tModLoader v2024.12
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 CAchievementTracker< float >
 CAchievementTracker< int >
 CActiveEntityIterator< T >
 CAmmoIDAmmoID entries represent ammo types. Ammo items that share the same AmmoID value assigned to Item.ammo can all be used as ammo for weapons using that same value for Item.useAmmo. AmmoID values are actually equivalent to the ItemID value of the iconic ammo item.
The Basic Ammo Guideteaches more about ammo.
 CSegments.AnimationSegmentWithActions< LooseSprite >
 CSegments.AnimationSegmentWithActions< NPC >
 CSegments.AnimationSegmentWithActions< Player >
 CGlobalTypeLookups< TGlobal >.AppliesToTypeSet
 CAsyncProvider< T >
 CAsyncProvider< TResource >
 CAWorkshopPublishInfoState< ResourcePack >
 CAWorkshopPublishInfoState< TmodFile >
 CAWorkshopPublishInfoState< WorldFileData >
 CItemID.BannerEffectDetermines the strength an NPC's banner has on players' interactions with that NPC. Used in Sets.BannerStrength
 CBossBarDrawParamsHolds data required for boss bar drawing.
 CBuffDrawParamsHolds data required for buff drawing.
 CBuffLoaderThis serves as the central class from which buff-related functions are supported and carried out.
 CBuffID.Sets.BuffMountDataStores data for mount buffs.
 CBuilderToggleDrawParamsHolds data required for builder toggle drawing.
 CEmoteID.CategoryThis class is added by TML for easily adding mod emotes to a specific category.
 CChatHelperFacilitates sending chat messages from the server to clients. BroadcastChatMessage(NetworkText, Color, int) and SendChatMessageToClient(NetworkText, Color, int) are the most commonly used methods provided.
 CChestRepresents a non-Player inventory, such as chests, portable storage, or NPC shops.
 CCombatTextRepresents floating text in the game world most typically used for damage numbers and healing numbers.
For non-overlapping in-game text, such as reforge messages, use PopupText instead. Use the NewText(Rectangle, Color, int, bool, bool) or NewText(Rectangle, Color, string, bool, bool) methods to create a new instance.
In multiplayer, ID.MessageID.CombatTextInt and ID.MessageID.CombatTextString network messages can be used to sync a combat text if manually spawned.
 CCommandLoaderThis serves as the central class from which ModCommand functions are supported and carried out.
 CContentInstance< T >
 CContentSamplesThis class stores instances of various content types in a number of dictionaries. These instances serve as references that can be queried for information. For example, a modder could check ItemsByType[ItemID.Gel].value to check the value of the Gel item rather than creating a new Item instance and then checking. Care must be taken by modders to not use these instances for anything other than as a reference. Modders should not edit the instances in any way.
ContentSamples should only be accessed in code that runs during Mod.PostSetupContent or later, as the entries are not filled in until then.
 CDashIDCorresponds to values assigned to Player.dashType.
 CDoubleStack< T1 >
 CDustDust are particles effects used to add visual elements to weapons and other effects. Dust are completely visual and should never be used as a gameplay element. Dust count limits are imposed by the game to keep performance consistent, so Dust are not guaranteed to spawn when code attempts to spawn them.Vanilla Dust are enumerated in the DustID class.New Dust can be implemented using the ModDust class.The Basic Dust Guideteaches the basics on using Dust. In addition, the guide has resources teaching how to discover and use vanilla Dust.
 CEffectManager< T >
 CEffectManager< CustomSky >
 CEffectManager< Filter >
 CEffectManager< Overlay >
 CEntityGlobalsEnumerator< TGlobal >
 CEntryFilterer< T, U >
 CEntryFilterer< BestiaryEntry, IBestiaryEntryFilter >
 CEntryFilterer< Item, IItemEntryFilter >
 CEntrySorter< BestiaryEntry, IBestiarySortStep >
 CEntrySorter< int, ICreativeItemSortStep >
 CActiveEntityIterator< T >.Enumerator
 CEquipLoaderThis serves as a central place to store equipment slots and their corresponding textures. You will use this to obtain the IDs for your equipment textures.
 CEquipTextureThis serves as a place for you to program behaviors of equipment textures. This is useful for equipment slots that do not have any item associated with them (for example, the Werewolf buff). Note that this class is purely for visual effects.
 CExtraJumpStateA structure containing fields used to manage extra jumps

 CTileID.Sets.FallingBlockProjectileInfoUsed in FallingBlockProjectile.
 CProjectileID.Sets.FallingBlockTileItemInfoUsed in FallingBlockTileItem.
 CFilteredArrayEnumerator< T >
 CFilteredSpanEnumerator< T >
 CFlowerPacketInfoDetermines the styles of ID.TileID.Plants that an Item creates on certain types of grass.
 CGameTipDataWrapper class for a LocalizedText and visibility field that has intended use with modification of Game Tips.
 CGameTipIDThis class contains a more human-readable name for every single Game Tip created by Vanilla.
 CGetItemSettingsContains settings for the popup text shown when using Player.GetItem(int, Terraria.Item, Terraria.GetItemSettings). The contained static fields can be used to match vanilla behavior for various actions. LongText:
NoText: If true, no PopupText will spawn.
CanGoIntoVoidVault: If true, the item can be placed into the Void Vault.
 CGlobalHookList< TGlobal >
 CGlobalList< TGlobal >
 CGlobalLoaderUtils< TGlobal, TEntity >
 CGlobalType< EmoteBubble, GlobalEmoteBubble >
 CGlobalType< Item, GlobalItem >
 CGlobalType< NPC, GlobalNPC >
 CGlobalType< Projectile, GlobalProjectile >
 CGlobalType< TGlobal >
 CGlobalTypeLookups< TGlobal >
 CGroupOptionButton< int >
 CGroupOptionButton< WorkshopItemPublicSettingId >
 CGroupOptionButton< WorldDifficultyId >
 CGroupOptionButton< WorldEvilId >
 CGroupOptionButton< WorldSizeId >
 CNPC.HitInfoRepresents a finalized damage calculation for damage about to be applied to an NPC. This is the result of the all modifications done previously in a HitModifiers.
 CNPC.HitModifiersRepresents a damage calculation in the process of being calculated for damage to be applied to an NPC. The final damage calculation will be present in the resulting HitInfo.
 CHookList< T >
 CIAnimationSegmentAction< T >
 CIAnimationSegmentAction< NPC >
 CIAnimationSegmentAction< Player >
 CIAnimationSegmentAction< Segments.LooseSprite >
 CIBestiaryInfoElementProvides a bestiary UI element to show to the user in the bestiary.
 CICategorizedBestiaryInfoElementAllows categorizing Bestiary UI Elements into existing categories. IBestiaryInfoElement that are not vanilla Types without this interface will be placed at the bottom in the UIBestiaryEntryInfoPage.BestiaryInfoCategory.Misc category.
 CIEntitySourceThis object encapsulates context information about the source of a particular spawning event of an Item/Projectile/NPC/etc. Aids in facilitating many modding situations and used in various OnSpawn hooks.
The IEntitySource Guideteaches how and why to use this.
 CIEntitySource_OnHitUsed along with EntitySource_Parent. The Attacker is also the EntitySource_Parent.Entity (owner of the effect)
 CIEntitySource_OnHurtUsed along with EntitySource_Parent. The Victim is also the EntitySource_Parent.Entity (owner of the effect)
 CIEntitySource_WithStatsFromItemUsed along with EntitySource_Parent to indicate that stats from the item should be transferred to spawned entities.
When used to spawn projectiles, a snapshot of the Player and Item stats will be stored on the projectile. See Projectile.ApplyStatsFromSource for implementation
 CIEntityWithGlobals< TGlobal >
 CIEntityWithGlobals< GlobalEmoteBubble >
 CIEntityWithGlobals< GlobalItem >
 CIEntityWithGlobals< GlobalNPC >
 CIEntityWithGlobals< GlobalProjectile >
 CIEntityWithInstances< T >
 CIEntityWithInstances< ModPlayer >
 CIEntryFilter< T >
 CIEntryFilter< BestiaryEntry >
 CIEntryFilter< Item >
 CIEntrySortStep< BestiaryEntry >
 CIEntrySortStep< int >
 CILoadableAllows for implementing types to be loaded and unloaded.
 CImmunityCooldownIDEnumerates the different immunity cooldown options for damage affecting a player. Most damage uses General and applies immunity via Player.immune. Other damage immunity cooldowns are tracked in Player.hurtCooldowns indexed by these values.Correct usage of ImmunityCooldownID in ModLoader.ModProjectile.CooldownSlot, ModLoader.ModNPC.CanHitPlayer(Terraria.Player, ref int), and Player.Hurt(DataStructures.PlayerDeathReason, int, int, bool, bool, int, bool, float, float, float) are essential for correctly applying damage to the player.
 CArmorIDs.Body.Sets.IncludeCapeFrontAndBackInfoStores Back and Front equips to be worn with a specified Body equip.
Used in IncludeCapeFrontAndBack.
 CIngameFancyUIProvides convenient access to the Main.InGameUI UserInterface class. Use this for in-game non-gameplay fullscreen user interfaces. User interfaces shown using IngameFancyUI hide all other UI. Some examples include the bestiary, emote menu, and settings menus. There can only be one active fullscreen user interface and the user can't play the game normally when active, so this is only useful for non-gameplay UI. Use OpenUIState to show a UIState and Close to close it. There is no need to manage a UserInterface or interface layers when using this approach, but it is more limited in flexibility.
 CTileIO.IOImpl< TBlock, TEntry >
 CTileIO.IOImpl< ModTile, TileEntry >
 CTileIO.IOImpl< ModWall, WallEntry >
 CIPylonTileEntityAllows Tile Entities that you want to be included in vanilla's pylon list to actually be added to the list when said TE is extended by this interface. What this means, in short, is that whenever all of the pylons are refreshed by vanilla, Tile Entities that extend this interface will get their own

See also

instance and it will be included along-side all of vanilla's pylons and any other modded pylons.

 CISearchFilter< BestiaryEntry >
 CISearchFilter< Item >
 CItemHoldStyleIDAssign Item.holdStyle to one of these to give your item an animation while not in use, but being held. The Use Style IDs wiki pagehas examples and animations of each of these hold styles, make sure to scroll down to the "Hold styles" section.
If none of these hold animations match what you want, consider using the ModLoader.ModItem.HoldStyle(Player, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle) hook to implement a custom animation.
 CItemLoaderThis serves as the central class from which item-related functions are carried out. It also stores a list of mod items by ID.
 CItemRarityIDEnumerates the values used with Item.rare
 CPrefixLegacy.ItemSetsThese sets determine which vanilla weapons belong to which prefix categories. Modded items should not use these as modded item prefix categories are derived automatically from their Item.DamageType and/or ModItem.MeleePrefix/ModItem.MagicPrefix/ModItem.RangedPrefix/ModItem.WeaponPrefix usage instead. ItemsThatCanHaveLegendary2, however, can be used by modded items if needed.
 CItemUseStyleIDAssign Item.useStyle to one of these to give your item an animation while in use. The Use Style IDs wiki pagehas examples and animations of each of these use styles.
If none of these animations match what you want, consider making the animation a behavior of a held projectile or use the ModLoader.ModItem.UseStyle hook to implement a custom animation.
 CItemVariantDescribes a variant of an Item.
 CItemVariantsHandles conditional variants for Items, commonly used for secret seeds.
 CLanguageContains methods to access or retrieve localization values. The Localization Guideteaches more about localization.
 CLightingThis class manages lighting in the game world. Lighting is calculated and tracked at tile coordinates within the users game view. The most common use of this class is to use GetColor methods to retrieve the light values at a location for drawing a specific entity. Another common usage is adding light to the game world using the AddLight methods.
 CLocalizedTextContains the localization value corresponding to a key for the current game language. Automatically updates as language, mods, and resource packs change. The Localization Guideteaches more about localization.
 CLoaderUtils.MethodOverrideQuery< T >
 CModMod is an abstract class that you will override. It serves as a central place from which the mod's contents are stored. It provides methods for you to use or override.
 CModContentManages content added by mods. Liaisons between mod content and Terraria's arrays and oversees the Loader classes.
 CModKeybindRepresents a loaded input binding. It is suggested to access the keybind status only in ModPlayer.ProcessTriggers.
 CModLoaderThis serves as the central class which loads mods. It contains many static fields and methods related to mods and their contents.
 CModTypeLookup< T >Enables content instances to register with Register(T) towards retrieval via ModContent.Find<T>(string) and similar methods.
 CMountLoaderThis serves as the central place from which mounts are stored and mount-related functions are carried out.
 CNetmodeIDCorrespond to Main.netMode values.
 CNetworkTextRepresents text that will be sent over the network in multiplayer and displayed to the receiving user in their selected language. Use FromKey(string, object[]) to send a localization key and optional substitutions. LocalizedText.ToNetworkText() can be used directly as well for the same effect.Use FromFormattable(string, object[]) to send a string with string formatting substitutions and associated substitutions. This is typically used with language-agnostic strings that don't need a localization entry, such as "{0} - {1}".Use FromLiteral(string) to send a string directly. This should be used to send text that can't be localized.
 CNPCID.Sets.NPCBestiaryDrawModifiersStores the draw parameters for an NPC type (NPC.type) in the Bestiary.
Do not use default to create this struct. Use new NPCBestiaryDrawModifiers() instead to set proper default values.
 CNPCDebuffImmunityDataUnused: Replaced by NPCID.Sets.SpecificDebuffImmunity, NPCID.Sets.ImmuneToAllBuffs , and NPCID.Sets.ImmuneToRegularBuffs

Determines the default debuff immunities of an NPC.
 CNPCHappinessThis struct provides access to an NPC type's NPC & Biome relationships.
 CNPCHeadLoaderThis class serves as a central place from which NPC head slots are stored and NPC head textures are assigned. This can be used to obtain the corresponding slots to head textures.
 CNPCLoaderThis serves as the central class from which NPC-related functions are carried out. It also stores a list of mod NPCs by ID.
 CNPCSpawnInfoA struct that stores information regarding where an NPC is naturally spawning and the player it is spawning around. This serves to reduce the parameter count for ModNPC.CanSpawn and GlobalNPC.EditSpawnPool.
 CPosData< T >.OrderedSparseLookupBuilderEfficient builder for PosData<T>[] lookups covering the whole world. Must add elements in ascending pos order.
 CPosData< T >.OrderedSparseLookupReader
 CParticlePool< T >
 CBackupIO.PlayerResponsible for archiving player backups
 CPlayerLoaderThis is where all ModPlayer hooks are gathered and called.
 CPopupTextRepresents an in-world floating text object.
 CPosData< T >
 CPosData< ushort >
 CPreJITFilterAllows custom JIT logic to be applied to classes in this mod.
 CPrimitiveRangeElement< byte >
 CPrimitiveRangeElement< float >
 CPrimitiveRangeElement< int >
 CPrimitiveRangeElement< uint >
 CSceneEffectLoader< T >.SceneEffectInstance.PrioritizedPair
 CProjectileLoaderThis serves as the central class from which projectile-related functions are carried out. It also stores a list of mod projectiles by ID.
 CRecipeA Recipe is a collection of ingredients, tiles, and a resulting Item. This is how players can craft items in the game.
The Basic Recipes Guideteaches how to add new recipes to the game and how to manipulate existing recipes.
Use Recipe.Create(int, int) to create a Recipe instance resulting in the specified item. Use AddIngredient(int, int) to add ingredients and AddTile(int) to add crafting stations. Finally, use Register to complete the recipe and register it to the game.
Recipes can only be added in ModSystem.AddRecipes, ModItem.AddRecipes, and GlobalItem.AddRecipes.
Recipes should be edited only in ModSystem.PostAddRecipes.
 CRecipeGroupIDContains recipe group ids suitable for use in Recipe.AddRecipeGroup(int, int).
Note that FishForDinner and GoldenCritter are actually unused and won't work. Also note that the ID values shown are incorrect.
 CRecipeLoaderThis is where all Recipe hooks are gathered and called.
 CRef< T >
 CRef< Effect >
 CRef< int >
 CRefReadOnlyArray< T >
 CItemID.Sets.SandgunAmmoInfoUsed in SandgunAmmoProjectileData.
 CSceneEffectLoader< T >.SceneEffectInstance
 CSelectionHolder< TCycleType >
 CSelectionHolder< IPlayerResourcesDisplaySet >
 CSelectionHolder< MinimapFrame >
 CSoundStyleThis data type describes in detail how a sound should be played.
Passable to the SoundEngine.PlaySound(in SoundStyle, Vector2?, SoundUpdateCallback?) method.
 CSpawnConditionThis serves as a central class to help modders spawn their NPCs. It's basically the vanilla spawn code if-else chains condensed into objects. See ExampleMod for usages.
 CStructureMapUsed during world generation to track and check important world generation features to prevent overlap. Access this via GenVars.structures. The AddProtectedStructure(Rectangle, int) method is used to indicate an area of the world to be protected from other world generation code. The CanPlace(Rectangle, int) method will check if the designated area is free from protected structures as well as any tiles that are not TileID.Sets.GeneralPlacementTiles. This is used to find an area that is unused. It is up to modders to properly use StructureMap to both mark areas as occupied by structures and check for areas free of existing structures. The Structure Map section of the World Generation wiki pagehas more information and useful visualizations.
 CStyleDimensionRepresents a dimension, either an absolute pixel size, a percentage of the available space, or a combination of both. For example uiElement.Width.Set(200, 0f); sets an absolute width of 200 pixels. uiElement.Width.Set(0, 0.5f); on the otherhand sets a width of 50% of the parent's avaiable UIElement.GetInnerDimensions. Both values can be set for more complex logic. uiElement.Width.Set(-10, 0.5f); sets the width to 50% of the available space minus 10 pixels. This would leave room between 2 buttons filling a space. uiElement.Height.Set(-100, 1f); would fill the full height of the space but leave 100 pixels at the bottom empty.
 CSystemLoaderThis is where all ModSystem hooks are gathered and called.
 CTextureAssetsContains the Texture2D assets used by the game, each stored as an Asset<Texture2D>. Note that the vanilla entries in Item, Npc, Projectile, Gore, Wall, Tile, ItemFlame, Background, and all of the player equipment and hair related fields are not necessarily loaded. Use the Main.LoadItem(int) or similar methods before attempting to use those texture assets. Modded content in these arrays are always preloaded during mod loading. For example, the following code could be used to access the Acorn item texture asset
 CTileA data structure used for accessing information about tiles, walls, wires, and liquids at a single position in the world.Vanilla tile code and a mods tile code will be quite different, since tModLoader reworked how tiles function to improve performance. This means that copying vanilla code will leave you with many errors. Running the code through tModPorter will fix most of the issues, however.For your sanity, all of the changes are well documented to make it easier to port vanilla code.
 CTileLoaderThis serves as the central class from which tile-related functions are supported and carried out.
 CTileObjectDataContains tile properties for multitiles dictating how they are placed and how they behave. Multitiles are non-terrain tiles. TileObjectData supports alternate placements as well as tile style-specific behaviors. The TileObjectData section of the Basic Tile wiki guidehas visuals and guides teaching how to use the TileObjectData system.
 CTileRestingInfoHolds data required for offsetting an entity when it rests on a tile (sitting/sleeping).
 CTooltipLineThis class serves as a way to store information about a line of tooltip for an item. You will create and manipulate objects of this class if you use the ModifyTooltips hook.
 CTopoSort< T >
 CUIAsyncList< ModDownloadItem, UIModDownloadItem >
 CUIAutoScaleTextTextPanel< LocalizedText >
 CUIAutoScaleTextTextPanel< string >
 CUIBrowserFilterToggle< ModBrowserSortMode >
 CUIBrowserFilterToggle< ModBrowserTimePeriod >
 CUIBrowserFilterToggle< ModSideFilter >
 CUIBrowserFilterToggle< SearchFilter >
 CUIBrowserFilterToggle< UpdateFilter >
 CUITextPanel< FuncStringWrapper >
 CUITextPanel< LocalizedText >
 CUITextPanel< object >
 CUITextPanel< string >
 CUPnPA simple UPnP library See:
 CWallLoaderThis serves as the central class from which wall-related functions are supported and carried out.
 CWeightedRandom< T >
 CWingStatsStores the stats and settings for a ID.ArmorIDs.Wing equip.
 CBackupIO.WorldResponsible for archiving world backups