static bool | ActiveAndWalkableTile (int i, int j) |
static bool | AddBuriedChest (int i, int j, int contain=0, bool notNearOtherChests=false, int Style=-1, bool trySlope=false, ushort chestTileType=0) |
| Attempts to place a chest and fill it with typical loot according to the style (Style ) and depth. Without any parameters, a regular, gold, or locked shadow chest will be created, depending on the depth. You can pass in an item type (contain ) and the first item in the chest will be that item. Unlike PlaceChest(int, int, ushort, bool, int), the resulting chest will be placed with the bottom right corner at the given coordinates (i , j ). In addition, if the given j coordinate isn't suitable, AddBuriedChest will search down from the given coordinate to find the first solid tile it encounters and attempt to place there. This method returns true if a chest was successfully placed, but be aware that the chest might not be exactly at the coordinates you provide. This makes further adjusting the chest contents directly difficult. A video guide can be found on the World Generation wiki page. It shows an example of running the method with the default parameters WorldGen.AddBuriedChest(x, y); . Notice how the chest style changes according to depth and how the chest is placed on the floor directly below the provided coordinates if possible. More...
static bool | AddBuriedChest (Point point, int contain=0, bool notNearOtherChests=false, int Style=-1) |
static void | AddHellHouses () |
static bool | AddLifeCrystal (int i, int j) |
static void | AddShadowOrb (int x, int y) |
static void | AddTrees (bool undergroundOnly=false) |
static void | AddUpAlignmentCounts (bool clearCounts=false) |
static bool | AllowsSandfall (Tile tileTopCache) |
static bool | AnchorValid (Tile tileCache, AnchorType anchor) |
static bool | AshTreeGroundTest (int tileType) |
static bool | AttemptReorientingStinkbugBlocker (int x, int y, int wall, ref int style) |
static bool | AttemptToGrowTreeFromSapling (int x, int y, bool underground) |
static bool | BiomeTileCheck (int x, int y) |
static bool | BlockBelowMakesSandConvertIntoHardenedSand (int i, int j) |
static bool | BlockBelowMakesSandFall (int i, int j) |
static bool | BottomEdgeCanBeAttachedTo (int i, int j) |
static void | BroadcastText (NetworkText text, byte r, byte g, byte b) |
static void | BroadcastText (NetworkText text, Color color) |
static void | BroadcastText (NetworkText text, int r, int g, int b) |
static void | BroadcastText (NetworkText text, Vector3 color) |
static void | BroadcastText (NetworkText text, Vector4 color) |
static bool | BunnyCannonCanFire () |
static void | CactusFrame (int i, int j) |
static bool | CanCutTile (int x, int y, TileCuttingContext context) |
static bool | CanKillTile (int i, int j) |
static bool | CanKillTile (int i, int j, out bool blockDamaged) |
static bool | CanKillTile (int i, int j, SpecialKillTileContext context) |
static int | CanPlaceProjectilePressurePad (int x, int y, int type=442, int style=0, int direction=0, int alternate=0) |
static bool | CanPlaceSink (int x, int y, ushort type, int style) |
static bool | CanPoundTile (int x, int y) |
static bool | CanUnderwaterPlantGrowHere (ushort type, int x, int y, bool ignoreSelf) |
static void | CaveOpenater (int i, int j) |
static void | Caverer (int X, int Y) |
static void | Cavinator (int i, int j, int steps) |
static void | ChasmRunner (int i, int j, int steps, bool makeOrb=false) |
static void | ChasmRunnerSideways (int i, int j, int direction, int steps) |
static void | Check1x1 (int x, int y, int type) |
static void | Check1x2 (int x, int j, ushort type) |
static void | Check1x2Top (int x, int j, ushort type) |
static void | Check1xX (int x, int j, short type) |
static void | Check2x1 (int i, int y, ushort type) |
static void | Check2x2 (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | Check2x2Style (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | Check2x3Wall (int x, int y) |
static void | Check2x5 (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | Check2xX (int i, int j, ushort type) |
static void | Check3x1 (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | Check3x2 (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | Check3x2Wall (int x, int y) |
static void | Check3x3 (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | Check3x3Wall (int x, int y) |
static void | Check3x4 (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | Check3x5 (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | Check3x6 (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | Check4x2 (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | Check4x3Wall (int x, int y) |
static void | Check5x4 (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | Check6x3 (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | Check6x4Wall (int x, int y) |
static void | CheckAchievement_RealEstateAndTownSlimes () |
static void | CheckAlch (int x, int y) |
static void | CheckBamboo (int x, int y) |
static void | CheckBanner (int x, int j, byte type) |
static bool | CheckBoulderChest (int i, int j) |
static bool | CheckCactus (int i, int j) |
static void | CheckCannon (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | CheckCatTail (int x, int j) |
static void | CheckChand (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | CheckChest (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | CheckDye (int x, int y) |
static void | CheckFoodPlatter (int x, int y, int type) |
static void | CheckGnome (int x, int j) |
static void | CheckGolf1x1 (int x, int y, int type) |
static void | CheckJunglePlant (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | CheckLilyPad (int x, int y) |
static void | CheckLogicTiles (int x, int y, int type) |
static void | CheckMan (int i, int j) |
static void | CheckMB (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | CheckOasisPlant (int i, int j, int type=530) |
static void | CheckOnTable1x1 (int x, int y, int type) |
static void | CheckOrb (int i, int j, int type) |
static void | CheckPalmTree (int i, int j) |
static void | CheckPile (int i, int y) |
static void | CheckPot (int i, int j, int type=28) |
static void | CheckProjectilePressurePad (int i, int j) |
static void | CheckRockGolemHead (int x, int y) |
static void | CheckRoom (int x, int y) |
static void | CheckSign (int x, int y, ushort type) |
static bool | CheckSpecialTownNPCSpawningConditions (int type) |
static void | CheckStinkbugBlocker (int x, int y) |
static void | CheckSunflower (int i, int j, int type=27) |
static void | CheckSuper (int x, int y, int type) |
static void | CheckTallGate (int x, int y, int type) |
static void | CheckTight (int x, int j) |
static bool | CheckTileAnchors (int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int mode, AnchorType anchor) |
static int | CheckTileBreakability (int x, int y) |
static bool | CheckTileBreakability2_ShouldTileSurvive (int x, int y) |
static bool | CheckTileFrames (int type, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int styleX, int frameXinc, int styleY, int frameYinc) |
static void | CheckTorch (int x, int y) |
static void | CheckTrapDoor (int x, int y, int type) |
static void | CheckTree (int i, int j) |
static void | CheckTreeWithSettings (int x, int y, CheckTreeSettings settings) |
static bool | checkUnderground (int x, int y) |
static void | CheckUnderwaterPlant (ushort type, int x, int y) |
static void | CheckWeaponsRack (int i, int j) |
static void | CheckWoman (int i, int j) |
static void | CheckXmasTree (int x, int y) |
static int | checkXmasTreeDrop (int x, int y, int obj) |
static bool | Chlorophyte (int i, int j) |
static void | ChlorophyteDefense (int x, int y) |
static void | ClearAllBrokenTraps () |
static void | ClearBrokenTraps (Point startTileCoords, List< Point > pointsWeAlreadyWentOver) |
static void | clearWorld () |
static bool | CloseDoor (int i, int j, bool forced=false) |
static void | CloudIsland (int i, int j) |
static void | CloudLake (int i, int j) |
static Color | coatingColor (int coating) |
static List< Color > | coatingColors (Tile tile, bool block) |
static void | ConsumePostGenActions (StructureMap structures) |
static void | Convert (int i, int j, int conversionType, int size=4) |
| Converts biome variant tiles and walls to a target biome.
Converts a 9x9 square by default, but can be adjusted with the size parameter. More...
static int | countDirtTiles (int x, int y) |
static int | CountNearBlocksTypes (int i, int j, int radius, int cap=0, params int[] tiletypes) |
static void | CountTiles (int X) |
static int | countTiles (int x, int y, bool jungle=false, bool lavaOk=false) |
static void | CountTileTypesInArea (int[] tileTypeCounts, int startX, int endX, int startY, int endY) |
static int[] | CountTileTypesInWorld (params int[] oreTypes) |
static int | countWires (int x, int y, int size) |
static Task | CreateNewWorld (GenerationProgress progress=null) |
static void | CrimEnt (Vector2D position, int crimDir) |
static void | CrimPlaceHearts () |
static void | CrimStart (int i, int j) |
static void | CrimVein (Vector2D position, Vector2D velocity) |
static bool | DefaultTreeWallTest (int wallType) |
static void | DesertCloudIsland (int i, int j) |
static void | DestroyHeart (int i, int j) |
static void | DetourPass (PassLegacy pass, GenPassDetour hookDelegate) |
static void | DiamondTileFrame (int i, int j) |
static Vector2D | digTunnel (double X, double Y, double xDir, double yDir, int Steps, int Size, bool Wet=false) |
static void | DirtyRockRunner (int i, int j) |
static void | do_worldGenCallBack (object threadContext) |
static bool | DoesWindBlowAtThisHeight (int tileY) |
static void | DontStarveTryWateringTile (int x, int y) |
static void | DropDoorItem (int x, int y, int doorStyle) |
static void | dropMeteor () |
static void | dropXmasTree (int x, int y, int obj) |
static void | DungeonEnt (int i, int j, ushort tileType, int wallType) |
static void | DungeonHalls (int i, int j, ushort tileType, int wallType, bool forceX=false) |
static bool | DungeonPitTrap (int i, int j, ushort tileType, int wallType) |
static void | DungeonRoom (int i, int j, ushort tileType, int wallType) |
static void | DungeonStairs (int i, int j, ushort tileType, int wallType) |
static bool | EmptyLiquid (int x, int y) |
static bool | EmptyTileCheck (int startX, int endX, int startY, int endY, int ignoreID=-1) |
static void | EveryTileFrame () |
static void | ExplodeMine (int i, int j, bool fromWiring) |
static void | FillWallHolesInArea (Rectangle worldCoordsArea) |
static void | FixChand (int i, int j) |
static void | FixChands () |
static void | FixHeart (int i, int j) |
static void | FixHearts () |
static void | FixSunflower (int i, int j) |
static void | FixSunflowers () |
static void | FloatingIsland (int i, int j) |
static void | gemCave (int x, int y) |
static bool | GemTreeGroundTest (int tileType) |
static bool | GemTreeWallTest (int wallType) |
static bool | GeneratePlanteraBulbOnAllMechsDefeated () |
static void | GenerateWorld (int seed, GenerationProgress customProgressObject=null) |
static void | GERunner (int i, int j, double speedX=0.0, double speedY=0.0, bool good=true) |
static bool | GetAshTreeFoliageData (int i, int j, int xoffset, ref int treeFrame, ref int treeStyle, out int floorY, out int topTextureFrameWidth, out int topTextureFrameHeight) |
static void | GetBiomeInfluence (int startX, int endX, int startY, int endY, out int corruptCount, out int crimsonCount, out int hallowedCount) |
static void | GetCactusType (int tileX, int tileY, int frameX, int frameY, out bool evil, out bool good, out bool crimson) |
static void | GetCactusType (int tileX, int tileY, int frameX, int frameY, out bool evil, out bool good, out bool crimson, out int type) |
static void | GetCactusType (int tileX, int tileY, int frameX, int frameY, out int type) |
static bool | GetCommonTreeFoliageData (int i, int j, int xoffset, ref int treeFrame, ref int treeStyle, out int floorY, out int topTextureFrameWidth, out int topTextureFrameHeight) |
static bool | GetGemTreeFoliageData (int i, int j, int xoffset, ref int treeFrame, ref int treeStyle, out int floorY, out int topTextureFrameWidth, out int topTextureFrameHeight) |
static int | GetHollowTreeFoliageStyle () |
static int | GetItemDrop_Benches (int style) |
static int | GetItemDrop_Chair (int style) |
static int | GetItemDrop_PicnicTables (int style) |
static int | GetItemDrop_Toilet (int style) |
static IEntitySource | GetItemSource_FromTileBreak (int x, int y) |
static IEntitySource | GetItemSource_FromTreeShake (int x, int y) |
static IEntitySource | GetItemSource_FromWallBreak (int x, int y) |
static TileChangeType | GetLiquidChangeType (int liquidType, int otherLiquidType) |
static int | GetNextJungleChestItem () |
static EntitySource_ShakeTree | GetNPCSource_ShakeTree (int x, int y) |
static void | GetRidOfCultists () |
static void | GetSectionBounds (int sectionStartX, int sectionStartY, int sectionEndXInclusive, int sectionEndYInclusive, out int tileStartX, out int tileEndX, out int tileStartY, out int tileEndY) |
static int | GetTileMossColor (int tileType) |
static int | GetTileTypeCountByCategory (int[] tileTypeCounts, TileScanGroup group) |
static ? Rectangle | GetTileVisualHitbox (int x, int y) |
static Point | GetTopLeftAndStyles (ref int x, ref int y, int w, int h, int frameXinc, int frameYinc) |
static void | GetTreeBottom (int i, int j, out int x, out int y) |
static int | GetTreeFrame (Tile t) |
static void | GetTreeLeaf (int x, Tile topTile, Tile t, ref int treeHeight, out int treeFrame, out int passStyle) |
static TreeTypes | GetTreeType (int tileType) |
static bool | GetVanityTreeFoliageData (int i, int j, int xoffset, ref int treeFrame, ref int treeStyle, out int floorY, out int topTextureFrameWidth, out int topTextureFrameHeight) |
static int | GetWorldSize () |
static double | GetWorldUpdateRate () |
static void | GrowAlch (int x, int y) |
static void | GrowCactus (int i, int j) |
static void | GrowCatTail (int x, int j) |
static void | GrowCheckSeaweed (int x, int y) |
static bool | GrowDungeonTree (int i, int j, bool patch=false) |
static bool | GrowEpicTree (int i, int y) |
static bool | GrowLivingTree (int i, int j, bool patch=false) |
static bool | GrowMoreVines (int x, int y) |
| Checks if vines are allowed to grow immediately below the location provided. This method only checks that the count of existing vine tiles (TileID.Sets.IsVine) in a nearby area does not exceed the maximum allowed amount. Returns true if more vines in the area would be allowed. Specifically, this method checks that the number of vine tiles in a 9x17 area around the given coordinate does not exceed 60.
static bool | GrowPalmTree (int i, int y) |
static void | GrowPumpkin (int i, int j, int type) |
static bool | GrowShroom (int i, int y) |
static void | GrowSpike (int i, int j, ushort spikeType, ushort landType) |
static bool | GrowTree (int i, int y) |
static bool | GrowTreeWithSettings (int checkedX, int checkedY, GrowTreeSettings settings) |
static void | GrowUndergroundTree (int i, int y) |
static void | hardUpdateWorld (int i, int j) |
static bool | HasAnyWireNearby (int sourceX, int sourceY, int boxSpread) |
static void | HellFort (int i, int j, ushort tileType=75, byte wallType=14) |
static void | HellHouse (int i, int j, byte type=76, byte wall=13) |
static void | HellRoom (int i, int j, int width, int height, byte type=76, byte wall=13) |
static void | Housing_GetTestedRoomBounds (out int startX, out int endX, out int startY, out int endY) |
static bool | InAPlaceWithWind (int x, int y, int width, int height) |
static bool | InAPlaceWithWind (Vector2 position, int width, int height) |
static bool | InWorld (int x, int y, int fluff=0) |
| Returns true if the provided tile coordinates are within the world bounds. When dealing with random coordinates combined with addition or subtraction, there is a chance you might construct coordinates outside the bounds of the world. This will crash world generation, so it is important that you check that the coordinates are suitable before attempting to do things at those coordinates. Use this method to check if the given coordinates fall inside the world. The fluff parameter further checks that the coordinates are at least that many tiles away from the edge, which is useful for world generation actions that could affect large areas of tiles. More...
static bool | IsAContainer (Tile t) |
static bool | IsBackgroundConsideredTheSame (int oldBG, int newBG) |
static bool | IsBelowANonHammeredPlatform (int x, int y) |
static bool | IsChestRigged (int x, int y) |
static bool | IsFitToPlaceFlowerIn (int x, int y, int typeAttemptedToPlace) |
static bool | IsHarvestableHerbWithSeed (int type, int style) |
static bool | IsItATrap (Tile tile) |
static bool | IsItATrigger (Tile tile) |
static void | IslandHouse (int i, int j, int islandStyle) |
static bool | IsLockedDoor (int x, int y) |
static bool | IsLockedDoor (Tile t) |
static bool | IsNPCEvictable (int n) |
static bool | IsOpenDoorAnchorFrame (int x, int y) |
static bool | IsPalmOasisTree (int x) |
static bool | IsRope (int x, int y) |
static bool | IsSafeFromRain (int startX, int startY) |
static bool | IsThereASpawnablePrioritizedTownNPC (int x, int y, ref bool canSpawnNewTownNPC) |
static bool | IsThereASpawnablePrioritizedTownNPC_Old (int x, int y) |
static bool | IsThisAMushroomTree (int i, int j) |
static bool | IsTileALeafyTreeTop (int i, int j) |
static bool | IsTileNearby (int x, int y, int type, int distance) |
static bool | IsTileReplacable (int x, int y) |
static bool | IsTileTypeFitForTree (ushort type) |
static bool | IsTreeType (int tree) |
static void | JustQuit () |
static void | kickOut (int n) |
static bool | KillActuator (int i, int j) |
static void | KillTile (int i, int j, bool fail=false, bool effectOnly=false, bool noItem=false) |
| Attempts to destroy the tile at the provided tile coordinates.Callers can use fail , effectOnly , and noItem to dictate if the intention is to not actually kill the tile, only spawn kill tile effects, and not drop items respectively. For example, worms typically use fail: true, effectOnly: true to spawn dust indicating the worm burrowing through the ground. ModTile.KillTile(int, int, ref bool, ref bool, ref bool) and GlobalTile.KillTile(int, int, int, ref bool, ref bool, ref bool) will be called to modify those values.Note that this method will destroy a single tile and then call the tile framing code. The noItem parameter is only relevant for 1x1 tiles, not multi-tiles. The tile framing code is what triggers multi-tiles to destroy all of their remaining tiles and drop their placement item. GlobalTile.Drop(int, int, int) must be used by the caller if the intention is to prevent item drops from a multi-tile. More...
static int | KillTile_GetTileDustAmount (bool fail, Tile tileCache, int x, int y) |
static int | KillTile_MakeTileDust (int i, int j, Tile tileCache) |
static void | KillTile_PlaySounds (int i, int j, bool fail, Tile tileCache) |
static void | KillWall (int i, int j, bool fail=false) |
static bool | KillWire (int i, int j) |
static bool | KillWire2 (int i, int j) |
static bool | KillWire3 (int i, int j) |
static bool | KillWire4 (int i, int j) |
static void | Lakinater (int i, int j, double strengthMultiplier=1.0) |
static void | LaunchRocket (int x, int y, bool fromWiring) |
static void | LaunchRocketSmall (int x, int y, bool fromWiring) |
static bool | LeftEdgeCanBeAttachedTo (int i, int j) |
static void | MakeDungeon (int x, int y) |
static void | makeTemple (int x, int y) |
static void | MakeWateryIceThing (int i, int j) |
static bool | MarblePileWithStatues (int X, int Y) |
static bool | mayanTrap (int x2, int y2) |
static void | MessageLunarApocalypse () |
static bool | meteor (int i, int j, bool ignorePlayers=false) |
static void | MineHouse (int i, int j) |
static void | ModifyPass (PassLegacy pass, ILContext.Manipulator callback) |
static void | Mountinater (int i, int j) |
static void | moveRoom (int x, int y, int n) |
static bool | MoveTownNPC (int x, int y, int n) |
static void | MudWallRunner (int i, int j) |
static bool | nearbyChlorophyte (int i, int j) |
| Returns true if there are 3 or more Chlorophyte or ChlorophyteBrick tiles within a 11x11 area around the provided coordinate. Sometimes returns true if there are less than 3 but more than 0 of them. Used to implement Chlorophyte tiles restricting the spread of the evil biomes nearby (Biome Spread wiki page).
static bool | NearFriendlyWall (int x, int y) |
static bool | nearPicture (int x, int y) |
static bool | nearPicture2 (int x, int y) |
static void | neonMossBiome (int i, int j, int maxY=99999) |
static void | nextCount (int x, int y, bool jungle=false, bool lavaOk=false) |
static void | nextDirtCount (int x, int y) |
static void | oceanCave (int i, int j) |
static bool | oceanDepths (int x, int y) |
static bool | OpenDoor (int i, int j, int direction) |
static void | OreHelper (int X, int Y) |
static bool | OrePatch (int X, int Y) |
static void | OreRunner (int i, int j, double strength, int steps, ushort type) |
| Similar to TileRunner(int, int, double, int, int, bool, double, double, bool, bool, int), but without many of the options. OreRunner places small splotches of the specified tile (type ) starting at the coordinates (i and j in tile coordinates). OreRunner only replaces active tiles (Tile.HasTile) that are either TileID.Sets.CanBeClearedDuringOreRunner or Main.tileMoss, making it suitable to be used even after FrameImportant tiles (Main.tileFrameImportant) exist in the world. If you have a tile that should be susceptible to being replaced when additional ores are spawned in the world, set TileID.Sets.CanBeClearedDuringOreRunner to true for that ModTile. Vanilla code only uses this method when spawning hardmode ores. This method is suitable for use in-game and in multiplayer as it both frames and syncs tile changes. More...
static void | outerTempled (int x, int y) |
static void | paintCoatEffect (int x, int y, byte paintCoatId, List< Color > oldColors) |
static bool | paintCoatTile (int x, int y, byte paintCoatId, bool broadcast=false) |
static bool | paintCoatWall (int x, int y, byte paintCoatId, bool broadcast=false) |
static Color | paintColor (int color) |
static void | paintEffect (int x, int y, byte color, byte oldColor) |
static bool | paintTile (int x, int y, byte color, bool broadCast=false) |
static bool | paintWall (int x, int y, byte color, bool broadCast=false) |
static void | Place1x1 (int x, int y, int type, int style=0) |
static void | Place1x2 (int x, int y, ushort type, int style) |
static void | Place1x2Top (int x, int y, ushort type, int style) |
static void | Place1xX (int x, int y, ushort type, int style=0) |
static void | Place2x1 (int x, int y, ushort type, int style=0) |
static void | Place2x2 (int x, int y, ushort type, int style) |
static bool | Place2x2Horizontal (int x, int y, ushort type, int Style=0) |
static void | Place2x2Style (int x, int y, ushort type, int style=0) |
static void | Place2x3Wall (int x, int y, ushort type, int style) |
static void | Place2xX (int x, int y, ushort type, int style=0) |
static void | Place3x1 (int x, int y, ushort type, int style=0) |
static void | Place3x2 (int x, int y, ushort type, int style=0) |
static void | Place3x2Wall (int x, int y, ushort type, int style) |
static void | Place3x3 (int x, int y, ushort type, int style=0) |
static void | Place3x3Wall (int x, int y, ushort type, int style) |
static void | Place3x4 (int x, int y, ushort type, int style) |
static void | Place4x2 (int x, int y, ushort type, int direction=-1, int style=0) |
static void | Place4x3Wall (int x, int y, ushort type, int style) |
static void | Place5x4 (int x, int y, ushort type, int style) |
static void | Place6x3 (int x, int y, ushort type, int direction=-1, int style=0) |
static void | Place6x4Wall (int x, int y, ushort type, int style) |
static bool | PlaceActuator (int i, int j) |
static bool | PlaceAlch (int x, int y, int style) |
static void | PlaceBanner (int x, int y, ushort type, int style=0) |
static void | PlaceCannon (int x, int y, ushort type, int style=0) |
static Point | PlaceCatTail (int x, int j) |
static void | PlaceChand (int x, int y, ushort type, int style=0) |
static int | PlaceChest (int x, int y, ushort type=21, bool notNearOtherChests=false, int style=0) |
| Attempts to place a chest at the given tile coordinates. The coordinate provided (x , y ) will be the bottom left corner of the resulting chest, if the method succeeds. type is the tile type to place, and style is the tile style to place. For vanilla chests, you can count from zero starting from the left in the Tiles_21.png image after extracting the vanilla texturesto find the style you want to place. Another option is to follow the Tile IDs wiki guideto find the style. notNearOtherChests can be set to true to prevent the chest from placing if another chest exists within 25 tiles left or right and 8 tiles up or down. This method returns the chest index (the index within Main.chest) of the chest that was successfully placed or -1 if placing the chest failed. Chest placement can fail for many reasons, such as if existing tiles block the space, or if there isn't 2 suitable solid tiles directly below the intended location. See the "Try Until Success" section of the World Generation wiki guidefor an approach to using this method. See the "Placing Items in Chests" section of the World Generation wiki guidefor info on placing items in the chest. The AddBuriedChest(int, int, int, bool, int, bool, ushort) method places a chest and fills it with the default items for that chest. More...
static void | PlaceChestDirect (int x, int y, ushort type, int style, int id) |
| Used for network syncing. Modders should use PlaceChest(int, int, ushort, bool, int) if attempting to place a chest.
static bool | PlaceDoor (int i, int j, int type, int style=0) |
static void | PlaceDresserDirect (int x, int y, ushort type, int style, int id) |
static void | PlaceDye (int x, int y, int style) |
static void | PlaceGnome (int x, int y, int style) |
static void | PlaceJunglePlant (int X2, int Y2, ushort type, int styleX, int styleY) |
static bool | placeLavaTrap (int x, int y) |
static bool | PlaceLilyPad (int x, int j) |
static bool | PlaceLiquid (int x, int y, byte liquidType, byte amount) |
static void | PlaceLogicTiles (int x, int y, int type, int style=0) |
static void | PlaceMan (int i, int j, int dir) |
static void | PlaceMB (int X, int y, ushort type, int style) |
static bool | PlaceOasis (int X, int Y) |
static void | PlaceOasisPlant (int X, int Y, ushort type=530) |
static bool | PlaceObject (int x, int y, int type, bool mute=false, int style=0, int alternate=0, int random=-1, int direction=-1) |
static void | PlaceOnTable1x1 (int x, int y, int type, int style=0) |
static bool | PlacePot (int x, int y, ushort type=28, int style=0) |
static void | PlacePumpkin (int x, int superY) |
static bool | PlaceSandTrap (int i, int j) |
static bool | PlaceSign (int x, int y, ushort type, int Style=0) |
static bool | PlaceSmallPile (int i, int j, int X, int Y, ushort type=185) |
| Places TileID.SmallPiles tiles. This tile is special and doesn't follow the normal style rules and won't place with PlaceTile. i and j are the coordinates. X and Y are the count and row indexes of the specific tile in the texture file. Indexes count from left to right and start at 0. So for example the Sapphire Stash would have Y=1 (second row) and X=21 (22nd 2x1 tile). More...
static void | PlaceStatueTrap (int x, int y) |
static void | PlaceSunflower (int x, int y, ushort type=27) |
static void | PlaceTight (int x, int y, bool spiders=false) |
static bool | PlaceTile (int i, int j, int Type, bool mute=false, bool forced=false, int plr=-1, int style=0) |
| PlaceTile is the main way to place individual tiles while obeying anchor considerations. Most of the other PlaceX methods in the WorldGen class are called by this method. i and j are the tile coordinates. These coordinates relate to the origin of the tile, not necessarily the top left corner of the tile. Read the Basic Tile wiki guideto familiarize yourself with the concepts of Anchors and Origins. mute indicates if a sound should be made, this only applies to in-game usage as sounds are all muted during world gen. forced attempts to place the tile even if other tiles are already at the coordinates, but it is unreliable. plr does nothing except affect bathtubs. style refers to the style of the tile type provided. Styles are explained in the Basic Tile guide. PlaceTile returns a bool indicating placement success. Unfortunately, it doesn't work, don't use it. Checking the coordinates after calling PlaceTile is a good way to check if the placement was a success: if(Main.tile[x, y].TileType == TileID.Campfire) PlaceTile doesn't expose everything. For example, attempting to place a tile with a specific style will be ignored by many of the underlying methods. Another issue is that it is impossible to place a tile that has left and right placement orientations facing right. In these situations, you might need to manually place each tile in the multitile or use PlaceObject(int, int, int, bool, int, int, int, int) instead. WorldGen.PlaceObject requires more input. For example, placing Coral with PlaceObject means you have to manually specify the style, as the random style (TileObjectData.RandomStyleRange) choosing is a feature of PlaceTile. If called in-game, the changed tiles would need to be synced if placement is successful. See NetMessage.SendTileSquare(int, int, int, int, int, TileChangeType) for more information and examples. More...
static bool | placeTrap (int x2, int y2, int type=-1) |
static void | PlaceUncheckedStalactite (int x, int y, bool preferSmall, int variation, bool spiders) |
static void | PlaceUnderwaterPlant (ushort type, int x, int y) |
static void | PlaceWall (int i, int j, int type, bool mute=false) |
static bool | PlaceWire (int i, int j) |
static bool | PlaceWire2 (int i, int j) |
static bool | PlaceWire3 (int i, int j) |
static bool | PlaceWire4 (int i, int j) |
static void | PlaceWoman (int i, int j, int dir) |
static void | PlaceXmasTree (int x, int y, ushort type=171) |
static int | PlaceXmasTree_Direct (int x, int y, int type, int style, int dir, int alternate) |
static void | PlantAlch () |
static void | PlantCactus (int i, int j) |
static void | PlantCheck (int x, int y) |
static void | plantDye (int i, int j, bool exoticPlant=false) |
static int | PlatformProperSides (int x, int y, bool acceptNonOpposing=false) |
static bool | PlatformProperTopFrame (short frameX) |
static bool | PlayerLOS (int x, int y) |
static void | PlayLiquidChangeSound (TileChangeType eventType, int x, int y, int count=1) |
static void | playWorld () |
static void | playWorldCallBack (object threadContext) |
static void | PoundPlatform (int x, int y) |
static bool | PoundTile (int i, int j) |
static bool | Pyramid (int i, int j) |
static void | QueuePostGenAction (Action< StructureMap > action) |
static void | QuickFindHome (int npc) |
static PaintingEntry | RandBonePicture () |
static int | randGem () |
static ushort | randGemTile () |
static PaintingEntry | RandHellPicture () |
static PaintingEntry | RandHousePicture () |
static PaintingEntry | RandHousePictureDesert () |
static void | randMoss (bool justNeon=false) |
static void | RandomizeBackgroundBasedOnPlayer (UnifiedRandom random, Player player) |
static void | RandomizeBackgrounds (UnifiedRandom random) |
static void | RandomizeCaveBackgrounds () |
static void | RandomizeMoonState (UnifiedRandom random, bool garenteeNewStyle=false) |
static void | RandomizeTreeStyle () |
static void | RandomizeWeather () |
static Point | RandomRectanglePoint (int x, int y, int width, int height) |
static Point | RandomRectanglePoint (Rectangle rectangle) |
static Point | RandomWorldPoint (int padding) |
static Point | RandomWorldPoint (int top=0, int right=0, int bottom=0, int left=0) |
| Generates a random tile coordinate within the world bounds. The optional parameters define additional padding, avoiding the edges or defining a target area. Point point = WorldGen.RandomWorldPoint((int)Main.worldSurface, 40, 500, 60) is equivalent to More...
static PaintingEntry | RandPictureTile () |
static void | RangeFrame (int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY) |
static void | Reframe (int x, int y, bool resetFrame=false) |
static void | RefreshSection (int sectionX, int sectionY) |
static void | RefreshSections (int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY) |
static void | RefreshStrip (int xStart, int yStart, int xEnd, int yEnd, ref int totalEcho, ref int totalFramed) |
static void | RenameWorld (WorldFileData data, string newName, Action< string > callback=null) |
static void | RenameWorldCallBack (object threadContext) |
static bool | ReplaceTile (int x, int y, ushort targetType, int targetStyle) |
static bool | ReplaceWall (int x, int y, ushort targetWall) |
static void | ResetTreeShakes () |
static bool | RightEdgeCanBeAttachedTo (int i, int j) |
static bool | RoomNeeds (int npcType) |
static void | saveAndPlay () |
static void | saveAndPlayCallBack (object threadContext) |
static void | SaveAndQuit (Action callback=null) |
static void | SaveAndQuitCallBack (object threadContext) |
static void | saveToonWhilePlaying () |
static void | saveToonWhilePlayingCallBack (object threadContext) |
static void | ScoreRoom (int ignoreNPC=-1, int npcTypeAskingToScoreRoom=-1) |
static void | SectionTileFrame (int sectionStartX, int sectionStartY, int sectionEndXInclusive, int sectionEndYInclusive) |
static void | SectionTileFrameWithCheck (int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY) |
static Task | serverLoadWorld () |
static void | serverLoadWorldCallBack () |
static void | setBG (int bg, int style) |
static void | setMoss (int x, int y) |
static void | SetupStatueList () |
static void | setWorldSize () |
static void | setXmasTree (int x, int y, int obj, int style) |
static bool | ShellPile (int X, int Y) |
static bool | ShiftTallGate (int x, int y, bool closing, bool forced=false) |
static bool | ShiftTrapdoor (int x, int y, bool playerAbove, int onlyCloseOrOpen=-1) |
static void | Shimmerator (int x, int y, bool jungle=false, bool lavaOk=false) |
static bool | ShimmerMakeBiome (int X, int Y) |
static void | ShimmerRemoveWater () |
static void | ShootFromCannon (int x, int y, int angle, int ammo, int Damage, float KnockBack, int owner, bool fromWire) |
static void | ShroomPatch (int i, int j) |
static bool | SlopeTile (int i, int j, int slope=0, bool noEffects=false) |
static void | SmashAltar (int i, int j) |
static void | smCallBack (object threadContext) |
static void | SnowCloudIsland (int i, int j) |
static bool | SolidOrSlopedTile (int x, int y) |
static bool | SolidOrSlopedTile (Tile tile) |
static bool | SolidTile (int i, int j, bool noDoors=false) |
static bool | SolidTile (Point p) |
static bool | SolidTile (Tile testTile) |
static bool | SolidTile2 (int i, int j) |
static bool | SolidTile2 (Tile testTile) |
static bool | SolidTile3 (int i, int j) |
static bool | SolidTile3 (Tile t) |
static bool | SolidTileAllowBottomSlope (int i, int j) |
static bool | SolidTileAllowLeftSlope (int i, int j) |
static bool | SolidTileAllowRightSlope (int i, int j) |
static bool | SolidTileAllowTopSlope (int i, int j) |
static bool | SolidTileNoAttach (int i, int j) |
static void | SonOfLakinater (int i, int j, double strengthMultiplier=1.0) |
static bool | SpawnFallingBlockProjectile (int i, int j, Tile tileCache, Tile tileTopCache, Tile tileBottomCache, int type) |
static void | SpawnPlanteraThorns (Vector2 position) |
static TownNPCSpawnResult | SpawnTownNPC (int x, int y) |
static void | SpawnTravelNPC () |
static void | SpreadDesertWalls (int wallDist, int i, int j) |
static void | SpreadGrass (int i, int j, int dirt=0, int grass=2, bool repeat=true, TileColorCache color=default(TileColorCache)) |
static void | SquareTileFrame (int i, int j, bool resetFrame=true) |
static void | SquareWallFrame (int i, int j, bool resetFrame=true) |
static void | StartHardmode () |
static void | StartImpendingDoom (int countdownTime) |
static bool | StartRoomCheck (int x, int y) |
static bool | Statue (int x, int y, byte paint) |
static bool | StonePatch (int X, int Y) |
static void | SwitchCannon (int i, int j) |
static void | SwitchFountain (int i, int j) |
static void | SwitchMB (int i, int j) |
static void | SwitchMonolith (int i, int j) |
static void | templeCleaner (int x, int y) |
static void | templePart2 () |
static Vector2D | templePather (Vector2D templePath, int destX, int destY) |
static void | tileCountAndDestroy () |
static int | tileCounter (int x, int y) |
static void | tileCounterKill () |
static void | tileCounterNext (int x, int y) |
static bool | TileEmpty (int i, int j) |
static void | TileFrame (int i, int j, bool resetFrame=false, bool noBreak=false) |
static bool | TileIsExposedToAir (int x, int y) |
static void | TileMergeAttempt (int myType, bool[] lookfor, bool[] exclude, ref int up, ref int down, ref int left, ref int right, ref int upLeft, ref int upRight, ref int downLeft, ref int downRight) |
static void | TileMergeAttempt (int myType, bool[] lookfor, ref int up, ref int down, ref int left, ref int right) |
static void | TileMergeAttempt (int myType, bool[] lookfor, ref int up, ref int down, ref int left, ref int right, ref int upLeft, ref int upRight, ref int downLeft, ref int downRight) |
static void | TileMergeAttempt (int myType, int lookfor, ref int up, ref int down, ref int left, ref int right) |
static void | TileMergeAttempt (int myType, int lookfor, ref int up, ref int down, ref int left, ref int right, ref int upLeft, ref int upRight, ref int downLeft, ref int downRight) |
static void | TileMergeAttemptFrametest (int i, int j, int myType, bool[] lookfor, ref int up, ref int down, ref int left, ref int right, ref int upLeft, ref int upRight, ref int downLeft, ref int downRight) |
static void | TileMergeAttemptFrametest (int i, int j, int myType, int lookfor, ref int up, ref int down, ref int left, ref int right, ref int upLeft, ref int upRight, ref int downLeft, ref int downRight) |
static void | TileMergeAttemptWeird (int myType, int changeTo, bool[] exclude, ref int up, ref int down, ref int left, ref int right, ref int upLeft, ref int upRight, ref int downLeft, ref int downRight) |
static void | TileRunner (int i, int j, double strength, int steps, int type, bool addTile=false, double speedX=0.0, double speedY=0.0, bool noYChange=false, bool overRide=true, int ignoreTileType=-1) |
| Places small splotches of the specified tile starting at the designated coordinates. This should only be used early in world generation code. OreRunner(int, int, double, int, ushort) is a safer version that can be used anytime without corrupting tiles. More detailed information and a video guide can be found on the World Generation wiki page
static int | TileType (int x, int y) |
static void | ToggleGemLock (int i, int j, bool on) |
static bool | TopEdgeCanBeAttachedTo (int i, int j) |
static void | TreeGrowFX (int x, int y, int height, int treeGore, bool hitTree=false) |
static void | TreeGrowFXCheck (int x, int y) |
static void | TriggerLunarApocalypse () |
static bool | TryGrowingTreeByType (int treeTileType, int checkedX, int checkedY) |
static bool | TryKillingReplaceableTile (int x, int y, int tileType) |
static bool | TryKillingTreesAboveIfTheyWouldBecomeInvalid (int i, int j, int newFloorType) |
static void | TryProtectingSpawnedItems () |
static bool | TryToggleLight (int x, int y, bool? forcedState, bool skipWires) |
static void | UndoSpawnedItemProtection () |
static void | UnlockDoor (int i, int j) |
static void | UnspawnTravelNPC () |
static void | UpdateDesertHiveBounds (int x, int y) |
static void | UpdateLunarApocalypse () |
static bool | UpdateMapTile (int i, int j, bool addToList=true) |
static bool | UpdateStalagtiteStyle (int x, int j) |
static void | UpdateWorld () |
static bool | VanityTreeGroundTest (int tileType) |
static void | WaterCheck () |
static void | WavyCaverer (int startX, int startY, double waveStrengthScalar, double wavePercentScalar, int steps, int type) |
static bool | WillWaterPlacedHereStayPut (int x, int y) |
static void | worldGenCallback (object threadContext) |
static bool | WouldTileReplacementBeBlockedByLiquid (int x, int y, int liquidType) |
static bool | WouldTileReplacementWork (ushort attemptingToReplaceWith, int x, int y) |