModGore))) {
305 modGores.Add(type);
306 }
307 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModSound))) {
308 modSounds.Add(type);
309 }
310 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModWorld))) {
311 AutoloadModWorld(type);
312 }
313 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModUgBgStyle))) {
314 AutoloadUgBgStyle(type);
315 }
316 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModSurfaceBgStyle))) {
318 }
319 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GlobalBgStyle))) {
321 }
322 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModWaterStyle))) {
323 AutoloadWaterStyle(type);
324 }
325 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModWaterfallStyle))) {
327 }
328 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GlobalRecipe))) {
330 }
331 else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ModCommand))) {
332 AutoloadCommand(type);
333 }
334 }
336 AutoloadGores(modGores);
337 }
339 AutoloadSounds(modSounds);
340 }
343 }
344 }
346 private void AutoloadItem(Type type) {
347 ModItem item = (ModItem)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
348 item.mod = this;
349 string name = type.Name;
350 if (item.Autoload(ref name)) {
351 AddItem(name, item);
352 var autoloadEquip = type.GetAttribute<AutoloadEquip>();
353 if (autoloadEquip != null)
354 foreach (var equip in autoloadEquip.equipTypes)
355 AddEquipTexture(item, equip, item.Name, item.Texture + '_' + equip,
356 item.Texture + "_Arms", item.Texture + "_FemaleBody");
357 }
358 }
360 private void AutoloadGlobalItem(Type type) {
361 GlobalItem globalItem = (GlobalItem)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
362 globalItem.mod = this;
363 string name = type.Name;
364 if (globalItem.Autoload(ref name)) {
365 AddGlobalItem(name, globalItem);
366 }
367 }
369 private void AutoloadPrefix(Type type) {
370 ModPrefix prefix = (ModPrefix)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
371 prefix.mod = this;
372 string name = type.Name;
373 if (prefix.Autoload(ref name)) {
374 AddPrefix(name, prefix);
375 }
376 }
378 private void AutoloadDust(Type type) {
379 ModDust dust = (ModDust)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
380 dust.mod = this;
381 string name = type.Name;
382 string texture = (type.Namespace + "." + type.Name).Replace('.', '/');
383 if (dust.Autoload(ref name, ref texture)) {
384 AddDust(name, dust, texture);
385 }
386 }
388 private void AutoloadTile(Type type) {
389 ModTile tile = (ModTile)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
390 tile.mod = this;
391 string name = type.Name;
392 string texture = (type.Namespace + "." + type.Name).Replace('.', '/');
393 if (tile.Autoload(ref name, ref texture)) {
394 AddTile(name, tile, texture);
395 }
396 }
398 private void AutoloadGlobalTile(Type type) {
399 GlobalTile globalTile = (GlobalTile)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
400 globalTile.mod = this;
401 string name = type.Name;
402 if (globalTile.Autoload(ref name)) {
403 AddGlobalTile(name, globalTile);
404 }
405 }
407 private void AutoloadTileEntity(Type type) {
408 ModTileEntity tileEntity = (ModTileEntity)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
409 tileEntity.mod = this;
410 string name = type.Name;
411 if (tileEntity.Autoload(ref name)) {
412 AddTileEntity(name, tileEntity);
413 }
414 }
416 private void AutoloadWall(Type type) {
417 ModWall wall = (ModWall)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
418 wall.mod = this;
419 string name = type.Name;
420 string texture = (type.Namespace + "." + type.Name).Replace('.', '/');
421 if (wall.Autoload(ref name, ref texture)) {
422 AddWall(name, wall, texture);
423 }
424 }
426 private void AutoloadGlobalWall(Type type) {
427 GlobalWall globalWall = (GlobalWall)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
428 globalWall.mod = this;
429 string name = type.Name;
430 if (globalWall.Autoload(ref name)) {
431 AddGlobalWall(name, globalWall);
432 }
433 }
435 private void AutoloadProjectile(Type type) {
436 ModProjectile projectile = (ModProjectile)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
437 projectile.mod = this;
438 string name = type.Name;
439 if (projectile.Autoload(ref name)) {
440 AddProjectile(name, projectile);
441 }
442 }
444 private void AutoloadGlobalProjectile(Type type) {
445 GlobalProjectile globalProjectile = (GlobalProjectile)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
446 globalProjectile.mod = this;
447 string name = type.Name;
448 if (globalProjectile.Autoload(ref name)) {
449 AddGlobalProjectile(name, globalProjectile);
450 }
451 }
453 private void AutoloadNPC(Type type) {
454 ModNPC npc = (ModNPC)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
455 npc.mod = this;
456 string name = type.Name;
457 if (npc.Autoload(ref name)) {
458 AddNPC(name, npc);
459 var autoloadHead = type.GetAttribute<AutoloadHead>();
460 if (autoloadHead != null) {
461 string headTexture = npc.HeadTexture;
462 AddNPCHeadTexture(npc.npc.type, headTexture);
463 }
464 var autoloadBossHead = type.GetAttribute<AutoloadBossHead>();
465 if (autoloadBossHead != null) {
466 string headTexture = npc.BossHeadTexture;
467 AddBossHeadTexture(headTexture, npc.npc.type);
468 }
469 }
470 }
472 private void AutoloadGlobalNPC(Type type) {
473 GlobalNPC globalNPC = (GlobalNPC)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
474 globalNPC.mod = this;
475 string name = type.Name;
476 if (globalNPC.Autoload(ref name)) {
477 AddGlobalNPC(name, globalNPC);
478 }
479 }
481 private void AutoloadPlayer(Type type) {
482 ModPlayer player = (ModPlayer)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
483 player.mod = this;
484 string name = type.Name;
485 if (player.Autoload(ref name)) {
486 AddPlayer(name, player);
487 }
488 }
490 private void AutoloadBuff(Type type) {
491 ModBuff buff = (ModBuff)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
492 buff.mod = this;
493 string name = type.Name;
494 string texture = (type.Namespace + "." + type.Name).Replace('.', '/');
495 if (buff.Autoload(ref name, ref texture)) {
496 AddBuff(name, buff, texture);
497 }
498 }
500 private void AutoloadGlobalBuff(Type type) {
501 GlobalBuff globalBuff = (GlobalBuff)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
502 globalBuff.mod = this;
503 string name = type.Name;
504 if (globalBuff.Autoload(ref name)) {
505 AddGlobalBuff(name, globalBuff);
506 }
507 }
509 private void AutoloadMountData(Type type) {
510 ModMountData mount = (ModMountData)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
511 mount.mod = this;
512 string name = type.Name;
513 string texture = (type.Namespace + "." + type.Name).Replace('.', '/');
514 var extraTextures = new Dictionary<MountTextureType, string>();
515 foreach (MountTextureType textureType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MountTextureType))) {
516 extraTextures[textureType] = texture + "_" + textureType.ToString();
517 }
518 if (mount.Autoload(ref name, ref texture, extraTextures)) {
519 AddMount(name, mount, texture, extraTextures);
520 }
521 }
523 private void AutoloadModWorld(Type type) {
524 ModWorld modWorld = (ModWorld)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
525 modWorld.mod = this;
526 string name = type.Name;
527 if (modWorld.Autoload(ref name)) {
528 AddModWorld(name, modWorld);
529 }
530 }
532 private void AutoloadBackgrounds() {
533 foreach (string texture in textures.Keys.Where(t => t.StartsWith("Backgrounds/"))) {
534 AddBackgroundTexture(Name + '/' + texture);
535 }
536 }
538 private void AutoloadUgBgStyle(Type type) {
539 ModUgBgStyle ugBgStyle = (ModUgBgStyle)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
540 ugBgStyle.mod = this;
541 string name = type.Name;
542 if (ugBgStyle.Autoload(ref name)) {
543 AddUgBgStyle(name, ugBgStyle);
544 }
545 }
547 private void AutoloadSurfaceBgStyle(Type type) {
548 ModSurfaceBgStyle surfaceBgStyle = (ModSurfaceBgStyle)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
549 surfaceBgStyle.mod = this;
550 string name = type.Name;
551 if (surfaceBgStyle.Autoload(ref name)) {
552 AddSurfaceBgStyle(name, surfaceBgStyle);
553 }
554 }
556 private void AutoloadGlobalBgStyle(Type type) {
557 GlobalBgStyle globalBgStyle = (GlobalBgStyle)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
558 globalBgStyle.mod = this;
559 string name = type.Name;
560 if (globalBgStyle.Autoload(ref name)) {
561 AddGlobalBgStyle(name, globalBgStyle);
562 }
563 }
565 private void AutoloadWaterStyle(Type type) {
566 ModWaterStyle waterStyle = (ModWaterStyle)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
567 waterStyle.mod = this;
568 string name = type.Name;
569 string texture = (type.Namespace + "." + type.Name).Replace('.', '/');
570 string blockTexture = texture + "_Block";
571 if (waterStyle.Autoload(ref name, ref texture, ref blockTexture)) {
572 AddWaterStyle(name, waterStyle, texture, blockTexture);
573 }
574 }
576 private void AutoloadWaterfallStyle(Type type) {
577 ModWaterfallStyle waterfallStyle = (ModWaterfallStyle)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
578 waterfallStyle.mod = this;
579 string name = type.Name;
580 string texture = (type.Namespace + "." + type.Name).Replace('.', '/');
581 if (waterfallStyle.Autoload(ref name, ref texture)) {
582 AddWaterfallStyle(name, waterfallStyle, texture);
583 }
584 }
586 private void AutoloadGores(IList<Type> modGores) {
587 var modGoreNames = modGores.ToDictionary(t => t.Namespace + "." + t.Name);
588 foreach (var texture in textures.Keys.Where(t => t.StartsWith("Gores/"))) {
589 ModGore modGore = null;
590 Type t;
591 if (modGoreNames.TryGetValue(Name + "." + texture.Replace('/', '.'), out t))
592 modGore = (ModGore)Activator.CreateInstance(t);
594 AddGore(Name + '/' + texture, modGore);
595 }
596 }
598 private void AutoloadSounds(IList<Type> modSounds) {
599 var modSoundNames = modSounds.ToDictionary(t => t.Namespace + "." + t.Name);
600 foreach (var sound in sounds.Keys.Where(t => t.StartsWith("Sounds/"))) {
601 string substring = sound.Substring("Sounds/".Length);
602 SoundType soundType = SoundType.Custom;
603 if (substring.StartsWith("Item/")) {
604 soundType = SoundType.Item;
605 }
606 else if (substring.StartsWith("NPCHit/")) {
607 soundType = SoundType.NPCHit;
608 }
609 else if (substring.StartsWith("NPCKilled/")) {
610 soundType = SoundType.NPCKilled;
611 }
612 ModSound modSound = null;
613 Type t;
614 if (modSoundNames.TryGetValue((Name + '/' + sound).Replace('/', '.'), out t))
615 modSound = (ModSound)Activator.CreateInstance(t);
617 AddSound(soundType, Name + '/' + sound, modSound);
618 }
619 foreach (var music in musics.Keys.Where(t => t.StartsWith("Sounds/"))) {
620 string substring = music.Substring("Sounds/".Length);
621 if (substring.StartsWith("Music/")) {
622 AddSound(SoundType.Music, Name + '/' + music);
623 }
624 }
625 }
627 private void AutoloadGlobalRecipe(Type type) {
628 GlobalRecipe globalRecipe = (GlobalRecipe)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
629 globalRecipe.mod = this;
630 string name = type.Name;
631 if (globalRecipe.Autoload(ref name)) {
632 AddGlobalRecipe(name, globalRecipe);
633 }
634 }
636 private void AutoloadCommand(Type type) {
637 var mc = (ModCommand)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
638 mc.mod = this;
639 var name = type.Name;
640 if (mc.Autoload(ref name))
641 AddCommand(name, mc);
642 }
647 private void AutoloadLocalization() {
648 var modTranslationDictionary = new Dictionary<string, ModTranslation>();
649 foreach (var translationFile in File.Where(entry => Path.GetExtension(entry.Name) == ".lang")) {
650 // .lang files need to be UTF8 encoded.
651 string translationFileContents = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(File.GetBytes(translationFile));
652 GameCulture culture = GameCulture.FromName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(translationFile.Name));
654 using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(translationFileContents)) {
655 string line;
656 while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) {
657 int split = line.IndexOf('=');
658 if (split < 0)
659 continue; // lines witout a = are ignored
660 string key = line.Substring(0, split).Trim().Replace(" ", "_");
661 string value = line.Substring(split + 1); // removed .Trim() since sometimes it is desired.
662 if (value.Length == 0) {
663 continue;
664 }
665 value = value.Replace("\\n", "\n");
666 // TODO: Maybe prepend key with filename: en.US.ItemName.lang would automatically assume "ItemName." for all entries.
667 //string key = key;
668 if (!modTranslationDictionary.TryGetValue(key, out ModTranslation mt))
669 modTranslationDictionary[key] = mt = CreateTranslation(key);
670 mt.AddTranslation(culture, value);
671 }
672 }
673 }
675 foreach (var value in modTranslationDictionary.Values) {
676 AddTranslation(value);
677 }
678 }
679 }
static void Convert(float[] floatBuf, byte[] buffer)
This serves as a place for you to program behaviors of equipment textures. This is useful for equipme...
Definition: EquipTexture.cs:9
This class serves to collect functions that operate on any kind of background style,...
string Name
The internal name of this global background style.
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically add a GlobalBgStyle instead of using Mod.AddGlobalBgStyle....
This class allows you to modify the behavior of any buff in the game.
Definition: GlobalBuff.cs:11
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically load a GlobalBuff instead of using Mod.AddGlobalBuff. Return true to allo...
Definition: GlobalBuff.cs:31
string Name
The internal name of this GlobalBuff instance.
Definition: GlobalBuff.cs:23
This class allows you to modify and use hooks for all items, including vanilla items....
Definition: GlobalItem.cs:16
string Name
The name of this GlobalItem instance.
Definition: GlobalItem.cs:28
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically load a GlobalItem instead of using Mod.AddGlobalItem. Return true to allo...
Definition: GlobalItem.cs:39
This class allows you to modify and use hooks for all NPCs, including vanilla mobs....
Definition: GlobalNPC.cs:12
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically load a GlobalNPC instead of using Mod.AddGlobalNPC. Return true to allow ...
Definition: GlobalNPC.cs:37
string Name
The name of this GlobalNPC instance.
Definition: GlobalNPC.cs:24
This class allows you to modify and use hooks for all projectiles, including vanilla projectiles....
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically load a GlobalProjectile instead of using Mod.AddGlobalProjectile....
string Name
The name of this GlobalProjectile instance.
This class provides hooks that control all recipes in the game.
Definition: GlobalRecipe.cs:7
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically load a GlobalRecipe instead of using Mod.AddGlobalRecipe....
Definition: GlobalRecipe.cs:27
string Name
The name of this GlobaRecipe.
Definition: GlobalRecipe.cs:19
This class allows you to modify the behavior of any tile in the game. Create an instance of an overri...
Definition: GlobalTile.cs:11
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically load a GlobalTile instead of using Mod.AddGlobalTile. Return true to allo...
Definition: GlobalTile.cs:70
virtual void SetDefaults()
Allows you to modify the properties of any tile in the game. Most properties are stored as arrays thr...
Definition: GlobalTile.cs:77
string Name
The name of this GlobalTile instance.
Definition: GlobalTile.cs:23
This class allows you to modify the behavior of any wall in the game (although admittedly walls don't...
Definition: GlobalWall.cs:9
string Name
The name of this GlobalWall instance.
Definition: GlobalWall.cs:21
virtual void SetDefaults()
Allows you to modify the properties of any wall in the game. Most properties are stored as arrays thr...
Definition: GlobalWall.cs:36
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically load a GlobalWall instead of using Mod.AddGlobalWall. Return true to allo...
Definition: GlobalWall.cs:29
static Task< Texture2D > RawToTexture2DAsync(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, BinaryReader r)
Definition: ImageIO.cs:94
static Task< Texture2D > PngToTexture2DAsync(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Stream stream)
Definition: ImageIO.cs:103
This serves as the central class from which item-related functions are carried out....
Definition: ItemLoader.cs:22
This class serves as a place for you to define a new buff and how that buff behaves.
Definition: ModBuff.cs:7
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name, ref string texture)
Allows you to automatically load a buff instead of using Mod.AddBuff. Return true to allow autoloadin...
Definition: ModBuff.cs:57
int Type
The buff id of this buff.
Definition: ModBuff.cs:27
string Name
The internal name of this type of buff.
Definition: ModBuff.cs:19
virtual void SetDefaults()
This is where all buff related assignments go. For example: Main.buffName[Type] = "Display Name"; Mai...
Definition: ModBuff.cs:72
This class represents a chat or console command. Use the CommandType to specify the scope of the comm...
Definition: ModCommand.cs:42
Manages content added by mods. Liasons between mod content and Terraria's arrays and oversees the Loa...
Definition: ModContent.cs:27
static Texture2D GetTexture(string name)
Gets the texture with the specified name. The name is in the format of "ModFolder/OtherFolders/FileNa...
Definition: ModContent.cs:72
This class represents a type of dust that is added by a mod. Only one instance of this class will eve...
Definition: ModDust.cs:14
string Name
The internal name of this type of dust.
Definition: ModDust.cs:23
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name, ref string texture)
Allows you to automatically add a type of dust without having to use Mod.AddDust. By default returns ...
Definition: ModDust.cs:118
virtual void SetDefaults()
Allows you to set this ModDust's updateType field and modify the Terraria.GameContent....
Definition: ModDust.cs:125
This class allows you to customize the behavior of a custom gore. Create a new instance of this and p...
Definition: ModGore.cs:13
Mod is an abstract class that you will override. It serves as a central place from which the mod's co...
Definition: Mod.cs:25
void AddGlobalTile(string name, GlobalTile globalTile)
Adds the given GlobalTile instance to this mod with the provided name.
Definition: Mod.cs:587
void AddGlobalItem(string name, GlobalItem globalItem)
Adds the given GlobalItem instance to this mod with the provided name.
Definition: Mod.cs:295
void AutoloadPlayer(Type type)
void AddGore(string texture, ModGore modGore=null)
Adds the given texture to the game as a custom gore, with the given custom gore behavior....
Definition: Mod.cs:1330
readonly Queue< Task > AsyncLoadQueue
Definition: ModInternals.cs:26
void AddGlobalBgStyle(string name, GlobalBgStyle globalBgStyle)
Adds the given global background style with the given name to this mod.
Definition: Mod.cs:1232
void AutoloadGlobalNPC(Type type)
void AddNPCHeadTexture(int npcType, string texture)
Assigns a head texture to the given town NPC type.
Definition: Mod.cs:909
void AddPlayer(string name, ModPlayer player)
Adds a type of ModPlayer to this mod. All ModPlayer types will be newly created and attached to each ...
Definition: Mod.cs:948
void AutoloadGlobalRecipe(Type type)
void AutoloadProjectile(Type type)
void AutoloadBuff(Type type)
void AddGlobalWall(string name, GlobalWall globalWall)
Adds the given GlobalWall instance to this mod with the provided name.
Definition: Mod.cs:713
void AddDust(string name, ModDust dust, string texture="")
Adds a type of dust to your mod with the specified name. Create an instance of ModDust normally,...
Definition: Mod.cs:485
void AutoloadDust(Type type)
void AddNPC(string name, ModNPC npc)
Adds a type of NPC to the game with the specified name and texture. Also allows you to give the NPC a...
Definition: Mod.cs:824
void AddWaterfallStyle(string name, ModWaterfallStyle waterfallStyle, string texture)
Adds the given waterfall style to the game with the given name and texture path.
Definition: Mod.cs:1292
void AddBossHeadTexture(string texture, int npcType=-1)
Assigns a head texture that can be used by NPCs on the map.
Definition: Mod.cs:931
void AutoloadGlobalBuff(Type type)
void AutoloadPrefix(Type type)
void AutoloadWall(Type type)
int AddEquipTexture(ModItem item, EquipType type, string name, string texture, string armTexture="", string femaleTexture="")
Adds an equipment texture of the specified type, internal name, and associated item to your mod....
Definition: Mod.cs:345
void AutoloadGlobalTile(Type type)
void AddBuff(string name, ModBuff buff, string texture)
Adds a type of buff to the game with the specified internal name and texture.
Definition: Mod.cs:976
void AddPrefix(string name, ModPrefix prefix)
Adds a prefix to your mod with the specified internal name. This method should be called in Load....
Definition: Mod.cs:431
void AddCommand(string name, ModCommand mc)
Manually add a Command during Load
Definition: Mod.cs:1438
void AutoloadSurfaceBgStyle(Type type)
ModTranslation CreateTranslation(string key)
Creates a ModTranslation object that you can use in AddTranslation.
ModProperties Properties
Definition: Mod.cs:52
void AddSound(SoundType type, string soundPath, ModSound modSound=null)
Adds the given sound file to the game as the given type of sound and with the given custom sound play...
Definition: Mod.cs:1362
void AddBackgroundTexture(string texture)
Adds a texture to the list of background textures and assigns it a background texture slot.
Definition: Mod.cs:1393
void AddTranslation(ModTranslation translation)
Adds a ModTranslation to the game so that you can use Language.GetText to get a LocalizedText.
Definition: Mod.cs:1544
void LoadTexture(string path, Stream stream, bool rawimg)
Definition: ModInternals.cs:60
void AutoloadGlobalItem(Type type)
void AddTile(string name, ModTile tile, string texture)
Adds a type of tile to the game with the specified name and texture.
Definition: Mod.cs:535
void AddGlobalNPC(string name, GlobalNPC globalNPC)
Adds the given GlobalNPC instance to this mod with the provided name.
Definition: Mod.cs:871
virtual string Name
Stores the name of the mod. This name serves as the mod's identification, and also helps with saving ...
Definition: Mod.cs:42
void AddGlobalBuff(string name, GlobalBuff globalBuff)
Adds the given GlobalBuff instance to this mod using the provided name.
Definition: Mod.cs:1025
void AutoloadLocalization()
Loads .lang files
void AddWall(string name, ModWall wall, string texture)
Adds a type of wall to the game with the specified name and texture.
Definition: Mod.cs:669
void AddUgBgStyle(string name, ModUgBgStyle ugBgStyle)
Adds the given underground background style with the given name to this mod.
Definition: Mod.cs:1167
void AddMount(string name, ModMountData mount, string texture, IDictionary< MountTextureType, string > extraTextures=null)
Adds the given mount to the game with the given name and texture. The extraTextures dictionary should...
Definition: Mod.cs:1051
void AddProjectile(string name, ModProjectile projectile)
Adds a type of projectile to the game with the specified name.
Definition: Mod.cs:740
void AutoloadCommand(Type type)
void AddModWorld(string name, ModWorld modWorld)
Adds a ModWorld to this mod with the given name.
Definition: Mod.cs:1135
void AutoloadGlobalBgStyle(Type type)
Music LoadMusic(string path, string extension)
void AutoloadUgBgStyle(Type type)
void AutoloadItem(Type type)
void AddTileEntity(string name, ModTileEntity entity)
Manually add a tile entity during Load.
Definition: Mod.cs:617
void AutoloadGores(IList< Type > modGores)
SoundEffect LoadSound(Stream stream, int length, string extension)
Definition: ModInternals.cs:85
void AddGlobalProjectile(string name, GlobalProjectile globalProjectile)
Adds the given GlobalProjectile instance to this mod with the provided name.
Definition: Mod.cs:787
void AddGlobalRecipe(string name, GlobalRecipe globalRecipe)
Manually add a Global Recipe during Load
Definition: Mod.cs:1413
void AddWaterStyle(string name, ModWaterStyle waterStyle, string texture, string blockTexture)
Adds the given water style to the game with the given name, texture path, and block texture path.
Definition: Mod.cs:1261
void AutoloadGlobalWall(Type type)
void AutoloadNPC(Type type)
void AddItem(string name, ModItem item)
Adds a type of item to your mod with the specified internal name. This method should be called in Loa...
Definition: Mod.cs:240
void AutoloadWaterStyle(Type type)
void AutoloadSounds(IList< Type > modSounds)
void AutoloadModWorld(Type type)
void AutoloadGlobalProjectile(Type type)
void AutoloadMountData(Type type)
void AutoloadWaterfallStyle(Type type)
Assembly Code
The assembly code this is loaded when tModLoader loads this mod.
Definition: Mod.cs:33
void AddSurfaceBgStyle(string name, ModSurfaceBgStyle surfaceBgStyle)
Adds the given surface background style with the given name to this mod.
Definition: Mod.cs:1195
void AutoloadTileEntity(Type type)
void AutoloadTile(Type type)
virtual void Unload()
This is called whenever this mod is unloaded from the game. Use it to undo changes that you've made i...
Definition: Mod.cs:83
This class serves as a place for you to place all your properties and hooks for each item....
Definition: ModItem.cs:17
string Name
The internal name of this ModItem.
Definition: ModItem.cs:45
virtual string Texture
The file name of this item's texture file in the mod loader's file space.
Definition: ModItem.cs:69
virtual void SetStaticDefaults()
This is where you set all your item's static properties, such as names/translations and the arrays in...
Definition: ModItem.cs:169
virtual void AutoStaticDefaults()
Automatically sets certain static defaults. Override this if you do not want the properties to be set...
Definition: ModItem.cs:175
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically load an item instead of using Mod.AddItem. Return true to allow autoloadi...
Definition: ModItem.cs:99
Item item
The item object that this ModItem controls.
Definition: ModItem.cs:26
This class serves as a place for you to place all your properties and hooks for each mount....
Definition: ModMountData.cs:15
int Type
The index of this ModMountData in the Mount.mounts array.
Definition: ModMountData.cs:37
string Name
The name of this type of mount.
Definition: ModMountData.cs:45
Mount.MountData mountData
The vanilla MountData object that is controlled by this ModMountData.
Definition: ModMountData.cs:21
This class serves as a place for you to place all your properties and hooks for each NPC....
Definition: ModNPC.cs:15
NPC npc
The NPC object that this ModNPC controls.
Definition: ModNPC.cs:21
virtual string HeadTexture
The file name of this NPC's head texture file, to be used in autoloading.
Definition: ModNPC.cs:61
virtual void AutoStaticDefaults()
Automatically sets certain static defaults. Override this if you do not want the properties to be set...
Definition: ModNPC.cs:189
string Name
The internal name of this NPC.
Definition: ModNPC.cs:37
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically load an NPC instead of using Mod.AddNPC. Return true to allow autoloading...
Definition: ModNPC.cs:121
virtual string BossHeadTexture
This file name of this NPC's boss head texture file, to be used in autoloading.
Definition: ModNPC.cs:65
virtual void SetStaticDefaults()
Allows you to set all your NPC's static properties, such as names/translations and the arrays in NPCI...
Definition: ModNPC.cs:183
A ModPlayer instance represents an extension of a Player instance. You can store fields in the ModPla...
Definition: ModPlayer.cs:16
string Name
The name of this ModPlayer. Used for distinguishing between multiple ModPlayers added by a single Mod...
Definition: ModPlayer.cs:28
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically add a ModPlayer instead of using Mod.AddPlayer. Return true to allow auto...
Definition: ModPlayer.cs:67
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Definition: ModPrefix.cs:126
virtual void AutoDefaults()
Definition: ModPrefix.cs:130
virtual void SetDefaults()
Allows you to set the prefix's name/translations and to set its category.
Definition: ModPrefix.cs:138
This class serves as a place for you to place all your properties and hooks for each projectile....
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically load a projectile instead of using Mod.AddProjectile. Return true to allo...
Projectile projectile
The projectile object that this ModProjectile controls.
virtual void SetStaticDefaults()
Allows you to set all your projectile's static properties, such as names/translations and the arrays ...
virtual void AutoStaticDefaults()
Automatically sets certain static defaults. Override this if you do not want the properties to be set...
string Name
The internal name of this ModProjectile.
This class allows you to customize how a sound you add is played. To use this, pass an instance to Mo...
Definition: ModSound.cs:9
Each background style determines in its own way how exactly the background is drawn....
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically add a ModSurfaceBgStyle instead of using Mod.AddSurfaceBgStyle....
string Name
The internal name of this surface background style.
Tile Entities are Entities tightly coupled with tiles, allowing the possibility of tiles to exhibit c...
string Name
The internal name of this ModTileEntity.
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically load a tile entity instead of using Mod.AddTileEntity....
This class represents a type of tile that can be added by a mod. Only one instance of this class will...
Definition: ModTile.cs:13
ushort Type
The internal ID of this type of tile.
Definition: ModTile.cs:33
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name, ref string texture)
Allows you to modify the name and texture path of this tile when it is autoloaded....
Definition: ModTile.cs:222
string Name
The name of this type of tile.
Definition: ModTile.cs:25
virtual string HighlightTexture
The highlight texture used when this tile is selected by smart interact. Defaults to adding "_Highlig...
Definition: ModTile.cs:42
string chest
The default name of this chest that is displayed when this 2x2 chest is open. Defaults to the empty s...
Definition: ModTile.cs:94
void AddTranslation(int culture, string value)
Each background style determines in its own way how exactly the background is drawn....
string Name
The internal name of this underground background style.
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically add a ModUgBgStyle instead of using Mod.AddUgBgStyle. Return true to allo...
This class represents a type of wall that can be added by a mod. Only one instance of this class will...
Definition: ModWall.cs:13
virtual void SetDefaults()
Allows you to set the properties of this wall. Many properties are stored as arrays throughout Terrar...
Definition: ModWall.cs:130
string Name
The name of this type of wall.
Definition: ModWall.cs:25
ushort Type
The internal ID of this type of wall.
Definition: ModWall.cs:33
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name, ref string texture)
Allows you to modify the name and texture path of this wall when it is autoloaded....
Definition: ModWall.cs:123
Represents a style of water that gets drawn, based on factors such as the background....
Definition: ModWaterStyle.cs:9
int Type
The ID of the water style.
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name, ref string texture, ref string blockTexture)
Allows you to automatically add a ModWaterStyle instead of using Mod.AddWaterStyle....
string Name
The internal name of this water style.
Represents a style of waterfalls that gets drawn. This is mostly used to determine the color of the w...
string Name
The internal name of this waterfall style.
int Type
The ID of this waterfall style.
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name, ref string texture)
Allows you to automatically add a ModWaterfallStyle instead of using Mod.AddWaterfallStyle....
A ModWorld instance represents an extension of a World. You can store fields in the ModWorld classes ...
Definition: ModWorld.cs:12
string Name
The name of this ModWorld. Used for distinguishing between multiple ModWorlds added by a single Mod.
Definition: ModWorld.cs:24
virtual bool Autoload(ref string name)
Allows you to automatically add a ModWorld instead of using Mod.AddModWorld. Return true to allow aut...
Definition: ModWorld.cs:32
This serves as the central place from which mounts are stored and mount-related functions are carried...
Definition: MountLoader.cs:14
This serves as the central class from which NPC-related functions are carried out....
Definition: NPCLoader.cs:20
This serves as the central class from which projectile-related functions are carried out....
This serves as the central class from which tile-related functions are supported and carried out.
Definition: TileLoader.cs:15
This is an enum of all possible types of extra mount textures for custom mounts. Use these as keys in...
This is an enum of the types of sound you can add to the game. This is used for determining whether a...
Definition: SoundType.cs:13
bool AutoloadSounds
Whether or not this mod will automatically add sounds in the Sounds folder to the game....
bool AutoloadGores
Whether or not this mod will automatically add images in the Gores folder as gores to the game,...
bool AutoloadBackgrounds
Whether or not this mod will automatically add images in the Backgrounds folder as background texture...