tModLoader v2025.01
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
ItemID Class Reference


struct  BannerEffect
 Determines the strength an NPC's banner has on players' interactions with that NPC. Used in Sets.BannerStrength More...
class  Sets

Static Public Member Functions

static short FromLegacyName (string name, int release)
static short FromNetId (short id)

Static Public Attributes

const short AaronsBreastplate = 1567
const short AaronsHelmet = 1566
const short AaronsLeggings = 1568
const short Abeemination = 1133
const short AbigailsFlower = 5114
const short AccentSlab = 4962
const short AcidDye = 3040
const short Acorn = 27
const short AcornAxe = 5295
const short ActiveStoneBlock = 511
const short ActuationAccessory = 3624
const short ActuationRod = 3620
const short Actuator = 849
const short AdamantiteBar = 391
const short AdamantiteBeam = 604
const short AdamantiteBeamWall = 605
const short AdamantiteBreastplate = 403
const short AdamantiteChainsaw = 387
const short AdamantiteDrill = 388
const short AdamantiteForge = 524
const short AdamantiteGlaive = 406
const short AdamantiteHeadgear = 400
const short AdamantiteHelmet = 401
const short AdamantiteLeggings = 404
const short AdamantiteMask = 402
const short AdamantiteOre = 366
const short AdamantitePickaxe = 778
const short AdamantiteRepeater = 481
const short AdamantiteSword = 482
const short AdamantiteWaraxe = 993
const short AdhesiveBandage = 885
const short AegisCrystal = 5337
const short AegisFruit = 5338
const short Aglet = 285
const short AHorribleNightforAlchemy = 5220
const short AlchemyLantern = 1393
const short AlchemyTable = 3000
const short Ale = 353
const short AleThrowingGlove = 3821
const short AlphabetStatue0 = 2702
const short AlphabetStatue1 = 2703
const short AlphabetStatue2 = 2704
const short AlphabetStatue3 = 2705
const short AlphabetStatue4 = 2706
const short AlphabetStatue5 = 2707
const short AlphabetStatue6 = 2708
const short AlphabetStatue7 = 2709
const short AlphabetStatue8 = 2710
const short AlphabetStatue9 = 2711
const short AlphabetStatueA = 2712
const short AlphabetStatueB = 2713
const short AlphabetStatueC = 2714
const short AlphabetStatueD = 2715
const short AlphabetStatueE = 2716
const short AlphabetStatueF = 2717
const short AlphabetStatueG = 2718
const short AlphabetStatueH = 2719
const short AlphabetStatueI = 2720
const short AlphabetStatueJ = 2721
const short AlphabetStatueK = 2722
const short AlphabetStatueL = 2723
const short AlphabetStatueM = 2724
const short AlphabetStatueN = 2725
const short AlphabetStatueO = 2726
const short AlphabetStatueP = 2727
const short AlphabetStatueQ = 2728
const short AlphabetStatueR = 2729
const short AlphabetStatueS = 2730
const short AlphabetStatueT = 2731
const short AlphabetStatueU = 2732
const short AlphabetStatueV = 2733
const short AlphabetStatueW = 2734
const short AlphabetStatueX = 2735
const short AlphabetStatueY = 2736
const short AlphabetStatueZ = 2737
const short AMachineforTerrarians = 5227
const short AmanitaFungifin = 2475
const short Amarok = 3289
const short Amber = 999
const short AmberBunnyCage = 4888
const short AmberGemsparkBlock = 1976
const short AmberGemsparkWall = 2677
const short AmberGemsparkWallOff = 2678
const short AmberHook = 4257
const short AmberMinecart = 4467
const short AmberMosquito = 1242
const short AmberRobe = 4256
const short AmberSquirrelCage = 4895
const short AmberStaff = 3377
const short AmberStoneBlock = 4646
const short AmberStoneWallEcho = 4647
const short Ambrosia = 5342
const short AmericanExplosive = 1495
const short Amethyst = 181
const short AmethystBunnyCage = 4882
const short AmethystEcho = 4490
const short AmethystGemsparkBlock = 1970
const short AmethystGemsparkWall = 2679
const short AmethystGemsparkWallOff = 2680
const short AmethystHook = 1236
const short AmethystMinecart = 4451
const short AmethystRobe = 1282
const short AmethystSquirrelCage = 4889
const short AmethystStaff = 739
const short AmethystStoneBlock = 4640
const short AmmoBox = 2177
const short AmmoReservationPotion = 2344
const short AmphibianBoots = 3990
const short Anchor = 2424
const short AncientArmorHat = 3773
const short AncientArmorPants = 3775
const short AncientArmorShirt = 3774
const short AncientBattleArmorHat = 3776
const short AncientBattleArmorMaterial = 3783
const short AncientBattleArmorPants = 3778
const short AncientBattleArmorShirt = 3777
const short AncientBlueDungeonBrick = 5417
const short AncientBlueDungeonBrickWall = 5418
const short AncientChisel = 4056
const short AncientCloth = 3794
const short AncientCobaltBreastplate = 961
const short AncientCobaltBrick = 5429
const short AncientCobaltBrickWall = 5430
const short AncientCobaltHelmet = 960
const short AncientCobaltLeggings = 962
const short AncientCopperBrick = 5427
const short AncientCopperBrickWall = 5428
const short AncientCultistTrophy = 3357
const short AncientGoldBrick = 5423
const short AncientGoldBrickWall = 5424
const short AncientGoldHelmet = 955
const short AncientGreenDungeonBrick = 5419
const short AncientGreenDungeonBrickWall = 5420
const short AncientHallowedGreaves = 4901
const short AncientHallowedHeadgear = 4898
const short AncientHallowedHelmet = 4897
const short AncientHallowedHood = 4899
const short AncientHallowedMask = 4896
const short AncientHallowedPlateMail = 4900
const short AncientHellstoneBrick = 5435
const short AncientHellstoneBrickWall = 5436
const short AncientHorn = 3771
const short AncientIronHelmet = 954
const short AncientMythrilBrick = 5431
const short AncientMythrilBrickWall = 5432
const short AncientNecroHelmet = 959
const short AncientObsidianBrick = 5433
const short AncientObsidianBrickWall = 5434
const short AncientPinkDungeonBrick = 5421
const short AncientPinkDungeonBrickWall = 5422
const short AncientShadowGreaves = 958
const short AncientShadowHelmet = 956
const short AncientShadowScalemail = 957
const short AncientSilverBrick = 5425
const short AncientSilverBrickWall = 5426
const short AncientTablet = 4635
const short AndrewSphinx = 4626
const short Angelfish = 2476
const short AngelHalo = 1987
const short AngelStatue = 52
const short AngelWings = 493
const short AnglerEarring = 2374
const short AnglerFishBanner = 1615
const short AnglerHat = 2367
const short AnglerPants = 2369
const short AnglerTackleBag = 3721
const short AnglerVest = 2368
const short AngryBonesBanner = 3451
const short AngryNimbusBanner = 1616
const short AngryTrapperBanner = 2897
const short AnkhBanner = 789
const short AnkhCharm = 1612
const short AnkhShield = 1613
const short AnkletoftheWind = 212
const short AnnouncementBox = 3617
const short AnomuraFungusBanner = 1617
const short AntiGravityHook = 2800
const short AntiPortalBlock = 4091
const short AntlionBanner = 1618
const short AntlionClaw = 3772
const short AntlionEggs = 5067
const short AntlionMandible = 323
const short AnvilStatue = 468
const short Apple = 4009
const short AppleJuice = 4614
const short ApplePie = 4011
const short ApplePieSlice = 4010
const short ApprenticeAltHead = 3874
const short ApprenticeAltPants = 3876
const short ApprenticeAltShirt = 3875
const short ApprenticeBait = 2674
const short ApprenticeHat = 3797
const short ApprenticeRobe = 3798
const short ApprenticeScarf = 3809
const short ApprenticeStaffT3 = 3870
const short ApprenticeTrousers = 3799
const short Apricot = 4282
const short AquaScepter = 157
const short ArapaimaBanner = 1619
const short ArcaneCrystal = 5339
const short ArcaneFlower = 3991
const short ArcaneRuneWall = 2271
const short ArchaeologistsHat = 251
const short ArchaeologistsJacket = 252
const short ArchaeologistsPants = 253
const short ArcheryPotion = 303
const short ArchitectGizmoPack = 3061
const short ArcticDivingGear = 1861
const short ArgonMoss = 4389
const short ArgonMossBlock = 5440
const short ArgonMossBlockWall = 5446
const short Arkhalis = 3368
const short ArkhalisHat = 3921
const short ArkhalisPants = 3923
const short ArkhalisShirt = 3922
const short ArkhalisWings = 3924
const short ArmorBracing = 901
const short ArmoredCavefish = 2303
const short ArmoredSkeletonBanner = 1620
const short ArmoredVikingBanner = 2898
const short ArmorPolish = 886
const short ArmorStatue = 360
const short ArrowSign = 4319
const short ArtisanLoaf = 5326
const short AshBlock = 172
const short AshGrassSeeds = 5214
const short AshWood = 5215
const short AshWoodBathtub = 5190
const short AshWoodBed = 5191
const short AshWoodBookcase = 5192
const short AshWoodBow = 5282
const short AshWoodBreastplate = 5280
const short AshWoodCandelabra = 5194
const short AshWoodCandle = 5195
const short AshWoodChair = 5196
const short AshWoodChandelier = 5197
const short AshWoodChest = 5198
const short AshWoodClock = 5199
const short AshWoodDoor = 5200
const short AshWoodDresser = 5193
const short AshWoodFence = 5217
const short AshWoodGreaves = 5281
const short AshWoodHammer = 5283
const short AshWoodHelmet = 5279
const short AshWoodLamp = 5201
const short AshWoodLantern = 5202
const short AshWoodPiano = 5203
const short AshWoodPlatform = 5204
const short AshWoodSink = 5205
const short AshWoodSofa = 5206
const short AshWoodSword = 5284
const short AshWoodTable = 5207
const short AshWoodToilet = 5210
const short AshWoodWall = 5216
const short AshWoodWorkbench = 5208
const short AsphaltBlock = 775
const short AstraBrick = 5403
const short AstraBrickWall = 5411
const short AtlanticCod = 2299
const short AuroraBorealis = 5273
const short Autohammer = 1551
const short AvengerEmblem = 935
const short AviatorSunglasses = 3763
const short AxeStatue = 465
const short BabyBirdStaff = 4281
const short BabyGrinchMischiefWhistle = 1959
const short Bacon = 3532
const short BadgersHat = 5004
const short BallaHat = 1275
const short BallOfFuseWire = 4735
const short BallOHurt = 162
const short BalloonBathtub = 5169
const short BalloonBed = 5170
const short BalloonBookcase = 5171
const short BalloonCandelabra = 5173
const short BalloonCandle = 5174
const short BalloonChair = 5175
const short BalloonChandelier = 5176
const short BalloonChest = 5177
const short BalloonClock = 5178
const short BalloonDoor = 5179
const short BalloonDresser = 5172
const short BalloonHorseshoeFart = 3250
const short BalloonHorseshoeHoney = 3251
const short BalloonHorseshoeSharkron = 3252
const short BalloonLamp = 5180
const short BalloonLantern = 5181
const short BalloonPiano = 5182
const short BalloonPlatform = 5183
const short BalloonPufferfish = 3225
const short BalloonSink = 5184
const short BalloonSofa = 5185
const short BalloonTable = 5186
const short BalloonToilet = 5189
const short BalloonWorkbench = 5187
const short BambooBathtub = 4566
const short BambooBed = 4567
const short BambooBlock = 4564
const short BambooBlockWall = 4565
const short BambooBookcase = 4568
const short BambooCandelabra = 4570
const short BambooCandle = 4571
const short BambooChair = 4572
const short BambooChandelier = 4573
const short BambooChest = 4574
const short BambooClock = 4575
const short BambooDoor = 4576
const short BambooDresser = 4569
const short BambooFence = 4667
const short BambooLamp = 4577
const short BambooLantern = 4578
const short BambooLeaf = 4550
const short BambooPiano = 4579
const short BambooPlatform = 4580
const short BambooSink = 4581
const short BambooSofa = 4582
const short BambooTable = 4583
const short BambooToilet = 4586
const short BambooWorkbench = 4584
const short Banana = 4283
const short BananaDaiquiri = 4617
const short Bananarang = 1324
const short BananaSplit = 4012
const short BandageBoy = 4638
const short BandofRegeneration = 49
const short BandofStarpower = 111
const short BanquetTable = 1714
const short Bar = 1715
const short Barrel = 343
const short BarStool = 1706
const short Bass = 2290
const short BatBanner = 1621
const short BatBat = 5097
const short Batfish = 2450
const short BatHook = 1800
const short Bathtub = 336
const short BatScepter = 1801
const short BatStatue = 443
const short BattlePotion = 300
const short BatWings = 1165
const short BBQRibs = 4013
const short BeachBall = 859
const short BeamSword = 723
const short Beanie = 1429
const short Bed = 224
const short BedazzledNectar = 4605
const short BeeBreastplate = 2362
const short BeeCloak = 1247
const short BeeGreaves = 2363
const short BeeGun = 1121
const short BeeHat = 842
const short BeeHeadgear = 2361
const short BeeHive = 5066
const short BeeKeeper = 1123
const short BeeMask = 2108
const short BeeMinecart = 4426
const short Beenade = 1130
const short BeePants = 844
const short BeeShirt = 843
const short BeesKnees = 2888
const short BeetleHelmet = 2199
const short BeetleHusk = 2218
const short BeetleLeggings = 2202
const short BeetleMinecart = 4468
const short BeetleScaleMail = 2200
const short BeetleShell = 2201
const short BeetleWings = 2280
const short BeeWax = 2431
const short BeeWings = 1515
const short BejeweledValkyrieBody = 3227
const short BejeweledValkyrieHead = 3226
const short BejeweledValkyrieWing = 3228
const short Bell = 507
const short Bench = 335
const short BennyWarhol = 5229
const short BerniePetItem = 5088
const short BerserkerGlove = 3992
const short BetsyMasterTrophy = 4948
const short BetsyWings = 3883
const short BewitchingTable = 2999
const short Bezoar = 887
const short Bifrost = 5270
const short BigMimicCorruptionBanner = 4973
const short BigMimicCrimsonBanner = 4974
const short BigMimicHallowBanner = 4975
const short Binoculars = 1299
const short Bioluminescence = 5267
const short BiomeHairDye = 1983
const short BiomeSightPotion = 5211
const short Bird = 2015
const short BirdBanner = 1622
const short BirdCage = 2166
const short BirdieRattle = 4603
const short BirdStatue = 464
const short BitterHarvest = 1847
const short BlackAndWhiteDye = 3557
const short BlackBelt = 963
const short BlackCounterweight = 3309
const short BlackCurrant = 4284
const short BlackDragonfly = 4334
const short BlackDragonflyJar = 4327
const short BlackDye = 1050
const short BlackFairyDust = 1811
const short BlackInk = 1119
const short BlackLens = 236
const short BlackPaint = 1097
const short BlackPearl = 4413
const short BlackRecluseBanner = 1623
const short BlackScorpion = 2156
const short BlackScorpionCage = 2187
const short BlackSlimeBanner = 2899
const short BlacksmithRack = 2114
const short BlackString = 3308
const short BlackThread = 254
const short BladedGlove = 1827
const short BladeofGrass = 190
const short Bladetongue = 3211
const short BlandWhip = 4672
const short BlendOMatic = 995
const short BlessedApple = 3260
const short BlessingfromTheHeavens = 5254
const short Blindfold = 888
const short Blinkroot = 315
const short BlinkrootPlanterBox = 3219
const short BlinkrootSeeds = 309
const short BlizzardinaBalloon = 1163
const short BlizzardinaBottle = 987
const short BlizzardStaff = 1931
const short BloodbathDye = 4663
const short BloodButcherer = 795
const short BloodCrawlerBanner = 1626
const short BloodEelBanner = 4545
const short BloodFeederBanner = 1624
const short BloodFishingRod = 4325
const short BloodHamaxe = 4317
const short BloodJellyBanner = 1625
const short BloodLustCluster = 799
const short BloodMoonCountess = 1848
const short BloodMoonMonolith = 4054
const short BloodMoonRising = 1372
const short BloodMoonStarter = 4271
const short BloodMummyBanner = 4966
const short BloodNautilusBanner = 4602
const short BloodOrange = 4285
const short BloodRainBow = 4381
const short BloodSquidBanner = 4544
const short BloodWater = 3477
const short BloodWaterFountain = 945
const short BloodyGoblet = 4728
const short BloodyMachete = 1825
const short BloodyManowar = 2477
const short BloodyMoscato = 4621
const short BloodySpine = 1331
const short BloodZombieBanner = 3409
const short BloodZombieStatue = 3720
const short Blowgun = 986
const short Blowpipe = 281
const short BlueAcidDye = 3028
const short BlueandBlackDye = 1027
const short BlueAndGreenLights = 1903
const short BlueandSilverDye = 1059
const short BlueAndYellowLights = 1905
const short BlueArmoredBonesBanner = 2900
const short BlueBanner = 339
const short BlueBerries = 1111
const short BlueBrick = 134
const short BlueBrickPlatform = 1384
const short BlueBrickWall = 135
const short BlueBrickWallUnsafe = 5365
const short BlueCounterweight = 3310
const short BlueCultistArcherBanner = 2901
const short BlueCultistCasterBanner = 2902
const short BlueCultistFighterBanner = 2903
const short BlueDragonfly = 4335
const short BlueDragonflyJar = 4328
const short BlueDungeonBathtub = 2658
const short BlueDungeonBed = 1470
const short BlueDungeonBookcase = 1414
const short BlueDungeonCandelabra = 2664
const short BlueDungeonCandle = 1405
const short BlueDungeonChair = 1396
const short BlueDungeonChandelier = 2652
const short BlueDungeonChest = 2614
const short BlueDungeonDoor = 1411
const short BlueDungeonDresser = 2386
const short BlueDungeonLamp = 2645
const short BlueDungeonPiano = 2376
const short BlueDungeonSink = 2837
const short BlueDungeonSofa = 2402
const short BlueDungeonTable = 1397
const short BlueDungeonVase = 1408
const short BlueDungeonWorkBench = 1398
const short BlueDye = 1015
const short BlueDynastyShingles = 2262
const short BlueDynastyWall = 2264
const short BlueEgg = 5297
const short BlueFairyJar = 4657
const short BlueFlameAndBlackDye = 1036
const short BlueFlameAndSilverDye = 3552
const short BlueFlameDye = 1035
const short BlueFlare = 1614
const short BluegreenWallpaper = 1956
const short BlueHorseshoeBalloon = 1250
const short BlueJay = 2016
const short BlueJayCage = 2167
const short BlueJellyfish = 2436
const short BlueJellyfishJar = 2439
const short BlueLight = 596
const short BlueLights = 1898
const short BlueLunaticHood = 2857
const short BlueLunaticRobe = 2859
const short BlueMacaw = 5300
const short BlueMacawCage = 5301
const short BlueMoon = 163
const short BlueMoss = 4352
const short BluePaint = 1081
const short BluePhaseblade = 198
const short BluePhasesaber = 3764
const short BluePhasesaberOld = -19
const short BluePresent = 599
const short BluePressurePlate = 852
const short BlueRocket = 972
const short BlueSlabWall = 1378
const short BlueSlabWallUnsafe = 5366
const short BlueSolution = 781
const short BlueStainedGlass = 1269
const short BlueStarryGlassBlock = 4278
const short BlueStarryGlassWall = 4280
const short BlueString = 3301
const short BlueTiledWall = 1379
const short BlueTiledWallUnsafe = 5367
const short BlueTorch = 427
const short BlueWrench = 850
const short Bomb = 166
const short BombFish = 3196
const short BombStatue = 453
const short Bone = 154
const short BoneArrow = 3003
const short BoneBathtub = 2128
const short BoneBed = 2140
const short BoneBlock = 766
const short BoneBlockWall = 768
const short BoneBookcase = 2138
const short BoneCampfire = 3724
const short BoneCandelabra = 2152
const short BoneChair = 808
const short BoneChandelier = 2144
const short BoneChest = 2615
const short BoneClock = 2591
const short BoneDagger = 3379
const short BoneDoor = 820
const short BoneDresser = 2391
const short BoneFeather = 1517
const short Bonefish = 2478
const short BoneGlove = 3245
const short BoneHelm = 5100
const short BoneJavelin = 3378
const short BoneKey = 1169
const short BoneLamp = 2134
const short BoneLantern = 2148
const short BoneLeeBanner = 2904
const short BonePiano = 2381
const short BonePickaxe = 1320
const short BonePlatform = 634
const short BoneRattle = 3060
const short BoneSerpentBanner = 1627
const short BoneSink = 2831
const short BoneSkeletonStatue = 3712
const short BoneSofa = 2407
const short BoneSword = 1166
const short BoneTable = 827
const short BoneTorch = 3004
const short BoneWand = 932
const short BoneWarp = 1375
const short BoneWelder = 2192
const short BoneWhip = 5074
const short BoneWings = 786
const short BoneWorkBench = 811
const short Book = 149
const short Bookcase = 354
const short BookofSkulls = 1313
const short BookStaff = 3852
const short BoomerangStatue = 461
const short Boomstick = 964
const short BoosterTrack = 2739
const short BootStatue = 462
const short BorealBeam = 4717
const short BorealWood = 2503
const short BorealWoodBathtub = 2552
const short BorealWoodBed = 2553
const short BorealWoodBookcase = 2554
const short BorealWoodBow = 2747
const short BorealWoodBreastplate = 2510
const short BorealWoodCandelabra = 2555
const short BorealWoodCandle = 2556
const short BorealWoodChair = 2557
const short BorealWoodChandelier = 2558
const short BorealWoodChest = 2559
const short BorealWoodClock = 2560
const short BorealWoodDoor = 2561
const short BorealWoodDresser = 2562
const short BorealWoodFence = 2507
const short BorealWoodGreaves = 2511
const short BorealWoodHammer = 2746
const short BorealWoodHelmet = 2509
const short BorealWoodLamp = 2563
const short BorealWoodLantern = 2564
const short BorealWoodPiano = 2565
const short BorealWoodPlatform = 2566
const short BorealWoodSink = 2852
const short BorealWoodSofa = 858
const short BorealWoodSword = 2745
const short BorealWoodTable = 677
const short BorealWoodWall = 2505
const short BorealWoodWorkBench = 673
const short BoringBow = 3853
const short BossBagBetsy = 3860
const short BossBagDarkMage = 3862
const short BossBagOgre = 3861
const short BossMaskBetsy = 3863
const short BossMaskCultist = 3372
const short BossMaskDarkMage = 3864
const short BossMaskMoonlord = 3373
const short BossMaskOgre = 3865
const short BossTrophyBetsy = 3866
const short BossTrophyDarkmage = 3867
const short BossTrophyOgre = 3868
const short Bottle = 31
const short BottledHoney = 1134
const short BottledWater = 126
const short BottomlessBucket = 3031
const short BottomlessHoneyBucket = 5302
const short BottomlessLavaBucket = 4820
const short BottomlessShimmerBucket = 5364
const short Boulder = 540
const short BoulderStatue = 4355
const short BouncingShield = 4760
const short BouncyBomb = 3115
const short BouncyBoulder = 5383
const short BouncyDynamite = 3547
const short BouncyGlowstick = 3112
const short BouncyGrenade = 3116
const short Bowl = 356
const short BowlofSoup = 357
const short BowStatue = 460
const short BowTopper = 1877
const short BrainMask = 2104
const short BrainOfConfusion = 3223
const short BrainOfCthulhuBossBag = 3321
const short BrainofCthulhuMasterTrophy = 4926
const short BrainOfCthulhuPetItem = 4800
const short BrainofCthulhuTrophy = 1362
const short BrainScrambler = 2771
const short BrassLantern = 1390
const short BrassShelf = 1388
const short BrazierSuspended = 4867
const short BreakerBlade = 426
const short BreathingReed = 186
const short BrickLayer = 2214
const short BrideofFrankensteinDress = 1778
const short BrideofFrankensteinMask = 1777
const short BrightBlueDye = 1046
const short BrightBrownDye = 2876
const short BrightCyanDye = 1044
const short BrightGreenDye = 1042
const short BrightLimeDye = 1041
const short BrightOrangeDye = 1039
const short BrightPinkDye = 1049
const short BrightPurpleDye = 1047
const short BrightRedDye = 1038
const short BrightSilverDye = 3558
const short BrightSkyBlueDye = 1045
const short BrightTealDye = 1043
const short BrightVioletDye = 1048
const short BrightYellowDye = 1040
const short BrokenBatWing = 1520
const short BrokenHeroSword = 1570
const short BrownAndBlackDye = 2875
const short BrownAndSilverDye = 2877
const short BrownDye = 2874
const short BrownMoss = 4350
const short BrownPaint = 1966
const short BrownPressurePlate = 543
const short BrownString = 3305
const short Bubble = 3214
const short BubblegumBlock = 1591
const short BubblegumBlockWall = 1592
const short BubbleGun = 2623
const short BubbleMachine = 1449
const short BubbleWallpaper = 2158
const short BubbleWand = 1450
const short BuccaneerBandana = 3263
const short BuccaneerPants = 3265
const short BuccaneerShirt = 3264
const short Buddies = 5261
const short Buggy = 3194
const short BuggyStatue = 3662
const short BugNet = 1991
const short BuilderPotion = 2325
const short BumblebeeTuna = 2451
const short BundleofBalloons = 1164
const short Bunny = 2019
const short BunnyBanner = 1628
const short BunnyCage = 2162
const short BunnyCannon = 1337
const short BunnyEars = 4560
const short Bunnyfish = 2479
const short BunnyfishTrophy = 2447
const short BunnyHood = 243
const short BunnyStatue = 445
const short BunnyStew = 4014
const short BunnyTail = 4775
const short Burger = 4015
const short BurningHadesDye = 3597
const short BurningSpirit = 4628
const short ButcherApron = 4741
const short ButcherBanner = 3400
const short ButcherMask = 4740
const short ButcherPants = 4742
const short ButchersChainsaw = 3098
const short ButterflyDust = 1611
const short ButterflyStatue = 3652
const short ButterflyWings = 749
const short Cactus = 276
const short CactusBathtub = 2072
const short CactusBed = 2066
const short CactusBookcase = 2020
const short CactusBreastplate = 895
const short CactusCandelabra = 2092
const short CactusCandle = 2045
const short CactusChair = 807
const short CactusChandelier = 2055
const short CactusChest = 2616
const short CactusClock = 2592
const short CactusDoor = 816
const short CactusDresser = 2392
const short CactusHelmet = 894
const short CactusLamp = 2082
const short CactusLantern = 2032
const short CactusLeggings = 896
const short CactusPiano = 2382
const short CactusPickaxe = 882
const short CactusPlatform = 2744
const short CactusSink = 2854
const short CactusSofa = 2408
const short CactusSword = 881
const short CactusTable = 2743
const short CactusWall = 750
const short CactusWorkBench = 812
const short CageBuggy = 3255
const short CagedLantern = 1391
const short CageEnchantedNightcrawler = 3254
const short CageGrubby = 3256
const short CageSluggy = 3257
const short CalmingPotion = 2324
const short Campfire = 966
const short Candelabra = 349
const short Candle = 105
const short CandyApple = 1734
const short CandyCane = 1867
const short CandyCaneBlock = 586
const short CandyCaneHook = 1915
const short CandyCaneSword = 1909
const short CandyCaneWall = 587
const short CandyCaneWallpaper = 1950
const short CandyCorn = 1783
const short CandyCornRifle = 1782
const short Cannon = 928
const short Cannonball = 929
const short CanOfWorms = 4345
const short CapnTunabeard = 2480
const short CapricornChestplate = 5058
const short CapricornLegs = 5059
const short CapricornMask = 5057
const short CapricornTail = 5060
const short CarbonGuitar = 4057
const short Cardinal = 2017
const short CardinalCage = 2168
const short CarpentryRack = 2115
const short CarriageLantern = 1392
const short Carrot = 603
const short Cascade = 3282
const short Catacomb = 1417
const short CatBast = 4276
const short CatEars = 1824
const short Catfish = 2452
const short CatMask = 1749
const short CatPants = 1751
const short CatShirt = 1750
const short CatSword = 5224
const short Cauldron = 1791
const short Cave1Echo = 4496
const short Cave2Echo = 4497
const short Cave3Echo = 4498
const short Cave4Echo = 4499
const short Cave5Echo = 4500
const short Cave6Echo = 4501
const short Cave7Echo = 4502
const short Cave8Echo = 4512
const short CavernFountain = 4922
const short CaveWall1Echo = 4510
const short CaveWall2Echo = 4511
const short Celeb2 = 3930
const short CelestialCuffs = 2221
const short CelestialEmblem = 2220
const short CelestialMagnet = 2219
const short CelestialShell = 3110
const short CelestialSigil = 3601
const short CelestialStone = 1865
const short CelestialWand = 4365
const short CellPhone = 3124
const short CenxsBreastplate = 1555
const short CenxsDress = 1587
const short CenxsDressPants = 1588
const short CenxsLeggings = 1556
const short CenxsTiara = 1554
const short CenxsWings = 1586
const short Chain = 85
const short ChainGuillotines = 3012
const short ChainGun = 1929
const short ChainKnife = 1325
const short ChainLantern = 136
const short ChaosElementalBanner = 1629
const short ChaosFish = 2317
const short ChargedBlasterCannon = 2882
const short CharmofMyths = 860
const short ChefHat = 4555
const short ChefPants = 4557
const short ChefShirt = 4556
const short Cherry = 4286
const short Chest = 48
const short ChesterPetItem = 5098
const short ChestLock = 5328
const short ChestStatue = 463
const short ChickenNugget = 4016
const short Chik = 3283
const short Chimney = 3365
const short ChineseLantern = 344
const short ChippysCouch = 4993
const short ChlorophyteArrow = 1235
const short ChlorophyteBar = 1006
const short ChlorophyteBrick = 2792
const short ChlorophyteBrickWall = 2789
const short ChlorophyteBullet = 1179
const short ChlorophyteChainsaw = 1232
const short ChlorophyteClaymore = 1226
const short ChlorophyteDrill = 1231
const short ChlorophyteDye = 2883
const short ChlorophyteExtractinator = 5296
const short ChlorophyteGreataxe = 1233
const short ChlorophyteGreaves = 1005
const short ChlorophyteHeadgear = 1003
const short ChlorophyteHelmet = 1002
const short ChlorophyteJackhammer = 1262
const short ChlorophyteMask = 1001
const short ChlorophyteOre = 947
const short ChlorophytePartisan = 1228
const short ChlorophytePickaxe = 1230
const short ChlorophytePlateMail = 1004
const short ChlorophyteSaber = 1227
const short ChlorophyteShotbow = 1229
const short ChlorophyteWarhammer = 1234
const short ChocolateChipCookie = 4017
const short ChristmasHook = 1916
const short ChristmasPudding = 1911
const short ChristmasTree = 1873
const short ChristmasTreeSword = 1928
const short ChristmasTreeWallpaper = 1948
const short ChumBucket = 4608
const short ClayBlock = 133
const short ClayPot = 222
const short Clentaminator = 779
const short Clentaminator2 = 5134
const short ClimbingClaws = 953
const short ClingerBanner = 2905
const short ClingerStaff = 3014
const short ClockworkAssaultRifle = 434
const short ClosedVoidBag = 5325
const short ClothierJacket = 3246
const short ClothierPants = 3247
const short ClothierVoodooDoll = 1307
const short Cloud = 751
const short Cloudfish = 2453
const short CloudinaBalloon = 399
const short CloudinaBottle = 53
const short CloudWall = 752
const short ClownBanner = 1631
const short Clownfish = 2481
const short ClownHat = 503
const short ClownPants = 505
const short ClownShirt = 504
const short ClusterRocketI = 4445
const short ClusterRocketII = 4446
const short CnadyCanePickaxe = 1917
const short Coal = 1922
const short CobaltBar = 381
const short CobaltBreastplate = 374
const short CobaltBrick = 415
const short CobaltBrickWall = 420
const short CobaltChainsaw = 383
const short CobaltDrill = 385
const short CobaltHat = 371
const short CobaltHelmet = 372
const short CobaltLeggings = 375
const short CobaltMask = 373
const short CobaltNaginata = 537
const short CobaltOre = 364
const short CobaltPickaxe = 776
const short CobaltRepeater = 435
const short CobaltShield = 156
const short CobaltSword = 483
const short CobaltWaraxe = 991
const short Cobweb = 150
const short CochinealBeetleBanner = 2906
const short CockatielStatue = 5319
const short Coconut = 4287
const short Code1 = 3262
const short Code2 = 3284
const short CoffeeCup = 5042
const short CoffinMinecart = 4745
const short Cog = 1344
const short CogWall = 3751
const short CoinGun = 905
const short CoinRing = 3034
const short ColdWatersintheWhiteLand = 1487
const short ColorOnlyDye = 3978
const short CombatBook = 4382
const short CombatBookVolumeTwo = 5336
const short CombatWrench = 4818
const short CompanionCube = 3628
const short Compass = 393
const short CompassRose = 2444
const short Confetti = 1345
const short ConfettiBlock = 2695
const short ConfettiBlockBlack = 2697
const short ConfettiCannon = 3369
const short ConfettiGun = 1000
const short ConfettiWall = 2696
const short ConfettiWallBlack = 2698
const short Constellation = 5238
const short ConveyorBeltLeft = 3609
const short ConveyorBeltRight = 3610
const short CookedFish = 2425
const short CookedMarshmallow = 969
const short CookedShrimp = 2426
const short CookingPot = 345
const short CoolWhip = 4911
const short CopperAxe = 3506
const short CopperAxeOld = -16
const short CopperBar = 20
const short CopperBow = 3504
const short CopperBowOld = -18
const short CopperBrick = 145
const short CopperBrickWall = 146
const short CopperBroadsword = 3508
const short CopperBroadswordOld = -14
const short CopperChainmail = 80
const short CopperChandelier = 106
const short CopperCoin = 71
const short CopperGreaves = 76
const short CopperHammer = 3505
const short CopperHammerOld = -17
const short CopperHelmet = 89
const short CopperOre = 12
const short CopperPickaxe = 3509
const short CopperPickaxeOld = -13
const short CopperPipeWallpaper = 2159
const short CopperPlating = 2173
const short CopperPlatingWall = 2432
const short CopperShortsword = 3507
const short CopperShortswordOld = -15
const short CopperWatch = 15
const short Coral = 275
const short CoralBathtub = 5148
const short CoralBed = 5149
const short CoralBookcase = 5150
const short CoralCampfire = 4690
const short CoralCandelabra = 5152
const short CoralCandle = 5153
const short CoralChair = 5154
const short CoralChandelier = 5155
const short CoralChest = 5156
const short CoralClock = 5157
const short CoralDoor = 5158
const short CoralDresser = 5151
const short CoralLamp = 5159
const short CoralLantern = 5160
const short CoralPiano = 5161
const short CoralPlatform = 5162
const short CoralSink = 5163
const short CoralSofa = 5164
const short CoralstoneBlock = 2435
const short CoralTable = 5165
const short CoralToilet = 5168
const short CoralTorch = 4384
const short CoralWorkbench = 5166
const short CordageGuide = 3068
const short CorruptBunnyBanner = 1632
const short CorruptCampfire = 4691
const short CorruptFishingCrate = 3203
const short CorruptFishingCrateHard = 3982
const short CorruptGoldfishBanner = 1633
const short CorruptGrassEcho = 4504
const short CorruptHardenedSand = 3274
const short CorruptHardenedSandWall = 3341
const short Corruption1Echo = 4513
const short Corruption2Echo = 4514
const short Corruption3Echo = 4515
const short Corruption4Echo = 4516
const short CorruptionChest = 1529
const short CorruptionKey = 1534
const short CorruptionKeyMold = 1804
const short CorruptorBanner = 2909
const short CorruptPenguinBanner = 2907
const short CorruptPlanterBox = 3217
const short CorruptSandstone = 3276
const short CorruptSandstoneWall = 3344
const short CorruptSeeds = 59
const short CorruptSlimeBanner = 2908
const short CorruptStatue = 466
const short CorruptTorch = 4385
const short CorruptWaterFountain = 942
const short CorruptYoyo = 3279
const short CosmicCarKey = 2769
const short CosmicEmberBrick = 5404
const short CosmicEmberBrickWall = 5412
const short CouchGag = 5263
static readonly short Count = 5456
const short CountercurseMantra = 904
const short CowboyHat = 873
const short CowboyJacket = 874
const short CowboyPants = 875
const short CrabBanner = 1634
const short CrabStatue = 454
const short CrackedBlueBrick = 4238
const short CrackedGreenBrick = 4239
const short CrackedPinkBrick = 4240
const short CratePotion = 2356
const short CrawdadBanner = 3393
const short CreamSoda = 4018
const short CreativeWings = 4978
const short CreatureFromTheDeepBanner = 3395
const short CreeperMask = 1746
const short CreeperPants = 1748
const short CreeperShirt = 1747
const short CrimeraBanner = 1635
const short CrimsandBlock = 1246
const short CrimslimeBanner = 2910
const short Crimson1Echo = 4517
const short Crimson2Echo = 4518
const short Crimson3Echo = 4519
const short Crimson4Echo = 4520
const short CrimsonAxeBanner = 1636
const short CrimsonBunnyBanner = 4970
const short CrimsonCampfire = 4692
const short CrimsonChest = 1530
const short CrimsonCloak = 2284
const short CrimsonFishingCrate = 3204
const short CrimsonFishingCrateHard = 3983
const short CrimsonGoldfishBanner = 4971
const short CrimsonGrassEcho = 4508
const short CrimsonGreaves = 794
const short CrimsonHardenedSand = 3275
const short CrimsonHardenedSandWall = 3342
const short CrimsonHeart = 3062
const short CrimsonHelmet = 792
const short CrimsonKey = 1535
const short CrimsonKeyMold = 1805
const short CrimsonPenguinBanner = 4972
const short CrimsonPlanterBox = 3218
const short CrimsonRod = 1256
const short CrimsonSandstone = 3277
const short CrimsonSandstoneWall = 3345
const short CrimsonScalemail = 793
const short CrimsonSeeds = 2171
const short CrimsonTigerfish = 2305
const short CrimsonTorch = 4386
const short CrimsonWaterFountain = 943
const short CrimsonYoyo = 3280
const short CrimstoneBlock = 836
const short CrimstoneBrick = 4050
const short CrimstoneBrickWall = 4052
const short CrimstoneEcho = 4509
const short CrimtaneBar = 1257
const short CrimtaneBrick = 2793
const short CrimtaneBrickWall = 2790
const short CrimtaneOre = 880
const short CrispyHoneyBlock = 1127
const short CritterShampoo = 4762
const short CrossGraveMarker = 1174
const short CrossNecklace = 554
const short CrossStatue = 458
const short CrownoDevoursHisLunch = 1575
const short CrownosBreastplate = 1558
const short CrownosLeggings = 1559
const short CrownosMask = 1557
const short CrownosWings = 1585
const short Crustography = 5252
const short CryocoreBrick = 5405
const short CryocoreBrickWall = 5413
const short CrystalBall = 487
const short CrystalBathtub = 3895
const short CrystalBed = 3897
const short CrystalBlock = 3234
const short CrystalBlockWall = 3238
const short CrystalBookCase = 3917
const short CrystalBullet = 515
const short CrystalCandelabra = 3893
const short CrystalCandle = 3890
const short CrystalChair = 3889
const short CrystalChandelier = 3894
const short CrystalChest = 3884
const short CrystalClock = 3898
const short CrystalDart = 3009
const short CrystalDoor = 3888
const short CrystalDresser = 3911
const short CrystalLamp = 3892
const short CrystalLantern = 3891
const short CrystalNinjaChestplate = 4983
const short CrystalNinjaHelmet = 4982
const short CrystalNinjaLeggings = 4984
const short CrystalPiano = 3915
const short CrystalPlatform = 3903
const short CrystalSerpent = 3209
const short CrystalShard = 502
const short CrystalSink = 3896
const short CrystalSofaHowDoesThatEvenWork = 3918
const short CrystalStorm = 518
const short CrystalTable = 3920
const short CrystalVileShard = 3051
const short CrystalWorkbench = 3909
const short CultistBossBag = 3331
const short CursedArrow = 545
const short CursedBullet = 546
const short CursedCampfire = 3046
const short CursedDart = 3010
const short Cursedfish = 2454
const short CursedFlame = 522
const short CursedFlames = 519
const short CursedFlare = 5378
const short CursedHammerBanner = 1637
const short CursedSapling = 1837
const short CursedSkullBanner = 2911
const short CursedTorch = 523
const short Cutlass = 672
const short CyanandBlackDye = 1025
const short CyanandSilverDye = 1057
const short CyanBeetleBanner = 2912
const short CyanDye = 1013
const short CyanGradientDye = 1069
const short CyanHusk = 1116
const short CyanPaint = 1079
const short CyanString = 3299
const short CyborgHelmet = 1743
const short CyborgPants = 1745
const short CyborgShirt = 1744
const short DaedalusStormbow = 3029
const short Damselfish = 2304
const short DandelionBanner = 4687
const short DaoofPow = 389
const short DarkBlueSolution = 783
const short DarkCelestialBrick = 5402
const short DarkCelestialBrickWall = 5410
const short DarkHorseSaddle = 4787
const short DarkLance = 274
const short DarkMageBookMountItem = 4796
const short DarkMageMasterTrophy = 4946
const short DarkMummyBanner = 3449
const short Darkness = 1475
const short DarkShard = 527
const short DarkSideHallow = 5087
const short DarkSoulReaper = 1476
const short DartPistol = 3007
const short DartRifle = 3008
const short DartTrap = 539
const short Daybloom = 313
const short DayBloomPlanterBox = 3215
const short DaybloomSeeds = 307
const short DayBreak = 3543
const short Daylight = 1490
const short DD2BallistraTowerT1Popper = 3824
const short DD2BallistraTowerT2Popper = 3825
const short DD2BallistraTowerT3Popper = 3826
const short DD2BetsyBow = 3859
const short DD2BetsyPetItem = 4817
const short DD2DrakinBanner = 3840
const short DD2ElderCrystal = 3828
const short DD2ElderCrystalStand = 3816
const short DD2EnergyCrystal = 3822
const short DD2ExplosiveTrapT1Popper = 3832
const short DD2ExplosiveTrapT2Popper = 3833
const short DD2ExplosiveTrapT3Popper = 3834
const short DD2FlameburstTowerT1Popper = 3818
const short DD2FlameburstTowerT2Popper = 3819
const short DD2FlameburstTowerT3Popper = 3820
const short DD2GoblinBanner = 3838
const short DD2GoblinBomberBanner = 3837
const short DD2JavelinThrowerBanner = 3845
const short DD2KoboldBanner = 3842
const short DD2KoboldFlyerBanner = 3841
const short DD2LightningAuraT1Popper = 3829
const short DD2LightningAuraT2Popper = 3830
const short DD2LightningAuraT3Popper = 3831
const short DD2LightningBugBanner = 3846
const short DD2OgrePetItem = 4816
const short DD2PetDragon = 3857
const short DD2PetGato = 3855
const short DD2PetGhost = 3856
const short DD2PhoenixBow = 3854
const short DD2SkeletonBanner = 3839
const short DD2SquireBetsySword = 3827
const short DD2SquireDemonSword = 3823
const short DD2WitherBeastBanner = 3843
const short DD2WyvernBanner = 3844
const short DeadlandComesAlive = 1492
const short DeadlySphereBanner = 3402
const short DeadlySphereStaff = 3249
const short DeadMansChest = 3988
const short DeadMansSweater = 5007
const short DeathbringerPickaxe = 798
const short DeathSickle = 1327
const short Deathweed = 316
const short DeathweedSeeds = 310
const short DeepBluePaint = 1093
const short DeepCyanPaint = 1091
const short DeepGreenPaint = 1089
const short DeepLimePaint = 1088
const short DeepOrangePaint = 1086
const short DeepPinkPaint = 1096
const short DeepPurplePaint = 1094
const short DeepRedPaint = 1085
const short DeepSkyBluePaint = 1092
const short DeepTealPaint = 1090
const short DeepVioletPaint = 1095
const short DeepYellowPaint = 1087
const short DeerclopsBossBag = 5111
const short DeerclopsMask = 5109
const short DeerclopsMasterTrophy = 5110
const short DeerclopsPetItem = 5090
const short DeerclopsTrophy = 5108
const short DeerThing = 5120
const short DefenderMedal = 3817
const short DefendersForge = 3813
const short DemonBanner = 1638
const short DemonBow = 44
const short DemonCampfire = 3047
const short DemonConch = 4819
const short DemonEyeBanner = 1639
const short DemonHeart = 3335
const short DemonHorns = 4549
const short DemonicHellfish = 2482
const short DemoniteBar = 57
const short DemoniteBrick = 577
const short DemoniteBrickWall = 606
const short DemoniteOre = 56
const short DemonScythe = 272
const short DemonsEye = 1479
const short DemonTorch = 433
const short DemonWings = 492
const short DepthHairDye = 1979
const short DepthMeter = 18
const short Derpfish = 2483
const short DerplingBanner = 1640
const short DesertBasiliskBanner = 3418
const short DesertCampfire = 4689
const short DesertChest = 4267
const short DesertDjinnBanner = 3417
const short DesertFossil = 3347
const short DesertFossilWall = 3348
const short DesertGhoulBanner = 3415
const short DesertLamiaBanner = 3416
const short DesertMinecart = 4066
const short DesertTorch = 4383
const short DesertWaterFountain = 910
const short DestroyerBossBag = 3325
const short DestroyerEmblem = 1301
const short DestroyerMask = 2113
const short DestroyerMasterTrophy = 4932
const short DestroyerPetItem = 4803
const short DestroyerTrophy = 1366
const short Detonator = 3545
const short DevDye = 3024
const short DevilHorns = 4561
const short DevourerBanner = 2913
const short DiablolistBanner = 2914
const short DiablostLamp = 1394
const short DiabolicSigil = 1456
const short Diamond = 182
const short DiamondBunnyCage = 4887
const short DiamondEcho = 4495
const short DiamondGemsparkBlock = 1975
const short DiamondGemsparkWall = 2681
const short DiamondGemsparkWallOff = 2682
const short DiamondHook = 1241
const short DiamondMinecart = 4456
const short DiamondRing = 2276
const short DiamondRobe = 1287
const short DiamondSquirrelCage = 4894
const short DiamondStaff = 744
const short DiamondStoneBlock = 4645
const short DiggingMoleMinecart = 4763
const short Dirt1Echo = 4521
const short Dirt2Echo = 4522
const short Dirt3Echo = 4523
const short Dirt4Echo = 4524
const short DirtBlock = 2
const short DirtBomb = 4908
const short Dirtfish = 2455
const short DirtiestBlock = 5400
const short DirtRod = 114
const short DirtSolution = 5394
const short DirtStickyBomb = 4909
const short DirtWall = 30
const short DiscoBall = 488
const short DiscountCard = 854
const short Discover = 1496
const short DiscWall = 825
const short DivineEye = 4639
const short DivingGear = 394
const short DivingHelmet = 268
const short DizzyHat = 5385
const short DjinnLamp = 3795
const short DjinnsCurse = 3770
const short DoctorBonesBanner = 2915
const short DogEars = 4768
const short DogTail = 4769
const short DogWhistle = 1927
const short DoNotEattheVileMushroom = 5241
const short DoNotStepontheGrass = 1486
const short DontHurtComboBook = 5323
const short DontHurtComboBookInactive = 5455
const short DontHurtCrittersBook = 4767
const short DontHurtCrittersBookInactive = 5453
const short DontHurtNatureBook = 5309
const short DontHurtNatureBookInactive = 5454
const short DontStarveShaderItem = 5113
const short DoubleCod = 2313
const short DPSMeter = 3119
const short DragonflyStatue = 4342
const short Dragonfruit = 4288
const short Drax = 579
const short DreadoftheRedSea = 5240
const short Dresser = 334
const short DrillContainmentUnit = 2768
const short DripplerBanner = 3410
const short DripplerFlail = 4272
const short DripplerStatue = 3710
const short DrManFlyBanner = 3396
const short DrManFlyLabCoat = 4739
const short DrManFlyMask = 4738
const short DrumSet = 4063
const short DrumStick = 4673
const short DryadCoverings = 1853
const short Dryadisque = 1426
const short DryadLoincloth = 1854
const short DryBomb = 4827
const short DryRocket = 4459
const short DTownsBreastplate = 1581
const short DTownsHelmet = 1580
const short DTownsLeggings = 1582
const short DTownsWings = 1583
const short DualHook = 437
const short Duality = 5232
const short Duck = 2123
const short DuckCage = 2165
const short DuckStatue = 3659
const short DuckyWallpaper = 2160
const short DukeFishronMask = 2588
const short DukeFishronMasterTrophy = 4936
const short DukeFishronPetItem = 4808
const short DukeFishronTrophy = 2589
const short DuneSplicerBanner = 3412
const short DungeonClockBlue = 3900
const short DungeonClockGreen = 3901
const short DungeonClockPink = 3902
const short DungeonDesertChest = 4712
const short DungeonDesertKey = 4714
const short DungeonDoor = 1138
const short DungeonFishingCrate = 3205
const short DungeonFishingCrateHard = 3984
const short DungeonShelf = 1418
const short DungeonSlimeBanner = 2916
const short DungeonSpiritBanner = 2917
const short DyeTraderRobe = 1741
const short DyeTradersScimitar = 3349
const short DyeTraderTurban = 3248
const short DyeVat = 1120
const short Dynamite = 167
const short DynamiteFish = 2456
const short DynastyBathtub = 2232
const short DynastyBed = 2231
const short DynastyBookcase = 2233
const short DynastyBowl = 2235
const short DynastyCandelabra = 2227
const short DynastyCandle = 2236
const short DynastyChair = 2228
const short DynastyChandelier = 2224
const short DynastyChest = 2230
const short DynastyClock = 2237
const short DynastyCup = 2234
const short DynastyDoor = 2265
const short DynastyDresser = 3912
const short DynastyLamp = 2225
const short DynastyLantern = 2226
const short DynastyPiano = 3916
const short DynastyPlatform = 3905
const short DynastySink = 2849
const short DynastySofa = 3919
const short DynastyTable = 2259
const short DynastyWood = 2260
const short DynastyWorkBench = 2229
const short EaterMask = 2111
const short EaterofPlankton = 2457
const short EaterofSoulsBanner = 1641
const short EaterOfWorldsBossBag = 3320
const short EaterofWorldsMasterTrophy = 4925
const short EaterOfWorldsPetItem = 4799
const short EaterofWorldsTrophy = 1361
const short EatersBone = 994
const short Ebonkoi = 2318
const short EbonsandBlock = 370
const short EbonstoneBlock = 61
const short EbonstoneBrick = 609
const short EbonstoneBrickWall = 610
const short EbonstoneEcho = 4486
const short Ebonwood = 619
const short EbonwoodBathtub = 2073
const short EbonwoodBed = 644
const short EbonwoodBookcase = 2021
const short EbonwoodBow = 655
const short EbonwoodBreastplate = 731
const short EbonwoodCandelabra = 2093
const short EbonwoodCandle = 2046
const short EbonwoodChair = 628
const short EbonwoodChandelier = 2056
const short EbonwoodChest = 625
const short EbonwoodClock = 2593
const short EbonwoodDoor = 650
const short EbonwoodDresser = 647
const short EbonwoodFence = 2210
const short EbonwoodGreaves = 732
const short EbonwoodHammer = 654
const short EbonwoodHelmet = 730
const short EbonwoodLamp = 2083
const short EbonwoodLantern = 2033
const short EbonwoodPiano = 641
const short EbonwoodPlatform = 631
const short EbonwoodSink = 2828
const short EbonwoodSofa = 2398
const short EbonwoodSword = 653
const short EbonwoodTable = 638
const short EbonwoodWall = 622
const short EbonwoodWorkBench = 635
const short EchoBlock = 4392
const short EchoCoating = 5344
const short EchoMonolith = 5345
const short EchoPlatform = 5292
const short EchoWall = 5291
const short Ectoplasm = 1508
const short Eggnog = 1912
const short Elderberry = 4289
const short ElectrosphereLauncher = 2796
const short ElfArcherBanner = 2918
const short ElfCopterBanner = 2919
const short ElfHat = 1943
const short ElfMelter = 1910
const short ElfPants = 1945
const short ElfShirt = 1944
const short Emerald = 179
const short EmeraldBunnyCage = 4885
const short EmeraldEcho = 4493
const short EmeraldGemsparkBlock = 1973
const short EmeraldGemsparkWall = 2683
const short EmeraldGemsparkWallOff = 2684
const short EmeraldHook = 1239
const short EmeraldMinecart = 4454
const short EmeraldRobe = 1285
const short EmeraldSquirrelCage = 4892
const short EmeraldStaff = 742
const short EmeraldStoneBlock = 4643
const short EmpressBlade = 5005
const short EmpressButterfly = 4961
const short EmpressButterflyJar = 4964
const short EmpressFlightBooster = 4989
const short EmptyBucket = 205
const short EmptyBullet = 1432
const short EmptyDropper = 3186
const short EnchantedBoomerang = 55
const short EnchantedNightcrawler = 3191
const short EnchantedSword = 989
const short EnchantedSwordBanner = 1642
const short EncumberingStone = 4346
const short EndlessMusketPouch = 3104
const short EndlessQuiver = 3103
const short EndurancePotion = 2346
const short EngineeringHelmet = 3627
const short EoCShield = 3097
const short Escargot = 4019
const short EskimoCoat = 804
const short EskimoHood = 803
const short EskimoPants = 805
const short EtherianJavelin = 3850
const short EucaluptusSap = 4366
const short EverscreamMasterTrophy = 4944
const short EverscreamPetItem = 4813
const short EverscreamTrophy = 1962
const short EvilPresence = 1493
const short Excalibur = 368
const short ExoticEasternChewToy = 4604
const short ExplodingBullet = 1351
const short ExplosiveBunny = 1338
const short ExplosiveJackOLantern = 1785
const short ExplosivePowder = 1347
const short Explosives = 580
const short ExtendoGrip = 2215
const short Extractinator = 997
const short EyeballFlyingFishBanner = 4543
const short EyeballStatue = 471
const short Eyebrella = 5101
const short EyeMask = 2112
const short EyeOfCthulhuBossBag = 3319
const short EyeofCthulhuMasterTrophy = 4924
const short EyeOfCthulhuPetItem = 4798
const short EyeofCthulhuTrophy = 1360
const short EyeoftheGolem = 1248
const short EyePatch = 1278
const short EyeSpring = 1311
const short EyezorBanner = 2920
const short Eyezorhead = 5239
const short FaceMonsterBanner = 1644
const short FacingtheCerebralMastermind = 1500
const short FairyBell = 425
const short FairyBoots = 3993
const short FairyCritterBlue = 4070
const short FairyCritterGreen = 4069
const short FairyCritterPink = 4068
const short FairyGlowstick = 4776
const short FairyGuides = 5219
const short FairyQueenBossBag = 4782
const short FairyQueenMagicItem = 4952
const short FairyQueenMask = 4784
const short FairyQueenMasterTrophy = 4949
const short FairyQueenPetItem = 4811
const short FairyQueenRangedItem = 4953
const short FairyQueenTrophy = 4783
const short FairyWings = 761
const short Fake_AshWoodChest = 5209
const short Fake_BalloonChest = 5188
const short Fake_BambooChest = 4585
const short Fake_BlueDungeonChest = 3693
const short Fake_BoneChest = 3694
const short Fake_BorealWoodChest = 3689
const short Fake_CactusChest = 3695
const short Fake_Chest = 3665
const short Fake_CoralChest = 5167
const short Fake_CorruptionChest = 3680
const short Fake_CrimsonChest = 3681
const short Fake_CrystalChest = 3886
const short Fake_DesertChest = 4268
const short Fake_DungeonDesertChest = 4713
const short Fake_DynastyChest = 3684
const short Fake_EbonwoodChest = 3668
const short Fake_FleshChest = 3696
const short Fake_FrozenChest = 3683
const short Fake_GlassChest = 3700
const short Fake_GoldChest = 3666
const short Fake_GoldenChest = 3887
const short Fake_GolfChest = 4266
const short Fake_GraniteChest = 3703
const short Fake_GreenDungeonChest = 3691
const short Fake_HallowedChest = 3682
const short Fake_HoneyChest = 3685
const short Fake_IceChest = 3672
const short Fake_IvyChest = 3671
const short Fake_JungleChest = 3679
const short Fake_LesionChest = 3976
const short Fake_LihzahrdChest = 3677
const short Fake_LivingWoodChest = 3673
const short Fake_MarbleChest = 3704
const short Fake_MartianChest = 3701
const short Fake_MeteoriteChest = 3702
const short Fake_MushroomChest = 3688
const short Fake_NebulaChest = 4206
const short Fake_newchest1 = 3705
const short Fake_newchest2 = 3706
const short Fake_ObsidianChest = 3697
const short Fake_PalmWoodChest = 3687
const short Fake_PearlwoodChest = 3670
const short Fake_PinkDungeonChest = 3692
const short Fake_PumpkinChest = 3698
const short Fake_RichMahoganyChest = 3669
const short Fake_ShadewoodChest = 3675
const short Fake_ShadowChest = 3667
const short Fake_SkywareChest = 3674
const short Fake_SlimeChest = 3690
const short Fake_SolarChest = 4164
const short Fake_SpiderChest = 3950
const short Fake_SpookyChest = 3699
const short Fake_StardustChest = 4227
const short Fake_SteampunkChest = 3686
const short Fake_VortexChest = 4185
const short Fake_WaterChest = 3678
const short Fake_WebCoveredChest = 3676
const short FalconBlade = 2608
const short FallenStar = 75
const short FallenStarfish = 2458
const short FallenTuxedoPants = 3363
const short FallenTuxedoShirt = 3362
const short FamiliarPants = 270
const short FamiliarShirt = 269
const short FamiliarWig = 271
const short FancyDishes = 2242
const short FancyGreyWallpaper = 2008
const short Fangs = 5256
const short FartInABalloon = 1863
const short FartinaJar = 1724
const short FartMinecart = 5125
const short FastClock = 889
const short FatherofSomeone = 1442
const short Feather = 320
const short FeatherfallPotion = 295
const short Fedora = 4562
const short FeralClaws = 211
const short Fertilizer = 5438
const short FestiveWallpaper = 1951
const short FestiveWings = 1871
const short FetidBaghnakhs = 3013
const short Fez = 1988
const short FiberglassFishingPole = 2292
const short FieryGreatsword = 121
const short FindingGold = 1480
const short FinWings = 2494
const short Fireblossom = 318
const short FireBlossomPlanterBox = 3222
const short FireblossomSeeds = 312
const short FireFeather = 1518
const short Firefly = 1992
const short FireflyinaBottle = 1993
const short FireflyStatue = 3654
const short FireGauntlet = 1343
const short FireImpBanner = 1664
const short Fireplace = 3364
const short FireproofBugNet = 4821
const short FireWhip = 4912
const short FireworkFountain = 2738
const short FireworksBox = 2700
const short FireworksLauncher = 3546
const short FirstEncounter = 1481
const short FirstFractal = 4722
const short Fish = 669
const short FishBowl = 250
const short FishCostumeFinskirt = 2500
const short FishCostumeMask = 2498
const short FishCostumeShirt = 2499
const short FishermansGuide = 3120
const short FisherofSouls = 2293
const short FishFinder = 3036
const short FishHook = 2360
const short FishingBobber = 5139
const short FishingBobberGlowingArgon = 5144
const short FishingBobberGlowingKrypton = 5142
const short FishingBobberGlowingLava = 5141
const short FishingBobberGlowingRainbow = 5146
const short FishingBobberGlowingStar = 5140
const short FishingBobberGlowingViolet = 5145
const short FishingBobberGlowingXenon = 5143
const short FishingPotion = 2354
const short FishingSeaweed = 2338
const short FishMinecart = 4067
const short Fishotron = 2460
const short Fishron = 2484
const short FishronBossBag = 3330
const short FishronWings = 2609
const short FishStatue = 444
const short Flairon = 2611
const short Flamarang = 119
const short FlameAndBlackDye = 1032
const short FlameAndSilverDye = 3550
const short FlameDye = 1031
const short Flamelash = 218
const short Flamethrower = 506
const short FlameTrap = 1147
const short FlameWakerBoots = 4822
const short FlameWings = 821
const short FlamingArrow = 41
const short FlamingMace = 5012
const short Flare = 931
const short FlarefinKoi = 2312
const short FlareGun = 930
const short FlaskofCursedFlames = 1353
const short FlaskofFire = 1354
const short FlaskofGold = 1355
const short FlaskofIchor = 1356
const short FlaskofNanites = 1357
const short FlaskofParty = 1358
const short FlaskofPoison = 1359
const short FlaskofVenom = 1340
const short FleshBathtub = 2074
const short FleshBed = 2067
const short FleshBlock = 763
const short FleshBlockWall = 770
const short FleshBookcase = 2022
const short FleshCandelabra = 2094
const short FleshCandle = 2047
const short Fleshcatcher = 2421
const short FleshChair = 809
const short FleshChandelier = 2057
const short FleshChest = 2617
const short FleshClock = 2598
const short FleshCloningVaat = 2193
const short FleshDoor = 817
const short FleshDresser = 2640
const short FleshGrinder = 797
const short FleshKnuckles = 3016
const short FleshLamp = 2084
const short FleshLantern = 2034
const short FleshMask = 2105
const short FleshPiano = 2246
const short FleshPlatform = 3907
const short FleshSink = 2832
const short FleshSofa = 2634
const short FleshTable = 828
const short FleshWorkBench = 813
const short FlintlockPistol = 95
const short FlinxFur = 5070
const short FlinxFurCoat = 5068
const short FlinxStaff = 5069
const short Flipper = 187
const short FlipperPotion = 2327
const short FloatingIslandFishingCrate = 3206
const short FloatingIslandFishingCrateHard = 3985
const short FloatingTube = 4404
const short FloatyGrossBanner = 1645
const short FlockoBanner = 2921
const short FloretProtectorChestplate = 5055
const short FloretProtectorHelmet = 5054
const short FloretProtectorLegs = 5056
const short Flounder = 4401
const short FlowerBoots = 3017
const short FlowerBoyHat = 3733
const short FlowerBoyPants = 3735
const short FlowerBoyShirt = 3734
const short FlowerofFire = 112
const short FlowerofFrost = 1264
const short FlowerPacketBlue = 4041
const short FlowerPacketMagenta = 4042
const short FlowerPacketPink = 4043
const short FlowerPacketRed = 4044
const short FlowerPacketTallGrass = 4048
const short FlowerPacketViolet = 4046
const short FlowerPacketWhite = 4047
const short FlowerPacketWild = 4241
const short FlowerPacketYellow = 4045
const short FlowerPow = 1259
const short FlowerWall = 747
const short FlowingMagma = 1542
const short FlurryBoots = 1579
const short FlyingAntlionBanner = 3413
const short FlyingCarpet = 934
const short FlyingDutchmanMasterTrophy = 4940
const short FlyingDutchmanTrophy = 3359
const short FlyingFishBanner = 1646
const short FlyingKnife = 3030
const short FlyingSnakeBanner = 1647
const short Flymeal = 5129
const short FogboundDye = 4662
const short FogMachine = 4552
const short FoodBarbarianArmor = 4752
const short FoodBarbarianGreaves = 4753
const short FoodBarbarianHelm = 4751
const short FoodBarbarianWings = 4750
const short FoodPlatter = 4326
const short Football = 4743
const short ForestTroll = 5272
const short FormatC = 3315
const short FossilHelm = 3374
const short FossilOre = 3380
const short FossilPants = 3376
const short FossilPickaxe = 4059
const short FossilShirt = 3375
const short FoxEars = 4770
const short FoxMask = 1821
const short FoxPants = 1823
const short FoxShirt = 1822
const short FoxTail = 4771
const short FragmentNebula = 3457
const short FragmentSolar = 3458
const short FragmentStardust = 3459
const short FragmentVortex = 3456
const short FrankensteinBanner = 1648
const short FriedEgg = 4020
const short Fries = 4021
const short FritzBanner = 3394
const short Frog = 2121
const short FrogCage = 2190
const short FrogFlipper = 3994
const short FrogGear = 3995
const short FroggleBunwich = 5093
const short FrogLeg = 2423
const short FrogStatue = 3661
const short FrogWebbing = 3996
const short Frostbrand = 676
const short FrostBreastplate = 685
const short FrostburnArrow = 988
const short FrostCore = 2161
const short FrostDaggerfish = 3197
const short FrostHelmet = 684
const short FrostLeggings = 686
const short FrostMinnow = 2306
const short FrostsparkBoots = 1862
const short FrostStaff = 726
const short FrozenBathtub = 2076
const short FrozenBed = 2068
const short FrozenBookcase = 2031
const short FrozenCampfire = 3048
const short FrozenCandelabra = 2100
const short FrozenCandle = 2049
const short FrozenChair = 2288
const short FrozenChandelier = 2059
const short FrozenChest = 1532
const short FrozenClock = 2594
const short FrozenCrate = 4405
const short FrozenCrateHard = 4406
const short FrozenDoor = 2044
const short FrozenDresser = 3913
const short FrozenKey = 1537
const short FrozenKeyMold = 1807
const short FrozenLamp = 2086
const short FrozenLantern = 2040
const short FrozenPiano = 2247
const short FrozenPlatform = 3908
const short FrozenShield = 3997
const short FrozenSink = 2848
const short FrozenSlimeBlock = 767
const short FrozenSofa = 2635
const short FrozenTable = 2248
const short FrozenTurtleShell = 1253
const short FrozenWings = 822
const short FrozenWorkBench = 2252
const short FruitcakeChakram = 1918
const short FruitJuice = 4624
const short FruitSalad = 4625
const short FullMoonSqueakyToy = 4736
const short FuneralCoat = 4705
const short FuneralHat = 4704
const short FuneralPants = 4706
const short FungiBulbBanner = 1649
const short FungoFishBanner = 1650
const short Furnace = 33
const short FuzzyCarrot = 2428
const short GalaxyPearl = 5340
const short GameMasterPants = 4322
const short GameMasterShirt = 4321
const short GangstaHat = 1276
const short GardenGnome = 4609
const short GargoyleStatue = 450
const short GarlandHat = 5099
const short GasTrap = 5346
const short GastropodBanner = 1651
const short Gatligator = 2270
const short Gel = 23
const short GelBalloon = 4986
const short GelDye = 3561
const short GemBunnyAmber = 4844
const short GemBunnyAmethyst = 4838
const short GemBunnyDiamond = 4843
const short GemBunnyEmerald = 4841
const short GemBunnyRuby = 4842
const short GemBunnySapphire = 4840
const short GemBunnyTopaz = 4839
const short GemLockAmber = 3650
const short GemLockAmethyst = 3648
const short GemLockDiamond = 3649
const short GemLockEmerald = 3646
const short GemLockRuby = 3644
const short GemLockSapphire = 3645
const short GemLockTopaz = 3647
const short GemSquirrelAmber = 4837
const short GemSquirrelAmethyst = 4831
const short GemSquirrelDiamond = 4836
const short GemSquirrelEmerald = 4834
const short GemSquirrelRuby = 4835
const short GemSquirrelSapphire = 4833
const short GemSquirrelTopaz = 4832
const short GemTreeAmberSeed = 4857
const short GemTreeAmethystSeed = 4852
const short GemTreeDiamondSeed = 4856
const short GemTreeEmeraldSeed = 4854
const short GemTreeRubySeed = 4855
const short GemTreeSapphireSeed = 4853
const short GemTreeTopazSeed = 4851
const short GenderChangePotion = 2756
const short Geode = 4400
const short GeyserTrap = 3722
const short GhostarPants = 4734
const short GhostarShirt = 4733
const short GhostarSkullPin = 4732
const short GhostarsWings = 4730
const short GhostBanner = 2922
const short GhostManifestation = 4726
const short GhostMask = 1752
const short GhostShirt = 1753
const short GhostWings = 823
const short Gi = 2277
const short GiantBatBanner = 2923
const short GiantBow = 1906
const short GiantCursedSkullBanner = 2924
const short GiantFlyingFoxBanner = 2925
const short GiantHarpyFeather = 1516
const short GiantShellyBanner = 3392
const short GillsPotion = 291
const short GingerBeard = 2501
const short GingerbreadCookie = 1920
const short GingerbreadManBanner = 2926
const short GladiatorBreastplate = 3188
const short GladiatorHelmet = 3187
const short GladiatorLeggings = 3189
const short Gladius = 4463
const short Glass = 170
const short GlassBathtub = 2075
const short GlassBed = 1719
const short GlassBookcase = 2025
const short GlassBowl = 2243
const short GlassCandelabra = 2097
const short GlassCandle = 2048
const short GlassChair = 1703
const short GlassChandelier = 2065
const short GlassChest = 2748
const short GlassClock = 2239
const short GlassDoor = 1709
const short GlassDresser = 2639
const short GlassKiln = 2194
const short GlassLamp = 2085
const short GlassLantern = 2037
const short GlassPiano = 2254
const short GlassPlatform = 1702
const short GlassSink = 2842
const short GlassSlipper = 5077
const short GlassSofa = 2414
const short GlassTable = 1713
const short GlassWall = 392
const short GlassWorkBench = 2632
const short GlommerPetItem = 5089
const short GloomStatue = 451
const short GloriousNight = 1577
const short GloryoftheFire = 1374
const short GlowingMushroom = 183
const short GlowingSnail = 2007
const short GlowingSnailCage = 2175
const short GlowPaint = 4668
const short Glowstick = 282
const short GlowTulip = 5333
const short GnomeBanner = 4688
const short GoblinArcherBanner = 2927
const short GoblinBattleStandard = 361
const short GoblinBomberCap = 3849
const short GoblinMask = 3848
const short GoblinPeonBanner = 1654
const short GoblinScoutBanner = 1655
const short GoblinSharkBanner = 4546
const short GoblinSorcererBanner = 1653
const short GoblinsPlayingPoker = 1425
const short GoblinStatue = 441
const short GoblinSummonerBanner = 3390
const short GoblinTech = 3121
const short GoblinThiefBanner = 1652
const short GoblinWarriorBanner = 1656
const short GoblorcEar = 5305
const short Goggles = 37
const short GoldAxe = 3518
const short GoldAxeOld = -4
const short GoldBar = 19
const short GoldBird = 2889
const short GoldBirdCage = 3070
const short GoldBow = 3516
const short GoldBowOld = -6
const short GoldBrick = 141
const short GoldBrickWall = 142
const short GoldBroadsword = 3520
const short GoldBroadswordOld = -2
const short GoldBunny = 2890
const short GoldBunnyCage = 3071
const short GoldButterfly = 2891
const short GoldButterflyCage = 3072
const short GoldChainmail = 83
const short GoldChandelier = 108
const short GoldChest = 306
const short GoldCoin = 73
const short GoldCrown = 264
const short GoldDragonfly = 4340
const short GoldDragonflyJar = 4333
const short GoldDust = 1348
const short GoldenBathtub = 2663
const short GoldenBed = 1720
const short GoldenBookcase = 2137
const short GoldenBugNet = 3183
const short GoldenBullet = 1352
const short GoldenCandelabra = 2151
const short GoldenCandle = 2155
const short GoldenCarp = 2308
const short GoldenChair = 1704
const short GoldenChandelier = 2143
const short GoldenChest = 3885
const short GoldenClock = 2238
const short GoldenCrate = 2336
const short GoldenCrateHard = 3981
const short GoldenDelight = 4022
const short GoldenDoor = 1710
const short GoldenDresser = 2389
const short GoldenFishingRod = 2294
const short GoldenKey = 327
const short GoldenLamp = 2133
const short GoldenLantern = 2147
const short GoldenPiano = 2379
const short GoldenPlatform = 3904
const short GoldenShower = 1336
const short GoldenSink = 2843
const short GoldenSofa = 2405
const short GoldenTable = 1716
const short GoldenToilet = 1705
const short GoldenWorkbench = 3910
const short Goldfish = 261
const short GoldfishBanner = 1657
const short GoldfishTrophy = 2446
const short GoldFrog = 2892
const short GoldFrogCage = 3073
const short GoldGoldfish = 4274
const short GoldGoldfishBowl = 4275
const short GoldGrasshopper = 2893
const short GoldGrasshopperCage = 3074
const short GoldGreaves = 79
const short GoldHammer = 3517
const short GoldHammerOld = -5
const short GoldHelmet = 92
const short GoldLadyBug = 4362
const short GoldLadybugCage = 4399
const short GoldMouse = 2894
const short GoldMouseCage = 3075
const short GoldOre = 13
const short GoldPickaxe = 3521
const short GoldPickaxeOld = -1
const short GoldRing = 3033
const short GoldSeahorse = 4482
const short GoldSeahorseCage = 4483
const short GoldShortsword = 3519
const short GoldShortswordOld = -3
const short GoldStarryGlassBlock = 4277
const short GoldStarryGlassWall = 4279
const short GoldWatch = 17
const short GoldWaterStrider = 4419
const short GoldWaterStriderCage = 4476
const short GoldWorm = 2895
const short GoldWormCage = 3076
const short GolemBossBag = 3329
const short GolemFist = 1297
const short GolemMask = 2110
const short GolemMasterTrophy = 4935
const short GolemPetItem = 4807
const short GolemTrophy = 1371
const short GolfBall = 3989
const short GolfBallDyedBlack = 4242
const short GolfBallDyedBlue = 4243
const short GolfBallDyedBrown = 4244
const short GolfBallDyedCyan = 4245
const short GolfBallDyedGreen = 4246
const short GolfBallDyedLimeGreen = 4247
const short GolfBallDyedOrange = 4248
const short GolfBallDyedPink = 4249
const short GolfBallDyedPurple = 4250
const short GolfBallDyedRed = 4251
const short GolfBallDyedSkyBlue = 4252
const short GolfBallDyedTeal = 4253
const short GolfBallDyedViolet = 4254
const short GolfBallDyedYellow = 4255
const short GolfCart = 4264
const short GolfChest = 4265
const short GolfClubBronzeWedge = 4589
const short GolfClubChlorophyteDriver = 4598
const short GolfClubDiamondWedge = 4597
const short GolfClubDriver = 4094
const short GolfClubGoldWedge = 4593
const short GolfClubIron = 4039
const short GolfClubLeadPutter = 4592
const short GolfClubMythrilIron = 4591
const short GolfClubPearlwoodDriver = 4594
const short GolfClubPutter = 4092
const short GolfClubRustyPutter = 4588
const short GolfClubShroomitePutter = 4596
const short GolfClubStoneIron = 4587
const short GolfClubTitaniumIron = 4595
const short GolfClubWedge = 4093
const short GolfClubWoodDriver = 4590
const short GolfCup = 4040
const short GolfCupFlagBlue = 4086
const short GolfCupFlagGreen = 4085
const short GolfCupFlagPurple = 4088
const short GolfCupFlagRed = 4084
const short GolfCupFlagWhite = 4083
const short GolfCupFlagYellow = 4087
const short GolfHat = 4135
const short GolfPainting1 = 4658
const short GolfPainting2 = 4659
const short GolfPainting3 = 4660
const short GolfPainting4 = 4661
const short GolfPants = 4137
const short GolfShirt = 4136
const short GolfTee = 4089
const short GolfTrophyBronze = 4599
const short GolfTrophyGold = 4601
const short GolfTrophySilver = 4600
const short GolfVisor = 4138
const short GolfWhistle = 4095
const short GoodieBag = 1774
const short GoodMorning = 1482
const short GothicBookcase = 1512
const short GothicChair = 1509
const short GothicTable = 1510
const short GothicWorkBench = 1511
const short GPS = 395
const short Gradient = 3316
const short GraduationCapBlack = 4996
const short GraduationCapBlue = 4994
const short GraduationCapMaroon = 4995
const short GraduationGownBlack = 4999
const short GraduationGownBlue = 4997
const short GraduationGownMaroon = 4998
const short GrandfatherClock = 359
const short Granite = 3086
const short GraniteBathtub = 3161
const short GraniteBed = 3164
const short GraniteBlock = 3087
const short GraniteBlockWall = 3089
const short GraniteBookcase = 3167
const short GraniteCandelabra = 3170
const short GraniteCandle = 3173
const short GraniteChair = 3176
const short GraniteChandelier = 3179
const short GraniteChest = 3125
const short GraniteClock = 3128
const short GraniteColumn = 4719
const short GraniteDoor = 3131
const short GraniteDresser = 3134
const short GraniteFlyerBanner = 3407
const short GraniteGolemBanner = 3408
const short GraniteGolemStatue = 3718
const short GraniteLamp = 3137
const short GraniteLantern = 3140
const short GranitePiano = 3143
const short GranitePlatform = 3146
const short GraniteSink = 3149
const short GraniteSofa = 3152
const short GraniteTable = 3155
const short GraniteWall = 3088
const short GraniteWorkBench = 3158
const short Grapefruit = 4290
const short GrapeJuice = 4615
const short Grapes = 4023
const short GrapplingHook = 84
const short Grasshopper = 2740
const short GrasshopperCage = 2741
const short GrasshopperStatue = 3657
const short GrassSeeds = 62
const short GrassWall = 745
const short Grate = 4422
const short GravediggerShovel = 4711
const short GraveMarker = 1173
const short Gravestone = 1176
const short Graveyard = 4725
const short GravitationPotion = 305
const short GravityBanner = 847
const short GravityGlobe = 1131
const short GrayBrick = 129
const short GrayBrickWall = 130
const short GrayCockatiel = 5313
const short GrayCockatielCage = 5316
const short GrayPaint = 1099
const short GrayPressurePlate = 542
const short GrayStucco = 614
const short GrayStuccoWall = 618
const short GreaterHealingPotion = 499
const short GreaterManaPotion = 500
const short GreatWave = 1438
const short Grebe = 4374
const short GrebeCage = 4473
const short GreedyRing = 3035
const short GreekSkeletonBanner = 3406
const short GreenandBlackDye = 1023
const short GreenandSilverDye = 1055
const short GreenAndWhiteGarland = 1883
const short GreenBanner = 338
const short GreenBrick = 137
const short GreenBrickPlatform = 1386
const short GreenBrickWall = 138
const short GreenBrickWallUnsafe = 5371
const short GreenBulb = 1887
const short GreenCandyCaneBlock = 591
const short GreenCandyCaneWall = 592
const short GreenCap = 867
const short GreenCounterweight = 3311
const short GreenDragonfly = 4336
const short GreenDragonflyJar = 4329
const short GreenDungeonBathtub = 2659
const short GreenDungeonBed = 1471
const short GreenDungeonBookcase = 1415
const short GreenDungeonCandelabra = 2665
const short GreenDungeonCandle = 1406
const short GreenDungeonChair = 1399
const short GreenDungeonChandelier = 2653
const short GreenDungeonChest = 2612
const short GreenDungeonDoor = 1412
const short GreenDungeonDresser = 2387
const short GreenDungeonLamp = 2646
const short GreenDungeonPiano = 2377
const short GreenDungeonSink = 2838
const short GreenDungeonSofa = 2403
const short GreenDungeonTable = 1400
const short GreenDungeonVase = 1409
const short GreenDungeonWorkBench = 1401
const short GreenDye = 1011
const short GreenFairyJar = 4656
const short GreenFlameAndBlackDye = 1034
const short GreenFlameAndSilverDye = 3551
const short GreenFlameDye = 1033
const short GreenGardland = 1882
const short GreenJellyfish = 2437
const short GreenJellyfishBanner = 3448
const short GreenJellyfishJar = 2440
const short GreenLight = 598
const short GreenLights = 1897
const short GreenMoss = 4349
const short GreenMushroom = 1108
const short GreenPaint = 1077
const short GreenPhaseblade = 200
const short GreenPhasesaber = 3766
const short GreenPhasesaberOld = -21
const short GreenPresent = 600
const short GreenPressurePlate = 541
const short GreenRocket = 971
const short GreenSlabWall = 1382
const short GreenSlabWallUnsafe = 5372
const short GreenSlimeBanner = 2928
const short GreenSolution = 780
const short GreenStainedGlass = 1270
const short GreenString = 3297
const short GreenStucco = 613
const short GreenStuccoWall = 617
const short GreenThread = 255
const short GreenTiledWall = 1383
const short GreenTiledWallUnsafe = 5373
const short GreenTorch = 429
const short GreenWrench = 851
const short Grenade = 168
const short GrenadeLauncher = 758
const short GrilledSquirrel = 4024
const short GrimDye = 3598
const short GrinchFingerWallpaper = 1957
const short GroxTheGreatArmor = 4756
const short GroxTheGreatGreaves = 4757
const short GroxTheGreatHelm = 4755
const short GroxTheGreatWings = 4754
const short Grubby = 3192
const short GrubSoup = 3195
const short GuidePicasso = 1440
const short GuideVoodooDoll = 267
const short GuideVoodooFish = 2472
const short GummyWorm = 5341
const short Gungnir = 550
const short GuyFawkesMask = 1740
const short GypsyRobe = 2279
const short HadesDye = 3038
const short HailtotheKing = 5257
const short HairDyeRemover = 1990
const short Hallow1Echo = 4525
const short Hallow2Echo = 4526
const short Hallow3Echo = 4527
const short Hallow4Echo = 4528
const short HallowBossDye = 4778
const short HallowedBar = 1225
const short HallowedCampfire = 4693
const short HallowedChest = 1531
const short HallowedFishingCrate = 3207
const short HallowedFishingCrateHard = 3986
const short HallowedGrassEcho = 4505
const short HallowedGreaves = 552
const short HallowedHeadgear = 558
const short HallowedHelmet = 553
const short HallowedHood = 4873
const short HallowedKey = 1536
const short HallowedKeyMold = 1806
const short HallowedMask = 559
const short HallowedPlateMail = 551
const short HallowedRepeater = 578
const short HallowedSeeds = 369
const short HallowedTorch = 4387
const short HallowedWaterFountain = 944
const short HallowHardenedSand = 3338
const short HallowHardenedSandWall = 3343
const short HallowJoustingLance = 4790
const short HallowSandstone = 3339
const short HallowSandstoneWall = 3346
const short HallowsEve = 1849
const short HamBat = 5096
const short HammerStatue = 455
const short Hammush = 787
const short HandEarth = 1497
const short Handgun = 164
const short HandOfCreation = 5126
const short HandWarmer = 1921
const short HangingJackOLantern = 1808
const short HangingSkeleton = 1377
const short HappyLittleTree = 5248
const short HardenedSand = 3272
const short HardenedSandWall = 3340
const short HardenedSandWallUnsafe = 5375
const short HardySaddle = 2491
const short Harp = 508
const short Harpoon = 160
const short HarpyBanner = 1658
const short Harpyfish = 2461
const short HarpyStatue = 3715
const short HarpyWings = 785
const short HatRack = 3977
const short Hay = 1727
const short HayWall = 1728
const short HeadlessHorsemanBanner = 2929
const short Headstone = 1175
const short HealingPotion = 188
const short Heart = 58
const short HeartHairpin = 4559
const short Heartlands = 5271
const short HeartLantern = 1859
const short HeartreachPotion = 2323
const short HeartStatue = 473
const short HeatRay = 1295
const short HeavenforgeBrick = 5408
const short HeavenforgeBrickWall = 5416
const short HeavyWorkBench = 2172
const short HelFire = 3290
const short HellArmoredBonesBanner = 2930
const short HellbatBanner = 1659
const short HellboundBanner = 1464
const short HellButterfly = 4845
const short HellButterflyJar = 4846
const short HellCake = 4551
const short HellfireArrow = 265
const short HellfireTreads = 4874
const short Hellforge = 221
const short HellHammerBanner = 1465
const short HellhoundBanner = 2931
const short HellMinecart = 4443
const short Hellstone = 174
const short HellstoneBar = 175
const short HellstoneBrick = 214
const short HellstoneBrickWall = 3067
const short HelltowerBanner = 1466
const short HellwingBow = 3019
const short HelmetRack = 2116
const short Hemopiranha = 2319
const short HerbBag = 3093
const short HerculesBeetle = 1167
const short HermesBoots = 54
const short HerosHat = 247
const short HeroShield = 3998
const short HerosPants = 249
const short HerosShirt = 248
const short HerplingBanner = 1660
const short HighPitch = 5226
const short HighTestFishingLine = 2373
const short HighVelocityBullet = 1302
const short HiTekSunglasses = 2862
const short Hive = 1124
const short HiveBackpack = 3333
const short HiveFive = 5294
const short HiveWall = 1126
const short HiveWand = 1129
const short Holly = 1908
const short HolyArrow = 516
const short HolyWater = 422
const short HoneyAbsorbantSponge = 5303
const short HoneyBalloon = 1249
const short HoneyBathtub = 2124
const short HoneyBed = 1721
const short HoneyBlock = 1125
const short HoneyBomb = 4826
const short HoneyBookcase = 2023
const short HoneyBucket = 1128
const short HoneyCandelabra = 2095
const short HoneyCandle = 2648
const short HoneyChair = 1707
const short HoneyChandelier = 2058
const short HoneyChest = 2249
const short HoneyClock = 2240
const short HoneyComb = 1132
const short HoneyCup = 2257
const short HoneyDispenser = 2204
const short HoneyDoor = 1711
const short HoneyDresser = 2395
const short HoneyedGoggles = 2502
const short HoneyfallBlock = 2787
const short HoneyfallWall = 2788
const short Honeyfin = 2314
const short HoneyLamp = 2129
const short HoneyLantern = 2035
const short HoneyPiano = 2255
const short HoneyPlatform = 2630
const short HoneyRocket = 4449
const short HoneySink = 2844
const short HoneySofa = 2411
const short HoneyTable = 1717
const short HoneyWorkBench = 2251
const short Hook = 118
const short HoplitePizza = 5389
const short HopliteStatue = 3717
const short HoppinJackBanner = 2932
const short HornetBanner = 1661
const short HornetStaff = 2364
const short HornetStatue = 452
const short HorseshoeBundle = 5331
const short Hotdog = 4025
const short HotlineFishingHook = 2422
const short HoundiusShootius = 5119
const short Hoverboard = 1866
const short Hungerfish = 2462
const short HunterCloak = 4744
const short HunterPotion = 304
const short HuntressAltHead = 3877
const short HuntressAltPants = 3879
const short HuntressAltShirt = 3878
const short HuntressBuckler = 3811
const short HuntressJerkin = 3804
const short HuntressPants = 3805
const short HuntressWig = 3803
const short IceBatBanner = 2933
const short IceBlade = 724
const short IceBlock = 664
const short IceBoomerang = 670
const short IceBow = 725
const short IceBrick = 883
const short IceBrickWall = 884
const short IceChest = 681
const short IceCream = 4026
const short IceEcho = 4506
const short IceElementalBanner = 1662
const short IceFeather = 1519
const short IceFloeWallpaper = 2009
const short IceGolemBanner = 2934
const short IceMachine = 2198
const short IceMirror = 3199
const short IceQueenMasterTrophy = 4943
const short IceQueenPetItem = 4814
const short IceQueenTrophy = 1960
const short IceRod = 496
const short IceSickle = 1306
const short IceSkates = 950
const short IceSlimeBanner = 2935
const short IceTorch = 974
const short IceTortoiseBanner = 3452
const short Ichor = 1332
const short IchorArrow = 1334
const short IchorBullet = 1335
const short IchorCampfire = 3049
const short IchorDart = 3011
const short Ichorfish = 2463
const short IchorStickerBanner = 2936
const short IchorTorch = 1333
const short IcyMermanBanner = 1663
const short IcyWaterFountain = 941
const short IllegalGunParts = 324
const short IlluminantBatBanner = 2937
const short IlluminantHook = 3022
const short IlluminantSlimeBanner = 2938
const short ImbuingStation = 1430
const short Impact = 1433
const short ImpFace = 1538
const short ImpStaff = 2365
const short ImpStatue = 449
const short InactiveStoneBlock = 512
const short InfectedScabbardfish = 2485
const short InfernalWispDye = 2885
const short InfernoFork = 1445
const short InfernoPotion = 2348
const short InfluxWaver = 2880
const short InletPump = 581
const short IntenseBlueFlameDye = 1065
const short IntenseFlameDye = 1063
const short IntenseGreenFlameDye = 1064
const short IntenseRainbowDye = 1067
const short InvisibilityPotion = 297
const short IridescentBrick = 413
const short IridescentBrickWall = 418
const short IronAnvil = 35
const short IronAxe = 10
const short IronBar = 22
const short IronBow = 99
const short IronBrick = 3951
const short IronBrickWall = 3952
const short IronBroadsword = 4
const short IronChainmail = 81
const short IronCrate = 2335
const short IronCrateHard = 3980
const short IronDoor = 1140
const short IronFence = 2333
const short IronGreaves = 77
const short IronHammer = 7
const short IronHelmet = 90
const short IronOre = 11
const short IronPickaxe = 1
const short IronShortsword = 6
const short IronskinPotion = 292
const short ItemFrame = 3270
const short IvyChest = 680
const short IvyGuitar = 4372
const short IvyWhip = 185
const short Jackelier = 1812
const short JackingSkeletron = 1846
const short JackOLantern = 1813
const short JackOLanternLauncher = 1784
const short JackOLanternMask = 1857
const short Javelin = 3094
const short JawsOfDeath = 4629
const short JellyfishBanner = 1665
const short JellyfishDivingGear = 1860
const short JellyfishNecklace = 1303
const short JellyfishStatue = 459
const short JestersArrow = 51
const short Jetpack = 748
const short Jewelfish = 2464
const short JimsBreastplate = 1564
const short JimsCap = 5290
const short JimsDrone = 5451
const short JimsDroneVisor = 5452
const short JimsHelmet = 1563
const short JimsLeggings = 1565
const short JimsWings = 3582
const short JojaCola = 5275
const short JourneymanBait = 2675
const short JoustingLance = 4788
const short JuliaButterfly = 2001
const short JuliaButterflyJar = 2185
const short Jungle1Echo = 4529
const short Jungle2Echo = 4530
const short Jungle3Echo = 4531
const short Jungle4Echo = 4532
const short JungleBatBanner = 2939
const short JungleCampfire = 4694
const short JungleChest = 1528
const short JungleCreeperBanner = 1666
const short JungleFishingCrate = 3208
const short JungleFishingCrateHard = 3987
const short JungleGrassSeeds = 195
const short JungleHat = 228
const short JungleKey = 1533
const short JungleKeyMold = 1803
const short JunglePants = 230
const short JungleRose = 208
const short JungleShirt = 229
const short JungleSlimeBanner = 2940
const short JungleSpores = 331
const short JungleTorch = 4388
const short JungleWall = 746
const short JungleWaterFountain = 940
const short JungleYoyo = 3281
const short JunimoPetItem = 5276
const short JunoniaShell = 4071
const short KarateTortoiseMask = 1779
const short KarateTortoisePants = 1781
const short KarateTortoiseShirt = 1780
const short KargohsSummon = 5225
const short Katana = 2273
const short Keg = 352
const short Keybrand = 671
const short Kimono = 2278
const short KingSlimeBossBag = 3318
const short KingSlimeMask = 2493
const short KingSlimeMasterTrophy = 4929
const short KingSlimePetItem = 4797
const short KingSlimeTrophy = 2489
const short KingStatue = 476
const short KiteAngryTrapper = 4675