tModLoader v2024.12
A mod to make and play Terraria mods
Inherits Entity, and IEntityWithGlobals< GlobalProjectile >.
Classes | |
struct | HallowBossPelletStormInfo |
Public Member Functions | |
void | AI () |
bool | AI_019_Spears_GetExtensionHitbox (out Rectangle extensionBox) |
bool | AI_137_CanHit (Vector2 targetPosition) |
Color | AI_156_GetColor () |
Color | AI_171_GetColor () |
HallowBossPelletStormInfo | AI_172_GetPelletStormInfo (int stormIndex) |
int | AI_172_GetPelletStormsCount () |
Color | AI_173_GetColor () |
void | ApplyStatsFromSource (IEntitySource spawnSource) |
Transfers stat modifiers from the spawn source to the projectile. Adds CritChance and ArmorPenetration bonuses from players (EntitySource_Parent), weapons (EntitySource_ItemUse) If the source is a EntitySource_Parent projectile, CritChance and ArmorPenetration from the parent will be added, in order to transfer the original item/player bonus values.To support minions, sentries and ContinuouslyUpdateDamageStats, OriginalCritChance and OriginalArmorPenetration are also copied from item sources and parent projectiles. More... | |
bool | CanBeReflected () |
bool | CanExplodeTile (int x, int y) |
bool | CanHitWithMeleeWeapon (Entity ent) |
bool | CanHitWithOwnBody (Entity ent) |
void | CheckUsability (Player player, ref bool currentlyUsable) |
void | CloneDefaults (int TypeToClone) |
bool | Colliding (Rectangle myRect, Rectangle targetRect) |
bool | CountsAsClass (DamageClass damageClass) |
This is used to check if the projectile is considered to be a member of a specified DamageClass. More... | |
bool | CountsAsClass< T > () |
void | CreateImpactExplosion (int dustAmountMultiplier, Vector2 explosionOrigin, ref Point scanAreaStart, ref Point scanAreaEnd, int explosionRange, out bool causedShockwaves) |
void | CreateImpactExplosion2_FlailTileCollision (Vector2 explosionOrigin, bool causedShockwaves, Vector2 velocityBeforeCollision) |
void | Damage () |
void | DefaultToSpray () |
void | DefaultToWhip () |
void | EmitEnchantmentVisualsAt (Vector2 boxPosition, int boxWidth, int boxHeight) |
Spawns weapon enchantment visuals the specified location. boxPosition is the top left corner of the intended spawn area and boxWidth and boxHeight dictate the spawn area. This method is automatically called for all projectiles that are not npcProj and not noEnchantmentVisuals. Modders can use noEnchantmentVisuals to prevent the automatic calling of this method and manually call this method in ModProjectile.AI to customize the intended enchantment visuals position. Set noEnchantments to true on projectiles that shouldn't have enchantment visuals or effects at all. | |
void | ExplodeCrackedTiles (Vector2 compareSpot, int radius, int minI, int maxI, int minJ, int maxJ) |
void | ExplodeTiles (Vector2 compareSpot, int radius, int minI, int maxI, int minJ, int maxJ, bool wallSplode) |
Explodes tiles within a radius of the given position and within the bounds passed in. The wallSplode parameter should be the result of ShouldWallExplode(Vector2, int, int, int, int, int) and dictates if walls will also be destroyed. This method honors the tile and wall explosion conditions. | |
NPC | FindTargetWithinRange (float maxRange, bool checkCanHit=false) |
int | FindTargetWithLineOfSight (float maxRange=800f) |
Finds the closest NPC to this projectile which can be targeted and which it has line of sight to. More... | |
void | FishingCheck () |
Color | GetAlpha (Color newColor) |
Color | GetCeleb2Color () |
Color | GetFairyQueenWeaponsColor (float alphaChannelMultiplier=1f, float lerpToWhite=0f, float? rawHueOverride=null) |
Color | GetFirstFractalColor () |
Color | GetFloatingDaggerMinionGlowColor () |
T | GetGlobalProjectile< T > () |
Gets the instance of the specified GlobalProjectile type. This will throw exceptions on failure. More... | |
T | GetGlobalProjectile< T > (T baseInstance) |
Gets the local instance of the type of the specified GlobalProjectile instance. This will throw exceptions on failure. More... | |
float | GetLastPrismHue (float laserIndex, ref float laserLuminance, ref float laserAlphaMultiplier) |
Rectangle | getRect () |
void | ghostHeal (int dmg, Vector2 Position, Entity victim) |
void | ghostHurt (int dmg, Vector2 Position, Entity victim) |
void | HurtPlayer (Rectangle hitbox) |
Hurts the local player if the player intersects the specified hitbox. More... | |
void | Interrupt (Player player) |
bool | IsAttachedTo (NPC npc) |
bool | IsDamageDodgable () |
bool | IsInRangeOfMeOrMyOwner (Entity entity, float maxDistance, out float myDistance, out float playerDistance, out bool closerIsMe) |
bool | IsInteractible () |
bool | IsInterruptible (Player player) |
void | Kill () |
void | Kill_DirtAndFluidProjectiles_RunDelegateMethodPushUpForHalfBricks (Point pt, float size, Utils.TileActionAttempt plot) |
void | Minion_FindTargetInRange (int startAttackRange, ref int attackTarget, bool skipIfCannotHitWithOwnBody, Func< Entity, int, bool > customEliminationCheck=null) |
void | PrepareBombToBlow () |
Used to adjust projectile properties immediately before the projectile becomes an explosion. This is called on projectiles using the ProjAIStyleID.Explosive aiStyle or projectiles that are contained in the ProjectileID.Sets.Explosive set. By defaults tileCollide is set to false and alpha is set to 255. Calls the ProjectileLoader.PrepareBombToBlow(Projectile) method. | |
void | ProjectileFixDesperation () |
void | ProjLight () |
void | ResetLocalNPCHitImmunity () |
void | Resize (int newWidth, int newHeight) |
Changes the Entity.width and Entity.height of the projectile while preserving the Entity.Center. Useful for explosive projectiles that expand their hitbox while exploding. | |
void | SetDefaults (int Type) |
bool | ShouldUseWindPhysics () |
bool | ShouldWallExplode (Vector2 compareSpot, int radius, int minI, int maxI, int minJ, int maxJ) |
Determines if walls should be exploded by checking if there is an empty wall within the specified radius and bounds. Use in conjunction with ExplodeTiles. | |
void | StatusNPC (int i) |
void | StatusPlayer (int i) |
void | StatusPvP (int i) |
override string | ToString () |
bool | TryGetContainerIndex (out int containerIndex) |
bool | TryGetGlobalProjectile< T > (out T result) |
Gets the instance of the specified GlobalProjectile type. More... | |
bool | TryGetGlobalProjectile< T > (T baseInstance, out T result) |
Safely attempts to get the local instance of the type of the specified GlobalProjectile instance. More... | |
bool | TryGetOwner ([NotNullWhen(true)] out Player? player) |
Attempts to get the owner player of this projectile. Returns null for projectiles spawned by TownNPC (npcProj) and trap projectiles (trap). Returns Main.player[owner] otherwise. Note that this logic assumes that projectiles have the correct fields set, which might not always be true. Also note that in single player enemy projectiles are also "owned" by the player, so this alone isn't sufficient to know which projectiles were spawned by the player. Additional friendly checks would be needed for that. More... | |
bool | TurretShouldPersist () |
void | Update (int i) |
void | vampireHeal (int dmg, Vector2 Position, Entity victim) |
void | VanillaAI () |
Public Member Functions inherited from Entity | |
float | AngleFrom (Vector2 Source) |
float | AngleTo (Vector2 Destination) |
Vector2 | DirectionFrom (Vector2 Source) |
Vector2 | DirectionTo (Vector2 Destination) |
float | Distance (Vector2 Other) |
float | DistanceSQ (Vector2 Other) |
IEntitySource | GetSource_CatchEntity (Entity caughtEntity, string? context=null) |
IEntitySource | GetSource_Death (string? context=null) |
IEntitySource | GetSource_DropAsItem (string? context=null) |
IEntitySource | GetSource_FromAI (string? context=null) |
IEntitySource | GetSource_FromThis (string? context=null) |
IEntitySource | GetSource_GiftOrReward (string? context=null) |
IEntitySource | GetSource_Loot (string? context=null) |
IEntitySource | GetSource_Misc (string context) |
IEntitySource | GetSource_OnHit (Entity victim, string? context=null) |
IEntitySource | GetSource_OnHurt (Entity? attacker, string? context=null) |
IEntitySource | GetSource_ReleaseEntity (string? context=null) |
IEntitySource | GetSource_TileInteraction (int tileCoordsX, int tileCoordsY, string? context=null) |
bool | WithinRange (Vector2 Target, float MaxRange) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static Vector2 | AI_158_GetHomeLocation (Player master, int stackedIndex) |
static Vector2 | AI_164_GetHomeLocation (Player master, int stackedIndex, int totalIndexes) |
static void | AI_192_GetJuminoFall (Projectile proj, out float timeSinceFall, out float fall) |
static void | DropGeodeLoot (Entity entity) |
Will drop loot the same way as when ProjectileID.Geode is cracked open. More... | |
static void | EmitBlackLightningParticles (NPC targetNPC) |
static void | FillWhipControlPoints (Projectile proj, List< Vector2 > controlPoints) |
static int | FindOldestProjectile () |
static bool | GasTrapCheck (int x, int y, Player user) |
static int | GetBallistraShotDelay (Player player) |
static int | GetByUUID (int owner, float uuid) |
static int | GetByUUID (int owner, int uuid) |
static int | GetExplosiveTrapCooldown (Player player) |
static Color | GetGolfTrailColor (Projectile proj) |
static int | GetNextSlot () |
static void | GetWhipSettings (Projectile proj, out float timeToFlyOut, out int segments, out float rangeMultiplier) |
static void | InitializeStaticThings () |
static bool | IsNPCIndexImmuneToProjectileType (int projectileType, int npcIndex) |
static void | KillOldestJavelin (int protectedProjectileIndex, int projectileType, int targetNPCIndex, Point[] bufferForScan) |
static int | NewProjectile (IEntitySource spawnSource, float X, float Y, float SpeedX, float SpeedY, int Type, int Damage, float KnockBack, int Owner=-1, float ai0=0f, float ai1=0f, float ai2=0f) |
Spawns a projectile into the game world with the given type. The spawn position is given in world coordinates by the X and Y parameters. SpeedX and SpeedY dictate the initial velocity. Damage and KnockBack are self-explanatory. Owner is the player who spawned the projectile, almost always Main.myPlayer. ai0, ai1, and ai2 will initialize the[] array with the supplied values. This can be used to pass in information to the Projectile. The Projectile AI code will have to be written to utilize those values. The return value is the index of the spawned Projectile within the Main.projectile array. Make sure that this method is called only by the client in charge of the source causing this projectile to spawn. Failure to do this will result in the projectile spawning once for each player in the world. For example, if Player code uses this method, make sure to first check More... | |
static int | NewProjectile (IEntitySource spawnSource, Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, int Type, int Damage, float KnockBack, int Owner=-1, float ai0=0f, float ai1=0f, float ai2=0f) |
This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X and Y to determine the actual spawn position and a Vector2 to dictate the initial velocity. | |
static Projectile | NewProjectileDirect (IEntitySource spawnSource, Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, int type, int damage, float knockback, int owner=-1, float ai0=0f, float ai1=0f, float ai2=0f) |
This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X and Y to determine the actual spawn position and a Vector2 to dictate the initial velocity. The return value is the actual Projectile instance rather than the index of the spawned Projectile within the Main.projectile array. A short-hand for More... | |
static void | RandomizeInsanityShadowFor (Entity targetEntity, bool isHostile, out Vector2 spawnposition, out Vector2 spawnvelocity, out float ai0, out float ai1) |
static void | ResetImmunity () |
static void | UseGasTrapInChest (int chestIndex, Chest theChest, int gasTrapIndex, int gasOffsetX, int gasOffsetY) |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from Entity | |
static IEntitySource | GetSource_NaturalSpawn () |
static ? IEntitySource | GetSource_None () |
static IEntitySource | GetSource_TownSpawn () |
static ? IEntitySource | InheritSource (Entity entity) |
Public Attributes | |
float[] | ai = new float[maxAI] |
An array with 3 slots used for any sort of data storage, which is occasionally synced to the server. Each vanilla ProjAIStyleID uses these slots for different purposes. Set netUpdate to true during AI methods to manually sync. The advantage of using these 3 floats is that they are synced automatically. Using fields in your ModProjectile class will work just the same, but they might need to be synced via ModProjectile.SendExtraAI(System.IO.BinaryWriter) and ModProjectile.ReceiveExtraAI(System.IO.BinaryReader) if necessary. Clever use of Reference return valuesas seen in ExampleLightPetProjectile.cscan be used to reuse the ai array entries with readable names. Defaults to the values passed into Projectile.NewProjectile(IEntitySource, float, float, float, float, int, int, float, int, float, float, float), usually [0, 0, 0]. | |
int | aiStyle |
Selects which vanilla code to use for the AI method. Vanilla projectile AI styles are enumerated in the ProjAIStyleID class. Modders can use vanilla aiStyle and optionally ModProjectile.AIType to mimic AI code already in the game. This is usually only useful as a prototyping tool since it is difficult to customize existing aiStyle code. See ModProjectile.AIType and ExampleCloneProjectileto see how to use vanilla ai. If you are using custom AI code, there is no need to set this field. The Basic Projectile Guideteaches how to use an existing aiStyle. Customizing an existing aiStyle usually requires following the Vanilla Code Adaption Guide. Defaults to 0. | |
int | alpha |
How transparent to draw this projectile. Ranges from 0 to 255. 0 is fully opaque and 255 is completely transparent. (Opacity also controls alpha and might be easier to work with in some situations.) Can be adjusted to dynamically fade in or out a projectile. One example usage is for projectiles that look odd when initially spawned on the weapon because of texture overlap. ExampleBullet.SetDefaultssets this to 255, and the projectile aiStyle of ProjAIStyleID.Arrow automatically decreases alpha each tick, causing the projectile to fade in quickly after being spawned. The Basic Projectile Guideteaches more about projectile fade in and out. Defaults to 0. | |
bool | appliesImmunityTimeOnSingleHits |
If true, this projectile will apply immunity to an npc despite having a penetrate value of 1. Used only for firework rockets in Terraria content. | |
bool | arrow |
Indicates that this is an arrow projectile. Used to apply the Phantasm and Magic Quiver effects. | |
int | bannerIdToRespondTo |
bool | bobber |
bool | coldDamage |
bool | counterweight |
int | damage |
This will always be set in Projectile.NewProjectile based on the weapons damage and player stat modifiers. Modders should not set this in ModProjectile.SetDefaults as it will be overwritten. | |
bool | decidesManualFallThrough |
int | extraUpdates |
Additional update steps per tick. Useful for really fast projectiles such as Shadowbeam Staff. If your projectile is mistakenly occasionally traveling through tiles, you may need to increase this to prevent that. Also useful as a velocity multiplier for ammo projectile. The Shoot Speed wiki pageexplains how that works. Defaults to 0. | |
int | frame |
The frame number in the spritesheet that this projectile will be drawn with. Assign in ModProjectile.AI based on the state of the projectile and frameCounter. Main.projFrames must be set in ModProjectile.SetStaticDefaults as well. Example: projectile has 4 frames, then frame can have values between 0 and 3 The Basic Projectile Guideteaches how to animate projectiles. Defaults to 0. | |
int | frameCounter |
Used as a timer to decide when to change frame. Defaults to 0. | |
bool | friendly |
If True, this projectile will hurt enemies (!NPC.friendly) Defaults to false . | |
float | gfxOffY |
An offset from the actual position of the projectile that will be added to the draw position. Used to offset some held projectiles to match the players Player.gfxOffY, thereby keeping the projectile visually in sync with the player. ProjectileID.Sets.HeldProjDoesNotUsePlayerGfxOffY can be used to ignore that usage. | |
short | glowMask |
bool | hide |
Projectile is not drawn normally. Held projectiles (Player.heldProj) and projectiles specified to be drawn at specific layers (ModProjectile.DrawBehind(int, List<int>, List<int>, List<int>, List<int>, List<int>)) use this. Be default this will also influence the lighting of this projectile to match the players lighting, as if it were a held projectile. Projectiles that are not held by the player should set ProjectileID.Sets.DontAttachHideToAlpha to true in SetStaticDefaults: ProjectileID.Sets.DontAttachHideToAlpha[Type] = true; Defaults to false . | |
bool | hostile |
If True, this projectile will hurt players and friendly NPCs (NPC.friendly) Defaults to false . | |
int | identity |
The projectile's universal unique identifier, which is the same on all clients and the server. Usually used to find the same projectile on multiple clients and/or the server, e.g. Projectile match = Main.projectile.FirstOrDefault(x => x.identity == identity); Projectile.whoAmI indexes are not consistent between clients. | |
int | idStaticNPCHitCooldown = -1 |
When used in conjunction with usesIDStaticNPCImmunity, determines how many ticks must pass before any projectile of the same type can deal damage again to the same npc. This must be assigned a suitable value if usesIDStaticNPCImmunity is true. | |
bool | ignoreWater |
The projectile will not be affected by water. Defaults to false . | |
bool | isAPreviewDummy |
float | knockBack |
This will always be set in Projectile.NewProjectile based on the weapons knockback and player stat modifiers. Modders should not set this in ModProjectile.SetDefaults as it will be overwritten. | |
float | light |
Set to a value above 0f to make this projectile emit a white light (higher number: more intensive light. 1f being stronger than a torch)) The Basic Projectile Guideteaches more about lighting, including non-white lighting, dust light, and glow behavior. Defaults to 0. | |
float[] | localAI = new float[maxAI] |
Acts like ai, but does not sync to the server. Many vanilla ProjAIStyleID use these slots for various purposes. Defaults to [0, 0, 0] | |
int | localNPCHitCooldown = -2 |
When used in conjunction with usesLocalNPCImmunity, determines how many ticks must pass before this projectile can deal damage again to the same npc. A value of -1 indicates that it can only hit a specific npc once. The default value of -2 has no effect, so this must be assigned if usesLocalNPCImmunity is true. | |
int[] | localNPCImmunity = new int[200] |
bool | manualDirectionChange |
int | maxPenetrate = 1 |
How many npc can this projectile hit before dying. (Or tile bounces) Automatically set at the end of SetDefaults to the value of penetrate. | |
bool | minion |
Indicates that this projectile is a minion Defaults to false . | |
int | minionPos |
A number indicating the order of minions. Minion AI code typically uses this value to determine a suitable idle position that results in minions lining up neatly in relation to the player without bunching up. | |
float | minionSlots |
Set to 1f on a minion to count it towards the minion limit of the summoning player (Optic Staff summons two minions at once with 0.5f each) Make sure to set ItemID.Sets.StaffMinionSlotsRequired for the minion summoning item to the sum of the minionSlots values of the minions that will be spawned. Defaults to 0f. | |
string | miscText = "" |
bool | netImportant |
Indicates that this projectile will be synced to a joining player (by default, any projectiles active before the player joins (besides projectiles with type in Main.projPet) are not synced over). Example: glowsticks Defaults to false . | |
int | netSpam |
bool | netUpdate |
Set to true in ModProjectile.AI or other suitable places to trigger the Projectile syncing code (MessageID.SyncProjectile). This will sync position, velocity, damage, knockback, and other data about this Projectile to the server and other clients. This also includes modded data from ModProjectile.SendExtraAI(System.IO.BinaryWriter) and GlobalProjectile.SendExtraAI(Projectile, ModLoader.IO.BitWriter, System.IO.BinaryWriter). Use this to sync changes that happen only on the owners game, such as responding to player mouse and keyboard input or non-Deterministic logic such as random choices. Consulting similar Terraria aiStyle code and following that usage is usually a good idea. netUpdate only has effect for the Projectile owner. Projectiles owned by clients will sync data from the owner to the server and the server will relay that data to the other clients. Projectiles owned by the server will send their data to all clients. The Basic Netcode wiki pagegoes into more details and links to examples. | |
bool | netUpdate2 |
Used internally to check for projectiles that spam netUpdate. Don't use it yourself manually | |
bool | noDropItem |
Set to true if you don't want this projectile to have a chance to recover the ammo item that shot this, provided that the projectile is programmed to drop the item. For example, if you shoot the ProjectileID.PaperAirplaneA projectile, it will always drop the ItemID.PaperAirplaneA item. If your weapon shoots multiple recoverable projectiles for 1 ammo, you might want to consider setting this field to prevent infinite ammo exploits. Make sure to set this for any situation where a potentially recoverable ammo is spawned by something other than the player, such as traps and Town NPC. To implement recoverable ammo item drops, in ModProjectile.OnKill(int) check this, owner, and optionally a random chance to decide if the item should drop: if (Projectile.owner == Main.myPlayer && !Projectile.noDropItem) See ExamplePaperAirplaneProjectilefor an example of this logic. Set directly on the projectile instance returned from Projectile.NewProjectile(IEntitySource, float, float, float, float, int, int, float, int, float, float, float), not in ModProjectile.SetDefaults. This ensures that the weapon or source spawning the projectile decides if the ammo item will spawn, which is more compatible. Set automatically when shot from a weapon that counts as DamageClass.Throwing and Player.AnyThrownCostReduction is true . Defaults to false . | |
bool | noEnchantments |
If true, this projectile will not benefit from weapon enchantments such as flasks, frost armor, or magma stone effects. This means the projectile won't inflict associated buffs or spawn associated visuals. Defaults to false. | |
bool | noEnchantmentVisuals |
If true, this projectile will not have EmitEnchantmentVisualsAt(Vector2, int, int) called automatically. This can be set to true for projectiles that wish to manually call EmitEnchantmentVisualsAt(Vector2, int, int) in AI methods for finer control over the spawn location of enchantment visuals. Use noEnchantments instead to indicate that the projectile is not suitable for weapon enchantment effects at all and shouldn't inflict associated buffs either. Defaults to false. | |
bool | npcProj |
If true, this projectile was spawned by a friendly Town NPC. | |
int | numHits |
int | numUpdates |
Vector2[] | oldPos = new Vector2[10] |
Holds the value of Entity.position from previous updates from newest to oldest. Use for drawing trails. Must be used with ProjectileID.Sets.TrailCacheLength and ProjectileID.Sets.TrailingMode to be used properly. Note that oldPos[0] will be equal to Entity.position during drawing methods, so index 0 should be skipped unless skipping vanilla drawing. Also note that they should be drawn in reverse order to layer properly. Also note that the values are from previous updates, not previous draws, which might be relevant if extraUpdates is used. | |
float[] | oldRot = new float[10] |
Holds the value of Projectile.rotation from previous updates from newest to oldest. Use for drawing trails. Must be used with ProjectileID.Sets.TrailCacheLength and ProjectileID.Sets.TrailingMode to be used properly. | |
int[] | oldSpriteDirection = new int[10] |
Holds the value of Projectile.spriteDirection from previous updates from newest to oldest. Use for drawing trails. Must be used with ProjectileID.Sets.TrailCacheLength and ProjectileID.Sets.TrailingMode to be used properly. | |
int | originalDamage |
bool | originatedFromActivableTile |
int | owner = 255 |
The index of the player who owns this projectile. In Multiplayer, Clients "own" projectiles that they shoot, while the Server "owns" projectiles spawned by NPCs and the World. NPC never own projectiles, do not use owner to index into Main.npc. It is very important to check if (Projectile.owner == Main.myPlayer) for things like dropping items or spawning projectiles in ModProjectile.AI and some other methods because AI runs simultaneously on all Clients and the Server. This check gates some of the code that should only run on the owners computer. ExamplePaperAirplaneProjectilechecks owner for spawning the recovered ammo item. If you don't do this, you will run into desync bugs in your mod. Defaults to the owner parameter of Projectile.NewProjectile, which should always be set to Main.myPlayer to correspond to the client that owns the projectile.. | |
bool | ownerHitCheck |
If true , then this projectile will only deal damage if its owner has line of sight to the hit. Useful for melee projectiles, such as spears and shortswords. Defaults to false . | |
float | ownerHitCheckDistance = 1000f |
int | penetrate = 1 |
The remaining number of npc can this projectile hit before dying. (Or tile bounces). Assign this field in SetDefaults and use it in ModProjectile logic if needed. A value of -1 means the projectile will penetrate infinitely. See ExamplePiercingProjectilefor more information on how penetrate influences NPC immunity frames. Defaults to 1. Used to automatically assigned a value to maxPenetrate at the end of SetDefaults. | |
int[] | playerImmune = new int[255] |
int | projUUID = -1 |
bool | reflected |
int | restrikeDelay |
float | rotation |
Rotation of the projectile. Radians not Degrees. Use MathHelper if you want to convert degrees to radians. 0 is facing right, MathHelper.PiOver2 is facing down, and so on. Note that hitboxes do not rotate. The Basic Projectile Guideteaches more about projectile rotation. Defaults to 0f. | |
float | scale = 1f |
Scales how large the projectile will be drawn. Will also affect the hitbox (Entity.width, Entity.height) if assigned in SetDefaults. If changed elsewhere it will not affect the hitbox, so that will have to be adjusted manually via code in that situation if needed. Due to legacy code, scale does not affect the draw origin correctly, resulting in the projectile not rotating around the hitbox center correctly nor being drawn correctly centered on the hitbox. For small changes (0.8f to 1.2f) the effect is unnoticeable, but it is advised to avoid large values unless the projectile is manually drawn with the correct approach via ModProjectile.PreDraw(ref Color). Defaults to 1f. | |
bool | sentry |
Indicates that this projectile is a sentry Defaults to false . All sentries should set Projectile.timeLeft to Projectile.SentryLifeTime. When a sentry is spawned, Player.UpdateMaxTurrets should be called immediately after. | |
bool | shouldFallThrough |
int | soundDelay |
int | spriteDirection = 1 |
float | stepSpeed = 1f |
Has nothing to do with the speed that this projectile travels, that is dictated by AI code adjusting Entity.velocity. This affects how quickly gfxOffY is adjusted. | |
bool | stopsDealingDamageAfterPenetrateHits |
bool | tileCollide |
If true, the projectile will collide with tiles, usually bouncing or killing the tile depending on ModProjectile.OnTileCollide(Vector2). ExampleBulletshows how to implement bounce. Defaults to true . | |
int | timeLeft |
Time in ticks before this projectile will naturally despawn. Each update timeLeft is decreased by 1. Once timeLeft hits 0, the Projectile will naturally despawn. The default value, 3600, is measured in ticks, which are usually 60 per seconds, so the default despawn time is about 60 seconds. Adjust this if you want the projectile to fizzle early rather than travel infinitely. Note that extraUpdates will cause it to decrease faster than normal time because Update is being called more often. Defaults to 3600. | |
bool | trap |
If true, this projectile was spawned by a trap tile. | |
int | type |
The Projectile ID of this projectile. The Projectile ID is a unique number assigned to each Projectile loaded into the game. This will be equal to either an ProjectileID entry or ModContent.ProjectileType<T>, for example ProjectileID.WoodenArrowFriendly or ModContent.ProjectileType<MyModProjectile>(). To check if a Projectile instance is a specific Projectile, check Projectile.type == ProjectileID.VanillaProjectileHere or Projectile.type == ModContent.ProjectileType<ModdedProjectileHere>() in an if statement. | |
bool | usesIDStaticNPCImmunity |
If true, all projectiles of this type share an immunity cooldown for each npc. Use this rather than usesLocalNPCImmunity if you want other projectile types a chance to attack the npc, but don't want projectile of the same projectile type to hit an npc rapidly. idStaticNPCHitCooldown controls the cooldown timing and must be assigned a suitable value to work properly. | |
bool | usesLocalNPCImmunity |
If true, this projectile manages it's own immunity timers for each npc. Use this rather than usesIDStaticNPCImmunity if you want multiple projectiles of the same type to have a chance to attack rapidly, but don't want a single projectile to hit rapidly. localNPCHitCooldown controls the cooldown timing and must be assigned a suitable value to work properly. | |
bool | usesOwnerMeleeHitCD |
List< Vector2 > | WhipPointsForCollision = new List<Vector2>() |
WhipSettings | WhipSettings |
Public Attributes inherited from Entity | |
bool | active |
If true, the Entity actually exists within the game world. Within the specific entity array, if active is false, the entity is junk data. Always check active if iterating over the entity array. Another option for iterating is to use Main.ActivePlayers, Main.ActiveNPCs, Main.ActiveProjectiles, or Main.ActiveItems instead for simpler code. | |
int | direction = 1 |
The direction this entity is facing. A value of 1 means the entity is facing to the right. -1 means facing to the left. | |
int | height |
The height of this Entity's hitbox, in pixels. | |
bool | honeyWet |
bool | lavaWet |
int | oldDirection |
The direction of this Entity during the previous tick. For projectiles with Projectile.extraUpdates, this will be the direction during the previous extra update, not necessarily the direction during the previous tick. | |
Vector2 | oldPosition |
The position of this Entity during the previous tick. For projectiles with Projectile.extraUpdates, this will be the position during the previous extra update, not necessarily the position during the previous tick. | |
Vector2 | oldVelocity |
The velocity of this Entity during the previous tick. For projectiles with Projectile.extraUpdates, this will be the velocity during the previous extra update, not necessarily the velocity during the previous tick. | |
Vector2 | position |
The position of this Entity in world coordinates. Note that this corresponds to the top left corner of the entity. Use Center instead for logic that needs the position at the center of the entity. | |
bool | shimmerWet |
Vector2 | velocity |
The velocity of this Entity in world coordinates per tick. | |
bool | wet |
The Entity is currently in water. Projectile: Affects movement speed and some projectiles die when wet. Projectile.ignoreWater prevents this. | |
byte | wetCount |
int | whoAmI |
The index of this Entity within its specific array. These arrays track the entities in the world. Item: unused Projectile: Main.projectile NPC: Main.npc Player: Main.player Note that Projectile.whoAmI is not consistent between clients in multiplayer for the same projectile. | |
int | width |
The width of this Entity's hitbox, in pixels. | |
Static Public Attributes | |
const int | ArrowLifeTime = 1200 |
static int | maxAI = 3 |
static uint[][] | perIDStaticNPCImmunity = new uint[ProjectileID.Count][] |
const int | SentryLifeTime = 36000 |
Properties | |
int | ArmorPenetration [get, set] |
The number of defense points that this projectile can ignore on its own. Cannot be set to negative values. Defaults to 0. On spawn, if this projectile was fired from a weapon, this value has the total armor penetration of the weapon that made the projectile added to itself. | |
bool | ContinuouslyUpdateDamage [get, set] |
bool | ContinuouslyUpdateDamageStats [get, set] |
If set damage will be recalculated based on originalDamage, DamageType and the owner player, just like minions and sentries. Similarly for CritChance and ArmorPenetration. More... | |
int | CritChance [get, set] |
The critical strike chance modifier of this projectile. Cannot be set to negative values. Defaults to 0. On spawn, if this projectile was fired from a weapon, this value has the total critical strike chance of the weapon that made the projectile added to itself. | |
DamageClass | DamageType [get, set] |
The damage type assigned to this projectile, represented as a DamageClass. Leave blank or use DamageClass.Default to prevent damage type scaling of any kind for this projectile. Use DamageClass.Generic/Melee/Ranged/Magic/Summon/Throwing for vanilla damage types. Refer to ExampleMod for more information on how to create and use your own damage types. | |
RefReadOnlyArray< GlobalProjectile > | EntityGlobals [get] |
EntityGlobalsEnumerator< GlobalProjectile > | Globals [get] |
bool | IsMinionOrSentryRelated [get] |
Checks if the projectile is a minion, sentry, minion shot, or sentry shot. | |
int | MaxUpdates [get, set] |
Derived from extraUpdates, except 1 is added to arrive at the total number of updates to be run. Using this instead of extraUpdates might make code more readable. | |
ModProjectile | ModProjectile [get, set] |
The ModProjectile instance that controls the behavior of this projectile. This property is null if this is not a modded projectile. | |
string | Name [get, set] |
float | Opacity [get, set] |
Derived from alpha, except it ranges from 0f to 1f and is inverted. 0 is transparent and 1 is fully opaque. Using this instead of alpha might make more sense when doing graphics calculations. | |
int | OriginalArmorPenetration [get, set] |
The armor penetration of this projectile, without any player bonuses, similar to originalDamage Used by ContinuouslyUpdateDamageStats to recalculate ArmorPenetration in combination with Player.GetTotalArmorPenetration(DamageClass) | |
int | OriginalCritChance [get, set] |
The crit chance of this projectile, without any player bonuses, similar to originalDamage Used by ContinuouslyUpdateDamageStats to recalculate CritChance in combination with Player.GetTotalCritChance(DamageClass) | |
NPC | OwnerMinionAttackTargetNPC [get] |
bool | WipableTurret [get] |
Properties inherited from Entity | |
Vector2 | Bottom [get, set] |
Vector2 | BottomLeft [get, set] |
Vector2 | BottomRight [get, set] |
Vector2 | Center [get, set] |
The center position of this entity in world coordinates. Calculated from position, width, and height. | |
Rectangle | Hitbox [get, set] |
Vector2 | Left [get, set] |
Vector2 | Right [get, set] |
Vector2 | Size [get, set] |
Vector2 | Top [get, set] |
Vector2 | TopLeft [get, set] |
Vector2 | TopRight [get, set] |
virtual Vector2 | VisualPosition [get] |
Properties inherited from IEntityWithGlobals< GlobalProjectile > | |
RefReadOnlyArray< TGlobal > | EntityGlobals [get] |
int | Type [get] |
void Projectile.ApplyStatsFromSource | ( | IEntitySource | spawnSource | ) |
Transfers stat modifiers from the spawn source to the projectile.
Adds CritChance and ArmorPenetration bonuses from players (EntitySource_Parent), weapons (EntitySource_ItemUse)
If the source is a EntitySource_Parent projectile, CritChance
and ArmorPenetration
from the parent will be added, in order to transfer the original item/player bonus values.
To support minions, sentries and ContinuouslyUpdateDamageStats, OriginalCritChance and OriginalArmorPenetration are also copied from item sources and parent projectiles.
spawnSource |
bool Projectile.CountsAsClass | ( | DamageClass | damageClass | ) |
This is used to check if the projectile is considered to be a member of a specified DamageClass.
damageClass | The DamageClass to compare with the one assigned to this projectile. |
if this projectile's DamageClass matches damageClass , false
otherwisebool Projectile.CountsAsClass< T > | ( | ) |
T | : | DamageClass | |
T | : | CountsAsClass | |
T | : | ModContent.GetInstance<T>() |
static |
Will drop loot the same way as when ProjectileID.Geode is cracked open.
entity | The entity the loot originates from |
int Projectile.FindTargetWithLineOfSight | ( | float | maxRange = 800f | ) |
Finds the closest NPC to this projectile which can be targeted and which it has line of sight to.
maxRange | The maximum range at which this projectile should search out a target, measured in pixels. Defaults to 800 (50 tiles). Each tile, for reference, measures out to be 16x16 pixels. |
T Projectile.GetGlobalProjectile< T > | ( | ) |
Gets the instance of the specified GlobalProjectile type. This will throw exceptions on failure.
KeyNotFoundException |
T | : | GlobalProjectile | |
T | : | GlobalProjectile.GetGlobal<T> | |
T | : | type | |
T | : | EntityGlobals |
T Projectile.GetGlobalProjectile< T > | ( | T | baseInstance | ) |
Gets the local instance of the type of the specified GlobalProjectile instance. This will throw exceptions on failure.
KeyNotFoundException |
T | : | GlobalProjectile | |
T | : | GlobalProjectile.GetGlobal | |
T | : | type | |
T | : | EntityGlobals | |
T | : | baseInstance |
void Projectile.HurtPlayer | ( | Rectangle | hitbox | ) |
Hurts the local player if the player intersects the specified hitbox.
hitbox | Typically the Entity.Hitbox, but any other Rectangle can be passed. |
static |
Spawns a projectile into the game world with the given type. The spawn position is given in world coordinates by the X and Y parameters. SpeedX and SpeedY dictate the initial velocity. Damage and KnockBack are self-explanatory. Owner is the player who spawned the projectile, almost always Main.myPlayer. ai0, ai1, and ai2 will initialize the[] array with the supplied values. This can be used to pass in information to the Projectile. The Projectile AI code will have to be written to utilize those values. The return value is the index of the spawned Projectile within the Main.projectile array.
Make sure that this method is called only by the client in charge of the source causing this projectile to spawn. Failure to do this will result in the projectile spawning once for each player in the world. For example, if Player code uses this method, make sure to first check
if(Main.myPlayer == Player.whoAmI)
to ensure that only the local player spawns the projectile.
Projectiles spawning other projectiles should check if(Main.myPlayer == Projectile.owner)
If the source is an NPC or non-player owned projectile, checking if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
will ensure that clients don't attempt to spawn the projectile.
spawnSource | |
X | |
Y | |
SpeedX | |
SpeedY | |
Type | Either a ProjectileID entry or ModContent.ProjectileType<T>, for example ProjectileID.FireArrow or ModContent.ProjectileType<MyModProjectile>() |
Damage | |
KnockBack | |
Owner | |
ai0 | |
ai1 | |
ai2 |
static |
This particular overload uses a Vector2 instead of X and Y to determine the actual spawn position and a Vector2 to dictate the initial velocity. The return value is the actual Projectile instance rather than the index of the spawned Projectile within the Main.projectile array.
A short-hand for
bool Projectile.TryGetGlobalProjectile< T > | ( | out T | result | ) |
Gets the instance of the specified GlobalProjectile type.
T | : | GlobalProjectile | |
T | : | GlobalProjectile.TryGetGlobal | |
T | : | type | |
T | : | EntityGlobals | |
T | : | out | |
T | : | result |
bool Projectile.TryGetGlobalProjectile< T > | ( | T | baseInstance, |
out T | result | ||
) |
Safely attempts to get the local instance of the type of the specified GlobalProjectile instance.
T | : | GlobalProjectile | |
T | : | GlobalProjectile.TryGetGlobal | |
T | : | type | |
T | : | EntityGlobals | |
T | : | baseInstance | |
T | : | out | |
T | : | result |
bool Projectile.TryGetOwner | ( | [NotNullWhen(true)] out Player? | player | ) |
Attempts to get the owner player of this projectile. Returns null for projectiles spawned by TownNPC (npcProj) and trap projectiles (trap). Returns Main.player[owner]
otherwise. Note that this logic assumes that projectiles have the correct fields set, which might not always be true. Also note that in single player enemy projectiles are also "owned" by the player, so this alone isn't sufficient to know which projectiles were spawned by the player. Additional friendly checks would be needed for that.
player |
getset |
If set damage will be recalculated based on originalDamage, DamageType and the owner player, just like minions and sentries.
Similarly for CritChance and ArmorPenetration.