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tModLoader v2025.02
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
This is the complete list of members for ArmorIDs.Legs, including all inherited members.
AaronsLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
AdamantiteLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
AmberRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
AncientArmor (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
AncientBattleArmor (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
AncientCobaltLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
AncientHallowedGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
AncientShadowGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
AnglerPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ApprenticeDark (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ApprenticeDarkBodyExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ApprenticeRobeExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ApprenticeTrousers (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ArchaeologistsPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ArkhalisPants_Female (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ArkhalisPants_Male (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
AshWoodGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
BeeBreastplateBodyExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
BeeGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
BeePants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
BeetleLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
BorealWoodGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
BrideOfFrankensteinDress (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
BuccaneerPantaloons (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ButcherPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
CactusLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
CapricornLegs (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
CapricornTail (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
CatPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
CenxsDressPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
CenxsLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ChefPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ChlorophyteGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ClothiersPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ClownPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
CobaltLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
CopperGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
Count (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
CowboyPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
CreeperPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
CrimsonGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
CrownosLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
CrystalNinjaLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
CyborgPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
DjinnsCurse (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
DrManFlyLabCoatLegs (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
DryadLoincloth (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
DTownBreastplateBodyExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
DTownsLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
EbonwoodGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ElfPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
EskimoPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
FallenTuxedoPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
FamiliarPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
FishCostumeFinskirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
FlinxFurCoatExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
FloretProtectorLegs (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
FoodBarbarianGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ForbiddenArmorBodyExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
FossilGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
FoxPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
FrostLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
FuneralPantsFemale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
FuneralPantsMale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GameMasterPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GhostarLegsFemale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GhostarLegsMale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GhostarShirtExtensionFemale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GhostarShirtExtensionMale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GhostShirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GiFemaleExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GiMaleExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GladiatorBreastplateBodyExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GladiatorLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GoldGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
Golf (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GraduationGownBlackExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GraduationGownBlueExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GraduationGownMaroonExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GroxTheGreatGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GypsyRobeFemaleExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
GypsyRobeMaleExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
HallowedGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
HerosPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
HuntressJerkinExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
HuntressPantsFemale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
HuntressPantsMale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
IronGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
JimsLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
JunglePants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
KarateTortoisePants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
Lamia (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
LeadGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
LeinforsPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
LeinforsPantsCoat (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
LeprechaunPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
LincolnsPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
LokisGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MaidAltBodyExtensionFemale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MaidAltBodyExtensionMale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MaidAltFemale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MaidAltMale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MaidBodyExtensionFemale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MaidBodyExtensionMale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MaidFemale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MaidMale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MartianCostumePants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MartianUniformPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MermaidTail (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MeteorLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MiningPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MoltenGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MonkPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MoonLordLegs (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MrsClausHeels (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MummyPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MushroomPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
MythrilGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
NebulaLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
NecroGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
NinjaPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
NursePants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ObsidianLongcoatBodyExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ObsidianPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
OrichalcumLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PalladiumLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PalmWoodGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ParkaPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PearlwoodGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PedguinsTrousers (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PinkEskimoPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PiratePants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PixiePants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PlaguebringerGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PlatinumGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PlumbersPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PrettyPinkDressPantsFemale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PrettyPinkDressPantsMale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PrettyPinkDressSkirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PrincePants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PrincessDress (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PumpkinLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
PumpkinPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
RaincoatFemaleBodyExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
RaincoatMaleBodyExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ReaperRobe (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
RedRidingHuntress (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
RedRidingHuntress_Male (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
RedsLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
RichMahoganyGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
RobotPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
RoninPantsFemale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
RoninPantsMale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
RoninShirtExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
RoyalDressBottom (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SafemanDressLeggingsFemale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SafemanDressLeggingsMale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SafemanSunDressExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SailorPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SantaPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ScarecrowPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ShadewoodGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ShadowGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ShinobiInfiltrator (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ShinobiInfiltratorBodyExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ShroomiteLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SillySunflowerBottoms (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SilverGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SkiphssBearButt (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SolarFlareLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SpaceCreaturePants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SpectrePants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SpiderGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SpookyLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SquireGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SquirePlatingExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
StardustLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
StarPrincessDress (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SteampunkPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SuperHeroTightsFemale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
SuperHeroTightsMale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
TaxCollectorsPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
TheDoctorsPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
TikiPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
TikiShirtBodyExtensionFemale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
TikiShirtBodyExtensionMale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
TimelessTravelerBottom (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
TimelessTravelerRobeExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
TinGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
TitaniumLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
TreasureHunterPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
TreeTrunks (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
TungstenGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
TurtleLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
TuxedoPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
TVHeadPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
UndertakerCoat (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
UnicornPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
ValhallaKnight (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
VampirePants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
VictorianGothDressExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
VortexLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
WhiteTuxedoPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
WillowSkirtFemale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
WillowSkirtMale (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
WillsLeggings (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
WilsonPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
WitchBoots (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
WitchDress (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
WitchDressBodyExtension (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
WolfPants (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
WoodGreaves (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |
Yoraiz0rsSkirt (defined in ArmorIDs.Legs) | ArmorIDs.Legs | static |